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                           COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


OBVIOUSNESS: Fibre & Cement Support for Underground Tunnels


Spraying a fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture on the surface of an under-

ground tunnel is not patentable over the prior art, which shows spraying

block walls with the same mixture.


Final Action: Affirmed.


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated April 29, 1975, on

application 152,834 (Class 61-65). The application was filed on Septem-

ber 28, 1972, in the name of James A. Harvey, and is entitled "Method Of

Supporting The Roof and Walls Of An Underground Tunnel." The Patent Appeal

Board conducted a Hearing on November 17, 1976, at which Mr. G.W. Partington

represented the applicant.


This application relates to a method of supporting the roof and walls of

an underground tunnel by spraying a fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture

on the surface. The cementitious mixture consists of any Portland Cement

product or any High Alumina Cement product in combition with sand, gravel

and ground materials. The fibre reinforcement may consist of one inch metal

strands, or fibres such as alkaline a resistant glass or plastic materials,

for example, polypropylene. Figure 1 shown below is representativa of the

applicant's arrangement.


(see formula I)


Reference numerals 2 and 3 represent the roof and walls of the underground

tunnel while 4 is a layer of hardened fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture.


In the Final Action the examiner refused the application for lack of patent-

able subject matter in view of the following patents.


British Patent


1,042,606                   Sept. 14, 1966            Winn


United States Patent


3,381,479                  Nov. 7, 1968                 Curzio


The Winn patent relates to the dispensing and use of a fibrous material for

spraying as a cementitious mixture on a block wall. Figure 8 of the patent

is shown below.


                     (See formula 1)


Claim 7 of the Winn patent reads as follows:


In the manufacture of fibre-reinforced structures, in which

multi-strand continuous fiber roving is passed through a flow

channel to a discharge means from a supply spool disposed in

an enclosed container, the method which comprises maintaining

the pressure within said container and within said flow channel

in excess of atmospheric pressure, embracing said continuous

fiber roving in air flowing from said pressurized container to

said discharge means through said flow channel and controlling

the movement of said fiber roving through said flow channel by

the opening or closure of said discharge means.


Curzio discloses the use of reinforcing arches on which rapid setting cement

mortar is sprayed. Figure 1 (below) illustrates that invention.


                             (See formula 1)


In the Final Action the examiner stated in part:


   Applicant has amended his claims to stress the load-bearing and

self-supporting feature of his method and argues that these

characteristics distinguish over the prior art. This argument

is not accepted.




   The reference construction is in every respect analogous to that

disclosed by applicant. The roof and walls of applicant's mine

roadway are not solid, i.e. without fracture planes of separation,

for if they were no support would be required. On the contrary,

      the walls and roof are composed of discrete blocks and applicant's

spray strengthens the wall and roof in the same manner as that

taught by the British reference, it "permits transference of loads

and stresses throughout the entire structure."


   Applicant argues that he has invented a new use for an old material,

the fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture, but no new use is

disclosed. In his disclosure as filed applicant states (page 3, paragraph



"The invention is not limited to supporting mine roadways and it

will be appreciated that pack walls, explosion proof stoppings,

shaft linings and cappings may be sprayed in this way since each

forms at least part of the walls of an underground tunnel". This

is exactly the same use for the old material as taught by the refer-

ence. It emphasizes the sameness of the reference method and

applicant's method. It is held that the above quoted paragraph is

necessary for a perfect understanding of the disclosed method and

it may not be deleted.


   The United States patent to Curzio is cited to show there is no

novelty in the use of arches and other reinforcing under the spray

coating as also claimed by applicant.


In response to the Final Action the applicant stated (in part):


   The only relevant embodiment of British Specification No. 1,042,606

is illustrated in Figure 8 and its accompanying description

appearing at pages 5 and 6 of the reference. In particular, the

method associated with Figure 8 clearly recites that the

 structural elements are dry stacked by any suitable means in-

 cluding hand labour. In this regard, page 5 lines 40 and follow-

 ing clearly provides that the dry stacked structural elements must

 be self-supporting or otherwise maintained erect temporarily.

 As is also clearly apparent from lines 51 and following of

 page 5 of this disclosure, the reasons for applying the spray

 of cementitious mixture to the stack of structural elements

 is to provide greater structural strength than would be pro-

 duced by conventional methods of mortaring or brick laying.

 Further, at lines 105 and following of page 5, it is noted

 that the stacked block wall produced by the method according

 to the British Specification incorporates load supporting

 capabilities not previously achieved in mortar construction

 since the monolithic membrane joins the elements of the wall

 and strengthens the wall throughout the entire inner and

 outer surfaces. As a result, the resulting wall will support

 and withstand greater beam loads than conventional masonry

 construction because of the capability of the wall to act as

 a monolithic structure even though it is formed from basically

 separate elements such as the bricks illustrated in Figure 8.

