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Sections 2, 27(3), Cited art:


Formulae developed by the inventor were found acceptable as a way of describing

the dimensions of the briquet she devised. The claims did not define the features

obtained by using the formulae in a manner to overcome the cited art. Rejection

of the application withdrawn, and of the claims maintained.


This decision deals with Applicant's request for review by the Commissioner

of Patents of the Final Action on application 440,304 (Class 44-38). The

application was filed November 2, 1983, by the Clorox Company, and is

entitled CONFIGURED FUEL BRIQUET AND METHOD. The inventor is Susan

M. Peters. The Examiner in charge issued a Final Action on August 20,

1986, refusing to allow the claims and the application.


A Hearing was held on April 12, 1989 at which the Patent agent, Ms.

L.S. Cassan, represented the Applicant.


The invention relates to the form of a charcoal briquet and a method of

forming it in a particular configuration to obtain a burn phase after an

ignition phase has provided visual ash over a predetermined percentage of

the area of a briquet. Figures 4 to 7 reproduced below illustrate the

configuration of a half pillow briquet.




For the half pillow briquet to obtain an ignition phase having 70% or more

visual ash in 20 minutes, and a burn phase having a half life of 60 to 100

minutes, the briquet is formed taking the volume, density and area into

account so that the burn phase consumes half the weight from initial



In the Final Action the Examiner rejected claims 1 to 13 and the

application for lack of invention in view of the following patents:


United States

1,258,849 March 12, 1918 Zwoyer


United Kingdom

392,015 May 11, 1933


The Zwoyer patent relates to briquets made of compressed pulverulent

material and formed to provide strength to prevent breakage in transport

and provide maximum combustion effect, as shown in figures 3 to 5

reproduced below:




The form is that of a frustum of two pyramids having their rectangular

bases united, the frustum ends being rounded. The sides 6 and 7 are

angled at to one another to obtain the greatest strength, a lesser

angle providing a fragile briquet, a greater angle leading to splitting of

the briquet on leaving the mould.


The briquet of the British patent has two central curved side surfaces,

designed to resist breakage, for example each less than one half of a

cylinder as shown in figures I to IV shown below:




Each end is formed of two surfaces, the line of intersection of which

extends transversely across the end of the briquet.


In her Final Action the Examiner rejected claims 1 to 13 and the

application for lack of patentable subject-matter in view of Sections 2 and

28(3) of the Patent Act. In her view, the shape of the Applicant's briquet

is not new and the method of constructing it is obtained by the process of

calculation. She believes that a person skilled in the art could choose

the material and dimensions, and by solving empirically derived formulae

could produce the Applicant's "...briquet characteristics such as surface

area, volume and density in relation to ignition time and half life". She

said in part, in her Final Action, as follows:


The only novelty allegeable in the claims is based in a mental

process by which criteria and dimensions of the briquets are

determined. In a similar case, Lips' application 1959 R.P.C.

pages 36 and 37, the judge said:


"It is not of course a circumstance fatal to the grant of

a patent that a manufactured article cannot be physically

distinguished from previously made similar articles.

Indeed it may well be that an article made by say a less

costly process of manufacture may be so devised as to

simulate as closely as possible a known similar article

made by a more costly process. It is common for a

specification to include such a claim as "A...made by the

process according to claims...". But in such a case the

process must, to be allowable, particularise "physical"

steps which constitute a manner of manufacture, and there

is thus a test for determining whether or not the

"article" claim is infringed. That test is-was an

allegedly infringing article (physically indistinguish-

able) made by the process of manufacture referred to in

the hypothetical prior claim? No such test is applicable

in the present case. Once it is decided that the

propeller forming the subject of the Applicant's claim 1

is not distinguished (only dimensional distinctions are

here involved) from other propellers, it seems that the

only novelty allegeable in the claim is the mental process

by which the propeller blade thicknesses at different

radial positions are determined. This clearly cannot be

said to be manufacture within the meaning of the Act. In

my opinion, having regard to my finding that the propeller

claimed in claim 1 is distinguished only by the process of

calculation by which its profile is determined, the claim

cannot be regarded as for an invention within the meaning

of the Act".


