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Patentable Subject Matter - Phenotypic Concentration of Spermatozoa

Claims to a concentrate of mammalian spermatozoa were rejected on

prior art and as being directed to unpatentable subject matter.

It was held the claims failed to distinguish over subject matter

disclosed in a prior French patent, but that modifications would

clear that reference. It was also concluded that in the present

circumstances there was present allowable subject matter.


Rejection: Affirmed and Modified.




Patent application 079973 (Class 209-69), was filed on April 13,

1970, for an invention entitled "Method And Means For Controlling

The Sex Of Mammalian Offspring And Product Therefor." The inven-

tor is Wallace Shrimpton. The examiner in charge of the

application took a Final Action on June 21, 1976 refusing to allow

it to proceed to patent. In reviewing the a rejection, the Patent

Appeal Board held a Hearing on August 9, 1978, and at which the

applicant was represented by Mr. D.G. Finlayson. The inventor,

Mr. Shrimpton, was also present.


The invention for which the applicant seeks protection is a means

for controlling the sex of mammalian offspring. It involves

separating the spermatozoa of the male into two fractions, one of

which contains the male-producing sperm and the other the female-

producing sperm. The female ovum is then fertilized with the male-

producing sperm or with the female-producing sperm, according to

the sex wanted in the offspring. The procedure is particularly

useful in breeding cattle. If the ultimate object is milk herds,

for example, one would wish to reproduce only females.


The general method is known, but the applicant has developed a new

way to separate the two types of sperm utilizing differences in

density between them. The sperm, which contains both the male-

producing sperm (referred to as Y-sperm) and female-producing

sperm (referred to as X-sperm), is introduced into the middle of

a column of a liquid separation medium having a uniform density

gradient from the lightest density at the top to the heaviest

density at the bottom. The lighter Y-sperm rise more quickly,

and a concentrate rich in Y-sperm is skimmed off the top. Milk

fractions have proven to be effective separation media, ones which do

not harm the sperm, though other media, such as tomato juice, may also

be used. ~Temperature and other conditions must be suitably controlled,

but these do not form part of the question before us.

Claims 1, 15, 17 and 45 are representative of the invention claimed.

1. A method for separating X-sperm and Y-sperm according

to phenotypic differences to make possible the control

of the sex of mammalian offspring, the steps of mixing

fresh sperm with a nutrient medium, cooling the mixture

of sperm and medium to a temperature in the range of to to immobilize the sperm, introducing

the cooled mixture of sperm and medium to a separation

medium in the form of a separate body of nutrient

medium to a separation medium in the form of a separate

body of nutrient medium and maintaining the said

temperature range in the separation medium, said

separation medium having a uniform density gradient

extending from a lightest density at the top to a

heaviest density at the bottom, at least part of said

separation medium being substantially equivalent in

density to the density of said mixture, applying buoyant

forces to the sperm introduced to said separation medium

tending to separate the sperm at levels of suspension

within the separation medium of known density containing a

sperm density, and then separating a portion of the

separation medium of known density containing a

suspended sperm fraction of equivalent density and

desired predetermined sex characteristics.

15. A method as in Claim 1 wherein said sperm is a member

of the group consisting of primates, cattles, pigs, sheep,

rabbit, buffalo, goat and horse sperm.

17. A method as in Claim 15 wherein said sperm is human


45. A composition of matter comprising deep frozen mammalian

sperm in a nutrient medium wherein at least 90% of said

sperm has chromosomes of one sex, said nutrient medium

at having a viscosity below about 1.0 poise, a

density within the range from about 1.010 to about 1.044

grams per cc, a pH between about 6.0 and 8.0.

The examiner was ready to accept the process claims as being directed

to a novel way to separate sperm, but rejected the product claims

45-50 (of which claim 45 quoted above is representative). The same

claims had been refused in 1974 and "withdrawn without prejudice"

on July 29, 1974. The application was subsequently allowed, forfeited,

restored and the product claims reinserted on December 22, 1975.

The examiner's continued objections to them is that the product claims

do not distinguish inventively from those taught in French Patent

1472775, issued to the SWB Corporation on January 30, 1967, and that since

the sperm is living matter it is not patentable under Section 2 of

the Patent Act. He said:

The reference teaches the separation of a sperm population

into predominently Y-chromosome or X-chromosome containing

sperm fractions. Such fractions are used in insemination

to increase the chances of obtaining offsprings of one sex

over the other. The reference broadly teaches the use of

various media including milk and glycerol as the separation

media and more specifically egg yolk amp glycine as the

preferred medium. Further, the desired properties of the media

taught in the reference are essentially the same as those

claimed by the applicant. The "deep frozen" limitation

recently added to instant claim 45 does not define further

invention as applicant points out in his letter of April 28,

deep freezing "is a common and accepted manner of storing

and shipping products of this type".

