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Patent application 502,082 having been rejected under Rule 47(2)

of the Patent Regulations, the Applicant asked that the Final

Action of the Examiner be reviewed. The rejection has

consequently been considered by the Patent Appeal Board and by

the Commissioner of Patents. The findings of the Board and the

ruling of the Commissioner are as follows:


Agent for Applicant


Swabey Ogilvy Renault

Suite 800

1001 boul. de Maisonneuve ouest

Montreal, Quebec

H3A 3C8



C.D. 1172... App'n 502,082                (B00),(J00)


   Indefiniteness of Claims and Lack of Industrial Value


   Although the claims include " a heart straining maneuver",

the apparatus claimed is not dependent upon this maneuver and the

mention of the maneuver in the claims does not render them

indefinite. Furthermore, the assessment of diagnostic methods

should be that the methods, and their results, have value to the

community to which they are addressed, be reproducible by anyone

skilled in the art, and be capable of allowing a practitioner to

derive some economic benefit, rather than the utilization of pure

commercial value. Rejection withdrawn.


       This decision deals with the applicant's request for review by

       the Commissioner of Patents of the final action on application

       No. 502,082, entitled "Evaluating Heart Mechanical Performance",

       Class 326-13.5, filed February 18, 1986. The inventor is Kevin

       M. McIntyre. The examiner issued a final action on May 11, 1990

       refusing to allow the application. An oral hearing was held on

       January 6, 1992, and arguments were presented by the applicant's

       patent agent, Mr. R. Mitchell.


       The application is directed to an apparatus and method for

       evaluating a patient's heart function by monitoring the change in

       arterial pulsations while the patient performs a heart straining



       In his final action, the examiner rejected all of the claims in

       the application as being indefinite, and lacking in industrial

       and commercial value. The following are excerpts from the

       examiner's action and the applicant's response.


       As to his first grounds of rejection, for indefiniteness, the

       examiner said:


       In detail, claim 1 is objectionable because the clause

       "means for detecting the change..." relies upon the

       implied method step of making "a heart straining

       maneuver" which of course cannot be written as a piece

       of apparatus because it must be either the making of a

       voluntary effort on the part of the patient or else

       some action on the part of the operator of the method,




       Similar objections apply to the process claims; the

       indefiniteness takes another form in that claims 4 and

       5 are directed to "evaluating the mechanical condition

       of a heart" by "detecting (a) pulse signal" i.e.

       without even "a heart straining maneuver"... Formally

       stated, the promise of the preamble is not met by the

       scope of the claimed steps. Indeed, the steps

       specifically claimed are little more than those of

       taking a reading of blood pressure.


       In his written response, Mr. Mitchell argued against the

       rejection on indefiniteness as follows:


       ... the Examiner states that claim 1 is objectionable

       because it relies on an implied method step of making

       "a heart straining maneuver". The applicant

       strenuously rebuffs this objection. The claims define

       a structure which is clearly set out without relying on

       the method of making a heart straining maneuver. The

       fact that this apparatus can be used for detecting

       different pulse signals coming from a patient at

       different stages of activity does not make the

apparatus dependent on the heart straining maneuver. The

apparatus must be taken for itself, and the elements recited

in a claim must be considered on their face value. Claim 1,

particularly as submitted in the new set of claims, is

clearly definite in reciting the combination of structural

elements, and the fact that it may refer to elements extra

the apparatus is merely to clarify the function of the



... the Examiner objects to claim 4 as being directed

to an evaluation of the mechanical condition of a heart

and that it is only in claim 7 that a heart straining

maneuver is introduced. In fact, claim 4 describes the

steps of providing a pulse signal by placing pressure

sensitive transducing means for providing an electrical

signal representative of pressure in contact with the

skin of a patient while applying a further step of

applying pressure at least in part through the pressure

sensitive means to adjacent skin at controlled pressure

within the range of at least just above the diastolic

pressure of said patient and a pressure of

substantially half of said diastolic pressure and then

detecting the pulse signal. Surely this claim fulfills

the promise of the preamble of the claim, that is, to

evaluate the mechanical condition of a heart. What is

claimed in claim 4 of the present set of claims is not

merely the taking of a reading of blood pressure as

suggested by the Examiner, but the taking of the

arterial pulsation and applying pressure at a

controlled pressure within a particular range which is

at least just above the diastolic pressure of the

patient and a pressure substantially half the diastolic



The examiner's second rejection was for a lack of industrial or

commercial value:


