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                              COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


       Disclosure Insufficient: Gas discharge display panels for Calculations

       The inventions involve the addition of Lanthamide and Actinide rare earths to

       the electrode insulators of gas discharge panels such as those used to display

       digits in electronic calculators. The disclosures described only one com-

       pound producing the effect, but claimed all rare earths in each series. The

       broad claims were refused as speculative, hypothetical and covetors, and

       that rejection was affirmed. The examiner also rejected the applications on

       the ground that the applicant failed to warn of dangers involved in using the

       invention. That refection was reversed. The specification is addressed to

       one skilled in the art, who would be aware of the dangers involved.


       Final Rejection: Affirmed with modifications



       Two applications of Owens-Illinois, Inc., were rejected by the examiner

       under Sections 36 and 2 of the Patent Act on the ground that the disclosures

       are insufficient, and do not support the inventions claimed. The early

       application, 148,888, Class 313-1 was filed on August 8, 1972, and the later,

       149636, class 313-1, on August 17, 1972. The same inventors are common to both

       applications, viz. Roger E. Ernsthausen, Donald K. Wedding et al.


       Both inventions relate to a gas discharge device used, for example, in the

       panels of electronic calculators which display digits to be read by the user

       of the device. An electrical discharge between electrodes in a gaseous medium

       causes numerals to light up so they become visible to the eye. Such devices

       are, of course, well known, and the applicants inventions are improvements

       thereto. To the dielectric insulators for the electrodes the applicant adds

       a rare earth compound of the Lanthanide series (in 148888), or of the actinide

       series (in 149636). Claim 1 of each application will serve to illustrate what

       is involved.


       Claim 1 (148888): In a gas discharge device containing at least

       two electrodes, at least one of the electrodes

       being insulated from the gas by a dielectric

       member, the improvement wherein at least one

       dielectric member contains a source of at least

       one Lanthanide Series rare earth selected from

       La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er,

       Tm, Yb, Lu, Sc, and Y.


       Claim 1 (149636): In a gas discharge device containing at least

       two electrodes, at least one of the electrodes

       being insulated from the gas by a dielectric member,

       the improvement wherein at least one dielectric

       member contains a source of at least one Actinide

       Series rare earth selected from Ac, Th, Pa, U, Np,

       Pu, Am, Cm, Bk, Cf, Es, Fm, Md, No, and Lw.


       It is said that the addition of the rare earth compounds improves ageing

       and stability of the devices, permits the use of lower operating potentials,

       and improves the electrode discharge.


       The examiner's objection in 148888 is that whereas the applicant has only shown

       that one compound, ytterbium oxide (Yb2 0 3), actually produces the effect

       desired, the claims cover innumerable other compounds and combinations thereof,

       of which I29 were listed in the disclosure, but none of which (other than

       Yb2 0 3) have been demonstrated to produce the effect desired. It is his con-

       tention that the applicants claims are speculative, hypothetical, covetous, and are

       an attempt to appropriate unexplored ground. He has said, inter alia, that:




       ... It is noted that applicant has given experimental data for

       only one single compound, i.e. for Yb2 0 3, which is expressed in

       a graph at the end of the disclosure. This appears to be the

       only experiment on which the application is based. In a rather

       general way, applicant compares the advantages of sequioxides

       to the dioxides (see page 12, paragraph 2), but there is no

       evidence of tests and experimental results to substantiate this



       It must be noted, furthermore, that applicant does not say whether

       all the eight salts of lanthanum, for example, listed on page 7,

       will work in the same way, one as the other, or any of these

       salts in the same way, as the lanthanum oxides. Applicant does

       not say whether all the compounds listed on pages 7 through 10

       can be applied by each of the methods proposed on page 10, lines

       10 to 22, nor whether with all these compounds the "desired bene-

       ficial results" are obtained with a thickness of from 200 to 10,000

       angstrom units (see page 11, lines 1 to 4). Nor is it clear from

       the disclosure whether all compounds listed by applicant will with-

       stand the heat sealing cycle temperature of In other words,

       while applicant is claiming a monopoly for the use of a countless

       number of compounds he gives no indication which of them are

       really operable. Though it is known that the rare-earth metals

       themselves have very similar properties, the same cannot be said about

       the large number of the different compounds, alloys and minerals

       containing these rare-earth metals.


       It is held that the disclosure of utility based on the tests of a

       single compound Yb2 0 3 is inadequate proof of utility for the re-

       maining more than one hundred compounds covered by the broad claims.

