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Obviousness: Suture Storage Package


Conventional packaging of polyglycolic acid sutures is unsatisfactory because

if stored the sutures disintegrate too quickly when subsequently used in the

human body. Research by the applicant disclosed the cause of the problem.

The sutures must be thoroughly dried and kept in a dessicated state in hermit-

ically sealed containers which have themselves been dessicated before use and

which are completely impermeable to moisture.


Final Action: Modified.




This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated December 8, 1975, on applica-

tion 086,315 (Class 217-36). The application was filed on June 23,

1970, in the name of Arthur Glick, and as entitled "Storage Stable Package

For Absorbable Polyglycolic Acid Sutures, And Process For Preparing Same."

The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on November 23, 1977, at which

Messrs. D. Sim, Q.C. and I Brameld represented the applicant. Also present were

Dr. J. Richards and Mr. J. McPherson, representatives of American Cyanamide.


This application relates to the packaging of polyglycolic acid sutures

so that the sutures are stable during storage. This is accomplished by desicc-

ating sutures and container prior to sealing. Figure 1 of the application

which illustrates the invention is shown below:


                    (See formula 1)

In the Final Action the examiner rejected claims 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for

failing to define any patentable subject matter because of common knowledge

and the following reference:


U.S. Patent 3,297,033           Jan. 10, 1967          Schmitt


The Schmitt patent, which is owned by the applicant company, describes

       a synthetic absorbable surgical suture of polyhydroxyacetic acid esters and

       absorbable surgical sponges or gauze of the same material. Monofilaments of

       the fiber are attached to surgical needles, sealed in transparent polyester-

       polyethylene packets, and dry sterilized by permeating the seal line pith

       ethylene oxide. These sutures may be stored in a conditioning liquid such

       as alcohol-water mixtures.


       In the Final Action the examiner stated (in part):


       The applicant, in the rejected claims, is predicating patentability

       on the broad idea of packaging polyglycolic acid sutures in a

       moisture free atmosphere. Accordingly claims 1 and 2 are directed

       to a method of packaging as is claim 4. Claims 5 to 8 are directed

       to a package. The claims under rejection are very broad and in

       reality merely define an idea that may have floated through some-

       one's mind. Applicant, in fact, contends that his invention lies

       in the discovery or realization that even traces of water will

       seriously affect the suture.


       It is the Examiner's contention that this is merely expected skill

       to one skilled in this art. The sutures per se are known, the

       fact that moisture adversely affects the sutures is well known and

       conceded by the applicant. (see page 5, lines 23 to 26 of this

       disclosure). It is considered to be entirely obvious that if it

       is known that large amounts of water deteriorates the sutures that

       smaller amounts wall also have a similar affect but perhaps to a

       lesser degree. The examiner contends that the skilled artisan

       would be unerringly led to this conclusion by the facts set forth

       above and therefore no invention was necessary.


       That being the case, and the applicant has not persuaded the exam-

       iner to the contrary by his arguments, the applicant's invention

       must be in a specific method of producing the moisture free package

       and a specific package per se. The examiner will not allow claims

       that merely set forth a package that maintains a suture in a moisture

       free manner as present claim 5 now does.


       The examiner, further, will not allow claims such as claims 6 to 8

       herein. The gaseous contents of sealed containers have been

       evacuated for years and also non-reactive gases have been used

       widely. Aluminum foil packages have been in use for years and

       it is further submitted that this alone is not sufficient to give

       the applicant what he desires. Claims 6 to 8 are rendered obvious

       by almost all of the vacuum packs available today.


       In response to the Final Action the applicant amended claims 1 and 5 to 7 by

       replacing them with new claims 1 to 5 and stated (in part):

 The Examiner has construed the claimed invention as being

 based "on the broad idea of packaging polyglycolic acid sutures

 in a moisture-free atmosphere" adding that "the claims under

 rejection are very broad and in reality merely define an idea

 that may have floated through someone's mind". The Examiner

 appears to have appreciated the point made in applicant's previous

 amendment that the invention lies in the discovery or realization

 that even traces of water will seriously affect the suture. How-

 ever, the Examiner comes to the conclusion that this is merely

 expected skill to one skilled in the art. He states that "it is

 considered to be entirely obvious that if it is known that low

 amounts of water deteriorates the sutures that smaller amounts

 will also have a similar affect but perhaps to a lesser degree".


