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                Commissioner's Decision


Subject Matter, S.2 Correspondence Storage and Retrieval System


the system of abstracting, archiving, and retrieving documents relates

to more than mere calculations, and in the absence of pertinent art,

the application is directed to patentable subject matter.


Rejection withdrawn.


This decision deals with the Applicant's request for review by the Com-

missioner of Patents of the Final Action on application 363,345 (Class

354-120) filed October 27, 1980. It is assigned to International Business

Machines Corporation and is entitled OFFICE CORRESPONDENCE STORAGE AND

RETRIEVAL SYSTEM. The inventors are D. Glickman, J.T. Repass, W.S.

Rosenbaum, and J.G. Russell. The Examiner in charge issued a Final Action

on February 10, 1983 refusing to allow the application.


The application relates to a system for abstracting and archiving docu-

ments, and for retrieving them in response to text enquiries, and is shown

in figure 1 reproduced below:


                          (See formula 1)


   In the abstracting/archiving mode, the document text to be stored is re-

ceived at input register 16, and by directions received from instruction

memory 14 (in two way communication with processor 10) its text passes to

processor 10 for abstraction. Both dictionary memory 8 and main memory 12

are in two way communication with processor 10. Memory 8 contains nouns

and single purpose adjectives, but no numerics, acronyms, or proper names.

The words in the document are compared to those in memory 8, and those

found therein are coded differently from those not in the memory. After

coding they are accumulated to make up the abstract and are stored in a key

 word index file in memory 12. Any term in the index file is coded to show

its nature (noun, numeric, etc.) and how many times it occurs in the

document, and is given a weighting factor. The completed abstract is

transmitted to the index file for storage.


For retrieval, a query text is placed at register 16 and the text passes to

processor 10. The processor connects with memories 8 and 12 to get a docu-

ment text retrieval attinity evaluation. Any document text selected is

transmitted to the output register 18 for retrieval.


In rejecting the application in view of Section 2 of the Patent Act for not

being directed to statutory subject matter, the Examiner says, in part, as



   On page 2 paragraph 2 of the letter of December 8,

1982 applicant states that the invention is a method

which could be carried into practical effect by hard-

ware, programs, etc. However, this is not dis-

closed. Only programs are disclosed, and on page 21

the only alternatives suggested to the disclosure

programs are further programs "implemented in other

computer languages". Thus the disclosure does not

teach that the spirit of the invention can be imple-

mented by hardware. Hardware has not been disclosed

in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Patent Act

and page 21 of the disclosure does not indicate that

a hardware embodiment would be practical or could be

devised without the exercise of inventive ingenuity.


On page 2 paragraph 3 of the letter applicant states

that the phrase the "invention comprises a set of

instructions or programs" has been taken out of con-

text. The context of the phrase as found on page 6

is: "The preferred embodiment of the present inven-

tion comprises a set of instructions or programs for

controlling the document abstracting."  In the

following paragraph the applicant emphasises that the

instructions are part of a preferred embodiment. It

is noted that instructions and programs are the only

tools which have been disclosed to carry out the

invention. However, it is not agreed that applicant

has disclosed an alternative method using hardware.

Applicant states that the claims of record can in no

way be regarded as claiming a program. Applicant is

requested to apply the infringement test to the

claims. How would it be possible for the public to

use the programs disclosed without infringing the

claims? What practical and useful method are the

claims designed to claim a monopoly to if not the

method comprising the program disclosed or similar

programs in "other computer languages" as stated on

page 21.


...applications are not rejected out of hand because

they include formulas or mention the law of gravity

etc. They would only be rejected if they disclosed

nothing but a formula or scientific law. They are

not rejected if they also include inventive subject

matter. In the case of applications disclosing pro-

grams it is required that the programs be carried out

on novel apparatus or that the programs only be a

part of an otherwise statutory claimed method. (See

the Commissioner's Decision referred to in the report

of September 24, 1982.)


In response to the Final Action, the Applicant draws attention to the des-

cription of the invention on pages 2, 3 and 4, and reasons as follows, in





Initially, as a practical and incontrovertible fact,

the present invention does constitute an improvement

over earlier methods of handling documentation, af-

fording a system through which improved results can

be achieved without the direct involvement of high-

level, or highly informed personnel, and with a sub-

stantial reduction in extremely expensive computer



Secondly, it is very difficult to read the above sum-

mary of invention and, with any justification, state

that it merely defines an algorithm or computer pro-

gram, or any other such endeavour in the "fine"

arts. So far, there is nothing to indicate that the

Applicant's disclosure does not comply with the defi-

nition of invention in Section 2 of the Act, wherein

it is stated that:


"invention means any new and useful art,

process, machine, manufacture or composi-

tion of matter, or any new and useful

improvement in any art, process, machine,

manufacture or composition of matter;"


In addition to the foregoing, the Examiner has de-

cided that Section 36(1) of the Patent Act requires

the disclosure of hardware, and since a software

embodiment alone is disclosed, no statutory invention

could possibly have been disclosed.


With all due respect, such an assertion is deemed to

be baseless and completely devoid of even prima facie

justification, let alone any authoritative support.




...not only is there no specific requirement for

hardware under s.36(1), one can turn to well estab-

lished law to see that new or modified hardware is in

no way essential for a showing of invention in a new



For example, in Elton & Leda Chemical Ltd.'s Applica-

tion, (1957) R.P.C: 267, Lloyd-Jacobs J. stated:


"It has thus been appreciated that, al-

though an inventor may use no newly devised

mechanism, nor produce a new substance,

none the less he may, by providing some new

and useful effect, appropriate for himself

a patent monopoly in such improved result

by covering the mode or manner by means of

which his result is secured."


