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SECTION 2 OF THE PATENT ACT - Nozzle Means Producing A High-Speed Liquid Jet


The application claims a nozzle producing a high speed jet. The

application was refused because the claim defines the nozzle cavity

by means of an equation, which the examiner considered to involve a

mental step, rather than a physical difference. Any person

practicing this invention however, need not exercise any judgmental

step to determine what type of nozzle to construct. The claim defines

the physical characteristics of the nozzle by a formula which limits

the dimensions and physical shape, and clearly falls under the

useful arts.


Final Action: Reversed




This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated February 9, 1976, on

application 176,809 (Class 299-29). The application was filed on

July 18, 1973, in the name of Lewis A. Glenn et al, and is entitled

"Nozzle Means Producing a High-Speed Liquid Jet." The a Patent Appeal

Board conducted a Hearing on June 15, 1977, at which Mr. P. Hammond

represented the applicant.


This application relates to a nozzle device producing a high speed

liquid jet to be used in an apparatus to cut, break, deform or clean

material. Figure 1, shown below, is a schematic sectional view of one

half of an apparatus, showing the prior art contour (4) and the

contour according to the present invention (5), with a solid piston.


                    (See Figure I)


       In the Final Action the examiner refused the application because, in

       his view, the alleged invention is not within the ambit of Section 2

       of the Patent Act, and on a secondary aspect that it was obvious

       over the art cited in the present application.


       In the Final Action the examiner had this to say (in part) as follows:


       In view of the prior art, as shown 17 by present Figure 1,

       the present claim differs from said art by dimensions only,

       which dimensions satisfy the formula or equation of claim 1.


       As the claim differs from the prior art by an equation only,

       which is a mental step and not a physical difference, the

       alleged invention is not within the ambit of Section 2 of

       the Patent Act.


       Once it is decided that the present nozzle forming the subject

       of applicant's claim is not distinguished (only dimensional

       distinctions are here involved) from other nozzles, the

       only novelty allegeable in the claim is the mental process by

       which the physical parameters of the nozzles are calculated and

       determined. Such a process of calculation cannot be regarded

       as invention within the meaning of the Act.


       It is not of course a circumstance fatal to the grant of a

       patent that a new manufactured article cannot be distinguished

       from previously made articles by physically defined character-

       istics, provided it can be distinguished in some manner, for

       in some instances an article could be claimed by the process of

       making, but in such a case the process must, to be allowable,

       particularise "novel physical" steps. The nozzle of claim 1 is

       distinguished only by the process of calculations by which its

       profile is determined. Such a process is purely mental and

       therefore not within the ambit of Section 2 of the Patent Act.


       The applicant in his response stated his position (in part) as follows:




       The first objection of the Examiner in the Official Action appears

       to be based on the grounds that the subject matter of claim 1 is not

       patentable subject matter within the meaning of Section 2 of

       the Patent Act. Section 2 defines "invention" as meaning "any

       new and useful art, process, machine, manufacture or composition

       of matter or any new and useful improvement" thereto. Present

       claim 1 of the application is directed to a nozzle device

       comprising a nozzle with an internal cavity and a certain contour.

       It is submitted that a nozzle device falls readily within the

scope of the terms "machine" or "manufacture" found in the definition

of "invention". It seems highly probable that numerous nozzle devices

have already been patented in Canada without any objection being

made to the claims for such nozzles on the grounds that nozzles

do not constitute patentable subject matter. A nozzle is a physical

product which is manufactured by industrial processes much like

any other product and it is sold in trade in the usual manner. It is

not seen how there can be any serious basis for an objection based

on lack of subject matter particularly in view of the submissions

made hereinafter in connection with the significance of the two

equations in claim 1 which determine the contour of the internal cavity.


The Examiner also appears to be maintaining his objection to the

nozzle device of claim 1 on the grounds that the claimed nozzle does

not differ physically from the prior art. It is first of all noted

that the Examiner has not cited any prior art against the claims in

this application except for the admitted prior art referred to

in the disclosure and illustrated in the drawings of this application.

As explained in paragraph 2 of the first page of the application,

a known nozzle has an internal contour whose radius exponentially

decreases with distance from the nozzle entrance. In this nozzle

the relative rate of area change is invariant over the entire contour.

The contour of the known nozzle is illustrated by the line indicated

by reference numeral 4 in Figure 1 of the drawings. In contrast,

the internal contour of a nozzle constructed according to the present

invention is indicated by the lower curve 5 of Figure 1. The only

prior art which the applicant admits in its application is the

nozzle illustrated by the upper curve 4 of Figure 1. This known

nozzle does not have a contour lying within the limits defined by

the two equations set out in claim 1. In fact the applicant has

specifically stated and strongly maintains that no known nozzle

has an internal contour with the dimensions called for by

present claim 1. As can be seen readily from examining Figure 1,

the equations of claim 1 define a contour which is distinctly

different from the known contour illustrated by the upper curve

4 of Figure 1. Thus the Examiner's statement in the Official Action

that the nozzle device of claim 1 does not differ physically from the

prior art is incorrect.


