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Patent application 428,420 having been rejected under Rule 47(2) of

the Patent Regulations, the Applicant asked that the Final Action of

the Examiner be reviewed. The rejection has consequently been con-

sidered by the Patent Appeal Board and by the Commissioner of Patents.

The findings of the Board and the ruling of the Commissioner are as



Agent for Applicant


Cowling & Henderson

Box 466, Terminal A,

Ottawa, Ontario

K1N 8S3


                        COMMISSIONER DECISION




  A strain of soybean developed by known cross breeding and selection

  techniques may be new and useful but the necessary attribute of

  ingenuity is not present. Further, the subject matter does not fall

  within the definition of invention under Section 2.


  Final Action: Affirmed


  Patent application 428,420 (Class 47-4), was filed on May 18, 1983 for an

  invention entitled SOYBEAN VARIETY. The inventor is Clark W. Jennings.

  The Examiner in charge of the application took a Final Action on April 3,

  1984 refusing to allow it to proceed to patent. In reviewing the

  rejection, the Patent Appeal Board held a Hearing at which the Applicant

  was represented by Mr. D. Watson and Mr. E. McKhool. Also present were the

  inventor Dr. C. Jennings, Mr. J. Cavanaugh of Pioneer U.S.A., and Mr. W.

  Parks, President of Pioneer Canada.


  The subject matter of this application relates to a strain of soybean

  (Variety 0877) which has been developed by cross-breeding. Soybean Variety

  0877 resulted from the cross (Clark X Chippawa 64) X Corsoy and provides

  the following desirable characteristics:


  - high oil content

  - early maturity

  - stable high yields

  - resists seed shattering

 - resists root rot caused by the fungus

    phytophthora megasperma vat sojae


In the Final Action the Examiner refused the application for not falling

  within the statutory definition of invention under Section 2 of the Patent

  Act. That action stated (in part):



  As was stated in the previous official action, the variety

  of soybean plant disclosed and claimed in this application

  does not fall within the statutory definition of invention

  as given by Section 2 of the Patent Act.


  In Section 2, "invention" means any new and useful art,

  process, machine, manufacture or composition of matter, or

  any new and useful improvement in any art, process, machine,

  manufacture or composition of matter


In the Manual of Patent Office Practice, Section 12.03.01(a), dealing

with non-statutory subject matter, it is stated:


Subject matter for a process for producing

a new genetic strain or variety of plant or

animal, or the product thereof, is not

patentable. This exclusion does not

include a micro-biological process or

product thereof.


The interpretation of "invention" as given in Section 2 has always

excluded new varieties of plants and seeds. Plants and seeds are

considered a unique category of creativity, so much so as to warrant

an entirely separate act to govern creative contributions of this

kind. In this connection, it should be noted that the U.S. has

separate regulations governing plant patents, and that Great Britain

does not permit this category of creativity to fall within its

definition of invention.


Applicant's argument that a patent for the new soybean plant should be

granted because the proposed Canadian plant Breeders Rights Act has

died on the order paper of parliament is noted but the argument is not

considered relevant.


In response to the Final Action the Applicant stated (in part):


This invention relates to a unique variety of soybean plant which has

been created by the hand of man by cross-breeding. It is submitted

that it has all the necessary attributes of patentable subject matter,

novelty, unobviousness and utility. Nevertheless, the Examiner has

rejected it on the sole ground that it does not comply with the

definition of "invention" in Section 2 of the Patent Act, as

interpreted by the Manual of Patent Office Practice, Section



Although such statement in the Manual of Patent Office Practice may

bind the Examiner, it does not bind the Commissioner of Patents. It

is accordingly submitted that, for the reasons that will be developed,

there should be a re-evaluation of the statement in the Manual in the

light of the wording of the Patent Act and developments in the law.


