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C.D. 1206 ....Application No. 529,362 (B20, B22, C00)


Claims rejected as being broader than the disclosure


   The examiner rejected certain claims of the application on

the grounds that they were broader than the invention disclosed

since they claimed the preparation of monoclonal antibodies the

preparation of which had not been adequately disclosed. The

Board ruled that the claims had been properly rejected and

recommended that the rejection be upheld.






Patent application number 529,362, having been rejected under

Subsection 47(2) of the Patent Rules, the Applicant asked that

the Final Action of the Examiner be reviewed. The rejection has

consequently been considered by the Patent Appeal Board and by

the Commissioner of Patents. The findings of the Board and the

ruling of the Commissioner are as follows:


Agent for Applicant


Goudreau Gage Dubuc & Martineau Walker

3400, La Tour de la Bourse

Case Postale 242, Place Victoria

Montreal, Quebec

H4Z 1E9


This decision deals with the Applicant's request that the

Commissioner of Patents review the Examiner's Final Action on

patent application number 529,362 (Class 195-1.105) filed on

February 10, 1987 for an invention entitled "NEW RETROVIRUS


VITRO". The inventors are Luc Montagnier; Solange Chamaret;

 Denise Guetard; Marc Alizon; Fran‡ois Clavel; Mireille Guyader;

Pierre Sonigo; Fran‡oise Brun-Vezinet; Marianne Rey; Christine

Rouzioux and Christine Katlama and the application is assigned to

Institut Pasteur. The Examiner in charge of the application

issued the Final Action on October 8. 1993 refusing claims 11 to

34, 40, 43 to 54 and 70 and, by implication, declaring claims 1

to 10, 35 to 39, 41, 42, 55 to 69 and 71 to 73 to be allowable.


The Applicant replied on April 8, 1994 requesting a review by the

Commissioner of Patents and an oral hearing before the Patent

Appeal Board. Consequently an oral hearing was held on January

18, 1995 at which Denise Huberdeau, Danielle Banerman and

Stephane Drouin represented the Applicant. Drs. Isaac Ho and

Linda Brewer represented the Patent Branch and the Board was

comprised of Peter Davies as Chairman and Drs. Michael Howarth

and Effat Maher as members.


The application, as outlined in the abstract, relates to a new

class of retrovirus named HIV-2; to antigens obtained from this

virus, namely proteins p12, p16, p26 and glycoprotein gp140, and

to immunogenic compositions containing these antigens,

particularly glycoprotein gp140. The antigens are used for the

in vitro diagnosis in man for potentiality of certain forms of

AIDS. The application also relates to the application of cloned

DNA sequences derived from the RNA of HIV-2 as probes in

diagnostic kits.


In her Final Action, the Examiner rejected claims 11 to 16, 21,

34, 40, 47, 52, 53, 54 and 70 of the application under Subsection

34(2) of the Patent Act as being indefinite and not supported by

the disclosure. The Examiner also rejected claims 11 to 33 and

43 to 51 under Subsection 39(1) of the Act.


In its response dated April 8, 1994 the Applicant submitted a new

set of claims comprising claims 1 to 93 for consideration by the

Board and on January 17, 1995, immediately prior to the oral

hearing, a further set of claims making minor, mostly editorial

changes to the claims previously submitted. Since the claims

submitted on January 17, 1995 are similar to those submitted on

April 8, 1994 the Board has decided to consider the latter set of

claims in this decision but sees no reason why the former set of

claims may not be considered by the Examiner at the conclusion of

these proceedings.


In arguing against the rejection of claims 11 to 29 and 55 to 66

(former claims 11 to 33 and 43 to 51) under Subsection 39(1) of

the Act, the Applicant stated that the claims were directed to

compounds used as diagnostic agents rather than as medicines and

as such did not fall within the scope of the Subsection. The

Board accepts this argument as persuasive in overcoming the

rejection and recommends that the rejection based on these

grounds be withdrawn. Furthermore after reviewing the claims

submitted on April 8, 1994 the Board is satisfied that claims 1

to 60, 67 to 83 and 86 to 93 avoid the objections made by the

Examiner leaving only claims 61 to 66, 84 and 85 under rejection.

