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Amendments that presented the safety improvements by defining the braking, counterweight and mobility

features of the roof top hoist overcame the citations. Rejection withdrawn.


This decision deals with the Applicant's request that the

Commissioner of Patents review the Examiner's Final Action on

application 452,580 (Class 254-68), filed April 24, 1984,

entitled PORTABLE HOIST. The inventor is Frank Van Oirschot, Jr.

The Examiner in charge issued a Final Action on February 8, 1989

refusing to allow the application to proceed to patent. In the

response dated August 8, 1989, a set of ten amended claims was



In reviewing the application, the Patent Appeal Board held a

Hearing on March 14, 1990, at which the inventor attended and was

represented by Mr. T.S. Johnson, the Patent Agent. Mr. Johnson

opened the hearing by presenting an amended claim 1 to replace

claim 1 of the set of ten amended claims, and at the conclusion

he made an additional amendment to that claim. By letter dated

March 19, 1990, claim 1 with the additional amendment, and other

minor amendments to the application, were submitted.


The invention sets out a portable knock-down hoist provided with

a counter-weight receiving means accommodating a predetermined

number of counter-weight units to eliminate the need for an

operator to act as the counterbalancing means when a load is

being raised. With reference to Figures 2 to 4 reproduced below,

the boom is shown as including several interconnected parts, with

a forward wheeled support 32 with brake means 57, and a rearward

steerable wheeled support 31. The hoisting mechanism 9 is placed

at one end of the boom and is operated by a winch 11. The

counter-weight container 23 designed with supports 29 to take the

counter-weight units 25, is mounted at the other end of the boom.


                          (See formula 1)


In the Final Action taken February 8,1989 the examiner refused

all of the claims in light of the following art, that includes

three additional references as well as those applied in a

previous Final Action:


United States Patents     


2,388,692                 Nov. 13, 1945            House

3,801,069                 Apr. 02, 1974            McCarstle

4,004,778                 Jan. 25, 1977            Steinhagen

4,042,115                 Aug. 16, 1977            Beduhn et al

4,053,060                 Oct. 11, 1977            Wilson


Additional References


United States Patents     


2,569,821                 Oct. 02, 1951            Maxeiner

3,375,048                 Mar. 26, 1968            Korensky et al




Shapiro, H.I., "Cranes et Derricks", McGraw-Hill, 1980, 373-377,



The House patent relates to a lifting truck having a pulling

handle 20 attached to a steering wheel 12, the handle carrying a

roller 30 that actuates a brake 38 when the handle is fully

upright, as shown in Figure 2 below:


                       (See formula 1)


A portable knock down hoist is described in the McCarstle patent,

shown in Figure 1 below, that provides a lift means 35 at one end

of boom 10, a skid 15 at the other end and a seat 13 for an

operator above the skid, and a wheeled support 61 2 attached near

the front end:


                  (See formula 1)


The Steinhagen patent presents a portable roof winch in its

Figure 1 below, having at one end of boom 39 a lift means 51 and

at the other end a seat 56, the boom being mounted on a skid

support 13:


                    (See formula 2)


The Figure 1 depiction in the Beduhn et al patent is of a rotary

crane having lift means 26 and counterbalancing weights 23, shown



                           (See formula 1)


The Wilson patent describes a rotary crane with lift means 44 and

counterweights 16 shown by Figure 1 below:


                             (See formula 2)


The Maxeiner patent illustrates a collapsible roof crane having a

boom 2 with a lift means at one end and a counterweight support 6

at the other, and a stationary support 3, as in Figure 1 below:


                          (See formula 1)


A truck mounted rotary crane is shown in Figure 1 below of the

Korensky et al patent, having a counterbalancing means 21.


                          (See formula 2)


The relevancy of the book Cranes and Derricks, and the above art,

is discussed in the Examiner's Final Action, in which he said, in

part, as follows:


Claim 1 is rejected because the subject matter thereof

lacks inventive ingenuity in view of the above cited

patents. The remaining claims defining minor

variations of the hoist recited in claim 1 are also

rejected. The McCarstle patent, for example, describes

a hoist capable of being rapidly dis-assembled into

components, each of which can be readily carried by a

man. The hoist includes a boom section, a leg-socket

device for supporting the boom section, a winch and an

operator's seat. When heavier loads are being carried,

a two-man operation is used. As an alternative to a

two-man operation, counterbalancing, in the form of any

convenient dense objects can be supplied. The Beduhn

et al patent discloses items of counterweights which

are stacked on a support, while the Wilson patent

describes counterweights which may take the form of

sections that may be stacked until the desired weight

is reached. The use of bail brackets is shown in the

House patent.