 At this point, applicant wishes to refer to method claim 1 which

 calls for the packaging of the suture in a water-vapor impervious

 container and requires that "substantially all of the water is removed

 from said suture and container". By contrast, former claim 5, although

 referring to a water-vapor impervious container, used slightly

 different language, possibly ambiguous, in regard to the freedom

 from water, i.e. "water-vapor impervious container having enclosed

 therein a sterile polyglycolic acid suture which is substantially

 free from water". In particular, it could be alleged that "sub-

 stantially free from water" is more permissive regarding the quantity

 of water present than the method claim which calls for "substantially

 all of the water is removed". Moreover, the method claim makes it

 clear that this water is removed "from said suture and container"

 whereas former claim 5 did not make it perfectly clear that both the

 container and the suture are free from water. Proposed new claim 5, to

 take the place of former claims 5-7, is more specific in making it

 clear that absorbed moisture has been removed from the suture and from

 the (interior of) the container. Furthermore, proposed new claim 1

 has been restricted in the interests of defining the invention more

 explicitly so that it now covers only the subject matters of claims

 2 and 3. In other words, it still constitutes the necessary broad

 claim 1 to satisfy Rule 60 but it does not go beyond what is claimed

 separately in claims 2 and 3.


 The point which applicant wishes to emphasize is that conventional

 dry packaging techniques for sutures are not sufficient in the case

 of polyglycolic acid sutures to prevent deterioration leading ultimate-

 ly to unsatisfactory in vivo strengths. The whole argument has been

 set out clearly by applicant's expert, Dr. James Beverley McPherson,

 in affidavits filed in connection with the opposition by Ethicon Inc. to

 the grant of letters patent on applicant's corresponding U.K.

 specification Serial No. 1,263,217. Since portions of Dr. McPherson's

 affidavit evidence related to specific allegations in declarations

 filed by the U.K. opponent, there are quoted hereinafter only the

 portions of Dr. McPherson's affidavit which seem to be relevant to

 the present proceedings. If the Commissioner finds it necessary or

 desirable, a further affidavit could be obtained from Dr. McPherson

 specifically for the purposes of the present Canadian application.


A further response submitted October 21, 1977, was accompanied by an affidavit

 made by Dr. J. E. McPherson. Of the newly submitted claims 1 to 10, we in-

 formed the applicant prior to the Hearing that claims 1 to 4 and 7 to 10 were

acceptable. They cover a particular process for preparing the packages

and certain specific packages which we are satisfied embody patentable

   features. At the Hearing, consequently, Mr. Sim limited his remarks

to new claims 5 and 6. These claims are as follows:


5. A storage stable packaged polyglycolic acid suture

comprising an air-tight sealed water-vapour impervious

container, and within the container a dry, sterile poly-

glycolic acid suture, the gaseous contents of the

container having been evacuated or replaced by a dry

gaseous atmosphere non-reactive with polyglycolic acid,

and the suture and interior of the container being

substantially free of all absorbed moisture.


6. A storage stable, packaged polyglycolic acid suture

according to claim 5 wherein said container is rendered

moisture vapor impervious through the use of aluminum



The issue to be determined is whether these claims represent a patentable

advance in the art.


Claims of similar scope were rejected in the Final Action, in which the

examiner stated that they "...are very broad and in reality merely define

an idea that may have floated through someone's mind. Applicant,, in fact,

contends that his invention lies in the discovery or realization that

even traces of water will seriously affect the suture...." To support

his position the examiner argues that "sutures per se are known" and "the fact

that the moisture adversely affects the sutures is well known and con-

ceded by the applicant (see page 5, lines 23 to 26 of the disclosure)."

He adds that "it is considered to be entirely obvious that if it is known

that large amounts of water deteriorates the sutures that smaller amounts

will also have a similar effect but perhaps to a lesser degree."


