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CLAIMS BROADER THAN DISCLOSURE: Cleaning Automotive Castings


Original claims specified a plurality of cages moving through a blast

cabinet. Applicant filed a later application using a single cage and

due to subsequent conflict proceedings is now attempting to have the

single cage arrangement claimed in this (earlier) application.


Rejection: Affirmed.


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated February 4, 1975, on appli-

cation 989,192 (Class 51-4). The application was filed on April 28,

1967, in the name of Ardee H. Freeman et al, and is entitled "Method And

Means For Continuous Surface Treatment." The Patent Appeal Board conducted

a Heaxina on December 1, 1976, at which Mr. P. Beck represented the



This application relates to a process and apparatus for cleaning heavy

metal articles such as automotive engine castings. The article is moved

through a blast cabinet where particulate material is directed against the

surface by centrifugal blasting wheels located within the cabinet. While

moving through the blast cabinet the article is rotated, thereby ensuring

that all surface areas will be treated to remove foundry sand, dirt and

scale. Figures 1 and 2 (below) show how the process is conducted.


(see formula I)


(see formula II)


Dans la figure 2, 1e num‚ro 36 designe la piece en fonte qui doit ˆtre nettoy‚e,

1e numero 20 indique une cage pour transporter cette piŠce tandis que le num‚ro

48 repr‚sente une piŠce dej… nettoy‚e.


En bref, il s'agit de placer les pieces en fonte dans une serie de cages ouvertes

qui tournent sur elles-mˆmes tandis qu'elles passent dans la chambre de d‚capage

de fa‡on que toutes les surfaces soient exposees au jet nettoyant. Le proc‚d‚

sur lequel porte la revendication 1 a une port‚e plus large que cela, ‚tant donn‚

qu'il nest aucunement fait mention de la cage. L'examinateur a rejet‚ les

revendications 1-3 parce qu'elles etaient trop larges et a d‚clar‚:


1) leur portee est plus etendue que l'invention d‚crite

dans le m‚moire,


2) i1 leur manque au moins une des caract‚ristiques

essentielles du proc‚d‚ d‚crit dans le m‚moire.


Dans sa d‚cision finale, l'examinateur a d‚clar‚ (notamment):


Les caract‚ristiques essentielles qui sont absentes dans les

revendications ci-dessus et ainsi font que ces mˆmes revendi-

cations ont une port‚e plus ‚tendue que l'invention telle

que d‚crite sont:


1) que les piŠcrs sont plac‚es dans une cage ouverte

          et support‚es par elle, et


2) que la cage ouverte et les piŠces qu'elle contient

          pivote sur elle-mˆme tout en avan‡ant dans la chambre.


L'invention telle que d‚crite surmonte certains problŠmes

retrouves dans les r‚alisations ant‚rieures pour le traitement

de surface de piŠces de m‚tal lourdes, comme par exemple les

culasses de moteur pour v‚hicules automobiles, pour enlever

le sable, les salet‚s, les barbures, etc. Dans les r‚alisations

ant‚rieures, ces piŠces de m‚tal ‚taient install‚es sur un axe

pour pouvoir ainsi pivoter au cours du nettoyage. Le chargement

et le dechargement de ces piŠces lourdes prenaient beaucoup de

temps et les surfaces n'‚taient pas complŠtement expos‚es au jet.


Pour surmonter ces problŠmes, 1e demandeur a con‡u une invention

en vertu de laquelle toutes les operations de manipulation des

piŠces seraient m‚caniques et automatiques (voir le dernier

paragraphe de la page 5).