The Applicant's arguments advanced in his letter of

April 28, 1987 are not convincing. Applicant's

following statements are not well founded: "the only

two references cited by the Examiner relating to

portable hoists are United States Patents 4,004,778 and

3,801,069. Neither of the structures in these patents

include mechanical counterweighting means. All of the

other references cited by the examiner describe heavy

duty motorized cranes and hoists. These structures

 clearly are not portable to the extent claimed by the



First, United States Patents 3,801,069 points out

unequivocally the use of counterbalancing in the form

of any convenient dense objects. Second, the same

Patent states, quote "A light weight apparatus", "for

lifting various loads of moderate to intermediate

weight, typically from about 100 to 500 pounds".


In the "Detailed Description", of the same patent it is

said, quote "[Reference is made to Fig. 1, showing a

side or elevation of the apparatus assembled for

providing a mechanical advantage of, roughly, four to

one, and providing a moderate over-reach. By

"mechanical advantage", as used herein to describe the

function of the various configurations of which the

apparatus is capable, is meant the approximate distance

ratio of the horizontal distance from the operator to

the line of contact of the wheels with the supporting

surface, to the distance from said line to the load

point. By "over-reach" as used herein, is meant the

distance the load point is beyond the wheel contact

line.]", and "the counterweight for the object being

lifted is provided by the operator himself, if

desired". The fact that in this patent the wording "if

desired" is used, clearly shows the possibility of

another option which is expressed by the wording

"counterbalancing in the form of any convenient dense

objects". Summarizing this patent, one can say that

the use of the operator as counterweight "if desired",

is an option in light weight devices, where the loads

are from about 100 to 500 pounds and the mechanical

advantage is of, approximately, four to one, the other

option being always "any convenient dense objects".


In order to corroborate the fact that any material can

be used as counterweight, use is made of United States

Patent 2,569,821 which describes a collapsible or

knock-down portable crane having a trough to receive

heavy work materials. In this patent it is said, quote

"any of the various materials used on the job, such as

roofing paper, bags of cement, or any other relatively

heavy work materials may be deposited on the lower most

end of the jib member to add sufficient weight to

anchor the jib member to the supporting wall or roof".

The use of counterbalancing the load by the weight of

the operator is intended for "loads such as those

ranging in the order of 100 to 300 pounds", as it is

shown in the United States Patent 4,004,778.


The fact that the use of counterweights is common in

hoisting machines is confirmed by United States Patent

3,375,048, as well, which says, quote


"This invention relates generally to new and

useful improvements in cranes, shovels,

trench hoes, and the like and more

particularly to removable counterweights for

such machines.




This is usually accomplished by supplying a

counterweight which is attached to the

machine at the end opposite that to which the

load is to be applied so that the forces

created by the load will be substantially

counterbalanced by the additional weight of

the counterweight".


Applicant's statement that "its mechanical

counterweight is broken down into individual weight

members, each of which is light enough to be carried up

the side of the building with the rest of the hoist

components. Clearly none of the mechanical

counterweights used in the very substantial hoist

assemblies, as for instance shown and described in

United States Patent 4,053,060 for a crane, could be

manually carried and therefore do not fall within the

class of counterweights as claimed by the applicant",

is not well founded.


United States Patent 4,053,060 was cited to show,

irrespective of the size of the crane, the concept of

counterweights which may take the form of flat sections

that may be stacked atop one another until the desired

 weight is reached. United States Patent 2,569,821 uses

several weights to achieve an appropriate

counterbalancing in operation, as the applicant does.


For example Fig. 1 illustrates the use of several rolls

of roofing felt or paper and upon which a bag of sand,

gravel or cement may be superimposed, while Fig. 5

shows the use of fewer rolls of paper in addition to

the bag of material in place. What counts for

counterbalancing is the total weight, not the materials

used to form it. In some hoists metal items are used

for counterweight, in others-concrete items, etc.


