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                                 COMMISSIONER'S DECISION




A proposed electric motor was held to be an inoperable theory. No working model

was supplied.


Final Action: Affirmed




Patent application 312,909 (Cl.310-88), was filed on October 6, 1978

for an invention entitled "D.C. Machine". The inventor is

William R. Cruikshank. The Examiner in charge of the application

took a Final Action on September 21, 1979 refusing to allow it

to proceed to patent.


The application is directed to an acyclic direct current motor or

generator, as distinct from a commutating motor or generator. Claim

1 reads as follows:


A true DC machine consisting of stator frame, stator winding,

main rotor, rotor field poles and rotor shaft; in which

the field poles on the main rotor are of the same magnetic

magnitude and polarity and are directed perpendicular to

the inside periphery of the stator; with the stator winding

conductors perpendicular to the rotor field in axial planes,

the stator core fastened between two stator side frames

with one or more narrow inserts of non-magnetic material

placed between the stator core and each side frame: the

rotor is fastened to but separated from the rotor shaft by

means of a flange at each end rigidly fastened to the

shaft with one or more inserts of non-magnetic material

placed between  each flange and the rotor ends, the rotor

having a hole, through the center of somewhat larger diameter

than the shaft: with a means of applying and removing DC

voltages and currents from the machine winding, with a

means of cooling and lubricating machine parts and fasten-

ing machine to rigid supports.


In the Final Action the Examiner refused the application because:


a) The disclosure is insufficient and does not satisfy

         Section 36(1) of the Patent Act.


b) The alleged invention is inoperable and does not

         satisfy Section 2 of the Patent Act because it is

         not useful.


In regard to the insufficiency of the disclosure the Examiner

argued (in part):


In his last letter, applicant has explained a few things,

at least he has explained that by "true D.C. machine" he

wanted to say "homopolar or acyclic" machine. The

examiner was not able to guess that because the machine

described and illustrated in Figs. 1 to 4 is not at all

acyclic. However, it is still held that the present

disclosure is just as insufficient, incomplete and con-

fusing as before, even if all the amendments suggested

in the last letter had been entered.


It is still not clear, how the proposed machine could

produce D.C. , without a comutator, if both windings, on the

stator as well as on the rotor, are wound (See present dis-

closure, page 3, lines 15 to 20).


It is still not clear, how a "squirrel cage rotor", a typ-

ical A.C. machine component, can be of any use in a D.C.

machine. Applicant refers the examiner for an explanation

to pages 5A, lines 24 and 25. These two lines, however,

give no explanation whatsoever. It is still not clear,

how a squirrel-cage winding could be built into the present

machine. Will it be in the rotor or stator? And how could

it produce voltage and current if it is stationary (See

disclosure page 1, lines 21 to 23) and does not move with

respect to the magnetic field. It appears that applicant

knows squirrel cage windings by name only and does not

understand their purpose and function.


The present disclosure is incomplete and indefinite because

it does not say how the slip-rings or current collectors

are arranged on the machine. In particular, it is not

clear how current could be collected from or supplied to

a squirrel cage rotor. This question is even more impor-

tant for a homopolar machine because in such a machine

current collection is a bottleneck and a headache (See

copy from Engineering Handbook supplied by applicant).

Because of all these questions, a person skilled in the

art could not construct a useful machine by following only

applicant's present insufficient disclosure.


In his last letter applicant has proposed to modify

throughout the disclosure the expression "shielded winding"

to read "partially shielded winding". It remains unclear,

however, why windings must be shielded, what is gained,

and what material is used for shielding. (See disclosure

page 1, line 22, etc).


It is still not clear, what the non-magnetic inserts are

supposed to do. Applicant, in his letter, paragraph 5 (b)

says, the non-magnetic insert 3f is "for the purpose of

confining the flux to a particular assembly (as much as

possible)". But it does not. According to lines 2 to 5

of the disclosure, page 4, the normal flux path in Fig. 2

is from inner core 4A to flux rings 3E. The interposed

insert 3f only interrupts this flux path and renders the

machine inefficient, if not useless.


It is held that the present disclosure does not "correctly

and fully describe the invention and its operation or use

as contemplated by the inventor .... in such full, clear,

concise and exact terms as to enable any persor skilled

in the art .... to make, construct, compound or use it,"

as required by Section 36(1) of the Patent Act.