Cette disposition est d‚crite en d‚tail et illustr‚e par 25

figures et esquisses qui illustrent les piŠces dans leurs cages

qui avancent dans la chambre et pivotent. Il faut remarquer

que le m‚moire descriptif ne pr‚cise pas que les cages ne sont

pas n‚cessaires ou que les piŠces peuvent ˆtre nettoy‚es sans



Applicant has argued in the above letter and others prior thereto

that the inclusion of the above essential characteristics limits

applicant to the specific preferred embodiment described in de-

tail in the disclosure. This is not true and therefore not

acceptable. There are numerous details described in the dis-

closure which are not recited in the claims and not required

therein. The cages however are not seen and have not been

described as an obvious detail. They stand out as essential,

yes, even central to the method and apparatus disclosed. As

applicant has stated on page 6, line 5, "in the practice of

this invention, use is made of a plurality of open cages which

are adapted to be transported for recycling through the machine

with the cast metal block supported therein".


Applicant has further argued that the main method object of

his invention is to fully expose the workpieces to the abrasive

blast media. In support of this he refers to the paragraph

commencing on page 2, line 28 and terminating on page 3. The

assumed deduction to be made from this statement of object

being that no cages are required as they are not mentioned in

the said statement. however, it is pointed out that in the

descriptive part of the disclosure the completeness of exposure

is described at all times in conjunction with workpieces supported

in cages. Several variations of cages are discussed on pages 6

and 7 to make maximum exposure of the workpieccs to the blast

media possible. Again, nowhere is it stated that as an alternative

and for the purpose of full exposure, no cages are necessary.

Neither, is there any discussion as to how workpieces without

cages would be supported and rotated while passing through

the abrasive blast zone. Therefore, applicant's argument with

respect to the broad method object of his invention is not

acceptable. The rejection of process claims 1, 2 and 3

therefore is maintained.


In a brief response to the Final Action the applicant withdrew rejected

claims 1 and 3 and replaced them with new claims 1 to 4. He stated (in part);


By the present amendment, the applicant has included an essential

characteristic which was requested by the Examiner. That characteristic

is the open cage or barrel, and by its inclusion the scope of the

claims has been restricted to overcome the broadness objection raised by

the Examiner. The barrel or cage itself does not have any longitudinal

movement but merely has rotational movement. The presence of a cage

was considered an obvious detail and it is conceded that such an element

is essential to the successful operation of the invention. However,

the claims do not call for a plurality of cages and a plurality

of said cages is not essential to the operation of the invention.


New claim 1 reads:


A continuous cleaning apparatus comprising an elongated barrel,

said barrel having an open feed end and an open discharge end

to permit the axial movement of parts therethrough, feed means for deliver-

ing parts to said feed end one at a time, discharge means for receiv-

ing parts from said discharge end one at a time, cleaning means

positioned along said barrel and external thereto for cleaning a

part carried therein, said barrel being of skeletal form with open

portions in its periphery to permit cleaning media from said

cleaning means to enter and pass through said barrel, means

for advancing a part past said cleaning means, rotation means

connected to continuously rotate said barrel to cause a part

therein to continuously rotate as it is cleaned and advanced

past said cleaning means, and means at said feed end for remov-

ing a part front said feed means and disposing it in said barrel.


Mr. Beck stated that the new claims submitted in response to the Final

Action now include the essential characteristics, and that this overcomes

the examiner's objection relating to the absence of essential elements.


The only question to be considered is whether the new claims are broader

in scope than the invention described.


At the Hearing Mr. Beck emphasized that the rejected claims are nearly

identical to claims 35, 36 and 37 as originally filed. He reasoned that

the applicant's inventive concept was expressed in the originally filed

claims, and submits that this serves as a basis for amending the disclosure

to support them. If such claims, as properly read, did in fact disclose

the broad invention, he would be entitled to amend the disclosure to include

that broad invention.


Original claim 35 is an independent claim, with claims 36 and 37 dependent

thereon. It reads as follows:


In a process for the surface treatment of articles of large

dimension or weight by throwing particulate treating material

onto the surfaces of the articles, the steps of advancing the

articles in lengthwise alignment along a linear path from an

entrance area through a blast area to an exit area, throwing

particulate treating material onto the articles during

movement linearly through the blast area, and rotating the

articles about an axis parallel and aligned with the direction

of movement during passage through the blast area uniformly to

expose the surfaces of the articles to the particulate treating

material thrown thereon during passage thereof through the

blast area.