Further, the product defined by claims 45 to 50 does not

fall within the scope of section 2 of the Patent Act.

Living or viable matter is not patentable. Mixing or

diluting such matter with a nutrient medium and freezing

said mixture does not confer patentability to said matter.

The applicant contends that his product distinguishes from that disclosed

in the French patent because it is much more successful in producing

the desired sex in offspring, and is viable when deep frozen. Further

he says the product has commercial use in "the modern industry of

providing animal protein for human consumption", is reproducible, and

as such is patentable subject matter. An affidavit taken by the inventor

was submitted as evidence of the differences between his product and

that disclosed in the citation.

The applicant has also argued that the Patent Office allowed similar

product claims in Canadian Patent 891017, which is the counterpart of

the French citation, and that consequently he himself should be allowed

similar claims so that "any subsequent determination of the correct

patentee can be settled in the Canadian courts. We cannot, however,

accept that particular argument. The other Canadian application is not

in suit, and it would be improper for us to assess its patentability.


What we do have before us is application 079973, and we must determine

whether we think the claims in it are patentable, divorced from any

question of validity of claims in other patents.

In discussing the Canadian patent 891617, applicant says (p. 4, response

of December 21, 1976):

As an application that patent was copending with the present

application for twenty-one months and indeed the first

Examiner attempted to apply that Canadian patent against the

present application. The Canadian patent includes a number

of product claims for the same viable commercial product and

the limitations of that composition are not identical to

the composition and qualities and characteristics of the

composition in Claims 45, et seq. The applicant contends

that a conflict should have been declared in the normal

prosecution of these two applications and that while the

present rejection is not on the basis of that Canadian

patent, the Examiner has rejected Claims 45-50 as containing

no patentable subject matter and yet the Patent Office

issued a patent with claims for a similar type and parallel sub-

ject matter at a time when the present application had

already been on file for more than a year and a half.

[underlining added]

We see these statements as an admission that the product claims in the

Canadian patent [and also in the French patent] are the same as what

applicant claims. Otherwise we do not see how applicant can contend conflict

should have been declared. If the products are different (as applicant

argues elsewhere) there would be no conflict.

For our part, we have been persuaded by the affidavits and evidence

presented at the Hearing that applicant's product must indeed differ

from that claimed in Bhattacharya's Canadian and French patents.

Otherwise the results obtained using Shrimpton's product would not

differ so greatly from that using Bhattacharya's product. Its higher

pregnancy rate and viability demonstrated in applicant's arguments,

affidavit, and the article in Nature August 20, 1966 indicate it is a

significantly different product. Such a difference is more than a

question of degree.

The difficulty, one recognized by Mr. Finlayson at the Hearing, is that

the claims as now defined do not clearly distinguish from Bhattacharya,

and in our view were consequently properly refused by the examiner

because of his citation. Mr. Finlayson suggested that he should perhaps

add a process limitation to the claims to avoid this difficulty. We agree

that this is indeed a proper case to include a process limitation as the

only apparent way to properly define over the prior art. To overcome the

rejection of anticipation we would consequently call up on the appl~cant

to make such an amendment. We also think it would be proper to remove

the term "deep frozen" from claim 45 as requested by Mr. Finlayson, since

the product of claim 1 would not be deep frozen, and indeed would not

be viable when deep frozen unless other additives are included. We

further see no objection to amending the reference to 90% sperm of one

sex to 70%, since on page 26 of the disclosure it is shown that at least

70-80% of the sperm should be of one sex for commercial purposes, and it

is only "essential" to have 90% of one sex to obtain best results.

These amendments would, we are satisfied, clear the objections based upon

anticipation in the French patent. We are still left, however, with the

more thorny question whether the product is objectionable as not being

directed to statutory subject matter.

At the Hearing Mr. Finlayson recognized the general prohibition against

patenting living matter per se. It is a prohibition which also applies

to animal breeding. We have, on earlier occasions, concluded that both

are directed to non-statutory subject matter, not encompassed within

the meaning of the word invention as used in Section 2 of the Patent Act.

Most of the earlier decisions of the Commissioner unfortunately are

unpublished, but we can refer to the Patent Office Record for Jan. 4, 1977

xiii (The Human Liver Cell Line Case), to Dec. 20, 1977 at p. xiv (the

Wehrmeister decision; and to May 23, 1978 at xiv (the Miyairi case).

