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Patent application number 484,723, having been rejected under

Subsection 47(2) of the Patent Rules, the Applicant asked that

the Final Action of the Examiner be reviewed. The rejection has

consequently been considered by the Commissioner of Patents.


Agent for Applicant


Smart & Biggar

P.O. Box 2999, Station D

Ottawa, Ontario

K1P 5Y6


This decision deals with the Applicant's request for a review of

the Examiner's Final Action on patent application number 484,723

(Class 195-1.22) which was filed on June 21, 1985 for an

invention entitled "TRANSGENIC ANIMALS". The inventors are

Philip Leder and Timothy A. Stewart and the application was

assigned to the President and Fellows of Harvard College. The

Examiner in charge issued the Final Action on March 24, 1993

refusing claims 1 to 12 and declaring claims 13 to 26 to be

allowable. The Applicant replied on September 24, 1993

requesting a review by the Commissioner of Patents and an oral

hearing before the Patent Appeal Board and subsequently a hearing

was held on July 28, 1994 at which Joy Morrow represented the

Applicant. I have subsequently reviewed the prosecution of the

application and discussed the rejection with the Board before

rendering my decision.


The application is directed to a transgenic mammal, in particular

a transgenic mouse which can be used as a test vehicle for

substances suspected of being carcinogenic or for substances

thought to confer protection against the development of



The inventors have constructed myc gene-containing plasmids by

deleting selected regions from a specific plasmid and replacing

them with myc regions to construct the required plasmid. Copies

of the linearized myc gene-containing plasmid are injected into

the male pronucleus of fertilized one-cell mouse eggs derived

from matings between C57BL/6J and CD-1 types of mice. The

injected eggs are transferred into pseudo-pregnant foster females

sad allowed to develop to term. Introducing the myc gene

sequence at the fertilized one-cell egg stage ensures that the

gene will be present in all of the germ cells and the somatic

cells of the transgenic animal.


Offspring are tested for the retention of the injected sequences

by Southern blot analysis of DNA extracted from the tail.

Several offspring referred to as founder mice, were found to have

integrated the myc gene. The presence of the myc gene in the

germ cells of the transgenic founder animal in tuna means that

all the founder animal's offspring that inherit the gene will

carry the gene is their germ cells and somatic cells. The

founder animals were then mated to uninjected mice and analysis

of the DNA of the resulting transgenic offspring indicated that

the injected oncogene was transmitted through the germline in a

ratio consistent with Mendelian inheritance of single loci.


The application contains 26 claims with claims 1 to 12 being

directed to transgenic mammals and claims 13 to 26 being directed

to processes for producing the transgenic mammals, to the

transgenic cell culture and a process for producing it, to

various plasmids bearing the oncogene and towards the use of the

invention to test a material suspected of altering neoplastic

development in a mammal. Claims 1, 11 and 12 which are

representative of the rejected claims are as follows:


1. A transgenic non-human mammal whose germ cells and somatic cells

contain an activated oncogene sequence introduced into said mammal, or an

ancestor of said mammal, at an embryonic stage.


11. The mammal of claim 1, said mammal being a rodent.


12. The mammal of claim 11, said rodent being a mouse.


In his rejection of claims 1 to 12 the Examiner stated, inter

alia, that the Commissioner has both a right and an obligation to

consider the public interest in the granting of a patent. There

is some implication in this interpretation of the Commissioner's

duty under the Patent Act that the Commissioner can decide that a

particular invention can be found unpatentable as a matter of

policy or discretion rather than as a result of an interpretation

of the provisions of the Act.


In this regard the Commissioner's duty is clear from the

statement of the Supreme Court in Monsanto Co. v. Commissioner of

Patents 4a C.P.R. (2d) 161, addressing section 40 (then section

42) of the Patent Act at page 177, that:


In this respect it is important to note that s. 42 of the Patent Act reads:


42. Whenever the Commissioner is satisfied that an applicant is

not by law entitled to be granted a patent he shall refuse the application

and, by registered letter addressed to the applicant or his registered

agent, notify the applicant of such refusal and of the ground or reason



I have emphasized by law to stress that this is not a matter of discretion: the

Commissioner has to justify any refusal. As Duff, C.J., said in Vanity Fair Silk

Mills v. Commissioner of Patents, [1938] 4 D.L.R. 657, [1939] S.C.R 245 at p.



   No doubt the Commissioner of Patents ought not to refuse an

application for a patent unless it is clearly without substantial



I note also that in the case relied on by the Examiner,

Commissioner of Patents v. Farbwerke Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft

Vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning 41 C.P.R. 9 there is no

suggestion in the decision that it was based on anything other

than an interpretation of the Patent Act as to what constitutes

an invention, the Court stating, at page 17, that:


................There is no inherent common law right to a patent. An inventor gets

his patent according to the terms of the Patent Act, no more and no less.