The basic objection to the process claims is that

because they must essentially be practised upon an

individual body, they therefore cannot define an

industrial process. The result, an individual whose

heart performance is evaluated, is not a marketable



Further even a non-invasive "heart straining maneuver"

process step requires some degree of skill and

judgement on the part of the operator, whether he be a

physician or a trained technician. The inventor

himself will be aware that the Valsalva manoeuvre

specified in claim 8 is contraindicated for patients

suffering from infection of the upper air passages such

as rhinitis, sinusitis and the like.


Flowing from these considerations of claimed process

details any economic result (or any money changing

hands) will be in the nature of a fee for an individual

personal service rendered and the process, in total,

cannot be called "work on a commercial scale" without

gross distortion of language.


From these somewhat semantic considerations flows a

commonplace objection, in that the claimed process or

method cannot yield the 100% reproducibility required

of a patentable process. The starting material, being

physiological, is not of the same uniform quality of,

say, feedstock for a pulp mill. Thus the step of

"subjecting the patient to a heart straining maneuver"

deemed essential for "evaluating the mechanical

condition of a heart" will require judgement in choice

and time and will be entirely unsuitable for some



In response, Mr. Mitchell countered, in part, by saying:


... the Official Action states that the method claims

lack industrial value... This question of the method

or process lacking industrial value or having any

economic result for working on a commercial scale is

not understood. The claims must have utility, in an

economic sense, and they do. It has been accepted and

the Office has been directed by the Courts to the

effect that diagnostic methods are patentable under

Section 2 of the Canadian Patent Act. As recently as

in Re Application for Patent Goldenberg, the

Commissioner of Patents rendered a decision on May 13,

1988 reversing the Examiner's objection to what was

essentially a diagnostic method for detecting cancerous

tumors in the body by injecting a certain type of

antibody substances.


The operating of the diagnostic method will require

some skill, but this is no more than skill of the

"person skilled in the art" to which the specification

is addressed. Any timing or other requirements as

taught in the,specification are clearly 100%

reproducible, and the results of the diagnostic tests

will, of course, vary depending on the physiological

condition of the patient being tested.


... the Examiner refers to comparing the starting

material of a process with the uniform quality of

feedstock for a pulp mill. Surely the Examiner does

not seriously think that feedstock for a pulp mill has

uniform quality. Tests must be made constantly to

determine the relative quality of the feedstock to then

adjust the process and the equipment. However, a

diagnostic or testing method within a pulp mill will be

constant; only the results will differ. Likewise, the

diagnostic method as applied to a human patient will be

constant and reproducible, but the results will vary.


The task before the Board is to decide if the claims to the

apparatus and method are framed in a definite manner as defined

in Section 34(2) of the Patent Act, R.S.C 1985, c. P-4; and if

the claimed method has industrial value.


The Board must then look to the claims for a better understanding

of the applicant's invention. Claims 1 and 9 of the newly

submitted set of claims read, respectively:


Apparatus for evaluating the mechanical condition of a

heart of a patient having skin, comprising,

pressure sensitive transducing means adapted to be

responsive to arterial pulsation for providing a pulse


pressure applying means for applying controlled

pressure through means including said pressure

sensitive transducing means to the patient skin and

maintaining said controlled pressure within the range

of substantially just above the diastolic pressure of

said patient and a pressure substantially half of said

diastolic pressure,

and means for detecting the change in said pulse signal

during and after a heart straining maneuver relative to

said pulse signal dust before said heart straining



A method of evaluating the mechanical condition of a

heart, which method includes the steps of:

non-invasively providing a pulse signal representative

of arterial pulsation by placing pressure sensitive

transducing means for providing an electrical signal

representative of pressure, in contact with the skin of

a patient while applying pressure at least in part

through the pressure sensitive transducing means to

adjacent skin at a controlled pressure within the range

of substantially dust above the diastolic pressure of

said patient and a pressure of substantially half of

said diastolic pressure,

subjecting said patient whose blood pressure is

characterized by said pulse signal to a heart straining


and detecting the change in said pulse signal after

said maneuver relative to said pulse signal during a

base period before said maneuver.