Accordingly the oral hearing was limited to argument directed

towards claims 61 to 66, 84 and 85 only.


Subsequent to a discussion held during the oral hearing the

Applicant, on February 10, 1995, filed an amended set of claims

61 to 66 which, in the Board's opinion, overcome the Examiner's

objection to the claims; the Board therefore recommends that the

amended claims be accepted as allowable.


The only remaining claims under rejection are therefore claims 84

and 85 and the remainder of this decision will be addressed to

these claims which are as follows:


   Claim 84 Antibody according to any one of claims 78 to 83, characterized in

that it is monoclonal.


   Claim 85 The hybridoma secreting the monoclonal antibody according to

claim 84.


In the Final Action, the Examiner rejected claim 53 (now claim

84) directed to a monoclonal antibody and claim 70 (now claim 85)

directed to the hybridoma secreting the monoclonal antibodies

stating the following:


Objection to claims 53 and 70 (previously 49 and 66, respectively) for lack of

specific support in the disclosure is maintained. Applicant has not prepared any

hybridomas or monoclonal antibodies. Applicant has suggested that monoclonal

antibodies are a reasonable extension of the alleged invention and that the crucial

inventive step in the preparation of monoclonal antibodies lies in obtaining the

antigens to which these antibodies bind. Applicant has argued that specific

exemplary support would simply consist of including in the disclosure, standard

procedures for hybridoma and monoclonal antibody preparation.


The examiner agrees that once an antigen is available, a hybridoma and a

monoclonal antibody can be prepared using well established techniques. While the

path to a monoclonal antibody may be obvious, the product of that path is not

 obvious. If it were, there would be nothing inventive about the product. A

 product cannot be both obvious and inventive at the same time. Applicant has not

 prepared a hybridoma or a monoclonal antibody. Applicant is claiming something

 that he cannot describe in terms of a structure, or in terms of physical or chemical

 properties. He is, in fact, claiming hoped-for products which have been described

 only in terms of a biological activity or utility. The disclosure of a patent

 application is addressed to one skilled in the art to which the invention relates and

 must be written such that one skilled in the art would be able to put the invention

 to the same successful use as the inventor. Applicant has not shown that he was

 successful in the production of hybridomas or monoclonal antibodies and therefore

 fails to provide sufficient support for claims to these products.


 The questions before the Board are whether or not the

 specification describes correctly and fully the preparation and

 the properties of the hybridoma and the monoclonal antibodies

 claimed in claims 84 and 85, and whether or not such description

 is set out in such clear concise terms as to enable a person

 skilled in the art to make and use the invention as required by

 Subsection 34.(1) of the Patent Act which reads as follows:


 An applicant shall in the specification of his invention


(a) correctly and fully describe the invention and its operation or use as

 contemplated by the inventor;


 (b) set out clearly and fully the various steps in a process, or the method of

 constructing, making, compounding or using a machine, manufacture or

 composition of matter, in such full, clear, concise and exact terms as to enable any

 person skilled in the art or science to which it appertains, or with which it is most

 closely connected, to make, construct, compound or use it;


 (c) in the case of a machine, explain the principle thereof and the best mode in

 which he has contemplated the application of that principle;


 (d) in the case of a process, explain the necessary sequence, if any, of the various

 steps, so as to distinguish the invention from other inventions; and


 (e) particularly indicate and distinctly claim the part, improvement or combination

 that he claims as his invention.

 (Emphasis added)


 In the present case, the question with regard to Subsection

 34.(1)(a) is whether the written description of the application

 provides sufficient detailed information for any person skilled

 in the art to produce and characterize the claimed monoclonal

 antibodies and the hybridomas secreting such antibodies. The

 Board finds that the only guidance or direction given for the

 preparation of the embodiments of claims 84 and 85 in the

 specification is that given on page 50 of the disclosure as



 . . . It [the invention] also relates to the monoclonal antibodies which can be

 produced by traditional techniques, these monoclonal antibodies being directed,

 respectively, more specifically against the different proteins of HIV-2.