       This objection applies to all claims now on file. All claims are

       therefore refused on Section 2 of the Patent Act by reason of



       While applicant cannot be expected to test all the compounds

       of which he has thought and which he has listed, he can be ex-

       pected to test and report on a sufficient number of them to show

       by consistent results that it would be justified to assume

       that the same results can be expected with all the remainng





       For his part, it is the applicant's contention that the disclosure does

       support the invention to the breadth in which it is claimed, and that

       the disclosure is sufficient. He points to the lists on pages 6-9 of

       the disclosure of the compounds which may be used, on the premise, presum-

       ably, that if they are referred to in the disclosure, they may be claimed.

       He also states that the "applicant firmly believes that all of the compounds

       encompassed within the scope of the claims are all operable..." (Feb.3, I975);

       and that "in the absence of prior art to the contrary, applicant believes

       that he is entitled to claim his inventive concept broadly." In addition

       he argues that there is no need to "exhaustively" test an invention.


       It is thus apparent that what we must determine is whether the inventor

       actually made the invention to the extent to which he is claiming, and

       secondly, that if he did not do so, whether he is still entitled to claim

       broadly on the basis of the statements made in the disclosure.


       We begin by noting that on page 6 of the specification, at lines 11-17, it

       appears that two of the elements, scandium and ytterbium, which are not

       members of the Lanthanide rare-earth elements, are included by the applicant

       on the basis that they "sometimes exhibit the same properties as the rare-

       earth series." We also note the statement at the bottom of page 9 that it

       is "contemplated" that certain of rare earth minerals "may be utilized."


       At the Hearing Mr. Mace was asked if the inventors had tried out any com-

       pounds other than ytterbium oxide to see if they worked. His reply was:

       "I don't know. It was not necessary to test any others."


The statements in the two preceding paragraphs indicate that much of what

the applicant describes is speculative at best. That conclusion is fortified

by the absence of any other evidence showing that as of August 19, 1971

(the priority date of this application), or indeed subsequent to that date,

it was really known by the applicant that anything other than ytterbium

oxide would be effective. The applicant has referred to certain patents of

a competitor (U.S. 3814970, June 4, 1974; Br. 1411297, Oct. 22, 1975 and

Br. 1415779, Nov. 26, 1975) to demonstrate that compounds of other elements

would also produce the same effect. All of them issued subsequent to

1971 when the applicant completed his own invention. Moreover they are not

before us to assess whether the claims in them are too broad, or whether

they are valid. They issued under different patent laws, whereas we are

concerned with the granting of Canadian patents under Canadian patent law.

We note, moreover, that all three patents are limited to oxides of the

elements in question. In the present application claims are put forward to cover

any source of these elements at all, and m any combination whatsoever,

whether they be oxides, nitrates, sulphates, other inorganic salts,

organic acid salts, complexes, alloys, or what have you. As may be seen

from Mellor's Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry,

Longman, (1967). Vol. V, Ch. 38, the number of these different compounds

run into the thousands. If one considers the possible combinations and

permutations of these compounds with each other covered by claim 1 (since it

is not limited to a single source of a rare earth), the numbers involved are

astronomical, running into the millions.


In his final report the examiner made a thorough examination of the jurisprudence

to be considered, including Hoechst v Gilbert (1966) S.C.R. 189; Boeringer Sohn

v. Bell Craig (1962) Ex. C.R. 201 and 1963 S.C.R. 410; In re May and Baker

(1948) 65 R.P.C. 255; Soci‚t‚ Rhone-poulene v Ciba (1967) 35 F.P.C. 174 and

1968 S.C.R. 950; In re Abraham Esau et al (1936) 49 R.P.C. 85 and


Olin Matheson v Biorex (1970) RPC 157, and there is little need for us to re-

peat the dicta laid down in them. Since the rejection, the Federal Court of

Appeal has considered the Commissioner's rejection of application 095945 in

Monsanto v. Commissioner of Patents, a judgement delivered on June 24, 1977.

The matter before the Commissioner and the Patent Appeal Board in that case was

very similar to what is now before us. The subject matter there was not a

medicine, so there is no question of any of the peculiarities attributed by

the applicant to the pharmaceutical arts limiting the application of that

decision to the present invention, a limitation to which in any event we do

not subscribe. In the Monsanto case the applicant, having shown that one compound was

useful as a rubber vulcanizer, wished to claim 128 other compounds listed in

the disclosure for the same purpose. After considering the jurisprudence listed

above, as well as others not used by the examiner in this case, the Patent

Office found such claiming to be too broad, as going beyond the area of reason-

able prediction, and as being speculative. The Federal Court confirmed the

rejection. We find the present application objectionable for the same reasons

and recommend that the claims be refused. The applicant is, of course, so far

as we have determined, entitled to a claim limited to the use of ytterbium oxide.


