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                     Commissioner's Decision


Computer Related, Section 2, Obviousness


The system of obtaining signals having different angles of

reflectivity by apparatus which provides impulses from

equidistant multiple point offsets is acceptable subject

matter under Section 2. The claims did not define the

apparatus over the cited art. Rejection under Section 2

withdrawn. Claims refused. Rejection modified.


This decision deals with Applicant's request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Final Action on application 294,139 (Class 349-20) assigned to



The Examiner in charge issued a Final Action on December 24, 1981, refusing to

allow the application. A Hearing was held on October 22, 1986, at which

Applicant vas represented by his Patent Agent Mr. D. Cameron.


This application relates to a seismic method of obtaining for a subsurface

point a series of acoustic signals having different angles of reflectivity, as

shows in the drawing below. A common depth point, CDP, is selected and its

surface vertical point Z located. Arranged in line on respective sides of

point Z are the series of equidistant surface shot points, for example, SP1 to

SP5, and the series of geophones G1 to G5 of the same equidistant surface

spacing as the shot points. The shot from SP1 is received by G1, the shot from

SP2 by G2, etc. The successive angling of the shots into the geological makeup

of the same CDP, as in the sketch below, obtains different horizontal

components of the signals received therefrom.


                          (See formula 1)


The method then displays for each CDP its multiple seismic reflection signals

on a side by side basis as a function of the progressively changing horizontal

values. By observing the horizontal increase in the values for a plurality of

adjacent subsurface points, an improved understanding of the gas content in a

surveyed area is obtained. Part of figure 13a is reproduced below. The

increase from right to left in the peaks of the signals, as shown at the mid

point of the values of the signals for the two shot points shown, is said to

indicate the presence of gas in a strata.


                           (See formula 1)


In the Final Action, the Examiner refused the claims and the application in

view of the following references:


United States Patents

3,354,985                 Nov. 28, 1967              Sparks

3,381,266                 Apr. 30, 1968              Harris



"Seismic Signal Processing" by Wood et al, Proc IEEE, Vol. 63, No. 4, April

1975, pp. 649-661.


The Examiner assessed the references as follows:


Sparks teaches a seismic prospecting method of locating a

suspected fault.


Harris describes a method of stacking Seismic traces having

common offset distances.


The publication provides a review on data signal processing

of seismic survey data.


The Examiner, is making a further rejection of the claims and the application

in view of Section 2 of the Patent Act, said, in part, as follows:


Section 28(3) of the Patent Act prohibits a patent for any

mere scientific principle or abstract theorem. The process

defined in the claims consists of calculations to manipulate

seismic generated data to obtain more meaningful data. If

the calculations were not by a computer, they would clearly

consist of mental operations in solving mathematical

formulae which can be characterized as a mere scientific

principle or abstract theorem.


To determine if the defined process is statutory subject

matter within the meaning of Section 2 of the patent Act, we

turn to the Patent Office guideline and the jurisprudence.

The criteria on patentability of programmable inventions,

commonly called computer programs, were published in the

CPOR on August 1, 1978 and were later adopted by the

Commissioner of Patents.


The same criteria were also set forth in Commissioner's

Decision no. 441 which was considered in Schlumberger v.

Commissioner of Patents (F.C.A. June 15, 1981). That case

was directed to a method of processing well logging data to

produce output parameters representative of geological

formation characteristics. The court found that the claims

define the discovery that by making certain calculations

according to certain formulae, useful information could be

extracted from certain measurements. The court stated that

if calculations are not mental operations but purely

mechanical ones that constitute the various steps in the

process then the use of computers to perform the

calculations would have the effect of transforming into

patentable subject matter what would, otherwise, clearly not

be patentable. A computer used to implement a discovery

does therefore, not change the nature of a discovery. The

process was held not to be an invention within the meaning

of Section 2.


The Applicant argues that his claims and application are allowable over the

cited art, and in view of Section 2, saying in part, as follows:




Wood et al ... state as to whether or not obliqueness in the

incident wave is of importance, as follows:


"Appropriate equations for oblique incidence are much

more complicated [28], because mode conversion must be

taken into account. Nevertheless, normal incidence

coefficients are very useful and quite accurate for

stacked traces in areas having simple geological

structures." (Emphasis added)


Hence, in effect, the Wood et al reference teaches away from

Appellant's invention in that it suggests that the appropri-

ate equations can be solved using normal reflection coeffi-

cients since such coefficients are "very useful and quite

accurate" in predicting the presence of gaseous hydro-

carbons, and equations for oblique incidence "are much more

complicated because mode conversion must be taken into



Furthermore, the authors state that amplitude anomalies of

seismic records can also be misinterpreted so that care must

be taken in their use in predicting the presence of gas in

specific stratigraphic areas.