In reaching such conclusions we have had recourse to Tennessee Eastman v

Commissioner of Patents 1973 C.P,R. 8, (2d) 202; N.V. Philips Application

(1954) 71 R.P.C. 192; Lawson v Commissioner of Patents (1970) 62 C.P.R. 109;

Commissioner of Patents v Farbwerke Hocchst (1964) S.C.R. 49; In re Rau G.m.b H

(1935) 52 R.P.C. 362; R.H.F.'s Application (1944) 61 R.P.C.; Leonard's

Application (1954) 71 R.P.C. 190; N.V. Philips' Gloe~~ampenfabriel~n's

Application (1954) 71 R.P.C. 192; In re A.D. Goldhaft et al 1957 R.P.C. 276;

In re American Chemical Paint 1958 R.P.C. 47; Swift and Company's Application

1962 R.P.C. 37; In re Canterbury Agricultural College's Application


1958 R.P.C. 85; National Research Development's Application 1961 R.P.C. 131;

the British Patent Act of 1977, Ch. 37, Part 3(b); the Convention for the Grant

of European Patents, Article 53(b); J.R. Short Milling v George Weston et al

1941 Ex. C.R. 69 and 1942 S.C.R. 187; American Cyanamid v Frosst (1965)

2 Ex. C.R. 355; In re Virginia-Carolina Chemical 1958 R.P.C. 351; In re

Hamilton-Adams (1918) 35 R,P.C. 90; and Standard Oil Development's

Application (1951) 68 R.P.C. 114. 1n the United States a very recent ruling

of the United States Supreme Court effectively denied patentability to

new forms of microorganisms, In re Bergey, June 26, 1978, as reported in BNA's

Patent, Trademark & Copyright Journal No. 385 June 29, 1978, page A,

reversing the U.S. Court of Customs and Patent Appeals as reported in No. 349,

Oct. 13, 1977 at p. D-1. Earlier United States decisions had held that

living organisms and matter were not patentable. Sec for example

Guaranty Trust v Union Solvents 54 F. 2d 400,410; In re Arzberger 1940 C.D. 65,

& 46 U.S.P.O. 32; In re Nancy 499 F. 2d 12 89, 1294; and American Fruit

Growers v Brogdex, U.S. Supreme Court, 1931 C.D. 77, which while now an

old case was relied upon in the dissenting opinions In re Bergey, supra,

and In re Chakrabarty P.T.C.J. 3-9-78-p. D-l, which dissents were subsequent-

ly endorsed by the Supreme Court (supra).


In the present case applicant's claims stop short of the breeding steps,

covering only materials to be used in breeding. The controversy will con-

sequently turn upon whether the rejected claims should be refused for being

"living matter," a "product of nature," or a "living organism."


There is no doubt that spermatozoa possesses certain attributes of life,

including mobility and the ability to generate life when coupled with

ova. On the other hand they cannot reproduce themselves, at least not

directly, and really are only part of a living organism, much as a leaf or

seed is part of a plant, or a heart is part of a human organism. In

his dissenting opinion (subsequently tacitly endorsed by the U.S.Supreme Court)

in the Bergy case (supra), Mr. Justice Miller said:


The nature of organisms, whether microorganisms, plants, or

other living things, is fundamentally different from that of

inanimate chemical compositions [which are patentable]. For

example, both the microorganisms claimed herein and honeybees

are alive, reproduce, and act upon other materials to form

technologically useful product (lincomycm and honey, respectively).


This cannot be said of chemical compositions. I agree with

the board [of appeals] ... that living organisms (e.g.

plants and biologically pure cultures of microorganisms were

not intended by Congress to be within the scope of 35 U.S.C.101

(which like the Section 2 of the Canadian Patent Act defines

what is an invention].


While there are obvious similarities between the applicant's subject

matter and that in Bergy, there are also differences. The sperm do not

reproduce sperm, nor do they themselves produce a "technologically"

useful product.


In the Goldhaft decision, supra, we find:


Mr. Watson urged, however, that the Applicant's method was

truly a "manner of manufacture", or, expressed in another

way, that what 1 may perhaps call the sex-controlled egg

was in fact a vendible product within the meaning to be

given to that phrase when applying the G.E.C. rules. After

careful consideration, I find I cannot agree with this

contention. The fertilisation of the ovum, the production of

the egg, its incubation and the hatching of the chick are

steps in a process of nature, in a natural phenomenon. The

Applicants' invention as claimed consists merely in the

act of intervening, by the introduction into the egg of an

appropriate chemical compound, in this natural process to

alter the sex of the chick ultimately to be hatched, and

to be hatched whether or not the applicants do so intervene.