      These polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies can be used in different

  applications. Their use for neutralizing the corresponding proteins, or even

  inhibiting the infectivity of the whole virus, will mainly be mentioned. They can

  also be used, for example, for demonstrating the viral antigens in biological

  preparations or for carrying out procedures for purification of the corresponding

  proteins and/or glycoproteins, for example by using them in affinity

  chromatography columns.


  The Board cannot find any description of the hybridoma of claim

  85 or any description of a method of preparing it provided in the

  above cited statements or in the entire description. No specific

  description of the monoclonal antibodies in claim 84 or a process

  for their preparation is disclosed. The only guidance as to the

  description of the monoclonal antibodies and the process by which

  they may be prepared is that they can be prepared by "traditional

  techniques." The sole specific technical teaching provided is

  the identity of the antigens. Describing and identifying the

  antigens does not provide support for the hybridoma or the

  monoclonal antibodies nor does it provide sufficient instruction

  on how to make the antibodies.


  The Applicant's description of the monoclonal antibodies as

  neutralizing or binding with the antigens is not considered a

  specific description. The term antibody denotes a material that

  opposes and neutralizes a body in this case, the body is the

  antigen. An antibody must fit and bind with a particular antigen

  otherwise it would not be called an antibody. The antibody is

  expected to have the property of binding to the antigen because

  it is presumed to be an antibody for that antigen. The

  Applicant's description makes an unwarranted assumption, taking

  for granted what really needs to be accomplished and supported by

  its specification.


  The requirement under Subsection 34.(1)(b) is that the

  specification present the invention in such clear, exact and

  concise terms as to enable one of ordinary skill in the art to

  make and use the invention with the same success as the inventor.

  In R.C..A Photophone, Ld. v Gaumont-British Picture Corporation,

  Ld and British Acoustic Films, Ld. (1936) 53 R.P.C. 167, Lord

  Justice Romer stated, at page 195, that:


. . . It is the duty of a patentee by his claim to make quite clear what is the ambit

  of his monopoly in order that workers in the art may be left in no doubt as to the

  territory that is forbidden them during the life of the patent. If he fails to do this,

  his patent becomes a public nuisance. It is equally incumbent upon him to

  describe at least one way, and the best way known to him, of carrying his invention

  into effect, in order that, when his monopoly comes to an end, the workers in the

  art may turn the invention to account. This is the consideration he pays for his



The Applicant has argued that it was standard procedure to

prepare hybridomas and monoclonal antibodies for antigens at the

date of filing the application. This argument was developed by

the Applicant in its response of April 8, 1994, at page 18, as



The fundamental aspect of the invention is, as the Examiner has stated in the final

action, the HIV-2 virus and its antigens. Once the antigens have bees identified

and characterized, it is submitted that:


(1) the path to the preparation of the monoclonal antibodies is an easy one for

those skilled in the art, and


(2) the resulting antibodies will have the desired immunogenic character.


As stated at page 50 of the specification, to produce antibodies, an

immunogenic substance (such as an HIV-2 antigen) is injected to an animal (usually

a rabbit, a guinea pig or a sheep) to produce polyclonal antibodies. Monoclonal

antibodies can then by [sic] produced using traditional techniques. What

constituted a traditional technique for producing monoclonal antibodies as of

Applicant's priority date of January 22, 1986? For example, lymphocyte cells

from the immunized animals producing antibodies to the injected immunogen are

fused to myeloma cells. The resulting hybrid cells are inoculated in the peritoneal

cavity of syngeneic hosts. This results in the formation of tumors (hybridomas)

that secrete high concentrations of monoclonal antibodies in the sera or ascites

fluids. Such technique was well-known to the person skilled in the art way before

the priority date of January 22, 1986 as it is demonstrated below.


The Applicant then presented a brief review of the state of the

art in preparing hybridomas and monoclonal antibodies starting

with the work of Kohler and Milstein in 1975.