It follows that in order to reject an application as being

directed to unpatentable subject matter, I must be satisfied that

by law the applicant is not entitled to a patent and be able to

give reasons based on an interpretation of the Patent Act and any

applicable jurisprudence.


The issue that I have to decide is therefore whether or not

claims 1 to 12 of the application claiming non-human mammals are

directed to patentable subject matter as defined by Section 2 of

the Patent Act which reads follows:


"invention" means any new and useful art, process, machine, manufacture or

composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement in any art, process,

machine, manufacture or composition of matter,


This definition refers to five categories of invention, clearly

the first three, "art", "process" and "machine" are inapplicable

when considering claims directed towards a non-human mammal

prepared using the techniques of genetic engineering.


The patentability of inventions involving genetic engineering has

been considered by the Supreme Court in Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd. v.

Commissioner of Patents 25 C.P.R. (3d) 257. The Court identified

two types of genetic engineering (at page 263). The first type

involves crossing different species or varieties by

hybridization, altering the frequency of genes over successive

generations, this being the method by which Pioneer Hi-Bred's new

variety of soybean was produced. The second type is that which

requires a change in the genetic material, an alteration of the

genome affecting all the hereditary material since the

intervention occurs in the gene itself at the molecular level.

While the first type of genetic engineering implies as evolution

based strictly on heredity and Mendelian principles, the second

employs a sharp and permanent alteration of hereditary traits by

a change in the quality of the genes. In conclusion the Court

stated on page 264 that:


   The intervention made by Hi-Bred does not in any way appear to alter the

soybean reproductive process, which occurs in accordance with the laws of

nature. Earlier decisions have never allowed such a method to be the basis for a

patent. The courts have regarded creations following the laws of nature as being

mere discoveries the existence of which man has simply uncovered without

thereby being able to claim he has invented them. Hi-Bred is asking this court to

reverse a position long defended in the case-law. To do this we would have, inter

alia, to consider whether there is a conclusive difference as regards patentability

between the first and second types of genetic engineering, or whether distinctions

should be made based on the first type of engineering, in view of the nature of

the intervention. The court would then have to rule on the patentability of such

an invention for the first tame.


   In view of the complexity presented by the question as to the cases in

which the result of genetic engineering may be patented, ....., and since I share

the view of Pratte J. that Hi-Bred does not met the requirements of s. 36(1) of

the Ad, I choose to dispose of this appeal solely on the latter point.


It is apparent that the Supreme Court deliberately chose not to

decide whether the soybean resulting from artificial cross-

breeding was a patentable invention under Section 2 of the Act.


I do note however, although obiter, the Court commented on the

patentability of creations that occur in accordance with the laws

of nature. It suggests that creations of the reproductive

process have never been allowed to form the basin of a patent

because they are following the laws of nature, they are mere

discoveries the existence of which man has simply uncovered.


I now turn to the Federal Court of Appeal decision is Pioneer Hi-

Bred 14 C.P.R. (3d) 491, which did consider the refusal of the

application on the grounds that a cross bred variety of soybean

was not a manufacture or composition of matter within the meaning

of Section 2 of the Act. The Court considered the decision of

the U.S. Supreme Court is Diamond v. Chakrabarty (1980). 447 U.S.

303 in examining the expressions "manufacture" and "composition

of matter" as they appear in s. 2 of the Patent Act and noted:


...especially to the following definitions relied upon by the United States Supreme

Court in Chakrabarty:


manufacture : the production of articles for use from raw

materials prepared by giving to these materials new forms,

qualities, properties or combinations whether by hand labor or



composition of matter : all compositions of two or more substances

and ... all composite articles whether they be the result of chemical

union or of mechanical mixture, or whether they be gases, fluids,

powders or solids.


I have not bees convinced. Even if these definitions were held to be applicable to

a micro-organism obtained as a result of a laboratory process, I am unable to go

further and accept that they can also adapt to a plant variety produced by cross-

breeding. Such a plant cannot really be said, other than on the most metaphorical

level, to have been produced from raw materials or to be a combination of two or

more substances united by chemical or mechanical means. It seems to me that

the words "manufacture" and "composition of matter" would be distorted if a

unique but simple variety of soybean were to be included within their scope.


The Federal Court of Appeal also noted that plant breeding was

well established when the Patent Act was passed so that if a new

plant variety had been intended to be included in the definition

of invention. Parliament would have included special provisions

in the statute. The Court summarized their finding as follows,

at page 497:


In sum, relying on the common meaning of the words of the definition of

"invention" as it appears in the Act and on the legislative context in which they

are found, in so far as the intention of Parliament may be derived therefrom, I

am satisfied that the soybean variety developed by the appellant cannot be the

subject-matter of a patent of invention.


In his Final Action, the Examiner stated that he was bound by the

Federal Court of Appeal decision in the Pioneer Hi-Bred case.