 As a further advantage, it is also noted at lines 125 and

 following, of page 5, that the wall may be formed to utilize

 broken blocks or bricks and second grade elements ordinarily

 unacceptable in usual construction. Further, it is also noted

 in the disclosure that the erection and ultimate construction

 costs are substantially less than conventional brick or block

 walls in which mortar is placed between the blocks by trowel or

 by hand or by other conventional methods. (See page 6, lines

 18 ff.).


 (3) It is Applicant's submission that a disclosure which teaches

 a method of spraying a cementitious mixture on opposing surfaces

 of a block wall comprising a plurality of stacked dry structural

 elements neither anticipates nor renders obvious a method com-

 prising the spraying of a similar mixture on the walls and/or

 roof of an excavated underground tunnel so as to form a load-

 bearing, self-supporting tunnel lining. Since the tunnel lining

 produced according to Applicant's method is self-supporting,

 the same does not require that any reinforcements be erected.




 It is Applicant's submission that it would not be obvious to a

 person skilled in the art of constructing underground tunnels,

 such as a mining engineer, to look to a specification which deals

 with the spraying of dry block walls as a solution to providing a

 more efficient method of providing a load-bearing, self-supporting

 lining for the roof and/or walls of an underground tunnel. The

 Examiner's position that the reference teaches a method which

 is in every respect analogous to that disclosed by the Applicant

 is quite incorrect. The Examiner submits that the walls and roof

 of Applicant's underground tunnel are composed of discrete blocks

 and that Applicant's spray strengthens the walls and roof in the

 same manner as that taught by the Winn patent. In this regard,

 the Examiner's completely ignoring the fact that the British

 Specification explicitly requires the providing of a stack of dry

 blocks which are either self-supporting or otherwise maintained

 erect temporarily.


The question to be considered by the Board is whether or not the appli-

cant has made a patentable advance in the art. Claim 1 of this application

reads as follows:


A method of supporting an excavated earth roof and/or

excavated earth walls of an underground tunnel by spraying

directly onto said excavated earth roof and/or excavated

earth walls a fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture and

allowing concrete thereby formed to harden into a load-

bearing, self-supporting tunnel lining.


At the Hearing Mr. Partington emphasized that the invention resides in the

new use of an old material, which is applying a fibre-reinforced cement-

itious mixture to an underground tunnel. He raised some interesting argu-

ments which must be considered carefully. All the claims are directed to

a method of supporting an excavated earth roof and walls of an underground



In the Final Action the examiner discussed in great detail Figure 8 of           

the Winn patent, which is concerned with the formation of concrete blocks

reinforced with a sheath of cement strengthened with fibre roving (glass

fibres or the like). He also questioned the applicant's allegation that

his is a new use for an old material.


The Winn patent shows that the use of a "fibre-reinforced cementitious

mixture" on a block wall is known. As evidenced in any mining engineer's

handbook and acknowledged by the applicant at the Hearing, it is also well

known to use "shotcrete" or "gunite" on the rock surface of underground

tunnels. Shotcrete and gunite are cementous formulations which are not

fibre reinforced.


The applicant puts emphasis on the fact that the method shown in Figure 8

of the British patent to Winn relates to structural elements that are dry

stacked by any suitable means, including hand labour. He states that "the

dry stacked structural elements must be self supporting or otherwise

maintained erect temporarily." Depending on the rock formation, a mine

tunnel consists of stacked components which must be self supporting or other-

wise maintained erect temporarily. Since the roof and walls of a tunnel

consist of discrete blocks which have fracture planes of separation the forma-

tion is one of discrete elements, which essentially is no different from that

of Winn.


Another feature stressed by the applicant is that his arrangement does not

require a wire mesh reinforcing on the surface of the tunnel prior to spraying

with the fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture. Yet "shotcrete" or "gunite" are

applied directly to the rock surface of an underground tunnel, and this has

been recognized as an effective and economical means of wall support in the

industry for some time. In any event Winn does not require a wire mesh on the

wall surface before applying his fibre-reinforced mixture.


Another point made by the applicant was that the apparatus in Winn would not

work satisfactorily under moisture and dust conditions encountered in tunnelling.

Since the applicant is only concerned with a method of supporting an excavated

earth roof wall and has not described any apparatus in his specification, we

need not consider that issue.


The applicant has said at the Hearing that his construction offers improved

fire resistance, and is effective as an air and moisture sealant. However

such beneficial results are inherent characteristics of the well-known "gunite"

process, and of course in the Winn process, and hardly lend patentability to

the alleged invention. In any event the disclosure of the application does not make

any reference to these alleged advantages.