It is established law that a specification is to be read and construed as

a whole. Therefore in construing original claim 35 with reference to the

entire specification we must consider the whole disclosure and drawings as

originally filed.


The objectives of the invention set out in the disclosure are found on pages

2 and 3. They are said to be increased efficiency of operation and "an

assembly capable of automatic operation." Further reading of the disclosure

outlines the "concepts" of the invention at pages 5 and 6 where we find:


The concepts of this invention reside in the construction and

arrangement of equipment for mechanically handling the metal parts

throughout the operation and which is automated for substantially

continuous operation to provide for a high speed process which

makes use of a minimum amount of manual labor and materials thereby

materially to reduce the cost of processing per unit output of

the machine.


In the practice of this invention, use is made of a plurality of

open cages 20 which are adapted to be transported for recycling

through the machine with the cast metal block supported therein

during travel of the cages from the loading section to the unloading

section and through a blast section in between. (underlining added)


As for the drawings, all 25 figures relate to an arrangement utilizing a

plurality of cages moving through a blast cabinet.


In support of his rejection, the examiner directed the applicant's attention to

Leithiser v Pengo-Hydro Pull (1974) 2 F.C.R. 954 which held certain claims to

be broader in scope than the invention disclosed. At the Hearing Mr. Beck

countered with the Burton Parsons v Hewlett Packard Supreme Court Decision

1976 S.C.R. 555, a more recent decision of a Higher Court which he submitted

is authorative on this topic. He also referred to Osram Lamp Works Ltd. vs.

Pope Electric Lamp Company Ltd.(1917) 34 R.P.C. p. 369 @ 391. Mr. Beck

emphasized that these decisions dictate that it is necessary to look at the

whole specification, including disclosure and claims, to determine what the

applicant considers to be his invention. We must, of course, agree that the whole

of the specification must be considered in order to ascertain the inventive con-

cept, and will proceed below to determine what invention the specification

"as a whole" did disclose.


Mr. Beck reviewed the prosecution of this application and stated that the

applicant submitted an amendment to the disclosure on Jan. 16, 1973, in which

he had "limited this description of the concepts of the invention more

specifically recited in the broad claims."


This amendment was refused by the examiner in a report dated April 5, 1973,

because "in the proposed amendment applicant has inserted broader statements

re invention to bring the scope of the disclosure in line with the scope of

the above claims [1, 23, 25 through 32]."


The added paragraph which the applicant submitted on January 16, 1973 reads:


In a broad aspect, the method of the invention resides in the ad-

vancement of articles to be surface treated along a linear path

from an entrance area, through a blast area to an exit area, while

throwing particulate treating material onto the articles during

their movement linearly through the blast area, and while continuously

rotating the articles about an axis parallel and aligned with

their direction of movement so as to uniformly expose the

surfaces of the articles to the particulate treating material thrown

thereon. The apparatus comprises a barrel of skeletal construction

which is rotatable about its longitudinal axis, and open at both ends to

permit the passage of an article therethrough. Continuously driven

roller means are engageable with the barrel to continuously rotate it

about its longitudinal axis, the barrel being long enough to hold an

article and shaped to hold the article so that it rotates with the

barrel. Abrasive blast means is provided alongside the barrel for

projecting abrasive particles through the skeletal barrel wall at

the articles in the barrel, and loading means is provided at one end

of the barrel to supply articles into the barrel.


Following the direction of the Court in Burton Parsons that the specification

be read and construed as whole, we agree with the examiner that, "the amendment

to the disclosure is not acceptable because the scope of the alleged invention

is broadened thereby."


