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Sections 2, 28(3)


The method of filtering multiple reflections from seismograms

were held to be in a useful art and to be more than mere

calculations. Rejection withdrawn.


This decision deals with Applicant's request for review by the Commissioner

of Patents of the Final Action of application 385,965 (Class 349-16) filed

September 15, 1981. Assigned to Mobil Oil Corporation, it is entitled F-K


W.H. Ruehle. The Examiner in charge issued a Final Action on November 25,

1983, refusing to allow the application. By letter dated March 25, 1988,

the Applicant withdrew his request for a hearing.


The invention relates to a system, shown in figure 1 below, for obtaining a

seismic section from sets of common depth point (CDP) seismic reflections

which are plotted as per distance (X) and time (T) in arrays (X-T), and

more particularly for enhancing the primary reflections and suppressing the

distortion caused by multiple reflections in the X-T arrays.


      (See formula I)              


A correction is made at 18 to align the multiple reflections in the CDP

sets 11, followed by stacking the corrected set 22 to obtain an estimate of

multiple reflections. The reverse of the correction 18 is performed to

obtain a time variant time shift 26 of the multiple reflections of the CDP

set, after which that set is transformed 30, 30A, into real and imaginary

portions and then into a frequency and Wave number array (f-k). This array

is inverted 31, to be inversely proportional to the amplitude of the

multiple reflections. The seismic section itself is divided into real and

imaginary parts by the (f-k) transforms 34, 35 whereby the seismic section

is converted into an array S(f-k) of real and imaginary parts by the real

(f-k) transform 34, and the imaginary (f-k) transform 35. The real parts

from 30 and 34 proceed to filter 32, the imaginary parts from 30A and 35

proceed too filter 33. In filters 32, 33, each sample of the S(f-k) arrays

is weighted by a factor inversely proportional to the amplitude of the

corresponding sample in the (f-k) transform of the multiple reflections in

order to suppress multiple reflections. Conversion of the filtered (f-k)

array to a normal X-T array then occurs at 36 and results in a suppression

of the multiple reflections.


In the Final Action, the Examiner said, in part, as follows:




In the Schlumberger case the process involved the

transformation of seismic signals representative of well

logging data into more useful data indicative of earth

formation characteristics. The discovery of relating

seismic data by mathematical transformation to the physical

result of formation characteristics was not held



The issue in the present case is similar to the

Schlumberger case whereby a series of mathematical

transformations on a seismogram produces a more useful

seismogram. Such discoveries are clearly not patentable in

accordance with Schlumberger. The Re Johnson et al case

referred to by Applicant is not Canadian Law.


Office guidelines 2 and 3 (P.O.R., August 1, 1978, p. 26)

read as follows:


2. Claims to a new method of programming a computer are

not patentable.


3. Claims to a computer programmed in a novel manner,

expressed in any and all modes, where novelty lies

solely in the program or algorithm, are not directed to

patentable subject matter under Section 2 of the Patent



The present discovery of effecting a series of steps on a

seismogram in order to convert it into a filtered

seismogram providing a more useful seismic section is one

of calculations or programming as referred to in the above

guidelines. Since no novel structural apparatus has been

disclosed this discovery is not patentable.




The Applicant argued the merits of his case on the basis of the guidance

provided by several Court cases, amongst them, Schlumberger v. The

Commissioner of Patents 56 C.P.R. (2d) 204, and In re Johnson, Parrack and

Lundsford (1978) 200 USPQ 199.


In discussing the Schlumberger case, the Applicant refers to certain

passages therefrom as follows:


What is new here is the discovery of the various

calculations to be made and of the mathematical formulae to

be used in making these calculations. If those

calculations were not to be effected by the computers, but

by men, the subject matter of the application would clearly

be mathematical formulae and a series of purely mental

operations; as such, in my view, it would not be





What the appellant claims as an invention here is merely

the discovery that by making certain calculations according

to certain formulae, useful information could be extracted

from certain measurements. This is not, in my view, an

invention within the meaning of Section 2.


The Applicant assesses the In re Johnson case in the following terms, in

part, as follows:


... The invention, for which applicants had sought a

patent, involved methods for removing undesired seismic

signals or noise components from recorded seismic data.

The removal of noise facilitated interpretation of the

seismic data and thereby assisted in the determination of

subterranean structure.


The Court unequivocally stated that, after the decision in

Flook (Parker v. Flook (1978) 198 USPQ 1983), a conclusion

that patent protection is proscribed for all inventions

"algorithmic in character" is overbroad and erroneous. The

Court began its analysis by determining whether the method

claims recited methods of calculating, as were present in

Flook. The Court found two important factual distinctions

between the claims at issue and the claims in Flook.

Unlike the applicant in Flook, the applicants in the

instant appeals (sic) alleged no novel mathematical

formula. Furthermore, the products produced by the

applicants' (sic) claimed process were new, noiseless

seismic traces recorded on a record medium, and not mere

mathematical values. The significant limitations, recited

in the claims, of operating on a recorded, unenhanced

seismic trace led the Court to find that the claims recited

statutory processes and not methods of calculation, under

the Flook criterion.