The Re Application for Patent of Goldenberg, 22 C.P.R. (3d) 159

decision, referred to by Mr. Mitchell in both his written and

oral arguments, clearly finds that diagnostic techniques are

patentable. In their decision, the Patent Appeal Board said, in



... patents for medical treatment in the strict sense

must be excluded under the Patent Act.

In determining whether or not the applicant's method is

a diagnostic method and therefore patentable, we are

unable to find, in reviewing the claims as they pertain

to a non-medical treatment, using pharmacologically

inert substances within the context of the application,

that they are directed to more than a diagnostic



The Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines

"diagnostic" as meaning adapted to or used in diagnosis, and

"diagnosis" as the art or act of identifying a disease from its

signs and symptoms. The invention, as disclosed in the

application, is a method and an apparatus for detecting abnormal

heart function by recording the change in the amplitude and rate

of arterial pulsations after the patient performs a heart

straining maneuver, such as expiring forcibly into a confined

space for a predetermined interval. The data thus collected

flows a skilled practitioner to evaluate the patient's heart

function and detect an abnormal heart condition. It is the view

of the Board that this application discloses an invention that is

purely diagnostic and in deciding on the two objections raised by

the examiner we have kept in mind the diagnostic nature of the

claimed subject matter.


Diagnostic devices and methods, by their very nature, require the

presence of a human subject. Claims are patentable which define

the structure of the apparatus and the method of diagnosis,

provided that such use does not constitute medical treatment.

The heart straining manuever referred to by the examiner may

constitute a voluntary effort on the part of the patient being

diagnosed, but there is no therapeutic benefit derived from this

maneuver, nor does the act of expiring require any special skill

or training. We find that the apparatus is not dependent on this

maneuver, and that the means for detecting the change in the

arterial pulsations is through the pressure sensitive transducing

means claimed in Claim 1. The apparatus and method will produce

the claimed results when used by a normally skilled practitioner

in the assessment of various patients, provided that the patients

are capable of breathing. Thus, we feel that the mention of the

heart straining maneuver in the claims does not render them



Similarly, we also reverse the rejection on lack of commercial

~lue. If diagnostic methods are to be patentable then commercial

value can not be assessed as if they are processes for producing

milled feedstock. The test must be that the method, and its

result, has value to the community to which it is addressed; that

the method be reproducible by anyone skilled in the art; and that

some economic benefit can be realised by those who practice the

method. We see no reason to doubt that the method claimed in

this application will not be useful to the medical community.

Likewise, we believe that the diagnosis would be reproducible for

any given patient and would not be dependent on the operator's

judgement, but on the condition of the patient's heart. The

method can be worked on a commercial scale that is adequate and

reasonable under the circumstances, and which will certainly

result in some form of economic benefit for the practitioner.


In summary, we believe that the rejected claims clearly define

the invention of the applicant in accordance with Section 34(2)

of the Patent Act, and that the method claimed has a commercial

value as expected for a diagnostic procedure. Therefore, we

recommend that the refusal of the claims be withdrawn.


F.H. Adams        M. Howarth        A. Kinsman

Chair                   Member                  Member

Patent Appeal Board     Patent Appeal Board     Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the findings and the recommendation of the Board.

Accordingly I remand the application to the examiner for

prosecution consistent with the findings of the Board.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 7th day of February 1992


Swabey Ogilvy Renault

Suite 800

1001 boul. de Maisonneuve ouest

Montreal, Quebec

H3A 3C8

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