However the Applicant has argued that the Examiner is not bound

by that decision since the Supreme Court made its decision on

grounds different from those used by the Federal Court and also

on a different factual basis. In support of its argument the

Applicant has referred to the decision in R. v. Secretary of

State for the Home Department, ex parte Al-Mehdawi [1989] 1 All

E.R. 777 where it was held that where the House of Lords had

decided that an issue which was argued in the Court of Appeal was

not required to be decided on appeal to the House and where the

House expressed no view as to the soundness or otherwise of the

Court of Appeal's reasoning on that issue, the Court of Appeal's

decision on that issue was not binding on another division of the

Court of Appeal.


Since the situation in the Pioneer Hi-Bred case is similar to

that in the Mehdawi case in that the Supreme Court decided the

appeal in Pioneer Hi-Bred on different grounds than those used in

the Federal Court, I agree with the Applicant that the Federal

Court decision in Pioneer Hi-Bred is not binding on me, or on the

Examiner. I do however note that the Mehdawi case stated (at

page 781) that, while the lower court decision was not binding,

it was of high persuasive influence on subsequent decisions.


My predecessor had to consider claims directed towards micro-

organisms in Re Application of Abitibi Co. 62 C.P.R. (ad) 81

wherein the invention related to microbial cultures taken from

domestic and modified or acclimated sulfite liquor. The

Commissioner was satisfied that micro-organisms such as yeast,

mold, fungi, bacteria, actinomycetes, unicellular algae, virus or

protozoa can be the subject of patent protection. However, the

Patent Appeal Board, on whose recommendation the Commissioner's

decision was based, was reluctant to consider claims to higher

life forms patentable stating, at page 90, that:


If an inventor creates a new and unobvious insect which did not exist before (and

thus is not a product of nature), and can recreate it uniformly and at will, and it

is useful (for example to destroy the spruce bud worm), then it is every bit as

much a new tool of man as a micro-organism. With still higher life forms it is of

course less likely that the inventor will be able to reproduce it at will and

consistently, as more complex life forms tend to vary more from individual to

individual. But if it eventually becomes possible to achieve such a result, and the

other requirements of patentability are met, we do not see why it should be

treated differently.


In its argument the Applicant has referred to the practice before

the United States Patent and Trademark Office pointing out that

its corresponding United States application issued on April is,

1988 as patent number 4,736,866 containing claims to a transgenic

non-human mammal. The definition of invention is the U.S. which

is embodied in 35 U.S.C. s. 101 employs language which is very

similar to that found in s. 2 of the Patent Act. Since the

statutory definitions of invention used is both countries are so

similar, the Applicant argued that I should follow the same

practice with regard to life forms as is followed in the United

States. I do not however consider that much weight can be given

to United States practice in interpreting Canadian legislation.


In my view the words "manufacture" and "composition of matter" as

found in Section 2 apply to something that has been made under

the control of the inventor. In the case of "manufacture" it is

the production of articles for use from starting materials,

prepared by giving these materials new forms, qualities.

properties or combinations whether by hand labour or machinery.

As to the term "composition of matter" I would construe the term

broadly to include not only the result of chemical union or

mechanical admixture but also microbiological, or genetic

engineering techniques so long as they are performed and

controlled by the human hand. At the same time the resulting

product moat be reproducible in a consistent manner.


What the inventors have done in the instant application is to

genetically engineer mvc gene containing plasmids which are

thereafter injected into the mouse eggs which in turn are

injected into the female mouse and allowed to develop to term.

To my mind there are two distinct phases involved, firstly the

preparation of the genetically engineered plasmid and secondly

the development of a genetically engineered mouse is the uterus

of the host mouse. In the first phase it is human intervention

that controls the production of the plasmid by choosing the

necessary enzymes and processing conditions to make the plasmids.

In the second phase it is the laws of nature that take over to

produce the mammalian end product. In my view different

considerations apply between claims to the lower life forms of

the Abitibi decision and the higher life forms claimed in the

instant application.


Since the plasmids and the transgenic unicellular material are

produced under the full control of the inventor and are

reproducible, I am satisfied that they are a "manufacture" or a

"composition of matter" under Section 2 of the Act. I note that

no objections, based on Section 2, were raised against such

claims in the instant application.


However I cannot extend the meaning of "manufacture" or

"composition of matter" to include a non-human mammal. On the

plain and ordinary meaning of the words, and here I am strongly

influenced by the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Pioneer Hi-

Bred, I do not find that a non-human mammal like a mouse falls

within the definition of "invention". The inventors do not have

full control over all the characteristics of the resulting mouse

since the intervention of man ensures that reproducibility

extends only as far as the cancer forming gene.


Having regard to the above and in applying the test enunciated in

Section 40 of the Act, I am satisfied that the Applicant is not

by law entitled to be granted a patent 1 to 12

and therefore I refuse to grant a patent containing these claims

on this application.


M. Leesti

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 4th day of August 1995

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.