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   S2 Computer Related Subject Matter: Data Processing System


   Applicant's system of registers, timing chain headers, and means

to interconnect the components to release signals to permit

sequential operation and avoid suspension of operation was found

acceptable. No hearing deemed necessary. Rejection of application



This decision deals with Applicant's request for review by the Commissioner

of Patents of the Final Action on application 319,883 (Class 354-231) filed

January 18, 1979. Assigned to Plessey Handel and Investments Ag, it is


COMMANDS. The inventor is Peter Fox. The Examiner in charge issued a

Final Action on December 22, 1981 refusing to allow the application.


The application relates to data processing systems such as telecommunica-

tion switching systems where a process may be suspended for a certain time

period, for example, a dialled digit process may be suspended for a period

after reception of each digit. The number of suspended processes at any

one time in such systems is often large. The invention provides a grouping

of devices to arrange all the suspended or "wait-for" commands into a list

and provides either a means to restart the processes when the wait-for

commands come due according to their position on the list, or, a means that

responds to an external event that occurs before the waiting period matures

and causes the process to be removed from the wait condition. The stacks

containing the information relevant to the waiting processes are chained

together in the order they are suspended as shown in figure 7. Pointers

connect the stack segments with the timing chain header segments. All the

timing chain headers are inter-linked as shown in figure 8 whereby the

lists of all the segments of the headers may be accessed in sequence.

Included in the system is a timing chain monitoring process that scans the

timing chain headers, ascertains those suspended processes which are to be

removed, and computes the next run based on the information in the headers.

  Figures 7 and 8, reproduced below, show certain elements which function

  with the stacks, registers, and ocher components of the system described

  and shown in the overall combination in figures 1A and 1B. These elements

  enable suspended processes to be reincluded into the system operation.




  In Making his rejection under Section 2, the Examiner said, in part, as





      The applicant has disclosed a process to be carried out

      on a prior art computer (see page 5 line 24 of the dis-

      closure). No new apparatus has been disclosed. As

      such the claims are contrary to the guidelines set out

      in the Commissioner's decision published on pages xviii

      to xxvi of the CPOR of August 1, 1978.


      To overcome the rejection, therefore, applicant must

      show that the process carried out by the computer is an

      invention within the leaning of Section 2. The fact

      that the claims are in terms of a system rather than a

      process does not alter this requirement in view of the

      Schlumberger judgement which, as noted above, estab-

      lished the principle that: "the fact that a computer

      is used to implement discovery does not change the

      nature of that discovery".



The Applicant responded to the objections, in part, in the following terms:



        With respect to claims 1 to 11 of the present applica-

        tion, applicant's system, or apparatus claims, define

        the applicant's invention in terms of a combination of

        means, and accordingly the objection that the applica-

        tion discloses no new apparatus and that the invention

        disclosed is a process, to be carried out on a prior

        computer, seems to be totally in error. The Examiner

        has referred to the specification at page 5, line 24.

        Looking at the paragraph beginning at line 4 of page 5

        it will be seen that what the applicant is describing

        there, and what he is referring to at line 24 of page 5

        has to do with a central processor unit which would be

        suitable for use in the data processing system defined

        in the applicant's claims. In the sentence ending at

        line 24, the applicant mentions that this unit may be

        organized on the so-called capability register struc-

        ture and the applicant refers to a British patent spe-

        cification which discloses such organization. Nowhere

        does the applicant specify that the present invention

        is a process carried out on a prior art computer.




        With respect, the Examiner is clearly wrong in suggesting

        that the guidelines set forth in the August, 1978 issue

        of the Canadian Patent Office Record may have received

        support in the pronouncements of the Courts of Canada.

        . . . There is no specific reference in the Judgement of

        Pratte J. to the Canadian Patent Office Record of August

        1st, 1978, or to the specific guidelines contained in

        that issue of the Patent Office Record. Applicant main-

        tains, and the fact is, that these guidelines are totally

        arbitrary and devoid of any authority pursuant to the

        Patent Act or any of the reported decisions of the

        Federal or Exchequer Courts of Canada interpreting the

        Patent Act.




        .... The last paragraph of the Reasons for Judgement

        does not read as set forth in the Office Action. ....

        (It) begins on page 205, 56 CPR 2(d), and is of suffi-

        cient significance that it should be read in its en-

        tirety. The contents of this paragraph will not be

        repeated here since the entire Judgement accompanies

        this response. To extract from this last paragraph,

        the meaningful portion thereof, the sentences beginning

        at the first line of page 206, should be considered


            "what is new here is the discovery of the

            various calculations to be made and of the

            mathematical formulae to be used in making

            those calculations. If those calculations

            were not to be effected by computers but by

            men, the subject-matter of the application

            would clearly be mathematical formulae and a

            series of purely mental operations; as such,

            in my view, it would not be patentable."


        .... The learned Judge concluded that in the

        Schlumberger case the discovery was merely a series of

        mathematical formulae and that mathematical formulae as

        such, are scientific principles or abstract theorems,

        and therefore prohibited under Section 28(3) of the

        Act. The Judge, then concluded, that because such

        formulae were prohibited pursuant to Section 28(3) that

        the invention was not an invention within the meaning

        of Section 2.