On the question of inoperability of the invention the Examiner

stated (in part):


At the first page of his last letter, in paragraph 3,

the applicant says: "This machine could be more properly

called acyclic or homopolar...". Now this statement

is a radically new revelation because the machine dis-

closed and illustrated does not at all resemble an acyclic

machine, nor can it be operated in an acyclic fashion.




There is another reason, why applicant's machine cannot

operate acyclically. In a uniform homopolar magnetic

field the rotor rust be a single straight conductor. It

cannot be wound i.e. looped back and forth. If it were,

the voltages induced in one half of the winding sides

would oppose those induced in the other half, resulting

in a zero output. For this reason, a homopolar machine

with a wound rote will not work. However, that is exactly

what applicant has, a machine with a wound stator (See page

3 of the disclosure, lines 10 and 11) and a wound rotor

(page 3, lines 19 and 20)....


If, then, applicant's machine is not homopolar, it is still

the same machine that was analysed by the examiner on page 4

of the last Action. The three unusual features A, B and

C have been condensed from the present disclosure and

drawings, and it is therefore again held that the alleged

invention is inoperable for the following reasons:


A. Applicant's machine, having a wound rotor, cannot run

on D.C. or. produce D.C. because it has no commutator,

either to energize only certain windings which happen

to be in the gap of the motor, or to rectify the

output of a generator, as the case may be.


B. If all the stator poles facing the rotor have the same

polarity and all rotor poles facing the stator have

the same opposed polarity then each North pole would just

lock with one South pole, and no torque would be pro-

duced by a motor. No voltage would be produced in a

generator because no flux would be cut.


C. If rotor windings were somehow shielded, be it fully

or partially, from the stator flux so as to eliminate

or reduce Back EmF, then no or little flux would cut

the conductors, thus producing no or little voltage in

a generator and no or little torque in a motor.


If it therefore held again that the device described by

applicant is inoperable and not useful.


In response to the Final Action the Applicant says (in part):


a) The objections raised under Sufficiency of Disclosure

are not valid because the machine parts complained about

are Knell known to one knowledgeable in the art for

example slip rings.


b) Objections raised under Operability are not valid be-

cause the machine described do not function and are

not arranged the way the examiner thinks they are and

because he has not correctly applied machine principles.


We have reviewed the disclosure and have taken into consideration the

Applicant's arguments as presented in his letter of December 18, 1979

in reply to the Final Action. On page 2 of the letter the applicant

states (emphasis added):


An acyclic machine by definition is one in which the

field poles do not alternate in polarity so the machines

I have described are definitely acyclic. The machines

shown in the Standard Handbook for Elec. Eng. are essentially

acyclic and UNIPOLAR (they have only one pole which consists

of coils wrapped concentrically about the shaft but on the

stator) . The machines I have described are acyclic but NOT



The following definition of a homopolar generator or a homopolar

machine appears in the "McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and

Technical Terms" 2nd ed., 1978, D.N. Lapedes, editor in chief:


A direct-current generator in which the poles presented

to the armature are all of the same polarity, so that the

voltage generated in active conductors has the same

polarity at all times; a pure direct current is thus

produced, without commutation, also known as acyclic

machine; homopolar machine; unipolar machine.


An acyclic machine is, therefore, by definition, the same as a

unipolar machine.


The question which the Board must decide is whether the Applicant

has made a new invention which makes the above definition of acyclic

machines outdated, as suggested by the Applicant, or whether there

is some error in the proposed machines which makes them inoperable.


In order to answer this question we repeat here the following

paragraph from the Final Action:


There is another reason, why applicant's machine cannot

operate acyclically. In a uniform homopolar magnetic

field the rotor must be a single straight conductor. It

cannot be wound i.e. looped back and forth. If it were,

the voltage induced in one half of the winding sides

would oppose those induced in the other half, resulting

in a zero output. For this reason, a homopolar machine

with a wound rotor will not work. However, that is

exactly what applicant has, a machine with a wound stator

(See page 3 of the disclosure, lines 10 and 11) and a

wound rotor (page 3 lines 19 and 20).


In reply to this paragraph the Applicant argued on page 3 of his

letter as follows:


Single Straight Conductor.