As for the applicant's contention that he is entitled to claim an invention as

broadly as the prior art permits, such a proposition holds only when the

invention has both been made and disclosed. No one is entitled to claim something

he did not invent merely because it is not in the prior art, and we must

consequently take the applicant's comments to have been made with those limit-

ations in mind. On this point we refer to three remarks made in Van Heusen v

Tooke Bros. 1929 Ex. C.R. 89 at 96 and 97:


....The patentee must not throw his net too wide, but must claim

clearly what he has invented, but not more than he has invented,

that is something which is the mere subject of his speculation

of his endeavour to grasp more than he is entitled to.


....It is not sufficient that a patentee's utterance springs from his

imagination, he must need carry with it the immediate warrant

showing that what he has done was done in a manner new to the

specific art.


....Invention must not be of questionable import. To constitute

invention it is not enough to disclose something but dimly



The rejection of application 149636 was for similar reasons. In this application

the applicant claims the addition of an actinide rare earth or a compound

thereof to the dielectric members of the electrodes. In this case, however,

there is no illustration of the use of any member of the actinide

family in the gas discharge devices. For that reason the examiner has said


       that the applicant is attempting to patent an idea which he has not reduced

       to a practical invention, and that he has provided no evidence that any of

       the large number of compounds covered by the claims possess the utility that

       he attributes to them. In his view:




       It is obvious that not all of the very large number of actinide

       elements and compounds will lower the operating potential, improve

       the thermostability, decrease the aging time etc.... Applicant

       apparently has given no thought to what compounds will be operable,

       and which ones will be inoperable. No information to that effect

       is contained in the disclosure. After the expiration of the term of

       the patent the public would have to do extensive testing to find

       out what compounds will work, if at all. Applicant is apparently

       more concerned to get as wide a protection as possible, even for

       several members of the actinide series which have not yet been

       isolated, and those which have "a very small half-life", than to

       give some consideration to the public which involves running some

       tests, disclosing the results, and telling, at least what members

       or compounds have been found to be operable.


       The examiner also contended that having found ytterbium oxide produces useful

       results, the applicant speculates not only that other members of the lanthanide

       series would be effective, but also conceived the idea of obtaining patent pro-

       tection for the similar actinide series, and compared the two applications to

       show how this "paper inventioneering" was carried out. He said:

       It then appears to the examiner, as at the time of writing the

       first report, that sometimes after the filing of the copending appli-

       cation 148,888, which claims the use of the complete lanthanide

       series, applicant must have conceived the idea of obtaining patent

       protection also for the other similar series of the actinides and

       their compounds which could, according to that conceived idea, pro-

       duce some "potential beneficial results" if applied in "predetermined

       beneficial amounts" in the same manner as the elements and compounds

       of the lanthanide series. Applicant then prepared the present

       application by copying, practically without change the first five pages

       from the disclosure of the copending application, then listing all

       elements and compounds of the actinide series known to him, and then

       as the third step, copying further appropriate portions from the

       copending application, inserting occasionally the word "Actinide",

       to complete the last two pages of the present disclosure. The new

       Abstract and the claims were produced from those in the copending

       application by only replacing the lanthanide elements by the actinide

       elements. There is no evidence whatsoever that applicant has done

       anything else before the filing of the present application to perfect

       his alleged invention or to give consideration to the public. The

       disclosure thus does not contain the necessary ingredients of a true



       It has been said before that, in effect, proof of utility depend-

       ing on a few members of a large family is road equate proof of utility

       for the remaining members. How much less justification is there

       in the present case to grant a monopoly covering the whole large

       family of elements and compounds without having the proof of utility

       of even a single member of that family.


       and rejected the application as a whole in these terms:




       As the result of the above detailed analysis, the present applica-

       tion is refused as a whole for the following reasons:


            A. The present disclosure is inadequate in that it does not

       contain any patentable subject matter as compared to appli-

       cant's copending application 148,888, and therefore does

       not satisfy Section 36(1) of the Patent Act.


            B. The application is based only on a pure untested idea, which

       is contrary to Section 28(3) of the Patent Act, and


            C. In general, there is no evidence that applicant has made a

       bona fide invention.


            D. The disclosure contains no proof of utility for even a single

       member of the family of elements and compounds for which

       patent protection is sought, so that Section 2 of the Patent

       Act is not satisfied.


       In the Final Action of July 21, 1975, the examiner elaborated in detail upon

       the reasons for his refection. He said inter alia:


       It should be noted that in both Office Actions of September 19,

       1973 and November 7, 1974 the examiner pointed out the apparent

       lack of any experimental basis whatsoever for the present application.

       It is conspicuous that in neither of the two replies was applicant

       able to say that he did run at least a single test, or to produce

       a single proof of a solid experimental result. This obvious lack of

       solid evidence only confirms the assumptions that not a single test

       had been made before the application was prepared and filed.