In support of his position, the applicant has submitted affidavits from

Mr. E. Murphy (now retired from the U.S. Bureau of Mines) and Mr. P.B. Reeves

(Director General of the National Coal Board and Director of Planning Major

Projects in Great Britain). Both affiants state that they were aware of the use

of fibre-reinforced concrete before applicant's "Caledonian" process was

introduced in 1971. The advantages prescribed in the affidavits to the new

process, such as load bearing, self-supporting irregular wall surface, transfer of

load stresses, and greater tensile and support strength, were all covered

by Winn. For example, page 5 of his disclosure, at lines 105 ff., reads as follows:


   Production of stacked block wall through the method above described

incorporates load supporting capabilities not heretofore achieved

in mortar construction. This results from the fact that the mono-

lithic membrane or sheath 122 joins the elements of the wall and

strengthens the wall throughout the entire inner and outer surfaces.


   This permits transference of loads and stresses throughout the

entire structure. As an example, the stacked block wall has greater

than normal resistance to shearing and damage caused to foundations

by beam loads as ordinarily encountered on isolated sections of the

wall. The monolithic system, in other words, will support and

withstand greater beam loads than conventional masonry construction

because of the capability of this wall to act as a monolithic

structure even though it is formed from basically separate elements

such as the bricks illustrated in Figure 8. The wall may be

formed to utilize broken blocks or bricks and second grade elements

ordinarily unacceptable in usual construction. The practical result

is to permit far more economical construction with substantially

greater tensile and support strength characteristics.


We cannot consequently see how the advantages ascribed in the affidavits to

the alleged invention differ from what one would expect to flow from its application

in mines.


It is clear that the overall objective of Winn is the same as that of the

applicant. The properties and advantages of using the reinforced concrete is

well documented in the Winn reference. One difference is that Winn did not

mention that his process could be used in a mining tunnel.


It is well established that a new use of a known material employing properties

or advantages not apparent in the old material may be inventive, providing it

is not obvious to recognize these advantages and properties. The Court in

Van Heusen Inc. v. Tooke Bros. Ltd. Ex. C.R. (1929) 89 at 97, stated however,



   There is no invention in a mere adaptation of an idea in a well

known manner for a well known or clear purpose in a well known

art, without ingenuity....


And at page 99:


   A patent for the mere new use of a known contrivance, without

any additional ingenuity in overcoming fresh difficulties, is

bad, and cannot be supported. If the new use involves no ingenuity,

but is in manner and purpose analogous to the old use, although

not quite the same, there is no invention. (emphasis added)


We believe that the applicant's use of fibre-reinforced concrete in which

there is served no function or purpose different from the old use does not

warrant patent protection.


Pertinent to our finding is the rationale of the court in Bergeon v. De Kermor

Electric Heating Co., Ltd. (1927) Ex. C.R. at 188, where Audette J, stated:


   The adaptation of old continuances or denier of a similar nature

to a new or similar purpose, especially to the same class of

articles, performing an old well known function will not amount to or

constitute invention.




   In the present case the improvement claimed consists in a combin-   

ation which, considering the state of the prior art, discloses

no new function or discovery which could, to my mind, amount to

invention. There is no sufficient invention in merely applying

well known things, in a manner or to a purpose which is analogous

to the manner as to the purpose in or to which it has been previously



Claim 1 is directed to a method of supporting an excavated underground tunnel

by spraying with a fibre-reinforced cementitious mixture. The material used is

old, and the use of similar materials for that purpose is old. We note, too,

that in the application as originally filed, page 3 stated: "The invention

is not limited to supporting mine roadways and it will be appreciated that pack

walls, explosive-proof stoppings, shaft linings and cappings may be sprayed in

this way since each forms at least part of the walls of an underground

tunnel. This paragraph would seem clearly to link the sprayed structure of

the reference to the sprayed structure of the applicant. In our view claim 1

does not define a patentable advance in the art beyond the teaching of Winn,

and such common general knowledge as is taught by Curzio. It covers a mere

substitution of a known material to an analogous purpose, and the result is expected.

The method serves no function or purpose patentably different from the old

use. The applicant is applying a well known thing in a manner or to a

purpose which is analogous to the manner or to the purpose in or to which it

has been previously applied (see Bergeon v. De Kermor, supra). Claim 1 should

be refused.


Claims 2 to 9, which depend directly or indirectly on claim 1, relate to

the type, the size, and the percentage by weight of the fibre-reinforcement

used. These features contribute nothing patentable to the subject matter of

refused claim 1.


Claim 10 is directed to filling cavities before spraying. It recites essen-

tially the same method as that taught on page 5 of the Winn patent.


Claims 11 and 12 add support means to the tunnel. There is nothing of

significance in doing so.


We are satisfied that neither the claims nor the specification as a whole

are directed to a patentable advance in the art over the cited references.


We recommend that the decision in the Final Action to refuse the application

be affirmed.


J.F. Hughes

Assistant Chairman

Patent Appeal Board


I have reviewed the prosecution of this application and the recommendations

of the Patent Appeal Board. It is my decision that this application should

be refused. If the applicant intends to appeal this decision, he must do

so within six months of the date of this Decision (see Sec. 44).


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 20th. day of December, 1976


Agent for Applicant


Alan Swabey & Co.

625 President Kennedy Ave.

Montreal, P.Q.

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