Moreover, applicant's attention is drawn to a more recent

Commissioner's decision published in C.P.O.R. October 5, 1976

where the Commissioner stated that:


"The production of equations is a well known scientific step.

...It is well known to determine parameters of any device by

experimentation with models by measuring the variables in

question, and then ascertaining the desired physical relationship

from such data. ...The method of determining parameters for a

spray nozzle is simply the well known scientific method

comprising experimentation with actual or model units,

measurements of interesting variables, and finally determination

of sought-after relationships from resulting data. ...While a

new article may in the proper circumstances be defined by the

process of making it, that process must particularize novel

physical steps rather than "mental steps".


In Schlumberger Canada Ltd. v. Commissioner of Patents 56 C.P.R.

(2d) 204, the applicant applied for a patent for a process

wherein measurements obtained in a borehole of an oil-drilling

operation were computed according to a specific mathematical

formula. The formula provided charts, graphs and figures of

improved quality to assist in locating hydrocarbon deposits. The

court said:


"In order to determine whether the application discloses a

patentable invention, it is first necessary to determine

what, according to the application, has been discovered.


   What is new here is the discovery of the various

calculations to be made and of the mathematical formulae

to be used in making those calculations. If those

calculations were not to be effected by computers but by

men, the subject-matter of the application would clearly

be mathematical formulae and a series of purely mental

operations; as such, in my view, it would not be

patentable. A mathematical formula must be assimilated to

a "mere scientific principle or abstract theorem" for

which s-s.28(3) of the Act prescribes that "no patent

shall issue".


Applicant argued on page 4 of his letter dated July 11, 1985 (in



   Under Canadian law, mental steps or processes are only

objectionable if the mental steps themselves are claimed.


   However, if mental steps are followed to arrive at a

particularly defined composition or other article of

manufacture, there is no objection to be made: the mental

steps are not then claimed but only the particular

commercial embodiment resulting from them.


The examiner disagrees with this view of the Patent Law. Mental

steps must not just be followed by an article of manufacture but

rather must be integrated into an industrial application to be

patentable subject-matter.


Thus in the Schlumberger case the discovery of hydrocarbon

deposits as a result of the new formulae and calculations did not

make it a patentable invention. Similarly in Lips' application

the calculations of the ship's screw propeller followed by a

propeller of new dimensions is not an invention within the

meaning of the Act.


   In the spray nozzle there was a lack of the use of means to

produce a result or no novel physical steps to integrate the

process with the nozzle.


The Applicant did not agree with the Examiner and responded in part, as



   BRIQUET CLAIMS (Claims 1 to 5, 10 to 13):

(1) Non-Statutory Subject Matter (Sections 2, 28(3)

...The discovery of the applicant is not a formula by which the

geometry of a briquet may be determined as alleged by the


   Examiner; rather, it (through the inventor -- its former

employee) has developed, through experimentation, a new    

particularly defined charcoal briquet providing advantages over

the prior art. That is, the "what" in this case which has been

discovered by the inventor is the structurally (i.e., physically)

defined briquet claimed by the applicant -- not a mathematical   

relationship between the various parameters of the briquet. As

such, the claims are not for a mere scientific principle or

abstract theorem falling under Section 28(3) of the Patent Act

and clearly fall within the scope of Section 2 of the Act which

includes items of manufacture.


   The Examiner has referred... to the English decision of Lips'


   Application (1959) R.P.C. 35 and the Commissioner's Decision

reported at C.P.O.R. 5 October, 1976... both... pertain to the

issue of novelty and provide no holdings in respect of the issue

of statutory subject matter....


   Likewise, the Commissioner's Decision reported at C.P.O.R. 5


   October, 1976 upheld an Examiner's refusal of a claim for a spray

nozzle produced according to a specific set of equations not

because it was found to lack proper subject matter but because it

was not novel over the prior art....


   A case... similar to that under consideration here is the


   Commissioner's Decision reported at C.P.O.R. 13 June, 1978. The

claim in that case was for a nozzle device structurally defined

in terms of two equations. The Commissioner held that the claim

pertained to proper subject matter falling within the scope of


   Section 2 of the Patent Act stating the following at page xxii of

the report:


      "What we are really concerned with is whether or not the

      novelty lies solely in the performance of certain

      judgmental steps.... In this instance, the simplest way

      to describe the contours is by formulae, and we can see no

      valid reason to object.... the formula is but another way

      of describing the dimensions of a structure, and its

      physical form. New machines and apparatuses have always

      been patentable if they involve inventive ingenuity, are

      useful and are clearly defined in the claim."