The Examiner also alleges that the only novelty set out in claim 1

is the mental process by which the physical parameters of the nozzles

are calculated and determined. Again this statement is not correct

in applicant's submission and, as explained above, the nozzle device

of claim 1 does differ physically from the prior art....


At the Hearing Mr. Hammond brought forth some interesting and pertinent

points. The basic issue before the Board is whether or not the subject

matter of this application falls within the ambit of Section 2 of the Patent

Act. Claim 1 reads as follows:


       A nozzle device capable of producing a high-speed liquid

jet for use in an apparatus to cut, break, deform or clean

materials, said device comprising a nozzle having a inter-

nal cavity to receive a liquid column, said cavity having

a continuously converging contour lying within the limits

defined by the following two equations:


       (see formula I, II)



       A is the variable internal cross-section

       A o is the value of A at nozzle entrance

       A e is the value of A at nozzle exit

       L is the length of said nozzle from entrance to exit

       X is the variable coordinate along the axis of said nozzle.


       We point out at this time that "A" in claim 1 should, for better clarity,

       read: "is the variable internal cross sectional area of the nozzle."


       We observe that no prior art has been cited against the claims of this

       application except for the admitted prior art set out in the disclosure.

       This prior art is exemplified by the contour designated by reference

       number 4 in Figure 1 of the drawings (shown above). The main object-

       ion in the Final Action is based on lack of subject matter within the

       ambit of Section 2 of the Patent Act.


       The examiner stated that: "As the claim [claim 1] differs from the prior

       art by an equation only, which is a mental step and not a physical

       difference, the alleged invention is not within the ambit of Section 2

       of the Patent Act."


       What we are really concerned with is whether or not the novelty lies

       solely in the performance of certain judgmental steps. The ambits of

       the nozzle are defined by formulae which in fact describe the structure of

the nozzles. All nozzles coming within the limits of the formulae perform

in the manner desired. Anyone wishing to practice this invention need

not exercise a judgmental step to determine what type of nozzle to construct.

He merely makes a nozzle coming within the metes of the claim. Whether

the shape of the nozzle is described by a formula or in words is immaterial.

In both cases what is claimed is a specific structure. In this instance

the simplest way to describe the contours is by formulae, and we can see

no valid reason to object. We are satisfied on the facts before us that

there is no judgmental step involved in exercising the invention of claim

1. In the present case the formula is but another way of describing

the dimension of a structure, and its physical form. New machines and

apparatuses have always been patentable if they involve inventive ingenuity,

are useful, and are clearly defined in the claim.


We are satisfied therefore that claim 1 defines the physical characteristics

of the nozzle in the form of an equation which limits the dimensions and

physical shape of the nozzle and clearly falls under the useful arts. In

our view the grounds of refusal under Section 2 of the Patent Act should

be withdrawn.


On a further aspect of the ground of rejection the examiner stated that

"... claim 1 does not define a novel structural difference from the

known nozzle...." (see the action of April 17, 1975, and reiterated in the

Final Action)


We find that in the equation concerning the prior art "n" approaches

either negative or positive infinity. By contrast in the equation de-

fining the nozzle of the present arrangement (see claim 1 supra) n is

greater than or equal to -5 and less than or equal to -1. In other

words, n must be a small negative number for the nozzle of the present

application. The examiner did not, as mentioned, cite any prior art in

the Final Action, but relied on the prior art supplied by the applicant.

The structure of the internal cavity of the present nozzle is clearly

different from the prior art (see Figure 1 which shows the prior art

contour of a nozzle and the contour according to the present invention).

The applicant appears to have used a specific selection range for optimum

results. We have no reason to disagree that, as emphasized at the

Hearing by Mr. Hammond, there is a considerable difference in performance

over the prior art and that the applicant has made a significant contri-

bution to the nozzle art. The applicant has, in our view, produced a

result in a new and more advantageous manner which required for completion

a degree of inventive ingenuity.


In summary, we are satisfied that the applicant has made a patentable ad-

vance in the useful arts and we recommend that the decision in the Final

Action to refuse the application be withdrawn. The amendment for clarity

purposes, mentioned above, should be made to claim 1.



Assistant Chairman

Patent Appeal Board, Canada


Having reviewed the prosecution of this application and carefully considered

the recommendation of the Patent Appeal Board I have decided to withdraw

the Final Action. The application is returned to the examiner for resumption

of prosecution.



Commissioner of Patents


Dated in Hull, Quebec

this 8th. day of August, 1977


Agent for Applicant


Fetherstonhaugh & Co.

Box 2999, Station D

Ottawa, Ontario

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