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                               COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


OBVIOUSNESS: Underground Irrigation System


An underground pipe having discharge outlets along its length is supplied

with water under pressure for the irrigation cycle and air pressure for

the purge cycle.


Final Action: Modified.


This decision deals with a request for review by th a Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated February 20, 1975, on

application 140,475 (Class 299-4). The application was filed on

April 25, 1972, in the name of Robert Geffroy, and the invention is for

"Equipment For The Irrigation, Treatment And Feeding Of Soils And Plants

By Underground Diffusion Of Fluids." The Patent Appeal roard conducted

a Hearing on February 25, 1976, at which Mr. P. Herbert represented

the applicant. At the hearing the applicant indicated that he would

submit further evidence at a later date. On May 31, 1976 we received

a model of the invention, as well as an affidavit from the inventor.


This application relates to an underground irrigation system which provides

seepage of water beneath the surface of the ground. A pipe buried under

the soil surface supplies water under pressure to discharge out~~~ located

along the length of pipe. These outlets are attached to the pipe by

coupling nipples which allow the fluid to diffuse into the groud. Figure I

below illustrutes the invention.


(see formula I)


Claim 1 of the application reads as follows:


Underground equipment for the underground irrigation, treat-

ment and feeding of soils and plants by underground diffusion

of fluids, on ground which may have different levels, having

at least one cock controlling an underground piping system for

underground distribution of fluids in the vicinity of the roots

of the plants and being intermittently operational for about

2 to 10% of the time, said fluid being free from any suspended

elements, comprising a plurality of underground fluid diffusion

points located along the piping system each having controlling

and regulating means, extraction means, and underground porous

means providing underground access for the fluid into the ground,

said controlling and regulating means determining the flow mate

at each point, said porous means prevents the re-entry of

contaminants into said system.


In the Final Action the examiner refused the application as failing to

disclose any patentable subject matter over the following references:


United States


3, 518, 831            July 7, 1970              Tibbals


3,046,747              July 31, 1962             Timpe


The Timpe patent describes an underground irrigation system comprising


an underground pipe having a plurality of discharge cartridges along the

pipe. These cartridges have a semi-rigid foam plastic area which allows

the water to seep through and be discharged into the surrounding soil.

Figures 1 and 2 of Timpe are shown below.


(see formula I)


(see formula II)


The Tibbals reference shows a subterranean irrigation system in which a

fluid supply conduit terminates in a header located below ground level.

This header has a number of fluid distributing conduits connected to it

and each conduit has a number of spaced fluid dispensing units along its

length. Figures 1 and 2 below are illustrative of this reference.


(See Figure  I)


Claim 10 of Tibbals reads as follows:


An irrigation system for subterranean  installation comprising

an irrigating fluid header, a plurality of fluid dispensing units

for conveying irrigating fluid from said header thereto, at least

one of said fluid dispensing units having valve means incorporating

a moveable member positionally responsive to the pressure of the

irrigating fluid in said conduit means for controlling the rate

of fluid transfer from said conduit means into the surrounding soil.


In the Final Action the examiner stated (in part):


Claims 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17 stand rejected for

failing to define a patentable advance from the above cited

references. Said claims merely add various elements to the

rejected claims such as a coupling, a clapper valve, a source

of pressurized gas for purging the system (the cited Tibbals

et al patent discloses a source of pressures liquid for

purging) and a pressure regulation. Such elements are commonly

known in fluid systems and an artisan is but expected to utilize

such elements when desirable or required. The addition of such

elements does therefore not require any inventive ingenuity.


Claims 1 and 6 stand further rejected for not being supported

by the disclosure. The disclosure does not describe the

system as "being intermittently operational for about ~ to

10% of the time" nor that "the orifice internal wall surface

includes a water repellant silicone".


The present porous outlet is not considered patentably

different from the porous outlets disclosed by the references.

Timpe disclosed that the porous material 33 precludes fereign

material, such as roots and particles of soil from entering

(column 3 lines 60-63). Tibbals et al utilizes the same

material which will protect against "any entry of impurities

coming from the ground and against the penetration of ro~~s".

The present porous material does therefore not have any

disclosed properties which are different from the properties

of the porous material disclosed by the references. In ~~ct

on page 6 of the present disclosure it is stated that "the

porous tube 348 can be made of any rot-proof porous material

having a sufficient level of filtration and which does net

allow roots to pass through". The foregoing specifications

certainly apply to the porous material of the references and

the presently disclosed porous material is therefore not

patentably different from the reference materials.




The cited reference related to underground equipment for

irrigation, treatment and feeding of soil and plants and the

present disclosure does not disclose intermittent operation

for 2 to 10% of the time. Furthermore the Tibbals et al

patent disclose a dispensing of liquids "at selection uniform

and controlled rates over extended periods of time in accordance

with the needs of the soil being irrigated in conjunction

with means for controlling the rate of liquid emission therefrom".

