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Section 2' Deadlock Detection for a Computer System


Applicant's interaction of elements to remove deadlock conditions during operation

present a system residing in a patentable area. Rejection withdrawn.


This decision deals with Applicant's request for review by the Commissioner

of Patents of the Final Action on application 224,786 (Class 354-234) filed

April 16, 1975, assigned to Honeywell Information Systems Inc. entitled


inventors are Charles W. Bachman and Jacques Bouvard. The Examiner in

charge issued a Final Action on July 20, 1978 refusing to allow the



The application relates to a data processing system in which a plurality of

elements interact to provide a control arrangement for avoiding deadlocks

in an operation wherein plural processes operate and compete for common

resources. The deadlock detection means as described on pages 23, 24, and

47-56 is shown in figures 1B, and 1F to 1L. To implement the deadlock

detection means, dynamic interaction of the various elements of the system

relies on the provision of control signals from the decoder device in

figure 13b to a central processing unit (CPU). The semaphore data

structures of figures 16a to 16p provide intercommunication between

multiple programs operating in parallel. The term semaphore architecture

is used to describe the elements and arrangements presented by the tables

3A to 3C and 5A to SF (program language), figures 1a and 1c to 1e, figures

16a to 16p (the data shown residing in the memory of the CPU), figures 15

and 19 (block registers), and the schematic diagrams in figures 17 and 18

(showing the interlinking of the registers). Flow diagrams of the firmware

supporting the semaphore architecture are found in figures 20a to 20f. The

overall system is shown in figures 2a and 2b and the computer processing

unit structure therein is elaborated on in figures 13a to 13c. The

hardware memory for the system is set out in figures 3 to 12.


From the lengthy description in the application it is seen that several

drawings are involved in illustrating the operation to obtain Applicant's

results. For sake of brevity therefore, we have not reproduced any

drawings. We have however, reviewed all the drawings in assessing the

nature of the subject matter in the application.


In the Final Action the Examiner does not consider the firmware and

hardware of the system disclosed by Applicant to be apparatus, contending

instead they are data and data structure. The Examiner believes the

specification fails to indicate how the system should be built. On this

point, he has required submission of clear evidence to show the invention

has been reduced to a definite and practical shape. Although he has

indicated there is novelty presented by the microprogram and the data

structure of the semaphore firmware, he believes the claims are contrary to

the guidelines in the Commissioner's Decision published in the Patent

Office Record of August 1, 1978.


In arguing his specifications and drawings provide a clear description of

the means of making the invention to a person of ordinary skill in the art,

Applicant refers to Ernest Scragg & Sons Ltd. v Leesona Corp'n. (1964) 26

Fox Pat. C. 1 where Thorson, J. said:


"The submission thus put forward should not be accepted. It is

settled law that a patent specification is not insufficient by

reason of the fact that a competent workman of ordinary skill

in the art to which the invention relates may have to make

trials or experiments in order to accomplish the result of the

invention, if such trials or experiments are not themselves

inventions and the competent workman can accomplish the desired

result by folowing the teaching of the specification. The

specification is sufficient if it enables him to put the

invention into practice and sufficient directions are given to

him to enable him to know what trials or experiments he may

have to make and how to make them." (Applicant's emphasis)


Applicant asserts that implementation of the invention may be made in

firmware controlled general computing systems "... having a hardware

architecture of a type illustrated by figures 2a and 2b." In his response

he gives as examples the General Electric Series 600, Honeywell Level 64,

and IBM 360 and 370 systems, saying many of these were available before the

filing date of the application. He adds his invention "... operates within

the confines of the computer disclosed", noting the type was commercially

available from Honeywell Systems Inc. at the time of the invention.

Applicant refers to a control store unit 1301 and to statements stored

therein, provided in Tables 5G-5J, for example. He points out his

invention is a control means for avoiding deadlocks.He indicates the

uniqueness provided by the control store is due to the microprogramming

which he argues is in the form of hardware. To illustrate hardware is

present, he refers to a book, "Microprogramming: Principles and Practices"

by Samir S. Husson. From the book, Applicant illustrates why he believes

firmware and microprogramming as referred to in his application is not

equivalent to software and software programming, in particular stressing

the microprogrammer deals with the structure of the computer, for example,

gates, registers and structural aspects of information flow. The Applicant

draws attention to the hardware nature of the semaphores placed in

particular locations, by explaining that the hardware formats and

configurations in the system remain in place even though the data changes.

He argues the conventional programmer is concerned with the language in

which the program is formed. For the firmware descriptions of the deadlock

cases which are present in the disclosure, Applicant contends these are

found in Tables SG-SJ.