 Harris relates to a method of gathering and displaying seis-

 mic data to enhance normal moveout estimation and to identi-

 fy primary and multiple reflections. The key: stacking

 traces with a common offset, i.e., combining traces that lie

 along a common horizontal line in the diagrams of FIGS. 2

 and 3. But note in Harris there is no teaching of

 de-stacking of common GATHERS of data followed by the dis-

 play of the de-stacked data as a function of "common

 centerpoint" location to indicate the presence of events

 associated with gas-bearing strata, as described in claims

 1-12 of record.


. . .


 Sparks relates to a seismic prospecting method for locating

 a suspected fault based upon "critical angle" exploration

 techniques. Key to operations: each stratification of the

 subsurface has a characteristic critical angle of reflection

 and critical distance determinable by well-known methods.

 But where such data abruptly change, the reflecting sub-

 surface can be interpreted as being a fault zone. Hence, by

 plotting "critical" amplitude response as a function of

 horizontal distance as the array moves toward and through

 the fault zone, the latter can be made to stand-out on the

 resulting record. . . .


 But note in Sparks there is no teaching of display of common

 gathers of data of conventional CDP collection techniques

 (which are below critical angles) followed by the display of

 such data as a function of common centerpoint location to

 indicate the presence of gas-bearing strata. . . .


 (There's a reason why Sparks only displays maximum response

 values in his display of FIG. 1B. Beyond the critical

 angle, the phase of the received wave changes in non-

 hyperbolic fashion. Consequently, even in areas associated

 with gas sands, Sparks' method would not yield the results

 specified in the instant claims, that is to say, the

 responses associated with the common centerpoints of Sparks

 would not progressively change as a function of horizontal

 offset even if Sparks had displayed all signals. This is

 because the "critical angle" responses of Sparks would

 effectively interact with any responses due to gas sands in

 an unknown non-hyperbolic manner that would essentially

 destroy amplitude response.)




 Appellant's traces are merely collected in the field using

 conventional CDP collection methods. From that time-frame

 through to the end of the last step of Appellant's method,

 the collected traces are not mathematically treated or en-

 hanced in any manner. What is done is the traces are

 rearranged (re-formatted) and then displayed in a new

 arrangement as set forth in Appellant's Claims 1-12, of



 (That is to say, if the amplitude of the event of interest

 progressively changes with offset IN THE DISPLAYED TRACES,

 then more likely than not the subsurface reflectors of the

 seismic energy were gas sands.)


 The issue before the Board is whether or not the claims and the application are

 acceptable in view of Section 2 of the Patent Act, and whether or not they are

 obvious in view of the cited art. Claim 1 reads:


A method for increasing resolution of high-intensity ampli-

tude events in seismic records in order to associate such

events with gas-bearing strata is the earth, comprising the

steps of:

(a) generating seismic data, including a record of sig-

nals from acoustic discontinuities associated with said

strata of interest by positioning and employing an array of

sources and detectors such that centerpoints between

selected pairs of sources and detectors form a series of

centerpoints along a line of survey, said recorded signals

being the output of said detectors;


(b) by means of automated processing means, statically

and dynamically correcting said recorded signals to form

corrected traces whereby each of said corrected traces is

associated with a centerpoint horizontally midway between a

source-detector pair from which said each corrected trace

was originally derived;


(c) by means of automated processing means, indexing said

corrected traces in two dimensions whereby each of said

corrected traces is identified in its relationship to

neighboring traces on the basis of progressive changes in

horizontal offset value versus progressive changes in common

centerpoint location.


(d) displaying a series of said traces of step (c) on a

side-by-aide basis as a function of progressively changing

horizontal offset values, said displayed traces all being

associated with at least the same general common group of



(e) identifying progressive change in a high-density

amplitude event from trace to trace of said displayed traces

as a function of progressive change in horizontal offset

value whereby more likely than not said event relates to

reflections from acoustic impedances associated with strata

containing gaseous hydrocarbons.


At the Hearing, Mr. Cameron explained that the common depth point analysis, in

use prior to Applicant's invention, gathered signals together in a summing

step, and presented them on a graph where they appeared as spots. He says the

more pronounced spots, known as bright spots indicated formations of interest

in the subsurface, and that there might be gas in such formations. He says

numerous dry holes drilled in such areas point to shortcomings in the previous

method. He describes Mr. Ostrander's method is, not to add the signals to-

gether, but instead to arrange them in a display so that the horizontal ampli-

tudes of the signals obtained are visible. Further, he emphasizes Mr.