Applicant's following remarks are equally unacceptable:

"In applicant's earlier response it was clearly brought

to the examiner's attention that the structure of

United States Patent 3,801,069 (which is very similar

to United States Patent 4,004,778) is no longer

commercially available because of safety related

problems with an actual operator death being caused

using that operator as a counterbalance. However, even

  in view of these problems, and the high demand for such

  portable hoists, there have been no steps other than

  those taken by applicant to rectify the problem". The

  Affidavit, signed by the inventor, wherein it is

  stated, quote "That I am aware that there have been

  operator accidents, including the death of an operator

  sitting in a counterbalancing position using the

  Portable Hoist, as described in United States Patent

  3,801,069." and "That, I am further aware that because

  of the liability problems arising from operator

  accidents the Portable Hoist as described in United

  States Patent 3,801,069 is no longer in use or

  available for sale." and finally "That, I believe my

  concept of using mechanical counterweights is a

  substantial advance over all earlier structures in the

  portable hoist field", is intended to further support

  the previous allegations about safety related problems

  and an operator's death.


  With respect to those allegations one could have

  serious reservations based on the following postulate:

  A patent for a device, which is almost always a

  description without dimensions, weights, materials

  etc., and a real embodiment, having specific

  characteristics, constitute two different things. This

  postulate is even more applicable in the case of United

  States Patent 3,801,069 wherein it is said, quote

  "various sized embodiments are readily provided for

  different classes of service", and "The variable

  lengths of the boom and legs, and the variable

  positions possible of the leg-locket device make it

  possible to assemble the apparatus in a large number of

  configurations providing lifting ability ranging from a

  low mechanical advantage up to ..". As can be seen,

  to point out that a specific hoisting device involved

  in a fatal accident corresponds to a patent appears

  unconvincing. Furthermore, in the book "Cranes and

  Derricks" it is stated, quote "Proper programs run by

  knowledgeable and alert people will reduce the

  incidence of accidents and near accidents", and

  "operator training in Ontario has led to a 60%

  reduction in injuries to hoisting engineers and crane

  operators, although fatalities do not seem to have been

  affected" (page 373); "reported data derived from

  investigation of 474 accidents ", "In total number

  of incidents, injuries and fatalities, overturning

  accidents are by far the most serious" (page 374).


As shown in Table 8-1 for mobile-cranes, the

  overturnings (not including wind) represent 48.8%,

  while structural damage and human error-13.6%; boom

  over cab-13.6%; rope failure-12.5%; wind-6.3%;

  structure damage and machine defect-4.5% and

  miscellaneous-0.6%. In Table 8-2 it shows that among

  mobile-crane overturning accidents, overloading is the

  predominant cause. In the chapter "Preventing

  overloads" on page 383-384 it is stated, quote "A word

  of caution is needed here. A weight chalked or painted

  on a load or even entered on shipping documents cannot

  be trusted and in an alarming number of instances will

  be found to have grossly understated the actual weight.

  This practice is apparently an attempt to reduce

  shipping charges by fooling the transportation firm,

  but all too often jobsite personnel are the parties

  fooled, and many accidents have been traced to this

 cause. As part of the preplanning process, the

 procedures to be used to control load weights should be

 established. If manufactured items are to be lifted,

 weights can be secured in advance from the producer and

 made available to the job site. One person in the

 crane-operation crew should be assigned the task of

 load determination. This person must be competent in

 arithmetic, be comfortable with weights and

 measures... Before each lift the load controller should

 determine load weight, including the weight of lifting

 accessories and the block; the operator can then be

 informed either verbally or by means placed on the





 The stability of a crane is obtained by an appropriate

 chosen weight. United States Patent 3,801,069/1974

 provides the option between weight or the operator's

 weight, while United States Patent 2,569,821/1951

 anticipates the use of weights alone. For this reason,

 applicant's concept of weights along does not do

 anything patentable to the existing knowledge in the



 In the most up-to-date cranes overturning accidents

 happen, even if the use of load indicators for overload

 prevention is mandatory. But, as it is said in the

 cited book, on page 383, "Most indicators are sensitive

 electronic or mechanical instruments; they suffer

 breakdowns and may loose calibration as well". For

 this reason checked loads and appropriate

 counterbalancing are important, not the type of used



The use of wheels and brakes for a mobile hoisting

 device does not provide any inventive significance,

 since the use of braked wheels is well known in

 luggage, carriages, scaffold structures etc.