Dealing with these statements at the Hearing Mr. Sim agreed that "sutures

per se are known." He disagreed with the allegation that the applicant con-

cedes it was known that moisture adversely affects sutures. Page 5 of the

disclosure (at lines 23 to 26) reads "it is known that when polyglycolic acid

is contacted with water and particularly at high temperatures, that degradation

of polymer will occur quite rapidly." According to the applicant this only

acknowledges that degradation will occur in contact with water, particularly

at higher temperatures but gives no indication as to what would be the effect

of "moisture" at normal temperatures. Using gelatine as an example, Mr. Sim

pointed out that it would deteriorate in boiling water, but it is stable to

ambient moisture at normal temperatures.


Another issue raised by the examiner was that since it is known that large

amounts of water affects these sutures, it would be obvious that smaller

amounts will have a similar effect to a lesser degree. He contends all the

applicant has done is to store the suture in a moisture free atmosphere.

Responding to this objection, Mr. Sim stressed that conventional dry packaging

techniques were not satisfactory for polyglycolic acid sutures, since con-

ventional dry storage results in unsatisfactory in-vivo strength of the sutures

if used after a relatively short storage period on the shelf. To support

his position he referred to the affidavit of Dr. McPherson, which accompanied

one of the responses to the Final Action. This affidavit sets out the circum-

stances in which the cause of poor in-vivo strengths were determined, and the

subsequent steps taken to overcome the problem.


Upon reviewing suture development as outlined in Dr. McPherson's affidavit,

we note that applicant's U.S. patent, 3,297,033 (Schmitt) represents the first

synthetic surgically acceptable absorbable suture. This suture possesses

superior properties to conventional catgut. Initially it was stored in the

conventional dry packaging system used for other non-absorbable sutures of

cotton, linen, silk, etc. It was found that polyglycolic sutures stored

for long periods of time had not suffered any significant loss in initial

strength and had the appearance of being storage stable on tensile testing.

However, animal implants revealed that the in-vivo strength deteriorated

rapidly after prolonged storage before use. About this problem the affidavit

states at page 5:


At first we were puzzled by these facts and we considered whether

the cause of the trouble might lie in oxidative degradation of the

polymer or from progressive depolymerization resulting from the

 presence of small quantities of catalyst, or from the presence of

excessive quantities of unreacted glycolide, or from the presence of

glycolic acid residues or its dimer entering into transesterification

reaction with the PGA polymer chain, or autocatalytic degradation

from unidentified sources.


9. Intensive efforts in our laboratories eventually showed

that although the sutures had been packaged "dry", nevertheless

residual moisture present in the suture coupled with the moisture

vapor present in the package were the culprits.


and on page 9:


15. To secure the advantages of the present invention three

things must be achieved. One must vigorously remove absorbed mois-

ture vapor from the suture material and container interior. One must

keep the container interior and its contents in a desiccated state

before sealing the container. Finally, one must hermetically seal

the moisture vapor impermeable container.


The corresponding U.K. application was involved in opposition proceedings,

during which it was attacked for obviousness. We were provided a copy of the

Interim Decision of the U.K. Office following those proceedings, and quote

the following from page 6 of that decision:


Having considered all the evidence in this case it is my view that,

while it was generally known that PGA was liable to undergo some

degree of hydrolysis if immersed in water for a prolonged period,

it was not generally understood that this material was so sensitive

to minute amounts of water vapour absorbed from the atmosphere,

as to make it unsuitable for use in surgical sutures after storage

in conventional dry conditions. Whereas I accept the opponents'

argument that in the case of a material for use in surgery it would

be necessary to be particularly careful, I am not persuaded that it would

be obvious to one skilled in the art that PGA sutures, already described

as "dry" should be subjected to a further drying operation in order

to preserve their tensile strength. (emphasis added)


It is clear that a stored polyglycolic suture using the conventional "dry"

packaging method resulted in an unsatisfactory product. Consequently further

research was necessary to discover the cause of the problem and its solution.