        .... All telephone systems in operation in Canada at

        the present time, are in fact, complex digital pro-

        cessor controlled switching systems making use of ex-

        tensive digital techniques both to transmit voice sig-

        nals, and to carry digital data and digital signalling

        information. Virtually, every long distance telephone

        call in Canada is now made through systems which trans-

        form the voices of the persons carrying on the conver-

        sation into digital data and then transmits such voice

        signals via digital processors and data links from one

        location to another, reconstructing the voice signals

        from the digital information at the receiving ter-

        minal. As taught in the present application, the

        applicant's invention has particular utility in tele-

        communications switching systems.


The issue before the Board is whether or not the application and the claims

are directed to patentable subject matter in view of Section 2 of the

Patent Act. Claim 1 reads:


        A system for controlling the execution of suspended

        processes in a real-time data processing system, said

        processes being suspended for predetermined time per-

        iods upon the data processing system, executing a sub-

        routine, encountering a wait-for time period command,

        each said command specifying one of a plurality of pre-

        determined time periods, the system including a memory

        for storing information relevant to the processes, and

        at least one processor unit arranged to perform the

        processes, each process being provided with an informa-

        tion segment in the memory for holding working para-

        meters for the process when the process is suspended,

        the information segment including (i) an indication of

        the time when the wait-for time period is due to mature

        for that process, and (ii) information segment linking

        information forming the information segments of all the

        processes which are suspended by commands having the

        same particular time period into a first linked list

        arranged in chronological order in which the processes

        are suspended, the first linked list being also linked

        to a timing chain header segment stored in the memory

        and exclusively allocated to the said particular time

        period, the timing chain header segment storing a wake-

        up value indicative of the time when the wait-for time

        period for the first information segment on the first

        linked list will mature, and each timing chain header

        segment including header linking information forming

        the timing chain header segments into a second linked

        list, and the memory also including a ready to run file

        having one entry for each process which is ready to be

        run by the processor unit, the system implementing a

        timing chain search procedure which is arranged to be

        run when the real-time reaches a predetermined value,

        wherein the timing chain search procedure includes


            (a) reading the wake-up values in each of the

       timing chain header segments,

            (b) comparing the wake-up values read with the

       time at which the timing chain search procedure is run,

            (c) placing those process having wake-up values

       which equate to the time at which the timing chain

       search procedure is run on the read to run file,

            (d) removing those processes having wake-up values

       which equate to the time at which the timing chain

       search procedure is run from the first linked lists,

       and adjusting the wake-up values in the relevant timing

       chain header segments, and

            (e) reading the wake-up values of each timing

       chain header segment and selecting the smallest wake-up

       value to provide the next predetermined value.


During prosecution both the Examiner and the Applicant have looked to the

decision in Schlumberger Canada Ltd. v. The Commissioner of Patents (181)

56 C.P.R. 204. We find guidance in determining the issues before us, in

the following passages by Pratte, J. from that decision:


       In order to determine whether the application discloses

       a patentable invention, it is first necessary to deter-

       mine what, according to the application, has been dis-




       I am of opinion that the fact a computer is or should

       be used to implement discovery does not change the

       nature of that discovery. What the appellant claims as

       an invention here is merely the discovery that by

       making certain calculations according to certain for-

       mulae, useful information could be extracted from cer-

       tain measurements. This is not, in my view, an inven-

       tion within the meaning of Section 2.


In assessing Applicant's subject matter, we are persuaded that the 'what'

of Applicant's device is a grouping of elements in a switching system which

provides a queuing of processes awaiting operation and a sequencing of

their acceptance into the system. To bring about his operation, Applicant

has arranged a system using registers containing stacks of information, and

timing chain headers, for example, as well as various means to interconnect

all the components of the system that act to store and release signals

which permit various processes to be carried out sequentially. We see too,

special processes work with the arrangement described in order to permit an

external event to release a process that is queued, or chained in sequence,

for operation before its time sequence would permit. We feel that Appli-

cant's combination of elements represents a type of subject matter that

falls within a patentable field of art.


In Applicant's response he brings to light that his combination has utility

in a telecommunications switching system. The Examiner for his part is

aware that a system is being claimed, and points out that in his view no

new apparatus has been disclosed. Even given that the parts of Applicant's

device are old, the overriding consideration here is whether or not Appli-

cant's arrangement of them has provided a combination of structures to

bring about a device that falls within the confines of Section 2. We are

persuaded by the disclosure and Applicant's arguments that his arrangement

provides a system that is acceptable under Section 2. We note that no art

has been cited during the prosecution, and we make no finding on the

allowability of the claimed matter. Should such an issue arise, then a

Hearing might prove to be necessary.


We recommend the rejection of the application and the claims for failing to

satisfy Section 2 of the Act, be withdrawn.


M.G. Brown                                S.D. Kot

Acting Chairman                           Member

Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the findings and the recommendation of the Patent Appeal

Board. Accordingly, I withdraw the refusal of the application, and return

it for continued prosecution.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Qu‚bec

this 14th day of August 1986


Scott & Aylen

170 Laurier Avenue West

Ottawa, Ontario

K1P 5V5

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.