At the Hearing Mr. Watson emphasized that under Section 42 of the Patent

Act the Commissioner of Patents must be satisfied that the Applicant is not

by law entitled to be granted a patent before he can refuse it. He said

that the requirements for patentability are novelty, utility, and

ingenuity, and if these are all present, the Commissioner has no authority

to deny the grant of a patent. He argued these attributes are present here

and that a patent should be granted. In support of his position he

referred to numerous judicial decisions, and to the Commissioner's decision

in the application of Abitibi Company 62 C.P.R. (2d) 81.

 The issue before the Board is whether or not the application is directed to

 patentable subject matter under Section 2 of the Patent Act. That Section



 'invention' means any new and useful art, process, machine,

 manufacture or composition of matter, or any new and useful

 improvement in any art, process, machine, manufacture or

 composition of matter.


 The claims are as follows:


      1. A variety of soybean plant characterized by having the following

 objective characteristics:




 Shape                    Oblong

 Surface                  Sometimes wrinkled

 Seed Coat Color          Medium yellow

 Seed Coat Luster         Shiny

 Hilum Color              Light gray

 Weight                   18-20 grams per 100 seeds

 Cotyledon Color          Yellow


 and also, exhibiting longitudinal discoloration of the seed coat

 stemming from the hilum, visible in the event that the plant has

 experienced considerable environmental stress;




 Color                      Medium green

 Shape                      Ovate


 Plant Pubescence Color    Medium Gray


 Plant Height              27-35 inches


Plant Type                 With intermediate canopy, i.e.,

                           intermediate between slender

                           and bushy


 Plant Habit               Indeterminate




 Color                      Brown

 Set                        Scattered


 Flower Color               Purple


 Hypocotyl Color            Purple


 Lodging Score              2.0 to 3.0, on a scale of 1-5


Maturity Group                0

said variety resembling the soybean variety Corsoy with

respect to plant shape, seedling pigmentation and leaf

characteristics, and the variety Portage with respect to

seed size, and the variety Altona with respect to seed

shape, and the variety Hardome with respect to color of

hilum; and is further characterized by being resistant to

the fungus Phytophthora megasperma var sojae (Races 1 and 2).


2. A pod of the soybean plant of claim 1.


3. A seed of the soybean plant of claim 1.


4. A variety of soybean plant of the genus Glycine,

species max, substantially as described in the



While the definition of invention in Section 2 of the Act is broad in its

wording, it has for a long time been recognized by the Canadian Courts that

they must interpret the Section carefully to give it some reasonable

boundaries. As Mr. Watson pointed out, there is great similarity in the

definitions of invention in Section 101 of the United States Patent Law and

Section 2 of the Canadian Patent Act. However, quite different

interpretations have been given to the two Sections in the two countries.

In the United States it has been said that Congress intended statutory

patentable subject matter to include "anything under the sun that is made

by man", here, the same broad interpretation has not been applied by

Canadian Courts. They have circumscribed the broad wording of Section 2 by

holdings that have excluded some subject matter areas and human activities

from patentability. The findings in the following Canadian cases are

illustrative of limitations to the meaning of Section 2.


In Lawson v Commissioner of Patents (1970) 62 C.P.R. at 109 the Court took

it as settled that all new and useful arts and manufactures are not

included within the definition of invention. Cattenach, J. quoted Thorson,

P. in Farbwerke Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft Vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning

v Commissioner (1962), 39 C.P.R. 105 at 124 as saying that if an art or

manufacture were and useful it is an invention within the meaning of the

definition and, therefore, patentable under the Act...


Cattenach, J. then pointed out that


On appeal the view of Thorson, P., as above expressed

was repudiated by the Supreme Court of Canada...


and commented:


It is, therefore, clear that words of limitation must

be read into s. 2(d).


Mr. Cattanach went on to say that, even though the Board of Appeals in the

United States Patent Office accepted certain claims in the corresponding

United States application, he did not agree that the procedure of dividing

land was in the patentable area in Canada. In that case novelty and

utility could not save subject matter in an area deemed non-patentable.