   Referring to claim 2 of this application, it is for a charcoal

briquet having certain physical parameters as defined in the

claim. Like the nozzle device... at C.P.O.R, 13 June, 1978, the

briquet claimed is structurally defined, in part, by an

equation.... this equation is simply a useful means of describing

the structure of the briquet -- just as the equations considered

in the said Commissioner's Decision were used to describe the

structure of the nozzle device. The same is true of claims 3-5

and 11-12 each of which are defined in terms of an equation

relating to physical parameters or, more narrowly, specific

dimensions and shape of the briquet.... the Commissioner should

reverse the Examiner's objection to these claims on the ground of

non-statutory subject matter. (The Commissioner may prefer that

these claims be amended so as to define the various symbols

recited in the claims (e.g., " V", "d" and "A" appearing in claim

1). The applicant is agreeable to submitting such amendments if

the Commissioner wishes....


... claims 1 and 13 of this application... are directed to

statutory subject matter notwithstanding that they are broader in

scope than the remaining product claims. Neither of these claims

pertains solely to a judgmental step.... the briquet designed by

these claims must provide an ignition phase "defined as a

selected percent ash on the outer surface of the briquet formed

in a preselected time".  This is a physical characteristic and

such brings the claim into a statutory subject matter class,

viz., items of manufacture.


(2) Novelty


...the applicant has indeed provided a new briquet selected from

the myriad of possible configurations.... The selected (claimed)

briquets provide superior burning characteristics over those

already known classes of briquets and, therefore, are novel over

the prior art.... From the (Susan M. Peters) affidavit, it will

be seen that the inventor, a person who is well skilled in the

relevant art, is not herself aware of any known briquets which

meet the criteria of the briquets claimed in this

application.... In the absence of evidence to the contrary, it

should be concluded that the subject matter which the applicant

claims is novel....


...although U.K. Patent No. 392,015 shows a roughly pillow-shaped

briquet, the briquets disclosed in that patent neither meet the

criteria nor possess the qualities required by the present

invention. For example, the volume-to-surface area ratio of

0.473 centimeters which is preferred in the present application

is not met by the briquets shown in the British patent. The

objectives of each of the cited patents are very different from

those of the subject invention and the qualities associated with

the results obtained by the briquets of the cited patents are

unlike those of the subject invention. The geometric

relationships of the briquets disclosed in the cited U.S. patent

are not at all comparable to the briquets of the subject

application. Nor are those disclosed in the cited U.K. patent.

The U.S. patent does not refer to any limiting dimensions except

that it is contended in the patent that the angle between side

6-6 and side 7-7 as shown in Figure 4 must be Likewise, the

briquets shown in the cited British patent are long

elipsoidal-type heavy briquets weighing from about 250 to 1,500

grams. The briquets of neither the cited U.S. patent nor British

patent can hope to meet the ignition and burn time requirements

satisfied by the briquets claimed in this application. Grossly

similar briquet shapes will not provide the performance benefits

by the claimed briquets.

(3) Unobviousness


 ...the applicant traverses the Examiner's statements. With

 respect to the first, it is accurate only to the extent that the

 properties and characteristics of the object so changed are not

 altered in an unobvious manner as a result of changing the size

 or proportion of the object... of the myriad of possible

 configurations, the applicant has selected a defined

 configuration which possesses qualities peculiar to the defined

 group which were not present in prior briquets. Charcoal

 briquets which do not meet the specific limitations of the claims

 of this application provide poorer burning characteristics.


 With reference to the second , would not be expected of one

 ordinarily skilled in the art to arrive at the result which has

 been concluded by the inventor.... it is not obvious to one

 skilled in the art that ignition time and half-life time depend,

 not only on the density of the material used, but also on the

 surface area and volume of the briquet and the specifics of such

 dependence are even less obvious... the work done by the inventor

 required a degree of ingenuity which cannot be expected to be

 found in the ordinary work of the ordinary skilled technician.