In response to the Final Action the Applicant submitted a set of

 amended claims, and argued for their allowability in the

 following terms, in part:


 Rather than repeating earlier presented arguments,

 Applicant would draw upon the response of November 27,

 1987 as continuing to distinguish over the prior art

 references and in particular United States Patent

 3,801,069. In the Examiner's most recent final action,

 he stresses the weight capacities as handled by the

 portable hoist in this patent. However, Applicant

 never contested this feature and admits that to this

 extent, both structures are very similar. However,

 with respect to the use of mechanical counterweighting

 means, it is Applicant's submission that the prior art

 reference does not really appreciate how "any

 convenient dense objects" could be used as a

 counterbalancing means since these would be temporarily

 wired or lashed to the lower end of the boom assembly

 and therefore, would not allow the structure to be

moved from place to place. In contrast, Applicant has

specifically claimed the fact that the counterweighting

members are movable with Applicant's structure and

further, that the rear set of wheels includes steering

means for steering the hoist while moving it with the

counterweighting members supported in position in the



As already brought to the Examiner's attention,

Applicant is aware of and has actually seen the

physical construction of the hoist described in United

States Patent 3,801,069. This structure is clearly

intended to use the operator as a mechanical

counterweight. There is nothing on the structure which

would accommodate the fitting of a mechanical

counterweighting means and if one were to operate the

structure using mechanical counterweighting means, one

would have to find some type of lashing means and some

type of counterweighting means that are not provided

with the structure. Even if such lashing means and

counterweighting means were available for use, they

would be awkward to stabilize and further would make

the structure difficult if not impossible to move from

place to place. In Applicant's submission, it clearly

is not the intent for this structure to be fitted with

a mechanical counterweighting means to be dragged along

the ground with movement of the structure.       

 Furthermore, the operator's seat is always there and is

particularly enticing for the much simpler operator

counterbalancing to be used resulting in potentially

dangerous situations to the operator.


United States Patent 2,569,821 describes a roof crane

clearly not capable of any movement whatsoever,

particularly when the counterbalancing means are fitted

in position within the trough at the back of the crane.

Furthermore, this patent once again relies upon the

possibility of different types of objects being

available on the job site and those objects having

enough weight to provide a counterbalance.


Applicant does not feel United States Patent 3,375,048

is appropriate since it describes a heavy industrial

crane with mechanical counterweighting means which

would be much too heavy to be physically handled by the

operator of the crane.


The Examiner refers to the "Cranes and Derricks" book

as describing ways of reducing the risk of injury to

crane operators. However, Applicant does not believe

that this book is particularly pertinent to the type of

portable crane as covered with the present invention,

particularly when looking at the main prior art

reference which, as noted above, describes a structure

which actually promotes use of a portable crane which

is dangerous to the operator. As sworn to in

Applicant's Affidavit, the McCarstle structure has

actually been banned from use because of the deaths

associated with it regardless of what is taught in the

Cranes and Derricks reference.


The issue before the Board is whether or not the amended claims

define patentable subject matter in view of the cited art.


Claim 1 with the additional amendment made by Mr. Johnson at the

conclusion of the Hearing, and submitted March 19, 1990, reads:


A portable knockdown, manually controlled hoist formed

from a plurality of components which can be

disassembled for physically carrying the components

individually to the top of a structure such as a

building and the like where said hoist is readily

assembled for hoisting articles up the side of the

structure, said hoist comprising a boom, support means

 for supporting said boom at an angle such that one end

is elevated relative to the other end thereof, forward

and rearward wheels on said support means for rolling

said hoist when assembled to different locations, brake

means movable between a brake and a release position

and when in the brake position locking said hoist

against forward movement while allowing rearward

pulling of said hoist, lifting means at the one

elevated end of said boom and counterweight receiving

means for receiving mechanical counterweighting means

in a secured position at the other end of the boom,

said counterweighting means comprising a plurality of

counterweighting members supported on and movable with

said hoist and said counterweight receiving means

independently of one another, each individual

counterweighting member being manually carriable with

the weight of said counterweighting means increasing

according to the number of counterweighting means added

to said counterweight receiving means, said hoist

including a steering control at said rearward wheels

for directing movement of said hoist with said

counterweighting members fitted in said

counterweighting receiving means.


The above final form of claim 1 was reached after discussion of

the amended claim Mr. Johnson presented at the opening of the

Hearing. In explaining the additional definition for the brake

means, Mr. Johnson had referred to the description on page 8 of

the application. It was pointed out by the examining staff

however, that the movement of the brake means between a braking

and a release position had not been clearly defined. Mr. Johnson

consulted with Mr. Oirschot Jr., then agreed to insert further

clarification to reflect this feature, as is found in the above

final form.