In Commissioner of Patents v Farbwerke Hoechst Aktiengesellschaft Vormals

Meister Lucius & Bruning (1964) S.C.R. at 55 Judson J. said:


Following statements made in R. v Patents Appeal Tribunal,

Ex p. Swift & Co., the Exchequer Court said that the

Commissioner should not refuse to allow an application to

proceed to the grant of a patent unless he is quite

satisfied that the subject-matter of the application could

not conceivably be patented within the meaning of the

Patent Act.


The Commissioner was well within even this definition of

the scope of his duties but I think that the obiter of the

Exchequer Court expresses the duties of the Commissioner

too restrictively and fails to recognize the distinction

between the United Kingdom and the Canadian Patent Acts




 ... in Canada the Patent Office, supervised by the Court,

does examine as to inventiveness, and an applicant may

appeal to the highest court. Moreover, in the particular

class of case with which we are here concerned dealing

with drugs and medicines, there is considerable public

interest at stake, and the Commissioner should most

carefully scrutinize the application to see if it merits

the grant of monopoly privileges and to determine the

scope of the monopoly available.


Judson, J. in the above passage, was commenting with approval on the

long-standing Canadian practice of examining applications for the presence

of inventiveness (as opposed to novelty and utility only) even though

inventiveness is not a statutory condition in the Patent Act. He also

affirmed the Commissioner's duty to make determinations on the

patentability of an application when there is a perceived public interest

in the outcome. This, in our view, is not the same as merely applying the

broadest meaning that the wording of the Act will bear without any

consideration at all as to its implications, which appears to be what Mr.

Watson would have the Commissioner do in this case.


Another case pertaining to restrictions not found in Section 2 but applied

by the Court is Tennessee Eastman Co. v Commissioner of Patents 8 C.P.k.

(2d) 202 where Kerr J. said:


The method lies essentially in the professional field of

surgery and medical treatment of the human body, even

although it may be applied at times by persons not in that

field. Consequently, it is my conclusion that in the

present state of the patent law of Canada and the scope of

subject matter for patents, as indicated by authoritative

judgments that I have cited, the method is not an art or

process or an improvement of an art or process within the

meaning of s. 2(d) of the Patent Act.


                                        (emphasis added)


Again, the questions of novelty and utility were not deciding factors, the

overriding concern was the subject matter itself, particularly, the

professional field of surgery and medical treatment of the human body.


In the more recent case of Schlumberger Canada Ltd. v. Commissioner of

Patents (1981) 56 C.P.R. 204 related to a computer program, Pratte, J.



As to mental operations and processes it is clear in my

view that they are not the kind of processes that are

referred to in the definition of invention in s. 2.


In our view, the findings in these four cases show that the Canadian Courts

have not taken the very broad wording of Section 2 at face value. They

provide direction that restrictive meanings be given to Section 2, and that

the Commissioner has authority to assess the subject matter of an

application. Kerr, J. in Tennessee Eastman, supra, called this taking "the

 present state of the patent law of Canada and the scope of subject matter

 for patents, as indicated by authoritative judgments". In view of these

 cases, the Commissioner has not only the right but the duty to determine if

 an application is directed to patentable subject matter and if, according

 to his determination, it is not patentable then he is permitted to refuse

 to grant a patent. In short, we do not agree with Mr. Watson when he says

 the only determination allowed for the Commissioner is novelty, utility and

 inventive ingenuity.


 Further support for this view may be found by referring to the Vanity Fair

 case and the Monsanto case.


 In Vanity Fair Silk Mills v Commissioner of Patents (1931) S.C.R. 245, a

 case often cited by agents when they foresee an exercise of the

 Commissioner's authority to make determinations under the Act, the Supreme

 Court was, in fact, upholding a Commissioner's decision not to grant a

 patent based on his determination of lack of inventiveness. Chief Justice

 Duff, who wrote the decision, said:


 No doubt the Commissioner of Patents ought not to refuse

 an application for a patent unless it is clearly without

 substantial foundation




 In effect both the President of the Exchequer Court and

 the Commissioner have held that.


 In other words Duff, C.J. did not see any difficulty in upholding a refusal

 by the Commissioner based on his determination concerning subject matter

 sought to be patented. Clearly, therefore, the Commissioner is empowered

 to determine between patentable and unpatentable subject matters.