Since the field poles are on only one side of the

winding or armatures what would induce a voltage in the

opposite side in the opposite direction? The flux changes

direction from perpendicular to parallel.


We place on record as of interest the following prior publication

entitled "Homopolar Induction Machines", Canadian Electrical News by

A.M. Gray, March 1, 1913. The article discusses impossible homopolar

machines, and explains the Examiner's objection and the Applicant's

question as follows:


Much time has been spent in the endeavour to design a

homopolar machine which will not require sliding contact,

and the usual result of such wasted energy is a machine

such as that shown diagrammatically in Fig. 2; tho opera-

tion of this machine is based on one if not on two





If a direct current be passed round the exciting coi1

B, a magnetic field is produced as shown and the assump-

tion is made, which may or may not be correct but which

has not been proven experimentally, that as the rotor C

revolves, the magnetic field revolves with it, and the

lines of force cut the stationary conductor ab generat-

ing a voltage therein; it is also assumed that, since

the conductor bc is brought out through a large opening

and is therefore in a weak magnetic field, the lines of

force will slide around the conductor in some way or

other without cutting it, or, if they do cut the

conductor, that the voltage induced therein will be

very small because of the low flux density in the

surrounding space.


The article goes on to state that the latter assumption is wrong.

Although the flux density in the air space is low, the velocity

of the lines of force is large, and the same number of lines are

cut by a conductor in the air space as by a conductor embedded in

iron. The Applicant has stated in his letter that the expression

for the induced voltage is E=BLV.


In Figure 2 (of the publication), the same total flux

is cut by conductor be as by conductor ab, and the

voltages induced in these conductors are equal and

opposite, so that the resultant voltage measured at

the terminals ac is zero.


Looking at Figure 2, we note that the flux also changes direction

from perpendicular direction to the parallel direction as argued

by the Applicant. Using the well known right-hand rule it is seen

that the voltage induced in line ab cancels the voltage induced

in line bc. We, therefore, must conclude that the dictionary

definition of an acyclic machine should be maintained unchanged

and that in fact Applicant's machines cannot work. It is also

noted that the Applicant apparently does not have a working model

of his machines, though one was requested by the Examiner (para-

graph 8 action of July 23, 1979). This is a further indication

that the applicant's invention is a question of theory which has not

been reduced to a practical form (Sections 28(3) and 40).


To further support our conclusion we refer to page 1 of Applicant's

disclosure which states (in part):


The stator winding may be wound, squirrel cage or shielded

winding with a DC voltage applied to or removed from the

stator windings.


Similarly, claim 1 (12-14) contains the expression:


... with a means of applying and removing DC voltages

and currents from the machine winding ....


Figure 1 of Applicant's drawings shows a stationary stator. Since

the stator does not move,brushes or collectors are not needed on it.


We now quote from the following reference which is cited as of

interest and which is entitled "the Unipolar Generator",

Westinghouse Engineer, March 1956, vol. 16, pages 56-61:


Most unusual is the young do machine designer who

has not schemed to turn the unipolar "inside out"

so the voltage-generating, current-carrying parts

could be on the stator. This would avoid all the

brush and collector problems. However, to date,

all attempts have failed. As Mr. B.G. Lamme once

said, "You can't fool the flux."


We do not think it necessary to discuss this matter any further.

Solutions to the problem which the applicant has set out to solve

have been tried before by many people. All designs of acyclic

machines having voltage generating or current carrying parts on

the stator are unsuccessful because they are based on fallacies as

discussed above.


We have considered all the arguments presented and have carefully

reviewed the application. The Applicant's design of acyclic machines

is based on fallacious theory. We, therefore, support the Examiner's

rejection of the application under Section 2 of the Patent Act for



C.A. Asher                    S. Kot

Chairman                            Member

Patient Appeal Board, Canada


I have reviewed the prosecution of this application and considered

the recommendation of the Patent Appeal Board. I concur with

the reasoning and finding of the Board. Accordingly, I refuse to

grant a patent on this application.


J.H.A. Gariepy

Commissioner of Patents


Agent for Applicant

William R. Cruikshank

5300 Tobin St., Apt. 9

Halifax, N.S.

B3H 1S2


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 20th. day of March, 1980

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.