 The test which must be decided when addressing the issue of

 unobviousness is the well known "Cripps test"... widely approved

 by the Canadian courts. (For example, this test was recently

 approved by the Federal Court of Appeal in the case Windsurfing

 International Inc. v. Bic Sports Inc. (1985) 8 C.P.R. (3d) 241.)

 That is:  Would an unimaginative skilled technician at the date

 of the invention in light of his general knowledge and the

 literature and information on the subject available to him on

 that date have been lead directly and without difficulty to the

 subject matter claimed.... As a result of two recent Federal

 Court of Appeal decisions (namely, Windsurfing International

 Inc. v. Bic Sports Inc. supra. and Beloit v. Valmet (1986)

 8 C.P.R. (3d) 289), it is clear that the present law in Canada

 does not require any more than a scintilla of inventiveness... in

 the case of Beloit v. Valmet, the Federal Court of Appeal held

 that the trial judge applied too high a test on the issue of

 unobviousness and emphasized that the "unimaginative skilled

 technician" to be considered is not an inventor but rather "a

 technician skilled in the art but having no scintilla of

 inventiveness or imagination".... It is improper to say that a

 result will naturally follow from many experiments when the

 planning and carrying through of those experiments would not

 themselves be ordinarily conducted by the notionally

 unimaginative skilled technician.... cannot properly be concluded that the subject matter

 claimed by the applicant is "very plain" from the cited art.

 (See, for example, the recent Federal Court decision in Sandvik

 AB v. Windsor Machine Co. Ltd. et al. (1986) 8 C.P.R. (3d 433 in

 which it was held that something which is obvious is "very



 METHOD CLAIMS (Claims 6 to 9):


 (1) Non-Statutory Subject Matter (Sections 2, 28(3) is agreed that mental steps per se cannot be claimed, as

 was attempted in the Schlumberger case referred to by the

 Examiner, but instead must be directed to some physical

 result.... the steps of the process claimed in this application

 do result in a physical end-product (viz., a charcoal briquet).

...while the steps of this method involve the making of some

derivations... these steps preface the physical step of producing

a briquet having the selected briquet shape and dimensions such

that, as a whole, the method claimed is a physical process. It

is conceded by the applicant that claim 6 does not, as it is now

written, explicitly include a production step but the applicant

is agreeable to entering the same if the Commissioner so





...In Shell Oil Co. v. Commissioner of Patents 67 C.P.R. (2d) 1,

the term "art" was stated by the Supreme Court to mean learning

or knowledge as used in the expression "state" of the art" that

is, something which adds to the cumulative wisdom in a field

whereby a desired result is effected having commercial value. In

the case of the subject application, the precisely defined method

of producing an efficient and novel briquet is of great

commercial value and certainly adds to the cumulative wisdom on

the subject.


(2) Novelty


...the applicant has... provided a new method of manufacture in

that the method claimed produces a new article of manufacture,

viz. a new briquet. Neither of the two references... discloses a

method of constructing a fuel briquet according to the method

claimed in this application. Nor do (they) disclose a briquet

which would be the result of the method claimed in this



(3) Unobviousness


...neither... patent cited... teaches or even suggests the method

claimed in this application for constructing a fuel briquet....

the above comments made on the issue of unobviousness with

respect to the briquet claims are equally applicable here.


The issue before the Board is whether or not the application and claims are

patentable under Sections 2 and 27(3) of the Patent Act, and whether or not

the application and claims 1 to 13 lack inventiveness in view of the cited

art. Claim 1 reads:


A charcoal briquet having a geometry configured to produce a

selected burn performance including a first ignition phase and a

second, burn phase, said briquet being configured to provide an

ignition phase defined as a selected percent of visual ash on the

outer surface of the briquet formed in a preselected time.


The Board uses the section numbering of the Patent Act in force on December

12, 1988, whereas the Final Action and the Applicant's response use that

in effect before that date.


At the Hearing, Ms. Cassan stressed the invention lies in the recognition

that the ignition and burn phases of a briquet can be controlled by

predetermined geometrical parameters that provide a percentage of visual

ash. She added that the above parameters produce the percentage visual ash

regardless of the type of material used in the briquet, and pointed out

these parameters produce unexpected results.