In my judgement, such an act is not. a "manner of manufacture"

within the meaning of the statute. Alternately stated a

"sex-controlled" egg must, like fruit and growing crops,

be excluded from the ambit of the phrase "vendible product"

as used in the G.E.C. rules.


Again, in some respects the subject matter of the decision and that of

the application are similar, but there are differences. The applicant's

process is not a natural phenomenon, and there is no creation either of

living matter or of a living organism. The separation carried out

in the invention is completely artificial.


The last case to which we would refer is In re Rau, supra, quoting

from p. 363:


In my opinion, the production by selective cultivation of seeds

having the desired compositions set forth in Claims 1 to 4

cannot be held to be a manner of manufacture within the meaning

of Section 93 of the Acts. Selective breeding of animals

and cultivation of plants for the obtainment of improved stocks

by the rigorous selection of and breeding from the few

individuals which are nearest the ideal has, as is well known,

been practised from the earliest times as a part of agricultural

or horticultural development, as for example in the production

of improved flowers or fruit with desired characteristics in

the progeny, and the exercise of art or skill in these

directions has not been regarded as coming within the term

'manufacture'. I think that the subject of the present applica-

tions is clearly distinguishable from the invention considered

in the case of Commercial Solvents Corporation v. Synthetic

Products Co., Ltd. ((1926) 43 R.P.C. 185) referred to by Counsel,

it seems to me that the process in the latter case is analogous

to a chemical manufacturing process or operation, the cultured

bacteria playing a part in the conversion of starchy bodies

into acetone and alcohols similar to that of chemical reagents

or catalysts.


As regards Claims 5 and 6, these claims simply refer to the

ordinary known methods of extracting the oils or fats from oil-

bearing seeds in general and to the usual use of the residues,

and Claims 7-9 are the usual appendant product claims; there is

no suggestion in the Specification that the seeds according

to Claims 1 to 4 are to be treated in any but the ordinary manner

of treating seeds to obtain oils, fats and fodder residues.


The present case differs from Rau's invention in that the vital steps present

in cultivation are absent.


Jasper Utermann, in his article Reflections on Patent Protection of Products

of Nature IIC Vol. 9 No. 5 1978, p. 409, has analysed objections

based upon the view that products which occur naturally or are found in

nature are unpatentable. The basis for such an objection is that products

which occur naturally should remain freely available to the general

public. That, of course, is not a factor in this case, since the synthetic-

ally separated sperm would not occur as such in nature.


While the present case is fraught with some uncertainty, we have reached

the conclusion that the product of claim 45 (when properly amended) is

not open to the usual objections based on living matter, lining

organisms, and products of nature, and that this is not one where the

Commissioner could say with any certainty that the applicant is not by law

entitled to be granted a patent, as referred to in Section 42 of the Patent

Act. We would consequently recommend that the present objection against

such claims when amended, be withdrawn.


We note that the present title of the application does not clearly express

what the new claims would protect. Something such as "Phenotypic Separation

of Spermatozoa" would, we think, be more appropriate.


Another matter was also discussed at the Hearing. The claims are broad

enough to cover human sperm, and the disclosure specifically mentions

that aspect of the invention. This raises some doubts as to whether in

their broadest term the process and product claims are only commercial

and industrial, but rather extend to the socio-medico sphere, encompassing

methods for controlling human populations. Mr. Shrimpton also indicated

at the Hearing that his work had really been limited to livestock, and

there is some uncertainty as to its practicality (and therefore utility)

with humans. To avoid these objections the applicant offered at the

Hearing to exclude the human species from his claims, so there would he

no need for the Board to consider such issues. First it was proposed the

claims should be limited to "animals," but Mr. Finlayson argued that

humans are often classified as an animal species. To avoid that problem

it was agreed that all the claims would be limited to non-human



With that and the other amendments agreed upon, the Board recommends that

the present objections be withdrawn.


Mr. Finlayson would also like to add certain claims dependent upon claim 45

to include glycerol. and other additives which render frozen sperm more

viable. We see no objection to that, but believe it is a question which can

be more properly worked out with the Examiner when prosecution is resumed.


Gordon Asher


Patent Appeal Board, Canada


Having reviewed the prosecution, I adopt the reasons, conclusions and

recommendations of the Board. The rejection of present claims 45-50 is

affirmed. The applicant should now proceed to make the amendments agreed

upon at the Hearing within six months of the date of this decision, or to

appeal under Section 44. The application is to be returned to the Examiner

to resume prosecution.


J.H.A. Gariepy

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 7th. day of March, 1979


Agent for Applicant


Meredith & Finlayson

77 Metcalfe Street

Ottawa, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.