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Section 2: Elevator Call Assignments


The application and claims are directed to a combination of elements that

form an elevator apparatus and are acceptable under S2. Refection withdrawn.


This decision deals with Applicant's request for review by the Commissioner

of Patents of the Final Action on application 362,377 (Class 364-4) filed

October 15, 1980, assigned to Otis Elevator Co. entitled RELATIVE SYSTEM


Examiner in charge issued a Final Action on October 27, 1983 refusing to

allow the application. In view of information that has become available

subsequent to the Final Action, the Patent Appeal Board believes a review

of the evidence on file permits a sufficient assessment of the merits of

the application without conducting a Hearing. The Board recognizes that

Applicant's right to a Hearing has not been waived.


The application relates to an elevator system servicing a plurality of

floors in a building, shown in figure 1 reproduced below, a simplified

illustration of the components implementing the elevator functions.


(see formula I)


The Group controller 17 for multi-car operations receives the up and down

calls from each floor landing 18 and assigns cars according to various

strategies using the controller and the panel 21 and the responses from the

car controllers 16 which in turn communicate with the cab controllers 34.

The group controller includes the signal reception means and the integrated

elements which respond to the signals received, and produces commands to

the cars based on a plurality of constantly changing aspects of operation

and on an overall program structure.


Figure 3, reproduced below, illustrates the overall system and the routines

(some referring to other figures for detail) which communicate their

separate response factors to the group controller.


(see formula I)


These on-going routines provide signals, or response factors, indicating

for each cycle of elevator operation a continually updated disposition of

the cars in an elevator system configuration. Some of the outputs of the

routines are briefly referred to as follows, but not all of the tasks

performed by each routine is intended to be given by the brief reference

thereto. The routine of fig. 4 produces force calls for the lobby whenever

there are no calls for, and no calls at, the lobby in order to effect a

preference to have lobby service. For each car, assignments based on its

highest and lowest calls are provided by figure 5.The running mode,

including the door position, of each car is obtained by figure 6. A

determination of car availability, load condition, whether the motor

generator set of a car is running, is made by the routine in figure 7. An

indication of the sameness of the hall call and the commutable floor of a

car is produced by figure 8. The routine of figure 9 sets a special

pointer to the committable floor of a car and sets an advance pointer one

step ahead of it. The routine in figure 10 calculates run time for cars to

move upwardly or downwardly through the zones separating them from the hall

calls, and considers whether hall calls or car calls are to be serviced. A

relative system response determining if a car under consideration can

accommodate a hall call is made in figure 11, and the lowest sytem response

is identified in figure 12. The routine in figure 13 provides information

whether the car should answer, or has answered, a call at its next

committable floor. Transfer to the calls group demand routine of figure 14

is then made. Various outputs to the halls and the lobby panel,

preparation of signals to send to the cars, and communication with them,

are provided by routines 22, 23 and 24 respectively.


In his Final Action the Examiner refuses the application for disclosing and

claiming non-statutory subject matter in view of Sections 2 and 28(3) of

the Patent Act. He considers the elevator system of figure 1 and the

controller shown in figure 2 are "common and/or well known in the elevator

art". He regards claims 1 to 11 as defining "... the new mode of the

operational control of the well known elevator system". He draws

Applicant's attention to guideline 3 published in the P.O.R. of August 1,

1978, and to the court cases, Schlumberger vs. The Commissioner of Patents


       56 CPR (2d) page 204, and the United States Supreme Court decision Diamond

       vs. Diehr 209 USPQ p.1. In rejecting the application he said, in part, as



       Turning to the present application, the essential subject

       matter lies in the programs or routines shown in figures 3 to

       14. What is new here is the discovery of these programs to

       instruct the well known microcomputer to control the well known

       elevator hardware shown in figures 1 and 2. Since the

       applicant has not disclosed any new electronic circuit or

       hardware to carry out these programs, then these programs could

       be assimilated to a "mere scientific principle" or

       "instructions to operate a computer".


       In the response to the Final Action, Applicant argued in part as follows:




       ... the claims of the present application are not directed to a

       computer program or algorithm per se but, rather, they are

       directed to an elevator system including, as noted above, a

       number of elevators each including a car, car motion means,

       etc. and means for registering car calls, call controller

       means, with the system being characterized by a novel and non-

       obvious type of elevator operational control. The system uses

       a processing unit to carry out various functions to achieve

       that control. The processing unit may be a central processing

       unit, an analog computer, or even a conglomeration of discrete

       logic components. The selection does not matter because it

       does not matter what specific type of processor is used. It is

       the operational control provided by the overall system that is

       novel and non-obvious, not the processor. Hence, it is

       immaterial that similar hardware parts may be shown in the

       other patents noted by the Examiner. This is a system

       invention; the invention lies in the manner in which its parts

       co-act and are controlled. Stated differently, the utility of

       the invention can be said to reside in the useful results

       produced by the combination of the novel elevator operational

       control and the elevator system components set forth in the

       claims. These give rise to new elevator control and

       performance characteristics.