It is clear from the foregoing quotation that Tibballs et al

does have fluid flow control mechanisms as well as time centrol



The present porous element cannot be considered different from

the porous elements of the above cited patents. As stated

above the present disclosure states that the porous tube 348

(the porous material) "can be made of any rot-proof porous

materials having a sufficient level of filtration and which

does not allow parts to pass through". Such material has

exactly the same properties as the porous material disclosed

by the cited references; which allow the passage of liquid

but prevent the penetration of roots, The present disclosure

does not describe any particular porous material which would

constitute an improvement over the material used in the

reference devices.


In his response dated May 20, 1975 to the Final Action the applicant

stated (in part):


In claim 1 of the present invention, the underground

porous means "prevents the re-entry of contaminants into said

system". This essential feature is NOT disclosed in Tibbals

et al. The attention of the Commissioner is directed to column 4,

lines 60 to 75 of Tibbals et al, and the beginning of column 5

wherein the "semi-rigid porous disc" must be "of sufficient

porosity to permit the passage of small silt and clay particles

therethrough under such increased flow rates"'. It is submitted

that this "semi-rigid porous means" which permits the passage of a large

flow and volume of liquids and sediment will also allow a

similar return flow into the system. Thus, the device of Tibbals

et al will allow sediment to re-enter the system. The device of

the present application will NOT alloy any re-entry of contaminants

into the system.




Tibbals et al does not anticipate the purging system of the

present device, Tibbals et al uses a violent flow of liquid

which is several times the normal flow of the the liquid in the

system, to evacuate the accumulating sediment. this system is

of a different structure, a different mode of operation and is

based on an entirely different philosophy than that of the present



The device of the present application utilizes a gas-blow

device. Instead of removing the ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~tly, it re~~~

the water which is contained in the p~~~~ and distributor ~~~~~~

after each injection. This p~~~ents the device from being emp~led

by gravity, that is, by water flowing to the low points  in the

system and by the air suching through the soil at the high points.

The method of evacuation taught in the present application

prevents the external clogging of the outlet p~~s. One can

clearly see that the purging system of Tibbals et al is based

on different principles that the system of the present application

and that the former does not disclose the latter process.




Claim 1 of the present application further requires a controlling

and a regulating means at each fluid division point. In

contradistinction, reference is made to Figures 2 and 3 of

Timpe which discloses "a foam plastic insert 33" as a diffusion

point which produces a drop-by-drop flow of water. Water ~~~ps

through this insert through the myriad of tiny interconnected

cells to disperse into the ground.


It is submitted that it is impossible to obtain any regulation

and control of the water flow when utilizing the device of Timpe,

and it is especially impossible to control the flow in a pre-

determined ratio. The myriad of microscopic cells used in Timpe

provides drop-by-drop seepage with no real flow control.  Further,

the small apertures hold the smallest impurities in suspension

in the eater or in the soil in the event of an inversion. They

therefore may became clogged very easily.


The positive control system of Sealfire is not anticipated by

the use of a myriad of microscopic cells of Timpe. It is seen

that the use of a single orifice as a stable and reliable control

is not the same as a system of small cells allowing a drop-by-drop

seepage therethrough.




The porous elements of Tibbals et al as referred to by the Examiner

will allow sediment to pass through. The requirements of the porous

element of the Sealfire device dictate that sediment does not pass

through the adequate level of filtration. The porous element of

Timpe only allows water to seep through while the elements of

Sealfire allow water to pass through freely and are controlled by

orifices 239, 439, 739 or 207d.


Tibbals et al has arranged its distribution of the water to allow

sediment therethrough. The prefiltration occurs for large particles

only and it does not provide an essential part of Sealfire's device

which prevents re-entry of contaminants into the system.


This essential feature of the porous means of Sealfire has been

clearly set forth in the claims and is not present in Tibbals

et al. If water, from which only the larger particles have been

removed, were passed through the porous elements of Sealfire, the

device would be clogged after a few hours of operation. The

Sealfire device overcomes this problem and drawback of Tibbals et al

by providing an improved porous means as set forth in claim ~.


The claims were rejected on the ground that they were "substantially antici-

paced" by the cited references. Prior to the hearing the agent was informed

that the reason for rejection was in effect obviousness, and he agreed to

argue his case on that ground.


The question to be decided is whether the applicant has made a patentable

advance in the art.


At the hearing the applicant emphasized that flow in his system is controlled

by "extraction means", "connection means" and "porous diffusion means".

Looking at the "extraction means" as defined by the applicant, we find that

this relates to the size of opening in the supply conduit where the nipple

is inserted. Both Tibbals and Timpe disclose an opening in the "T" connect-

ion which is smaller than the supply conduit, and is in effect an "extraction

means" in the same manner as used by the applicant.