The Board acknowledges that methods of making monoclonal

antibodies to various antigens were known in the art at this

date; however applying these methods to a new antigen constitutes

a new process requiring a new protocol to produce the secreting

hybridomas and novel monoclonal antibodies specific to the



James W. Goding, in "Antibody Production By Hybridomas", Journal

of Immunological Methods, Volume 39, page 286 (1980) comments on

the nature of this type of work as follows:


. . . It should be stressed that the production, testing, cloning and characterisation

of monoclonal antibodies is not a trivial procedure. It should not be undertaken

without an appreciation that it will involve some months of fairly continuous bench



 To understand the general concept of the physiology and the

biochemistry of antigens, antibodies. hybridomas and monoclonal

antibodies, the following is an outline from the book Monoclonal

Antibodies by Karol Sikora & Howard M. Smedley, 1984 published by

Blackwell Scientific Publications, page 3:

 Many molecules are capable of giving rise to an immune response, i.e. they are

 antigens. Each molecule has a unique shape. It is this shape which gives rise to the

 specificity of an antigen-antibody reaction. Clearly larger and more complex

 molecules may have several different regions, each of which is capable of

 accommodating an antibody. Such regions are known as antigenic determinants or

 epitopes. It is possible for one antigenic molecule to contain several epitopes.

 Smaller antigens, on the other hand, may possess only one epitope. The basis of

 the antibody-antigen interaction is the fitting together of two molecules of

 complementary shape. The shape of the antigen is determined by the three

 dimensional structure of the molecule. All immunoglobulin molecules [antibodies]

 have a similar basic structure consisting of two heavy and two light chains held

 together by disulphide bonds.


 (An antigenic epitope fits and binds at the binding site between

 the N terminal of a pair of a light and a heavy chains.)


 On page 8, the authors continue:


 Although the fusion techniques outlined above enable antibodies of defined

 specificity to be produced in endless quantities, it should be stressed right from the

 beginning that for every successful antibody which is produced many failed fusions

 or irrelevant monoclonals will be produced. Many hours of laboratory time are

 spent to produce a single useful MCA [monoclonal antibody]. Some of the

 reasons for this are obvious. First of all the definition of what is a "good"

 monoclonal antibody is arbitrary and depends upon what function is required of it

 by the investigator. . . . It is therefore important for an investigator to know what

 he requires of his antibody before deciding which antibodies are good or bad.

 Further, many antigens against which the investigator is attempting to raise

 monoclonal antibodies are only weakly immunogenic. The animal's immune

 system therefore responds poorly to the immunogen and so the incidence of

 suitable monoclonals is low, thus increasing the workload.


 The state of the art at the approximate time of filing the

 application (1987) can also be estimated from Goding in his book

 Monoclonal Antibodies: Principles and Practice, Second edition,

 1986, Academic Press. On page 281, in writing about the creation

 of conventional [polyclonal] antibodies the author states:


      The production of monoclonal antibodies involves a great deal of work. A

 suitable screening assay must be developed before the fusion, and hundreds or

 thousands of tests will have to be performed before the prized clone is

 immortalized. The sheer work and time involved in "cell farming" is considerable.

 In comparison, the preparation of antibodies with nothing more than antigen, a

 rabbit, and a syringe, might be seen as a technological breakthrough! For many

 purposes, conventional antibodies will do the job adequately, with much less work.


On page 3, Goding explains:


      It would be wrong to think that monoclonal antibodies will completely

 replace conventional serology. The production of monoclonal antibodies involves a

 great deal of work, and a high level of commitment. There will often be occasions

 when the effort required may not be justified. Fortunately, a wide range of

 monoclonal antibodies is becoming commercially available.


 . . . I have also tried to point out areas in which the literature gives misleading

 impressions, and a few situations in which published procedures are unreliable.

. . Immunochemistry also has an oral tradition, and a surprising number of key

elements are not easily accessible from the literature. I have incorporated some of

the elements where appropriate; in many cases no citation is possible.


On page 59, in the Chapter titled "Production of Monoclonal

Antibodies", Goding adds:


   Although the technology of hybridoma production is now firmly

established, there are a large number of steps involved, and each of these may be

carried out in many different ways. The diversity of published approaches reflects

both individual biological problems and previous experience. The methods also

vary in convenience, speed, reliability and expense, but there is no one "right"

approach, and ultimately each investigator must choose and adapt the published

strategies to individual needs. An appreciation of the variables and compromises

will help minimize the effort required.