In Monsanto Co. v Commissioner of Patents (1979) 42 CPR (2d) 161 the

Supreme Court iterated the remarks of Duff, C.J. in Vanity Fair and then

went on to explain that the objection of the majority was not that the

Commissioner had exercised discretion but the way in which he had exercised

it. The Court was concerned with the lack of reasons to justify the

Commissioner's refusal to grant, and said it appeared that the Commissioner

was demanding the Applicant justify a grant, but the Court did not say that

the Commissioner had no authority to refuse to grant based on his

understanding of the issues. Consequently we do not see how Monsanto would

help Mr. Watson's argument.


All the cases we have mentioned demonstrate that there has been and

continues to be a considerable difference in the practical application of

the definition of a patentable invention according to the Canadian Patent

Act and the United States patent law. Further, they show that it is within

the Commissioner's jurisdiction to make patentability determinations.

Otherwise the Commissioner would be in a position of never having to decide

on the patentability of subject matter unless that particular subject

matter had already been excluded by the Courts. We think the Patent Act

was not meant to be administered in that way and we disagree with this line

of argument advanced by Mr. Watson.


The subject matter of this application is a strain of soybean. The claims

are directed to the soybean plant, a pod, and a seed of the variety

described; so there is no doubt that a type of living matter is being

claimed. Mr. Watson in discussing the Commissioner's Decision in Abitibi,

supra, points out the subject matter in that application was concerned with

living matter, namely a mixed fungal yeast culture that was acclimatized to

spent sulphite liquor and it was rejected by the examiner for that reason.

He believes the following passage from Abitibi is helpful to his argument:


It is of some importance, we think, to recognize how far

our recommendation, if accepted, will carry us, and we

believe clear guidelines should be set down for the

benefit both of applicants and examiners. Certainly

this decision will extend to all micro-organisms,

yeasts, moulds, fungi, bacteria, actiomycetes,

unicellular algae, cell lines, viruses or protozoa; in

fact to all new life forms which are produced en masse

as chemical compounds are prepared, and are formed in

such large numbers that any measurable quantity will

possess uniform properties and characteristics.


                              (our emphasis)


In assessing Mr. Watson's argument we find it useful to consider a

subsequent passage appearing in Abitibi a few lines after the above, as



We can see no justifiable reason for distinguishing

between these life forms when deciding the question of

patentable subject matter. Whether it reaches up to

higher life forms - Plants (in the popular sense) or

animals - is more debatable.


                              (our emphasis)


We understand from the first passage that the animate matter in question

was being discussed in terms of characteristics normally associated with

inamimate matter, for example, uniformity of structure, and properties in

the mass. We learn from the second passage, the question of considering

higher forms where the properties of individual entities become more

important and more complex relative to the mass, was left open.


Another passage from Abitibi quoted by Mr. Watson at the hearing was the



We can no longer be satisfied that at law a patent for a

micro-organism or other life forms would not be held

allowable by our own courts. Since that is the

criterion set down in Section 42, without which an

application should not be refused, we recommend that the

rejection of claims 4 and 5 be withdrawn.


We have no doubt that the Commissioner's Decision in Abitibi applies to

micro-organisms and lower life forms produced en masse, however, that is

not the subject matter now under review. We believe Applicant's subject

matter, a variety of soybean, should be considered on its own merits in

view of the above Canadian cases, rather than by attempting to relate the

comments made with respect to an application concerned with micro-



In the United States, the legislature has implemented two laws whereby

plant breeders are afforded protection, namely the Plant Patent Law of 1930

and the Plant Variety Protection Act of 1970. The United States

legislature may have considered these two further laws, directed towards

plants and seeds, were necessary to afford a certain kind of protection in

those areas. In Canada however, in contrast, Parliament has not enacted

legislation similar to either the Plant Patent Law or the Plant Variety

Protection Act and, to date, all proposals that similar laws be enacted

have not resulted in legislation.