The Court then went on to consider whether the claims

merely recited mathematical algorithms in a non-statutory

manner, applying the Freeman (in re Freeman (1978) 197 USPQ

464) test to conduct the Benson (409 U.S. 63, 175 USPQ 673

(1972)) inquiry. The Court found that the claims as a

whole, including all of its steps, did not merely recite a

mathematical formula or a method of calculation. Careful

interpretation of each claim in the light of the supporting

disclosure was held to be necessary to determine whether

the claim merely defined a method of solving a mathematical

problem; if not, then the claim defined a process, which is

statutory subject matter.




The Applicant explains that his method relates to conversion of a seismic

trace into a more useful version, noting as follows, in part:




... The applicant in this application does not merely

claim as an invention the discovery that by making certain

calculations according to certain formulae, useful

information could be extracted from certain measurements,

as was the case in Schlumberger. Rather, the instant

application discloses the production of a new result, i.e.

a new enhanced seismogram, by the method of the invention.


       It is submitted that seismograms are physical apparitions

       and that the operations upon them are physical steps. It

       is submitted that the possible expression of the physical

       apparitions in mathematical terms is irrelevant.




       The issue before the Board is whether or not the application and the claims

       present statutory subject matter in view of Sections 2 and 28(3) of the

       Patent Act. Claim 1 reads:


       A method of filtering multiple reflections from seismograms

       representing the earth's formations comprising:


            (a) generating first seismograms representing the amplitude

       of seismic primary and multiple reflections as a

       function of time and distance along a line of



            (b) transforming said first seismograms into an f-k array

       of first real and first imaginary parts representing

       amplitude as a function of frequency and wave number;


            (c) normal moveout correcting said first seismograms with

       the apparent velocity of said multiple reflections to

       align said multiple reflections;


            (d) stacking said normal moveout corrected first

       seismograms having aligned multiple reflections,


            (e) inverse normal moveout correcting said stacked first

       seismograms to produce second seismograms representing

       multiple reflections,


            (f) transforming said second seismograms with aligned

       multiple reflections into an f-k array of second real

       and second imaginary parts,


            (g) determining the inverse of said second real and second

       imaginary parts of the f-k array of said second



            (h) filtering said first real part of the f-k array of said

       first seismograms by weighting all samples of said

       first real part with corresponding samples of the

       inverse of said second real part of the f-k array of

       said second seismograms,


            (i) filtering said first imaginary part of the f-k array of

       said first seismograms by weighting all samples of said

       first imaginary part with corresponding samples of the

       inverse of said second imaginary part of the f-k array

       of said second seismograms, and


            (j) transforming said filtered first real and first

       imaginary parts into third seismograms representing an

       enhanced representation of the earth's formation with

       suppressed multiple reflections as a function of time

       and distance along said line of exploration.


Both the Examiner and the Applicant have isolated the nature of the

invention, namely, the conversion of a seismogram. The Examiner holds the

conversion amounts to no more than calculations. The Applicant has pointed

out that his invention pertains to work that is done on seismograms whereby

an undesired characteristic previously caused by multiple reflections is

suppressed. The Applicant has explained how the various steps of his

method have produced an enhanced seismogram by removing undesired signals.

He has discussed that whereas in Schlumberger the discovery related to

making certain calculations for extracting certain measurements, the

Applicant's system of conversion of seismic traces to remove undesirable

characteristics presents more than mere calculations, in that the

Applicant's system improves upon the physical steps in producing a more

useful seismogram.


The Examiner has refused the application and the claims in view of Section

28(3) of the Act which reads:


No patent shall issue for an invention that has an illicit

object in view, or for any mere scientific principle or

abstract theorem.


We see that mathematical calculations may be part of the Applicant's system

in that the seismic reflections are stored as an array of samples in a

digital computer, and that Fourier transforms convert the array into

amplitude and a function of frequency and wave number. We observe however,

that the steps of the method work on the seismograms whereby the multiple

reflections are suppressed. It is our opinion these steps bring another

dimension to the kind of invention that the Applicant has presented. We

regard the invention as pertaining to a useful system of filtering multiple

reflections from seismograms, and as such we believe that more than

calculations are involved. We are satisfied the nature of the Applicant's

invention removes it from any of the categories identified in Section

28(3), and hence from being solely algorithmic.


Having so stated that the Applicant's system is useful and does not relate

solely to calculations or algorithms, it is our further view that the

method as described and claimed by the Applicant lies in the field of a

useful art and is permissible under Section 2 of the Patent Act, which

defines invention as follows:


"invention" means any new and useful art, process, machine,

manufacture or composition of matter, or any new and useful

improvement in any art, process, machine, manufacture or

composition of matter.


We recommend therefore, that the rejection of the application and claims

for lack of statutory subject matter under Section 28(3) and Section 2 of

the Patent Act, be withdrawn.


M.G. Brown                          S.D. Kot

Acting Chairman                     Member

Patent Appeal Board


I have reviewed the prosecution of this application. I concur with the

findings and the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly,

I withdraw the refusal of the application air3 the claims, and I remand the

application to the Examiner for prosecution consistent with the



J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 19 th day of September 1988


Gowling & Henderson

Box 466, Terminal A

Ottawa, Ontario

K1N 8S3

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.