It is clear from the above remarks by Goding that a person

skilled in the art must establish a specific protocol to produce

the hybridomas and the monoclonal antibodies for each of the

antigens. In exercising his skill, the expert would not depend

entirely on the articles and textbooks in the field or

"traditional techniques", as a number of key elements are not

easily accessible from the literature. If the preparation of

monoclonal antibodies to antigens were routine and predictable,

then all monoclonal antibodies to antigens would be obvious, and

the field of immunology would routinely produce all kinds of

cures. This is certainly not the case.


The Board agrees with the U.S. decision in Ex Parte Old 229 USPQ

197 (Bd. Pat. App. 1985) which states, on page 200, that:


. . . Although the technique underlying hybridoma technology is well recognized,

nevertheless, the results obtained by its use clearly are unpredictable. Hybridoma

technology is an empirical art in which the routineer is unable to foresee what

particular antibodies will be produced and which specific surface antigen

recognized by them. Only by actually carrying out the requisite steps can the

nature of the monoclonal antibodies be determined and ascertained; no "expected"

results can thus be said to be present.


The Applicant submitted two published papers during the oral

hearing, namely: "Two Neutralizing Domains in the V3 Region is

the Envelope Glycoprotein gp125 of HIV Type 2", by Ewa Bj”rling

et al., published by The American Association Of Immunologists in

1994; and "Multiple Antigenic Epitopes Expressed on gag Proteins,

p26 and p15, of a Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Type 2 as

Defined with a Library of Monoclonal Antibodies", by Hiroyoshi

Komatsu et al. which was published in 1990 in Aids Research and

Human Retroviruses, Volume 6, Number 7, by Mary Ann Liebert,

Inc., Publishers. The Applicant argues that these papers

disclose the preparation of monoclonal antibodies using the



          subject antigens and this fact proves that preparing the

          hybridoma and monoclonal antibodies are a standard procedure such

          that claims 84 and 85 cannot be rejected for lack of disclosure.


          It is the Board's opinion that the Applicant cannot rely on post-

          filing work by others to support its claims. The Board agrees

          with the U.S. decision in Re Glass, 181 USPQ 31 (C.C.P.A. 1974)

          that sufficiency of support is measured as of the date the

          application is filed, and that post-filing publications cannot be

          used to fill in what is missing from the teaching of how to make

          and use the claimed invention. Furthermore, the Board concurs

          with the U.S. decision in Gould v. Quigg, 3 USPQ2d 1302 (Fed.

          Cir. 1987) that post-filing publications may be used to show that

          the invention, as described in the application when filed, was



          In a further argument, the Applicant urged the Board to follow,

          by analogy, the practice followed in the chemical arts. Thus at

          page 23 of the response dated April 8, 1994 it is stated that:


            In a patent application disclosing an invention in the chemical arts, an

          applicant usually provides general comments on the type of compounds of interest

          with specific examples to compounds belonging to the generic class. This

          Applicant may describe a way in which derivatives or other embodiments which

          might be quite different from the specific compounds disclosed can be prepared.

          Claims to these compounds are usually added and allowed by the Patent .

          This type of situation is perfectly in line with the decision of the Supreme Court of

          Canada in Monsanto v. the Commissioner of Patents (1979 2CPR 2d 161) in

          which Mr. Justice Pigeon made the following comments


          "In my opinion, the Commissioner cannot refuse a patent because the

          inventor has not fully tested and proved it in all its claimed application.

          This is what he has done in this case by refusing to allow claims 9 and 16

          unless restrictive to what had been tested and proved before the application

          was filed. If the inventors have claimed more than what then have invented

          in included substances which are devoid of utility, the claims will be open to

          attack. But in order to succeed, such attack will have to be supported by

          evidence of lack of utility. At present, there is no such evidence and there

          is no evidence that the production for utility of every compound named is

          not sound? [sic] and reasonable. "


          and at page 25 :


          According to the Supreme Court in the Monsanto decision referred to above (c.f.

          supra), a "sound-prediction" is based on the capacity of the person skilled in the

          art to foresee the properties of a claimed product. Applicant has demonstrated

          that techniques to produce monoclonal antibodies have become tools generally

          available to a person skilled in the art of hybridoma technology, in the same way

          the preparation of specific chemical compounds from a generic formula based on

          known processes is available to the person skilled in the art of chemical synthesis.