       In support of his argument, Applicant discusses various court decisions to

       show his subject matter is patentable. He disagrees with the

       interpretation given, in the Final Action, to the decision in Schlumberger,

       supra, and the decision in Diehr, supra. He recognizes there are many

       areas of human endeavours that do not constitute proper subject matter, and

       refers to Lawson vs. The Commissioner of Patents 62 CPR p. 107 as follows,


       It was held that the development in question was not proper

       subject matter for a patent in that the method fell within the

       skill of a solicitor and conveyancer and that of a planning


       consultant and surveyor. It was described as being an art

       which belongs to the professional field and not a manual art or



       and to Tennessee Eastman vs. The Commissioner of Patents 62 CPR 117

       (affirmed 1974 SCR 111),


       ... it was held that a method of treating the human body by

       means of a surgical technique involving the use of a surgical

       adhesive known per se lay within the realm of professional

       skills and was not a manual art and not an art within the

       meaning of that term in Section 2.




       In Applicant's view, the present application is not concerned with

       professional skills, nor whether the subject matter is a fine art as

       distinct from a manual art. He then refers to the Patent Office Record of

       August 1, 1978 p. xxvi containing a decision by the Commissioner of Patents

       which comments on a Supreme Court decision in Gottschalk v. Benson et al

       175 USPQ 673, in part, as follows:


       ... the U.S. Supreme Court held that since the mathematical

       formulae involved had no substantial practical application

       except in connection with a digital computer, a patent would

       wholly pre-empt the mathematical formulae and in practical

       effect would be a patent on the algorithm itself. In other

       words, the claims were not limited to a particular novel

       apparatus and are not confined to a specific end use of field

       of technology.


       Moving next to Applicant's discussion involving the United States decision

       in Re Freeman (197 USPQ 464), he draws attention to the following passage

       which takes cognizance of the above Benson decision:


       Determination of whether a claim pre-empts non-statutory

       subject matter as a whole, in the light of Benson, requires a

       two-step analysis. First, it must be determined whether the

       claim directly or indirectly recites an "algorithm" in the

       Benson sense of that term, for a claim which fails even to

       recite an algorithm clearly cannot wholly pre-empt an

       algorithm. Second, the claim must be further analyzed to -

       ascertain whether in its entirety it wholly pre-empts that -



       Applicant believes the findings in Diehr are important to a full

       consideration of his application, and he sums up four aspects of that

       decision, which briefly are as follows:


1. the claims did not seek to re-empt the use of an equation but

sought to foreclose from others the use of that equation in

conjunction with all the other steps in their claimed process.


2. a claim drawn to subject matter otherwise statutory does not

become non-statutory because it uses mathematical formulae, or

computer or digital programs.


3. claims must be considered as whole.


4. statutory subject matter existed despite the inclusion of a

formula that could stand on its own.


To support his viewpoints he selects the following passage from Diehr p. 9


"It is inappropriate to dissect the claims into old and new

elements and then to ignore the presence of the old elements in

the analysis. ---The 'novelty' of any element or steps in a

process, or even of the process itself, is of no relevance in

determining whether the subject matter of a claim falls within

the Section 101 categories of possibly patentable subject



Next, he points to the consistency of the above position with that

expressed by the Exchequer Court of Canada in Omark Industries vs. Gouger

Saw Chain Co. et al 45 CPR pp. 218, 219 in quoting from the English

decision in Albert Wood & Amcolite Ltd. vs. Gowshall Ltd. (1936) 54 RPC p.

37 as follows:


"The dissection of a combination into its constituent elements

and the examination of each element in order to see whether its

use was obvious or not is, in our view, a method which ought to

be applied with great caution since it tends to obscure the

fact that the invention claimed is the combination."


In Applicant's view, simply because a computer is used in a system is no

reason for considering the system not to be a proper combination in the

patentable sense. He argues his claims are to an elevator system and

should be considered as setting out statutory subject matter, and he relies

on Schlumberger, above, at p. 206 as follows:


I am of the opinion that the fact that a computer is or should

be used to implement discovery does not change the nature of

that discovery.


He reasons Applicant's system is allowable on the basis that;


.. if the operational control shown herein had been replaced

with an equivalent hardware system, i.e. a system of discrete

logic components, it is extremely unlikely that the Examiner

would have raised any objection to the claims as being non-

statutory in the first place. Yet, an elevator system

operating under the control of a 'hardware' system (a system of

discrete logic gates, flip flops, etc.) is not fundamentally

different, at least as far as its inventive content is

concerned, from an elevator system incorporating as its

operational control a pre-programmed computer arranged to

provide the same end results. Essentially the same form of

claim could be drawn for each system. It would surely not be

logical to reject one system as being non-statutory by virtue

of its use of a pre-programmed computer while the other is

allowed the benefit of patent protection merely because it uses

hardware components.


The Applicant contrasts the facts in this application with those in the

Schlumberger case, stressing that Applicant's invention when considered as

a whole provides an improved form of elevator control.


