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                          COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


OBVIOUSNESS: Threaded Fastener


The application relates to an improved threaded screw fastener. It was

found that the applicant has made a patentable advance in the art.


Final Action: Reversed - Suggested a claim for allowance.




This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated June 25, 1975, on applica-

tion 149,369 (Class 85-46). The application was filed on August 14,

1972, in the name of Geoffrey Dreger, and is entitled "Thread System."


The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on March 23, 1977, at which

Mr. D.G. Finlayson represented the applicant. Also in attendance was the

inventor, Mr. G. Dreger.


The application relates to a threaded member capable of being driven into

low density materials. The member has a sharp thread with its leading

angle substantially larger than its trailing angle. The following drawing

from the application shows the threaded member:


                          (See formula 1)

In the Final Action the examiner refused the application for failing to

define a patentable invention over the following United States patents:


2,350,346             June 6, 1944               Gaskell

2,380,724             July 31, 1945              Crooks

2,742,074             April 17, 1956             Rosan


Claims 1 to 5 were withdrawn. Former claim 6, now claim 1, is the only

claim before us.


The Gaskell patent discloses a threaded member having a thread with a

leading angle of 35ø and a trailing angle of 15ø. Figure 1 of Gaskell,

shown below, illustrates that invention


                       (See formula 1)


The Crooks patent relates to a wood screw retaining means. The thread

of the screw having a steep pitch of approximately 4 to 8 threads per inch.

That invention is illustrated by Figure 1 of that patent as shown below:


                     (See formula 2)


The Rosan patent is directed to a removable mounting insert member which is

used in conjunction with a fastening member.


In the Final Action the examiner set forth his position (in part) as follows

(we need only be concerned with the remarks as they apply to former claim 6,

now claim 1):




Claim 6 recites in essence the features presented in claims

1-5. Claim 6 is therefore rejected for the same considera-

tions as offered above.


The application is rejected as comprising no patentably novel

subject matter in view of the cited art.


Regarding applicant's response of January 10, 1975 it is held


the thread angle 30· - 15· as claimed as against Gaskell's

angle of 35· - 15· is so close that the difference is in-

significant for all practical purposes. Gaskell, moreover,

offers solution to the same type of problem, as stated in column

2, lines 39 ff: "the front face of the thread being inclined

to the vertical at a greater angle than conventional threads

can be driven into the wood with the application of a small

torque, while the rear face of the thread approaching a

buttress thread provides adequate bearing on wood or

similar materials, when tension loads are applied to the

screws and eliminating the possibility of splitting." While the

applicant's explanation is not so specific as that of

Gaskell cited above, it is easy to see that the object is

the same, and there is no significant deviation from the thread



The self tapping characteristics of applicant's screw are well

known and used in industry, and even if they had been claimed,

they would have contributed nothing to the patentability of

the device. Therefore applicant's argument that "Rosan never

considered a self-tapping screw. This certainly removes Rosan

as an anticipation of broad claim 1" does not apply.


Spacing between the threads has been dealt with in all three

references. Thus Crooks recognizes that "the lesser number

of threads per inch is a great factor in the holding power,

in as much as the fibre of the wood adjacent the shank is cut

or broken at fewer points." Crooks mentions further on

Bakelite, fibre or metal heads to wooden or plastic barrels,

though no specific ratio between thread height and pitch

is given. Gaskell states: "The screw is provided with

threads 4 having a pitch preferably of the order of eight

threads per inch." Rosan specifies the thread pitch as 1.54

to 1.125 of the thread height as compared with applicant's

pitch as being 2.2 to 3 of the thread height. Rosan, confronted

essentially with applicant's problem, increases the height

of the threads, and decreases the thread width, thus in effect

increases the distance between the threads.


Since there is no subject matter in the disclosure that is

unobvious and inventive over the prior art, this application

is refused.


Tn response to that action the applicant presented his views (in part) as





The applicant contends that the Examiner's rejection of the

single claim retained herein is based upon combining details

of several prior art disclosures, one of which Rosan, is not

directed to the subject matter of the two references of

Crooks and Gaskell. Particularly, Rosan directes his device

to a reduced diameter locking ring for an insert and the



It also appears that despite the availability of the leading

and trailing thread angle of Gaskell and the pitch of Crooks

in the years 1944-45, there is no evidence or suggestion

that these two isolated elements might be combined and some

10-12 years later there is no evidence that the thread depth

of Rosan might be varied to incorporate the thread angles

or the pitch dimension of the two prior art items. The

applicant contends that this is a mosaic on the part of

the Examiner of isolated elements that were patented at widely

spaced intervals of time and that a period of more than ten

years elapsed from the last of the prior art items before

the present invention which is directed to a specific

combination was devised in response to an indicated demand

in a number of industries directly related to the general

subject matter area of the prior art references.