          In the Monsanto case referred to by the Applicant the application

          disclosed a class of chemical compounds which inhibit the

          premature vulcanization of diene rubbers. The inventors gave the

                          common formula for the nucleus of the substances and described

various radicals which could be used in the class. Three

representative compounds were disclosed, but many more compounds

were not disclosed yet were claimed. The specification described

the preparation of the three compounds specifically, while the

preparation of the other compounds was described generally by



It was recognized in Monsanto's application that the disclosure

provided sufficient direction to enable a skilled chemist to

prepare the compounds using methods previously known in the art

but it was determined that since the inventor had not prepared

and tested all of the claimed compounds it could not be fairly

said that the inventor had invented all of the claimed compounds.

The rejected claims were however later found allowable by the

Supreme Court on the grounds that there was no evidence that

either the compounds not prepared or tested would not work in

view of the disclosed examples of compounds prepared and tested.


Thus in Monsanto 42 C.P.R. (2d) 161 the Supreme Court, at page

175, referred to the judgment in Olin Mathieson Chemical Corp. v.

Biorex Laboratories Ltd. [1970] R.P.C. 157. In Olin Mathieson,

the patent covered trifluoromethyl-phenothiazine and a number of

related compounds, of which a small number only had been tested.

The question was then whether the inventor ought to be limited to

the actual substances which he had tested. On page 193, Mr.

Justice Graham defined sound prediction as follows:


Where, then, is the line to be drawn between a claim which goes beyond the

consideration and one which equiparates with it? In my judgment this line was

drawn properly by Sir Lionel when he very helpfully stated in the words quoted

above that it depended upon whether or not it was possible to make a sound

prediction. If it is possible for the patentee to make a sound prediction and to

frame a claim which does not go beyond the limits within which the prediction

remains sound, then he is entitled to do so. Of course, in so doing he takes the

risk that a defendant may be able to show that his prediction is unsound or that

some bodies falling within the words he has used have no utility or are old or

obvious or that some promise he has made in his specification is false in a material

respect; but if, when attacked, he survives this risk successfully, then his claim does

not go beyond the consideration given by his disclosure, his claim is fairly based on

such disclosure in these respects, and is valid.

(Emphasis added)


In the present case, the Applicant does not show by examples or

broad statements the steps that were successfully used to produce

hybridomas secreting monoclonal antibodies which are capable of

binding only with the specific antigen. Had any hybridoma and

monoclonal antibody for certain antigens been prepared, then it

would have been arguable that other hybridomas and monoclonal

antibodies, which were claimed but unprepared or prepared but

untested, could be allowable in view of the "sound prediction"

principle. In this case there is no consideration given by the

disclosure to any monoclonal antibody so that there is nothing

upon which to base a sound prediction.


The Board finds that there is a lack of guidance in describing

the core method to be used and the permissible modifications of

that basic method for the specific antigens disclosed. Such

deficiencies in guidance cannot be remedied by referring the

person skilled in the art to experiment with the "traditional



In summary, the Board also finds that the description does not

include any clear references or description to enable the person

skilled in the art to make and use the invention without

considerable and protracted experimentation. The Board concludes

that the hybridomas and the monoclonal antibodies embraced by the

claims 84 and 85 are not described or enabled by the present

disclosure as required under Subsection 34(1) of the Patent Act.

Accordingly the Board recommends that the Examiner's refusal of

claims 84 and 85 be upheld.


Peter J. Davies        Effat Maher                Michael Howarth

Acting Chairman        Member                     Member


I concur with the findings and recommendations of the Board. I am

satisfied that the Applicant is not by law entitled to be granted

a patent containing claims 84 and 85 and I therefore refuse to

grant a patent containing these claims on this application.


M. Leesti

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 11th day of December 1995

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.