In a Supplemental Response dated September 10, 1985, Applicant draws

attention to a recent decision of the Commissioner of Patents forming part

of the file of Canadian Patent 1,185,714 issued April 16, 1985 to

Westinghouse. He points out the similarities of the subject matter of this

application to that of the elevator system of the above patent, noting

particularly that in the patent the elevator service is part of the system

patented. The Applicant quotes passages that were considered relevant from

the Schlumberger case in finding the subject matter acceptable in

Westinghouse. He then argues, "... in the words of the Schlumberger

decision, once it has been determined what, according to the application,

has been discovered", it will be found that the inventive idea, in the

words of the Westinghouse decision, "lies not solely in a program but in

changes brought to the operation of elevator systems".


The issue before the Board is whether or not the application discloses and

claims non-statutory subject matter in view of Sections 2 and 28(3) of the

Patent Act. Claim 1 reads:


An elevator system including a group of elevators for servicing

a plurality of floor landings in a building, comprising:


group controller means, including hall call means for

registering calls for up and down service at each of said

landings, for exchanging signals with each of said elevators,

and for controlling the operation of said elevators in response

to said hall call means and signals received from said



each of said elevators including a car, car motion means for

providing and arresting the motion of said car, means

registering car calls for service required by passengers

therein, and a car controller means for providing signals

indicative of conditions of said car, for controlling said car

motion means to cause said car to move in a selected up or down

direction and to stop in response to said signals indicative of

conditions of said car and to signals received from said group

controller means;


characterized by said group controller means comprising signal

processing means responsive to said signals indicative of

conditions of each of said cars for providing, for each car,

with respect to each hall call registered, a signal

representing the summation of relative system response factors,

indicative of the relative degree to which the assigning of any

hall call to said car is in accordance with a scheme of system

response applicable to all of said cars, a first plurality of

said relative system response factors registered being

unrelated to the floor landing or direction of the hall call

and a second plurality of said relative system response factors

being indicative of service to be performed by each car in

reaching the floor of the registered hall call, said relative

system response factors being weighted with respect to one

another to represent a reasonable increase in time expected for

said group of elevators to answer a specific hall call in

contrast with favoring another aspect of said scheme of system

response identified with a respective one of said relative

system response factors, and for assigning each registered hall

call to the car provided with the lowest summation of relative

system response factors with respect to such hall call for

service to such hall call.


The Examiner sees the subject matter of the application as lying solely in

the programs shown in figures 3 to 14. He regards claims 1 to 11 as

defining a new mode of operational control, but takes the view they define

only known hardware, and the routines of the above figures. Applicant

believes the application and the claims contain patentable subject matter,

and advances arguments that the inventive idea of his system as a whole

must be borne in mind, and that his invention is not a mere computer

program or algorithm.


In dealing with the kind of subject matter in the disclosure and claims of

this application, we find direction from the decision in Schlumberger

Canada Ltd. v. The Commissioner of Patents [1981] 56 CPR (2d) at 204, in

the following passages of Pratte J.:


In order to determine whether the application discloses a

patentable invention, it is first necessary to determine what,

according to the application, has been discovered,


I am of opinion that the fact that a computer is or should be

used to implement discovery does not change the nature of that



We turn our attention to a determination of "what" has been discovered by

Applicant. As noted in Omark Industries supra, if a combination is

present, then great caution should be observed before dissecting it into

its components on the basis of what is old and what is new. Here, in

considering the overall inventive idea presented by the specification, we

find an elevator system comprising several components, inter alia, elevator

cars and associated lift means, a group controller for the cars, individual

car motor generator means, and a rapid response control means for the

elevator calls which responds to a plurality of elevator movements and

conditions, all combined to provide an elevator system that provides a

blend of energy savings and quick response to demands for service. We

believe the disclosure is directed to an improved elevator system which

lies in a field of subject matter that may be patented under Section 2 of

the Patent Act. We are aware that programs are present, just as we see

that elevator apparatus is described. However, when considering "what,

according to the application" is the inventive idea, we are persuaded that

Applicant has provided a combination of elements to provide an elevator

system, and not solely a program. Having found the inventive idea lies in

the combination, we dismiss the rejection made under Section 28(3) of the



In reviewing the claims, we find they are directed inter alia, to an

elevator system having a group controller for sending signals to the cars,

car controller means providing signals indicative of traffic conditions,

and signal processing means responsive to the signals indicative of car

conditions for providing each car with a signal representing a summation of

relative response factors which are weighted with respect to one another to

provide a reasonable response time according to the desired scheme of

elevator service for hall calls. No art having been cited, nor other

objections made, the claims appear to be acceptable.


In summary, we find the elevator system presented in the application and

defined in the claims, when considered in light of the "what" that is

described in the specifications, is directed to a combination residing in a

patentable field of endeavor.


We recommend that the rejection of the application and claims for being

directed to subject matter non patentable in view of Sections 2 and 28(3)

of the Act, be withdrawn and the application be returned for continued



M.G. Brown                    S.D. Kot

Acting Chairman               Member

Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the reasoning and the findings of the Patent Appeal Board.

Accordingly, I withdraw the rejection of the application and remand it for

continued prosecution.


J.H.A: Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Qu‚bec

this 14th Day of April 1986


Gowling & Henderson

Box 466, Terminal A

Ottawa, Ontario

K1N 8S3

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