The applicant believes that the prima facie view of the Examiner

of non-patentability must be displaced in the present application

to conclude that sufficient is disclosed and claimed to support

a patent in view of the experiments required, the expiry of more

than ten years from the latest of the pertinent prior art refer-

ences and the demonstrated need for the applicant's solution as

supported by the approaches made to the applicant by skilled

artisans in the use of threaded fastener means.


It is the applicant's contention that to deny it protection for

the screw that is exactly and specifically and narrowly defined

in the single claim retained is to contravene the general

principles of a Letters Patent for limited monopoly and is

contrary to all Canadian judicial pronouncements with respect

to the granting of patents for worthwhile novel and utilitarian

developments in response to indicated needs and requirements.


We have considered with care the able and informative arguments presented

at the Hearing by Messrs. Finlayson and Dreger. They attempted to show

that inventive ingenuity was required in developing the instant screw

fastener. We might add that we have no quarrel with the rationale of

the jurisprudence discussed by Mr. Finlayson. The line staff was equally

spirited and firm in its attempt to show a lack of inventive ingenuity.

We have also considered the points raised in the Affidavit by the inventor,

Mr. Dreger, who is as a matter of interest, Vice-President, Research and

 Development of the applicant (P. L. Robertson Manufacturing Company,

 Limited). Some of the points raised in the affidavit will be commented

 on later. The applicant also submitted a further brief and samples of

 the screw fasteners to the Board after the date of the Hearing.


 The issue to be considered is whether the applicant has made a patentable

 advance in the art. We hasten to say that in the present situation such

 issue is a difficult one to solve. Claim 1 (former claim 6) reads as follows:


 A screw threaded member for use with materials having a

 density in the range from about 15 to about 60 pounds

 per cubic foot comprising a root portion of predetermined

 diameter, a single continuous external sharp-edged thread

 portion having a leading angle of 30ø and a trailing

 angle of 15ø, the depth of said thread portion being from

 30 to 40 percent of the diameter of said root portion,

 and the spacing between threads being from 2.2 to 3 times as

 great as said thread depth.


 The applicant advanced the argument that the examiner was using a mosaic

of patents to deny patentability. We are satisfied, however, that the

 cumulative effect of the prior art should be considered when deciding in-

 ventiveness (see DeFrees and Better Machine Co. v D.A. Acc. Ltd. 25 Fox P.C.

 58 at 59) .


 It was made clear at the Hearing that there was indeed a problem to be

 solved by the inventor. This is well documented in the affidavit by Mr. Dreger.

 The problem was basically one of developing an improved screw fastener for

 use in low density materials. The basic question of course is whether or

 not the problem was solved in an inventive manner. As a result of this

 problem the inventor directed the research to design a screw fastener that

 would meet the following criteria:


      1. A metal threaded fastener of a type similar to wood

 or tapping screws for use with applications using

 man-made, low-density materials, replacing such

 historically used materials such as wood or plywood.


2. A fastening means per above that can be used in

low-density materials as well as in other

historically used materials.


3. A fastening means not requiring predrilling of holes

in any of the above materials.


4. A fastening means competitive with historically used

fasteners but of superior holding power to same.


5. A fastener that can be produced on present equipment

with modified tooling and at present day speeds.


In considering Rosan it is clear that the treads of the fastener could only

feasibly be cut from a blank and are not normally within the scope of rolling

capabilities. This type of fastener would also require a predrilled hole

before application.


The Gaskell patent does show a threaded fastener where the front face of the

threads is inclined to the vertical at an angle of thirty five degrees while

the rear face of the thread is inclined at an angle of fifteen degrees to the

vertical. This is substantially the same included angle as used by the

applicant. One basic difference is that the applicant continues his thread

to the tip of the screw ending in a sharp point. Gaskell on the other hand

has a blunt end and requires a predrilled hole for application. No predrilled

hole is required for the fastener of the present application.


It is fair to say that Crooks recognized that "the lesser number of threads

per inch is a great factor in the holding power, in as much as the fibre of

the wood adjacent the shank is cut or broken at fewer points." This is of

course only one feature of the present alleged invention. Crooks requires a

predrilled hole however, for application.