We think it also useful to refer to copending application 993116 filed by

this applicant which has a common inventor (Hubert Davidson) with the application

before us. Reference to the copending application was made in the applicant's

letter dated April 17, 1970, in which he stated that the "applicant believes

that the conflict application identified by the Examiner in the Office Letter

of Feb. 20th. in application Serial No. 993,116 should also be placed in conflict

with this application, with particular reference to the newly added claims 25

through 32." What the applicant is indicating here is that his copending

application is in conflict and he believes that this application (89192) should

be added to the conflict.


The copending application (993,116) refers to this application on page 2 in

this way:


In the copending application, Serial No. 989,192, filed Apr. 28,

1967, and entitled "Method and Means for Continuous Surface Treat-

ment", description is made of a new process and equipment for surface

treatment of heavy metal objects in a continuous cycle, wherein use

is made of a plurality of open cages supported at their ends on ring

members to enable the cages continuously to be rotated. The cages

are cycled to a loading station wherein heavy metal objects are

inserted into the cages and the loaded cages are displaced onto the

leading end of a roller conveyor. The roller conveyor is formed

of a pair of laterally spaced apart turning rolls which extend

continuously through an enclosed blast zone having one or more

centrifugal throwing wheels for projecting particulate material at

high speed onto the loaded cages as they are advanced along the

roller conveyor from the entrance and through the blast cabinet to

the exit end of the conveyor.


The rolls of the conveyor are turned continuously to cause the loaded

cages continuously to turn as they are advanced along the conveyor

through the blast cabinet whereby maximum surface exposure is made of the

castings to the particulate material.


In the aforementioned copending application, the loaded cages are

advanced along the loaded conveyor through the blast cabinet by

incremental displacement of each loaded cage as it is deposited on the

leading end of the conveyor thereby to align the cages in end to end

relation for advancement in a single column through the blast cabinet.

Beyond the blast cabinet, the loaded cages are displaced from the

roller conveyor to an unloading station where the surface treated

castings are displaced endwise from within the cage and the empty cage

is returned by another conveyor to the head end of the machine for

use in another cycle of operation.


While the apparatus described is capable of continuous operation for

the treatment of such heavy metal objects at relatively high speed and

with uniform coverage of the surface, thereby to provide increased

output per unit time, it is desirable still further to reduce the

number of operating steps embodied in a complete cycle thereby to

reduce the amount of equipment, space and costs of the entire operation.

(underlining added)


There is no doubt but that the inventive concept of the copending application

relates to the use of one cage for the surface treatment of articles. This

is evident from the above statements, taken from the disclosure as well as

the drawings and related description thereto. It is moreover emphasized in

copending application 993116 that the applicant recognized that the inventive

concept of this application (989,192) involves the use of a plurality of cages

operating in a continuous loop for surface treatment of articles.


By construing the application "as a whole" as originally filed, and utili-

zing the evidence of what the applicant says elsewhere, we conclude that

the only inventive concept envisaged in original claims 35, 36 and 37 is one

which relates to the use of multiple cages. To rephrase the wording of the

Osram Lamp case (supra at p. 391, those to whom the specification was addressed

would, from the specification as a whole have concluded that multiple cages

were a necessity, and to the extent that original claims 35-37 did not make

this clear, they were defective. Consequently we agree with the examiner

that the interpretation which the applicant places on claims 1, 2 and 3 (now

claims 1, 2, 3 and 4) is broader in scope than the invention described in the

specification, and recommend that the Final Action be affirmed.


G. A. Asher


Patent Appeal Board, Canada


I have considered the prosecution of this application and the recommendations

of the Patent Appeal Board. My decision is that claims 1 - 3 now on file

(and proposed claims 1 - 4) be refused. The applicant has six months within

which to remove the claims or to launch an appeal under Section 44 of the

Patent Act.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec                             Agent for Applicant

this of February, 1977                    Smart & Biggar

                                                   Box 2999, Station D

                                                   Ottawa, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.