Referring to the cited art, Ms. Cassan noted that neither of the patents

deal with burn characteristics. She highlighted the United States patent

as it relates to strength and durability of the molded shape and to the

contour of the shape for providing easier removal from a mold. She

understood the invention of the briquet of the United Kingdom patent is in

providing it with strength for transportation. In view of the cited

references, she argued there was no basis why the article and method were

not new.


Ms. Cassan noted that the inventor, Susan M. Peters, states in her

affidavit she was not aware of any configuration in the marketplace

conforming to the geometric design criteria that provides the preselected

percent of visual ash as does her briquet. The inventor points to the

parameters of surface area, volume and density, she believes achieve the

ignition phase of the invention. The inventor says it is not obvious to

use geometric relationships to obtain the briquets of this invention.

Further, the inventor points out the formulae are not known or used by

persons skilled in the art. Additionally, the inventor says that the two

equations, she developed, namely,


% Visual ash (20 min.) = -207 (V/A x d) + 163



   T.5(min.) = 3.3 (V/d) -9.8

represent respectively, the desired visual ash within 20 minutes formula,

and the half-life formula, and that together they provide the advantageous

ignition and burn characteristics. The inventor says these characteristics

will be attained regardless of the kind of fuel material used to form the

briquet. She emphasizes in her example using a flat sheet of paper, then

crumpling it or rolling it, that the relationship of density, volume and

surface area must be considered together, as she notes that varying the

thickness does not by itself provide a desired ignition phase.


Ms. Cassan discussed the relevance of the Commissioner's Decisions

published in the Patent Office Record, in re Polnauer on October 5, 1976,

and in re Glenn on June 13, 1978. In re Polnauer, she believes the

Decision to refuse was taken on the basis there was no new structure

obtained by using the disclosed formulae, and that there was no alteration

of the nozzle under review. In re Glenn, she argues the Decision to allow

the application was due to the nozzle being a different item of manufacture

from what previously existed. She compares her client's invention to that

in re Glenn, namely the inventor's briquet structure is different from what

was previously made, in that no prior briquet has been made that provides

the selected percent of visual ash and the selected burn performance that

the Applicant's briquet does.


While it may be that a person skilled in the art could derive formulae and

choose the dimensions to produce the particular briquet characteristics

that the inventor discloses, the Board cannot overlook the inventor's

affidavit explaining her work in developing formulae that were not

previously known, for the particular purpose of obtaining a form of briquet

with special ignition and burn phases that were not previously considered.

Further, the inventor explains that the features she includes in her

briquets are not present in the cited art briquets. In determining whether

the inventor's subject matter is acceptable under Section 2 of the Patent

Act, the following passage from the Commissioner's Decision in re Glenn

provides guidance:


What we are really concerned with is whether or not the novelty

lies solely in the performance of certain judgmental steps.

The ambits of the nozzle are defined by formulae which in fact

describe the structure of the nozzles. All nozzles coming

within the limits of the formulae perform in the manner

desired. Anyone wishing to practice this invention need not

exercise a judgmental step to determine what type of nozzle to

construct. He merely makes a nozzle coming within the metes of

the claim. Whether the shape of the nozzle is described by a

formula or in words is immaterial. In both cases what is

claimed is a specific structure. In this instance the simplest

way to describe the contours is by formulae and we can see no

valid reason to object. We are satisfied an the facts before

us that there is no judgmental step involved in exercising the

invention of claim 1. In the present case the formula is but

another way of describing the dimensions of a structure, and

its physical form. New machines and  apparatuses have always

been patentable if they involve inventive ingenuity are

useful, and are clearly defined in that claim.


The Board considers the application is directed to a useful field of

endeavor, namely the method of forming a briquet, and to a useful article

by presenting formulae which in the present case is another way of

presenting subject matter acceptable under Section 2 of the Patent Act.

Having so determined, the refusal under Section 27(3) of the Patent Act is

without force, and the Board considers this refusal should he withdrawn.