Mr. Johnson discussed the various shortcomings of the cited art,

noting the House patent disclosed an aircraft lifting device that

had no counter weight features. He pointed out the patents to

Beduhn et al, to Wilson, and to Korensky et al, were in the heavy

counterweighted crane art and were not of the knock down type for

roof top service.


The McCarstle patent and the Steinhagen patent, Mr. Johnson

contended, were not valid citations for they relied on the weight

of an operator to counterbalance a load during lifting, a feature

that had contributed to operator fatalities. Mr. Johnson drew

attention to the affidavit setting out that an operator death had

occurred as a result of the operator sitting in counterbalancing

position while using the McCarstle device. It was pointed out

that a load shift during operation caused the McCarstle device to

act as a catapult, hurling the operator to death. The Oirschot

invention of the application provides no seat, and therefore no

enticement to an operator to sit on the device as a

counterbalance, Mr. Johnson stressed. Further, he noted the

McCarstle patent provided a means against forward motion only by

removing the retaining pin in the leg and wheel unit and

repositioning the unit by 90 degrees, whereas the Oirschot wheel

could be braked against forward motion without reassembly, and

moreover would permit the device to be drawn backward with the

brake applied.


Mr. Johnson viewed the Maxeiner patent as no more relevant than

the preceding two patents, in that it had no fore or aft wheeled

features and lacked maneuverability. Mr. Oirschot Jr., explained

that his wheeled device had been designed so that, in moving a

fully lifted load from an overhang position onto the roof for

unloading, the device could be pulled inwardly from the edge

enabling persons to stand on the roof while unloading. Mr.

Oirschot stressed this as yet another safety feature of his


 The examiner explained the contentions he made in the Final

 Action, that counterweighted devices are well known as shown by

 the cited art, particularly the patents to McCarstle, Steinhagen,

 and Maxeiner which pointed to the use of any convenient weights.

 He referred to the information in the reference book dealing with

 proper marking of weights, and accidents caused by improper use

 of weights, as well as of the lifting devices.


 Mr. Johnson drew attention to the brochure he submitted at the

 Hearing that explains the hoisting device, XTRAMAN HOIST, which

 Mr. Johnson noted bears the McCarstle U.S. Patent No. 3,801,069.

 He referred particularly to a page from the brochure headed

 "Assembles Quickly-No tools required!". On that page under

 "Instructions for Usage", item 3, he called attention to the

 capitalized instruction, "NEVER ADD ADDITIONAL COUNTERWEIGHT".

 In his view, this statement emphasizes the difference between the

 operation of the McCarstle patent that relies on the weight of

 the operator on the device, and that of the Oirschot device that

 does not require the operator to sit on it. Mr. Johnson says

 this difference clearly removes the patent as a proper citation,

 and establishes the patentable advance in the Applicant's device.


In looking at the photo in the brochure showing the operator

 engaged in lifting the load, the full realization of the

 vulnerability of the operator to unexpected shifting of the load,

 and the advantages provided by the features of the Applicant's

 device, are evident to the Board. It may or may not be, that the

 components of the inventor's lift are known separately, such as,

 individual weights, and bail brake means. In this regard, the

 Board notes that not all the components are evident in the

 references cited. The Board observes, however, more

 significantly, that none of the cited roof top lift devices

 identify an awareness of the problems that are overcome by the

 inventor's combination. The passages from the reference book

 present safety information, but do not touch on the specific

 arrangement described in the application that achieves a safer

 structure. On this point, Mr. Oirschot indicated that sales of

 his device have been made to persons desirous of improving

 safety. It may be that a patented device will be shown in

 operation to suffer certain deficiencies, but that is not to say

 a patent should necessarily be denied where there is a

 demonstration of acceptance in the art by persons wishing to

 obtain safety benefits, such as shown by the device in the

 application before the Board.


 In summary, the Board is satisfied the inventor's device, as

 defined by the amended claim 1 submitted following the conclusion

 of the Hearing, presents a patentable advance in the art.


 The Board recommends withdrawal of the refusal of the claims for

 failing to define inventive ingenuity in view of the cited art.


 M.G. Brown

 Acting Chairman

 Patent Appeal Board


 I concur with the findings and the recommendation of the Patent

 Appeal Board. Accordingly, I remand the application to the

      examiner for prosecution consistent with the recommendation.


 J.H A. Gari‚py

 Commissioner of Patents


dated at Hull, Quebec

 this 14 day of May 1990


 D.S. Johnson, Q.C.

 133 Richmond Street West

 Toronto, Ontario

 M5H 2L7

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.