Retarding his claims, Applicant considers they are not directed to a

mathematical formula or algorithm, nor a computer program nor an algorithm

which is program implemented. He believes they represent a combination of

internal and external memory registers, and a firmware control unit

including a microprogrammed ROM, the microprogram being the means for

hardware implementation of the deadlock detection system.


       The issues before the Board are whether or not the application sets forth

       subject matter that is within the definition of Section 2 of the Act, and

       whether or not the specification is sufficient in view of Section 36(1).

       Claim 1 reads:


       In combination with a multiprogram computer system having a

       plurality of resources and also having a plurality of

       processes, each process capable of assuming a running, ready,

       wait or suspended state, a deadlock detection system for

       detecting the situation wherein any first of said processes is

       waiting for a resource which can never become available to said

       any first of said processes, said deadlock detection system


            (a) first means for requesting on behalf of said any first

       of said processes the assignment of any first of said resources

       to said any first of said processes;

            (b) second means coupled to said first means for causing

       said any first of said processes to assume the wait-state and

       wait for the requested said any first of said resources if said

       any first of said resources is assigned to any second of said

       processes and not currently available;

            (c) third means, coupled to said first and second means,

       for examining the owner-member relationship of each process

       that is waiting on some resource; and,

            (d) forth means, coupled to said third means, for

       determining when said any of said second processes is waiting

       for any second of said resources which is already assigned to

       said any first of said processes.


       We find guidance in assessing the computer-related subject matter of this

       application, from Schlumberger Canada Ltd. v Commissioner of Patents (1981)

       56 C.P.R. 204. It is to be noted this decision was not available to the

       Applicant nor to the Examiner at the date of the Final Action. Pratte, J.

       commented as follows:


       In order to determine whether the application discloses a

       patentable invention, it is first necessary to determine what,

       according to the application, has been discovered.




       I am of opinion that the fact that a computer is or should be

       used to implement discovery does not change the nature of that



       In determining what has been discovered, we find an architecture or

       computer structure which includes a combination of software, firmware, and

       hardware elements to make use of multiple processes relying on common

       resources. The application refers to a serious problem occurring when

       demands from the multiple processes for one resource occur simultaneously.

       The first process to seize the resource controls it, and the others have to

wait, their operations thus becoming stalled. Further, should one or more

of the stalled processes have a resource that is wanted by the first

process that is using the first resource, the system points out a stalemate

occurs, known as deadlock or deadly embrace.


The Applicant identifies pages 46 to 55 as describing deadlock detection

mechanism, and figures 1B and 1F to 1L, and to figures in the group 13A to

13C, and the group 16A to 16P as showing it. He says the description on

pages 56 to 112 together with the showing by figures 2a to 13c, and 14a to

14h, provide a system for practicing the invention. He contends figures

16A to 16P show semaphore data structures illustrating the interlinking of

hardware memory registers into a firmware control. Applicant says his

combination of structure avoids interferences between processes so that

each may run apparently independently. He advises that should deadlock be

detected, one process may be restarted while the remainder continue to run

in parallel. He believes that due to his features the availability of data

is increased, and production loss limited to those processes restarted

after deadlock detection. Applicant remarks that the invention is the

combination of the deadlock mechanism and the semaphore structure.


We are impressed by the operation provided by the interaction of the

elements that are said to remove deadlock during the running of a computer

that would cause it to cease operation. We are persuaded by Applicant's

arguments and reasoning, and his cross linking of the elements to

demonstrate how his device prevents a deadlock situation.

We note the Examiner recognized certain parts of the device as firmware and

hardware, and that he considered there was no patentable combination. As

guided by Schlumberger in determining 'What' has been disclosed, we are

unable to agree with the Examiner`s analysis. We find Applicant's

structure does relate a combination of elements working cooperatively in a

device that we believe lies in a patentable area. We see the invention

relates to a field of endeavor that is more than merely determining useful

information from calculations.


We note the discussion during the prosecution centers primarily on the

nature of the subject matter, not its definition. We see Applicant's

arguments, prior to and in response to, the Final Action stress the claims

are not directed to a mere mathematical algorithm. As additional claims

were included with the response to the Final Action, an opportunity to

assess the claimed matter should be provided. We make no finding

therefore with respect to any of the claims other than that they are

directed to patentable subject matter. Should there be an issue concerning

the claimed subject matter, then Applicant's request for a Hearing might be



We recommend the rejection of the application be withdrawn and that the

aplication be returned to normal prosecution.


M.G. Brown              S.D. Kot

Patent Appeal Board           Member


I concur with the findings and the recommendation of the Patent Appeal

Board. Accordingly, I withdraw the refusal of the application and remand

it for prosecution consistent with the findings.


J.H A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull Quebec

this 10th day of April 1986


Smart & Biggar

Box 2999, Station D

Ottawa. Ontario

K1P 5Y6

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