Discussion of the sufficiency of the claims ensued at the Hearing. The

examining staff viewed claim 1 for example to be deficient for failing to

present any clear definition over the pillow shape briquets in the cited

art. It was felt claim 1 did not define the invention distinctly but only

in terms of the desired results. In her view, Ms. Cassan felt there were

no judgmental steps claimed per se, and that the steps recited produce a

specific briquet.


In reviewing the allowability of the claims in light of the cited art, it

is useful to consider the substance of the claims. In assessing clam 1

certain comments from in re Glenn and from Ms. Peters' affidavit bear

scrutiny. In re Glenn it is said that a formula is but another way of

stating structural dimensions, and that machines and apparatuses

demonstrating inventive ingenuity and usefulness may be patentable if

clearly defined. Ms. Peters says she developed the two equations to

obtain a briquet having predetermined geometric relationships that enable

an ignition phase having a selected percent of visual ash within a selected

time followed by a burn phase with a selected half life. Although claim 1

calls for a briquet having a geometry to produce ignition and burn phases

due to the briquet's configuration, there is no definition of any means

that provide the geometric relationships.


Claim 2 depends on claim 1 and only one formula is defined, and as noted at

the Hearing the expression, (V.d/A + 163) is incorrect. Claim 3 is

dependent on claim 2 and although setting out a formula pertaining to the

half-life, it is not clear how it relates to any of the terms in claims 1

and 2. It is noted the terms in the formulae in claims 2 and 3 have not

been identified. Claim 4 depends on claim 2 and presents a specific ratio

but does not define the units. Claim 5 depends on claim 4, and although

the information in claim 5 is clear, clarification of claim 4 is needed

before claim 5 can be properly assessed. No clear definition of the

invention disclosed is found by the Board in any of claims 1 to 5.


At the Hearing Ms. Cassan presented a proposal for wording of claim 6,

noting it was for discussion purposes only and not to be viewed as an

amendment. The Board considers no clearly acceptable passages were

identified during the discussion, and that no further comments are in

order until such time as that claim may become part of the prosecution.


In claim 6 on record, the steps of deriving an equation and choosing

briquet dimensions do not clearly define the conditions set out by the

formulae included in the disclosure and discussed at the Hearing. The

method of claim 7 is similarly deficient with respect to the formulae.


In method claim 8 there is a definition of part of the formula expressed in

claim 2. More than this part is needed however to complete the definition

of the briquet, and claim 8 is deficient. Claim 9 depends on claim 8 and

expresses a different result for the product of volume and

density from that given in claim 5. However, this product of volume and

density does not advance the definition of the invention in that it

represents only a part of the equation relating to visual ash and does not

complete the formulae disclosed. Claims 10, 11 and 12 relate to height and

side dimensions, and fail to set out all the features of the invention.

Claim 13 depends on claim 1, and in setting out only a certain percentage

of visual ash, it fails to define clearly all the features. Claims 6 to 13

of record, in the Board's opinion are deficient with respect to a clear

definition of the formulae.


The briquets shown by the cited art all obtain an ignition phase and a burn

phase as a result of their geometric configuration. The briquets obtained

by the Applicant's claims define no characteristics that are discernible

over the cited references. It may be the cited art briquets do not have

the same characteristics that are disclosed by the Applicant, nonetheless

they provide ignition and burn phases according to their geometry. The

particular features of volume, area, and density described by the Applicant

are not reflected in the claims. Accordingly, the Board finds claims 1 to

13 do not define clearly over the cited art.


The Board recommends withdrawal of the refusal of the application for

failing to set forth patentable subject matter under Section 2 and Section

27(3) of the Patent Act. The Board recommends however that the refusal of

the claims be affirmed for failing to define any inventive features in view

of the cited art.


M.G. Brown

Acting Chairman

Patent Appeal Board


I have reviewed the prosecution of this application. I concur with the

findings and the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly,

I withdraw the refusal of the application, and I refuse to grant a patent

containing claims 1 to 13. The Applicant has six months within which to

appeal my decision to the Federal Court of Canada, under Section 42 of the

Patent Act.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


dated at Hull, Quebec

this 17 day of May 1989.


Barrigar & Oyen

Suite 700, The National Bldg.

130 Slater Street

Ottawa, Ontario

K1P 6E2

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.