At the Hearing it was stated that the instant fasteners greatly resist splitting

and especially when used in the end grain of hardwoods, and without the

necessity and expense of a predrilled hole. This was considered by the

inventor and his industrial informants as an unexpected-plus of the

instant screw fastener. Our attention was also directed to the commercial

success of the instant fastener, with one company alone "purchasing approx-

imately one million LO-ROOT (instant fastener) screws per month." This

may be of interest, but not necessarily conclusive as the requirement of

inventive ingenuity.


At first blush one might consider that the fastener as disclosed is obvious

in view of the prior art. We are not persuaded in the present circumstance

however, that it would be obvious to a skilled artisan in the fastener art

to consider combining the isolated elements of the three prior art patents

to arrive at the design of the instant (LO-ROOT) screw fastener, which can

be manufactured by present day rolling techniques, that do not require any

predrilling of holes, and that can be used in a wide range and variety of

materials. These elements are: the sharp included angle of the asymmetric

thread, the relatively small root diameter, and the distance between the

threads relative to the thread depth. The asymmetric thread is also continued to

the extreme point of the present fastener. It is also of interest to note

that what might be considered as the two basic references were issued to

patents in 1944 and 1945, whereas the filing date of this application is 1972.

The applicant also maintains that "the invention resulted from extensive

experiments and field tests of prototype fastening members which were all

produced within the scope of rolling capabilities and also covered several

angles of threads and spacing of threads."


In our view the examiner capably and fairly set forth his position, and

we agree that the cited art is closely allied to the point in question.

The examiner however, did not have the advantage of some of the points

which were brought out and discussed at great length at the Hearing. In

any event we observe that the applicant cancelled five of the six claims

refused by the examiner after the Final Action. This alone, at least in

part, indicates the correctness of the Final Action. At the onset we

mentioned that the issue before us was a difficult one, partly because the

prior art cited by the examiner was indeed pertinent and generally seemed

 to teach the basic features in separate patents, and partly because of the

apparent difficulty in expecting to find a patentable advance in a screw

fastener. We hasten to add however, that without a Hearing a recommendation

to the Commissioner of Patents on this issue would have been much more



Having considered all the arguments and points brought to the Board's

attention we are constrained to conclude, but not without some hesitation,

that the applicant has made a patentable advance in the art. We agree with

the applicant that the advance in the art is centered around the sharp

included angle of the asymmetric thread on the shank portion of the self-

drilling and self-tapping fastener. This thread must, of necessity, be

continued to the point thereof, in conjunction with a specified depth of

thread in relation to a set spacing of threads and the diameter of the

screw fastener. In addition we note that the root diameter of the instant

screw fastener is only slightly smaller than the unthreaded shank portion,

thus little if any additional wedging action occurs on a work piece as the

screw advances into a work piece beyond the thread. This characteristic,

we believe, is part of the merit in the present screw fastener being

suitable for use in, for example, the end grain of hardwoods.


Considerable discussion took place at the Hearing as to whether or not claim 1

(previous claim 6) clearly sets forth what the applicant alleged was the

advance in the art. We suggest that it does not, and should be amended to

state that the fastener is self-drilling and self-tapping. More important it

is essential to make it clear that the sharp included angle of the single

continuous asymmetric thread extends along at least a portion of the shank

of the screw member and to the extreme point thereof. This claim should also

refer to the diameter of the shank above the thread as being substantially the

same (or only slightly larger than) the root diameter.


In summary, we are satisfied that the applicant has made a patentable

 advance in the art. There is, in our view, sufficient ingenuity that the Com-

 missioner ought not to refuse a patent (cf Crosley Radio Corporation v.

 Canadian General Electric (1936) S.C.R. 551 at 560).


 We recommend therefore that the decision of the examiner in the Final Action

 to refuse the claims be affirmed, but that the decision to refuse the

 application be withdrawn. We also recommend that claim 1 (former claim 6)

 be accepted when amended, as suggested above.


 J.F. Hughes

 Acting Chairman

 Patent Appeal Board, Canada


 I have studied the prosecution of this application and have carefully reviewed

 the recommendation of the Patent Appeal Board. In the circumstance I have

 decided beyond reasonable doubt that the applicant has made a patentable

 advance in the art. I withdraw the Final Action as it pertains to the refusal

 of the application, and I will accept claim 1 (former claim 6) when amended

 along the guidelines set out by the Board. The applicant has six months

 within which to submit the proposed amendment, or to appeal this decision

 under the provision of Section 44 of the Patent Act.


 J.H.A. Gariepy

 Commissioner of Patents


 Dated at Hull, Quebec

 this 27th. day of May, 1977


 Agent for Applicant


Meredith & Finlayson

 77 Metcalfe St.

 Ottawa, Ont.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.