       It is normal in Canadian patent practice to include in the disclosure

       the description of several representative examples of tests, giving

       the exact compounds, percentages, process steps, temperature ranges

       used, and the attained experimental results. The examples yielding

       the best results represent then the best mode as contemplated by applicant

       and also required by Section 36(1) of the Patent Act. The examiner

       found, furthermore, that whenever the question as to proof of opera-

       bility arises, the applicant, particularly a large, well-established

       enterprise, who rarely files an application for an untested idea,

       invariably produce's same proof of practical tests to convince and

       satisfy the examiner. Needless to say, in the present case, it would

       have been so much simpler and convincing to file concrete experimental

       data, if there had been any, instead of the arguments based on the

       questionable page 10 of the disclosure.



The present disclosure is defective and does not satisfy the

requirement of Section 36(1) because it does not give any pre-

ferred embodiment of the alleged invention. The pertinent part

of that section reads: "in the case of a machine he shall explain

the principle thereof and the best mode in which he has contem-

plated the application of that principle" (emphasis added). In

the present case, the "preferred embodiment" or "best mode" would

be the compounds of actinides, or combination of compounds, which

had produced the best results or at least good acceptable results.

To disclose this preferred embodiment is simply an elementary part

of the consideration applicant is expected to give to the public

in return for the broad monopoly which he is seeking.


It should be noted that in the disclosure applicant names a large

number of actinide elements and compounds. Besides the fifteen

elements of the series itself, pages 6 through 8 of the disclosure

list 54 compounds and derivatives of rare-earth metals, which

amount to a total of about 60. At the end of the disclosure,

applicant proposes that each rare-earth source may be combined with

one or more compounds of the Group IIA elements, a total of 6

being listed. Thus the total number of possible combinations

equals the number of the rare-earth sources times the number of

Group IIA elements i.e. 60 x 6, which amounts to more than 350.

According to applicant's last letter page 6, lines 19 and 20, all

of these combinations are operable. It is quite impossible that

all of these combinations are operable to the same degree, and

with the same efficiency.




In Steel Co. of Canada v. Sivaco Wire and Nail Co., 11 C.P.R. (2d)

153, at page 195 we find the expression "mere paper suggestion" applied

to patents for inventions which have not been developed. In Hoechst

v. Gilbert (1964) Vol. 1, Ex. C.R. 710 and 1966 S.C.R. 189, the

Supreme Court adopted the view that "no one could obtain a valid patent

for an unproved and untested hypothesis in an uncharted field."

The dangers of overclaiming were also explored in Soci‚t‚ Rhone-Poulenc v.

Ciba (1967) 35 F.P.C. 174 at 201-205 and 1968 S.C.R. 950 in which

a broad claim vas found invalid because the majority of the substances

of the class had never been made or tested by anyone. It may be noted,

furthermore, what were the reasons leading to the introduction of both

Section 41 into the Canadian Patent Act in 19-23, and Section 38A into

the British Patent and designs Act in 1919. Section 38A came into

being to remedy an abuse which led to the domination of the British

dye industry by foreign interests who obtained broad chemical claims

covering substances which they had never made or tested, and who

subsequently used such claims to restrict the activities of their

competitors (Transactions of the Chartered Institute of Patent Agents,

vol. 62, p.92).

In this case the examiner has rejected the whole application. We find the

examiner's arguments persuasive. For the reasons advanced above against the

earlier application we believe there has not been a sufficient disclosure of

any invention made, that Section 36 is not satisfied, and on the basis of the

evidence before us that all the applicant has done is speculate about a possi-

ble invention. We recommend that the application be refused.


The examiner also objected that the applicant failed to include sufficient

warning of the dangers involved in using his alleged invention, and of

the precautions necessary. Since the specification is addressed to one

skilled in the art who, in this instance at least, would be aware of the

radioactive hazards involved, and how to handle them, we are inclined to

the view that this requirement of the examiner is unnecessary. Since,

however, we have found the application unallowable on other grounds, we

need not develop this conclusion in detail.


Our recommendations, therefore, are that the present claims of application

148,888 should be refused, and that application 149,636 should be rejected

in its entirety.


Gordon Asher,


Patent Appeal Board, Canada


Having considered the prosecution of this application, I now reject applica-

tion 149,636 and the claims of application 148,888 for the same reasons as

were advanced by the Patent Appeal Board. The applicant has six months

within which to appeal this decision or, in the case of application 148,888.

to restrict the claims to the subject matter found allowable by the Board.


J.H.A. Gariepy

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 19th, day of January, 1978


Agent for Applicant

Gowling & Henderson

Box 466, Terminal A

Ottawa, Ontario

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