This discovery appears to constitute the basis for an inventive step which pro-

duces a new and useful result. On this point we refer to the comments

of Lord Simmons in Raleigh Cycle vs H. Miller (1948) R.P.C. vol. LXV 141

@ 148:


The patentee, having made this discovery, proceeded to make an

article which gave effect to it. It achieved under the name of a

"Dynohub" an immediate commercial success, and though, I think,

no great ingenuity was needed for the construction of the article,

I am not prepared to dissent from the view taken by the Court of

Appeal that here there was subject-matter to support a patent.

The discovery was the inventive step which gave to the invention

the necessary merit. [underlining added]


Similarly in Continental Soya vs Short Milling 1942 S.C.R. 187 @190 the

Supreme Court said:


The distinction between discovery and invention must, of course,

be borne in mind. The relevant principle, in my opinion, is

stated in the treatise on Patents and Inventions by Lord Justice

Luxmoore, H. Fletcher Moulton and A.W. Bowyer in the 2nd edition

of Halsbury, at p. 591:


The difference between discovery and invention has been fre-

quently emphasized, and it has been laid down that a patent

cannot be obtained for a discovery in the strict sense. If,

however, the patented article or process has not actually

been anticipated, so that the effect of the claims is not to

prevent anything being done which has been done or proposed

previously, the discovery which led to the patentee devising

a process of apparatus may well supply the necessary element

of invention required to support a patent. This is certainly

the case if it can be shown that, apart from the discovery,

there would have been no apparent reason for making any variation

in the former practice.


We will now summarize the factors which can be considered as known with

respect to polyglycolic acid sutures prior to the applicant's research:


It is absorbable in body fluids over a period of time.


It degrades when exposed to water, particularly water at high



It loses in-vivo strength if used after storage in conventional dry



Applicants cited U.S. Patent 3,297,033 recommended storage in an

alcohol-water mixture.


As for catgut sutures, the following properties are known:


They are absorbed in body fluids over a period of time.


They degrade more rapidly when exposed to water, particularly at

high temperatures.


When packaged in an alcohol solution containing water it is stable.

 The applicant discovered that removal of minute traces of moisture normally

 present in the suture, and from the atmosphere inside the package, is necessary

 to obtain a product which is stable when stored. In our view this is not

 obvious, and represents an inventive step.


 At the Hearing there was considerable discussion about the terminology used in

 claim 5. The word "dry" in line three of this claim is meant to describe a

 "moisture-free" condition and the applicant suggested it might be more accurate

 to use the word "desiccated". We believe that such phrasing more accurately

 reflects the applicant's invention, and should be used here, and also in claim 1.


 There was also some discussion about the term "dry" used in line 4 of claim 5

 to describe the gaseous atmosphere present in the section. We think that a

 "dry gaseous atmosphere" could include traces of moisture, and the word

 "desiccated" should be employed here as well. Another term considered was

 "substantially", which is found in the last line of the claim. We believe that

 the word "essentially" would reflect the true nature of the invention more



 At the Hearing Mr. Brameld agreed to a further amendment to claim 5. Since the

 claim is for a product, but embodies certain process steps, it would be desir-

 able to replace the process limitation by product limitations. We think such

 an amendment should be made.


 To summarize, we recommend that claims 2 to 4 and 7 to 10 as proposed be

 accepted and that claims 1 and 5 would be accepted if amended as above. Depend-

 ent claim 6 would then be acceptable, also.


 Gordon Asher


 Patent Appeal Board, Canada


Having considered the prosecution of this application, the recommendations of

 the Patent Appeal Board made subsequent to the Hearing, and the claims proposed

 subsequent to the Final Rejection, I confirm the rejection of existing claims

 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 for failure to describe the invention properly. I

further direct that proposed claims 2 - 4 and 7 - 10 received on June 8,

1976, be accepted, and that claims 1, 5 and 6 be accepted if amended in

the manner called for by the Board. The applicant has six months to make

such amendment, or to appeal to the Federal Court under Section 44 of

the Patent Act.


J.H.A. Gariepy

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 30th. day of December, 1977


Agent for Applicant


Smart & Biggar

70 Gloucester St.

Ottawa, 4, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.