Ostrander's method enables a more accurate prediction of gas in the substrata

if the horizontal amplitudes increase progressively in accordance with the

changing angles of reflectivity provided by the shot points spaced away from

the center point overlying the common depth point.


Mr. Cameron provided a comparison between the known manner of collecting data

with that developed by Mr. Ostrander. For example, by looking straight into a

non-glare glass surface, he noted there would not be much reflectivity. How-

ever, on moving sideways from the surface, and so changing the angle of

reflectivity, the surface acts more like a mirror and provides a clearer

reflection. He likened this to an optical phenomenon. He referred to

Mr. Ostrander's realization that, by providing multiple shot points and

receptors on each side of a strata point to obtain different angles of inci-

dence, a contrast could be obtained in the signals, and thereby an indication

whether the strata is gas containing. Part of Mr. Ostrander's technique makes

use of the knowledge of how signals react in gaseous material and in hard

material, for example a signal passing through a gaseous deposit will produce a

different value from a signal passing through hard material.


Mr. Cameron, in referring to the decision in Schlumberger Canada Ltd. v. The

Commissioner of Patents (1981) 56 C.P.R. 204, stressed that the Applicant is

not attempting to monopolize an arithmetic procedure to do calculations for

signal processing. He says Applicant is attempting to protect a method of de-

tecting subsurface gas deposits. We find direction in assessing Applicant's

invention in the following passages from Schlumberger:


In order to determine whether the application discloses a

patentable invention, it is first necessary to determine

what, according to the application, has been discovered,




I am of opinion that the fact that a computer is or should

be used to implement discovery does not change the nature of

that discovery. What the appellant claims as an invention

here is merely the discovery that by making certain calcula-

tions according to certain formulae, useful information

could be extracted from certain measurements. This is not,

in my view, an invention within the meaning of s. 2.


We are aware from the disclosure and from Mr. Cameron's explanation that the

signals from the shot points are subjected to certain calculations, such as are

the signals produced by the common depth point analysis referred to by him. We

learn from his explanation and from the description of how the apparatus is set

up to emit several offset signals for each point of interest in the strata,

that Applicant's features are the multiple point offset for each CDP and the

different angles of reflectivity. In our view they produce the results not

previously attainable by the methods of the cited art references.


We are satisfied therefore that the claims and the application are directed to

patentable subject matter under Section 2 of the Act.


In reviewing the claims, we do not find any definition of the step of providing

the multiple array of equidistant sources and detectors to obtain signals

having progressive angles of reflectivity for each CDP. Part (a) of claim 1

does not refer to the progression of angles for the signals needed to obtain

the horizontal values that Applicant contends provide the significant differ-

ence from the cited art. Part (a) merely calls for an array of sources and

detectors such that centerpoints between selected pairs of sources and de-

tectors form a series of centerpoints.  As noted in the arguments to the Final

Action and at the Hearing, the manner of progressively varying the angles of

reflectivity obtained from the equidistant offset shot points is part of the

method needed to produce the signals that provide the horizontal amplitudes.

In our view, part (a) of claim 1 does no more than recite what has been argued

as being known in the cited art to obtain the values for the bright spots

which, as Applicant points out, have not always indicated gas bearing strata.


Part (c) of claim 1 appears to rely on automated processing means to index and

correct signals to obtain the desired horizontal offset value. We do not see

that this part relates the necessary equidistant placement of multiple shot

points and receptors in terms that define over the arrays provided by the cited

references. We find claim 1 is indefinite and does not define over the cited

art .


None of the other claims, in our view, recite an arrangement of sources and

detectors that define the arrangement that Applicant argues is different from

the cited art. Therefore, all of the claims fail to define the step of

arranging Applicant's structure to obtain the various angles of incidence that

provide the reflection profiling containing indications of progressive

amplitude change.


We recommend that the rejection of the application for not containing

patentable subject matter be withdrawn. Concerning the refusal of the claims

for not defining the invention in view of the cited art, we recommend that the

rejection of the claims be maintained.


M.G. Brown                                 S.D. Kot

Acting Chairman                            Member

Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the findings and the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board.

Therefore, I affirm the refusal of claims 1 to 12 for not defining an invention

over the cited art, and I withdraw the rejection of the claims and the

application for being directed to non-statutory subject matter. Accordingly, I

refuse to grant a patent containing claims 1 to 12. The Applicant has sin

months within which to appeal my decision under the provisions of Section 44 of

the Patent Act.


J.H.A.  Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 10thday of June 1987


Sim & McBurney

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330 University Avenue

Toronto, Ontario

M5G 1R7

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.