Absent any indication in Canada by the Courts, or by legislation that the

public policy is to provide protection for strains of soybeans, the comment

by Mr. Justice Judson in the Farbwerke case, supra, becomes significant,

"... the Commissioner should most carefully scrutinize the application to

see if it merits monopoly privileges" under the Canadian Patent Act.


We find no direction from the Canadian Courts that a plant growing

according to the laws of nature, should be considered a manufacture that

may be acceptable under Section 2. We are not informed in the application

of any change on growth that is due to changing the effects of inherent

natural forces resident in a soybean. Apropos the skills of persons

involved in developing soybean varieties, we refer to the test book

SOYBEANS AND SOYBEAN PRODUCTS Vol. 1, 1950 Interscience Publishers, Inc.

New York. We learn from page 19 that between 1898 and 1950 the U.S. Dept.

of Agriculture has imported more than 10,000 varieties of soybean from

various countries throughout the world. Paragraph 3 of that page reads:


Most of the acreage devoted to soybeans was first used

for forage and pasture; therefore the early breeding

was blended largely toward the development of varieties

most suitable for hay, silage, soilage, and pasture.

The expansion in the use of soybeans for processing into

oil and meal in the early 1920's led to a demand by

growers and processors for yellow-seeded varieties

having a high oil content and a high seed-yielding

character. Agronomists and plant breeders of state

experiment stations and the United States Department of

Agriculture developed, through selection and

hybridization of introductions and standard varieties,

marry improved varieties. These new varieties with a

much higher oil content and better yields of seed have

practically displaced all of the old standard types and

extended the area over which soybeans were previously



Clearly then the number of varieties that have been developed through the

cross breeding and selection technique must number many thousands in the

United States alone. As indicated in the above reproduced paragraph the

purpose of developing new varieties is to obtain improved characteristics

(high oil content, high seed-yielding character). We agree that the

descendent plant may be new and useful but we do not see the attribute of

ingenuity in the patentable sense has been demonstrated. We are persuaded

however, that Applicant has used the professional skills practiced by a

person in the art, for example, following the skills of a plant breeder

that have been exercised in the past in obtaining the thousands of strains

of soybeans mentioned in the book. We are satisfied there is no direction

provided by the cases discussed during the prosecution and the Hearing,

particularly the Tennessee Eastman case, that this kind of subject matter

should receive patent protection.


Subsequent to the Hearing, Applicant submitted a copy of the Ex part e

Hibberd decision of the United States Board of Appeals dated September 18,

1985. He pointed out that it is in conformity with the interpretation

provided by the United States Supreme Court decision, Diamond v.

Chakrabarty, 447 U.S. 303, 206 USPQ 193 (1980) and provides persuasive

reasoning why this application should issue to patent. With respect to

Applicant's position we do not agree that either of these cases advances

reasons that alter the direction provided by the Canadian jurisprudence we

have outlined herein.


In summary, as may be seen from the Canadian cases discussed above, the

Courts have indicated, in ruling on appeals to them from refusals by the

Commissioner of Patents to allow certain subjects matter, that there are

limitations in Canada to the types of endeavor worked by humankind that may

receive patent protection. The Courts have further provided direction that

it is within the Commissioner's authority to determine whether subject

matter does or does not fall into a patentable category, and moreover, to

refuse to grant a patent when the attributes of patentability are not



We consider that this application is not directed to patentable subject

matter within the definition of Section 2 of the Patent Act in view of the

direction provided by Canadian jurisprudence. We recommend the rejection

of the application should be affirmed.


M.G. Brown                          S.D. Kot

Acting Chairman                     Member

Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the findings and the recommendation of the Patent Appeal

Board. I am satisfied this application is not directed to statutory

subject matter. Accordingly, under Section 42 of the Act I refuse to grant

a patent on this application. The Applicant has six months within which to

appeal my decision.


J.H.A Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents:


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 4th day of March 1986


Gowling & Henderson

Box 466, Terminal A

Ottawa, Ontario

K1N 8S3

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.