The Applicant herein complies precisely with the law

in claiming the mode (method of procedure) by means

of which the new and advantageous effect or result is

achieved in the field of document handling. The fact

that old or well-known apparatus may be employed has

nothing whatsoever to do with the invention actually



. . .


In the Applicant's disclosure, the routines and sub-

routines forming part of the computer program embodi-

ment are set out in various Tables. Table 1, for

example sets out a Document Abstraction Routine.


It takes little, if any investigation to realize that

the claim language is vastly different from the

Tables, and that such claims do not, in any way,

claim a computer program. The claims define "a

sequence of steps", as called for in Section 36(1),

such sequence being invented prior to the determina-

tion of whether hardware or software would be used to

carry the sequence into practical effect.


The Examiner continues to assert that the claims are

directed to a computer program and suggests the ap-

plication of the infringement test, asking how the

public could use the disclosed programs without

infringing the claims. This at least intimates that

the Examiner acknowledges some degree of difference

between the routines and the claims.


The Examiner apparently refuses to look at the conse-

quences of disallowing otherwise acceptable claims

merely because one can and does propose to use soft-

ware to carry out the claimed invention.


If the Applicant had provided a few flow charts and a

block schematic diagram for a logic circuit (saying

nothing about software), it is presumed that the

application would have been allowed, and, ostensibly,

the Applicant would have been granted a monopoly on

the procedural steps set out in the method claims.


Let us now apply the Examiner's infringement test in

the following scenario:


A member of the public reads those flow charts and,

without the need for any inventive ingenuity, deve-

lops an equivalent software program.


The approach adopted by the Examiner implicitly dic-

tates that the use of the program by that member of

the public could not constitute an infringement since

no-one can patent or pre-empt a computer program.

(If such use is considered to be an infringement,

then the patentee has pre-empted the program in any



Briefly, the Examiner would have the Government,

through the Commissioner of Patents, appear to vio-

late the exclusivity which it promises in its patent

legislation. Any method capable of being put into

use through computer software could, under the Exam-

iner's concepts, be acquired and used without liabil-

ity. Such a policy can scarcely be viewed as condu-

cive to inventors to make available their discoveries

to the public; and this, of course, is precisely the

Purpose for which the patent system was proposed and





Now let us again apply the Examiner's infringement

question. "How could the public avail itself of the

disclosed use of the natural principle without in-

fringing the claims."


The answer, of course, is that the public would have

no right, as is clearly directed by the courts. The

inventor, in return for his disclosure, is given a

limited monopoly.




It is respectfully submitted that acceptance of the

tenets espoused in the Diamond v. Diehr decision in

the U.S.A., which are in accord with the general

approach to non-statutory subject matter in our own

case law, would lead to a sound, practical and legal-

ly acceptable procedure.


The issue before the Board is whether or not the subject matter of the ap-

placation is patentable in view of Section 2 of the Patent Act. Claim 1



A method for abstracting, archiving and retrieving a

document in machine readable form comprising the

steps of:


(a) establishing a dictionary memory of preselected

first specialization terms;

(b) comparing the text of said document with the

terms in said dictionary memory;


(c) combining first specialization terms correspond-

ing to terms in said text with second specialization

terms, not entered in said dictionary memory, to form

an abstract of said document;


(d) storing each word of the said abstract in a word

index file;


retrieval of said documents being accomplished by:


(e) comparing retrieval query words with said word

index file and selecting those documents having ab-

stracts containing said query words.


In assessing the kind of subject matter presented by Applicant, we are

guided by the decision in Schlumberger Canada Ltd. v. The Commissioner of

Patents (1981) 56 C.P.R. (2d) at 204, and the following passages of

Pratte, J.:


In order to determine whether the application dis-

closes a patentable invention, it is first necessary

to determine what, according to the application, has

been discovered.




I am of the opinion that the fact a computer is or

should be used to implement discovery does not change

the nature of that discovery. What the appellant

claims as an invention here is merely the discovery

that by making certain calculations according to cer-

tain formulae, useful information could be extracted

from certain measurements. This is not, in my view,

an invention within the meaning of Section 2.


It is evident to us that the Applicant's system provides an arrangement of

components that permits the storage and retrieval of documents. In our

view, the system provides a useful end result in the field of document

handling, and is directed to more than merely performing certain calcula-

tions in order to extract information. We see that a combination of com-

ponents has been employed, including hardware and software elements, to

carry out the various steps in transferring the text of documents to a

storage area, and in retrieving texts in response to enquiries and making

the texts available. We find that the Applicant sufficiently sets forth a

system for document handling that is understandable to a person skilled in

the art, and that his application complies with Section 36(1) of the Patent

Act. Moreover, we are satisfied in view of Schlumberger, supra, that the

application presents patentable subject matter under Section 2 of the Act.


We see that the claims relate the steps to provide for abstracting, archiv-

ing, and retrieving document texts. In our opinion, they are directed to

the invention described in the application.


We find therefore that the application discloses and claims a system for

document storage and retrieval that pertains to more than merely performing

calculation steps to derive particular measurements. In the absence of any

cited art, we are satisfied the application is directed to patentable sub-

ject matter and may be allowable.


We recommend the withdrawal of the rejection of the application for being

directed to non-statutory subject matter.


M.G. Brown                                 S.D. Kot

Acting Chairman                            Member

Patent Appeal Board


I have reviewed the prosecution of the application. I concur with the

findings and recommendation of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly I

withdraw the Final Action, and I am remanding the application to the

Examiner for prosecution consistent with the recommendation.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 29 day of June 1987


Alexander Kerr

IBM Canada Limited

Department 24/908

3500 Steeles Avenue East

Markham, Ontario

L3R 2Z1

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.