Considering the applicant's "connection means," we find that it is merely

a length of tube which connects the "extractor means" to the diffuser head.

Use of a tube to control fluid flow between the conduit opening and the

diffuser head by the applicant is no different than the flow control notches

(Figure 4, #64) of Tibbals, which is also located between the conduit

opening and diffuser head.


Use of a porous diffusion means is shown in both Tempe and Tibbals. The

applicant states on page 6 of the disclosure that "porous tube 348 can be

made of any rotproof porous material having a sufficient level of filtration,

and which does not allow roots to pass through, for example of filtration

ceramics or sintered stainless metals." Timpe states in column 3 line 57

that "the porous nature of plastic 33 enables this previously described

desired seepage of fluid therethrough and yet the plastic 33 is firm and

somewhat semirigid and of such consistency as to preclude foreign material,

such as roots and particles of soil from entering and clogging up the plastic.

The term "semi-rigid" is intended to mean that the plastic foam materials

are made from the same polymers as rigid foams but are usually lower in



We consequently conclude that the manner in which the fluid is transmitted

from the supply source to the soil, regardless of whether it is termed

"flow" or "seepage" is similar in the applicant's arrangement to that shown

in both Tempe and Tibbals.


The applicant argues that his arrangement permits regulation and control,

something which is not found in the citations. We note that Tibbals was

also concerned with the maintenance of uniform flow, and discloses the use

of a spring loaded valve at each outlet head or diaphragm metering arrange-

ment. These are intended to give uniform flow regulation over a large area.


It is also the applicant's contention that since the prior art uses available

water, which requires prefiltering, that there is a possibility of those

systems becoming clogged after a few hours operation. On the other hand

since he uses fluid "free from suspended elements," his own device will not

clog. Tibbals states the "porous disc 56 ... is constituted of sufficient

porosity as to readily permit the passage of multiples of normal flow rate of

hater therethrough as well as to permit the ready passage of small silt

clay particles therethrough under such increased flow rates." Any user of

Tibbals system would pre=filter the water to ensure the removal of particle

~ that would not move through the diffuser head under pressure.  Similarly

in the prior art devices used fluid "~ from suspended particles," then

there would be no problem with internal clogging. It must be remembered that

the diffusing head of the prior art arrangements do not allow root hairs or

particles of soil to enter and clog up the plastic.


We do agree with the applicant that his purging system using a gas-flow device

provides an advantage over the fluid purge arrangement of Tibbals. This

is particularly true in an area where different elevations are encountered

and the applicant's purging system overcomes the problem of "inversion."


On1 considering the difference between claim 1 and the prior art we find

that Tibbals discloses the basic elements of the claim as well as their

relationship to each other. The examiner questioned whether there was any

support for the statement that the system was "intermittently operational

for about 2 to 10% of the time." In our view the operational time of any

system will be governed by many factors, such as soil conditions, type of

plants, weather etc, all of which require adjustment by the user. Therefore

the intermittent operation proposed by the applicant does not add any

patentable feature, and claim 1 is not patentable over the prior art.


Similarly the features added in dependent claims 2 to 11 and 14 to 17 are

not patentably significant in the light of the Tibbals reference. There is

no doubt that these claims show some modification to the prior art, but

we do not believe such modifications display the necessary exercise of the

creative faculties of the human mind such as to merit the distinction of

invention. In Niagara Wire Weaving Co. v Johnson Wire Works. Ltd. (1939)

Ex. C.R. at 273 Maclean J. stated: "Small variations from or slight modifications

of, the current standards of construction, in an old art, rarely are indicative

of invention; they are obvious improvements resulting from experiences, and

the changing requirements of users," The modifications in question are too

insignificant to rise to the lever of invention.


However claims 12 and 13 which specify using pressurized gas in the piping

system do relate to a useful subject matter which does define a patentable

advance in the art.  By using pressurized gas for purging the system the

applicant overcomes the problem of "inversion" which may occur when using

pressurized liquid as is done by the prior art. In our view these claims

are allowable if they are drafted in independent form (present claim 12 depends

on claim 1).


we recommend that claims 1 to 11 and 14 to 17 be refused. We also recommend

that claims 12 and l3 be accepted if amended as indicated above.


G. A. Asher


Patent Appeal Board


I have reviewed the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board, and

concur in them. The applicant has six months from the date of this

decision to take an appeal under Section 14 of the Act, or to amend

as suggested by the Board.


J.A. Brown

Acting Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 7th day of July, 1976


Agent for Applicant:

Georges H. Riches & Associates

Suite 812-820

67 Yonge Street

Toronto 1, (Ontario)

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.