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                             COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


OBVIOUSNESS: Flexible metal tubes for toothpaste


Tapered tubes which nest for compact storage or handling prior to filling

have been known for forty years. Use of a sealant on the open end has also

been used since 1936. The applicant expanded the end portion of the tube

to facilitate nesting of tubes coated with sealants. Though the invention

was simple, evidence of commercial success and the long delay in implementing

the improvement is such an active field were factors in holding that the

improvement made was not obvious.


Final Action: Reversed.


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated September 23, 1974, on

application 076,400 (Class 222-92). The application was filed on August

24, 1971, in the name of Thomas D. Brownbill, and is entitled "Flexible

Tubes". The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on July 7, 1976, at

which Mr. I. Mackinson represented the applicant.


This invention relates to flexible metal tubes used to package such

semi-fluid materials as tooth paste, glue and shaving cream. The applicant

has developed a cylindrical tube particularly suitable for shipping and

storage prior to filling. Figures 1 and 2 below illustrate the alleged



(see figure I)


Each tube is filled through the lower open end, which is then closed by

folding and crimping. Inside the open end is a layer of sealant (4) which

prevents leakage when the opening is closed. The inventor has made his

tubes conical, so that they may be nested one within another. This gives

rigidity to a package of tubes, and they may be shipped in that form without

deformation and damage. it will be noted that there is a flare at the bottom

of each tube where the sealant is located. This means that when the tubes

are stacked the sealant does not touch the tube next to it. The presence

of the flare means that each tube nests deeper down into the preceding tube,

so that the stack is smaller and considerably more rigid than it would be

otherwise. If there were no flare the sealant layer would act to prevent

the desired nesting of one tube into another.


In the Final Action the examiner rejected the application as lacking patentable

subject matter in view of the following references:


Canadian Patent


695,976                Oct. 13, 1965                  Wanderer


U.S. Patent


2,028,112               Jan. 14, 1936                 Westin

3,325,048              June 13, 1967                  Edwards


British Patent


898,387                June 6, 1962                    Duffau


The Duffau patent, which discloses flexible metal tubes used for toothpaste,

is directed to a tapered shape which enables nesting of the tubes for compact

storage or handling before filling.


Figure 3 shown below illustrates the Duffau arrangement.




Westin shows collapsible tubes used for pastes, creams, glue, paint etc. He

seals the end of the tubes after filling to prevent leakage of the contents.

He uses a layer of cement put at the filling end of the tube to form an hermitic

seal. Reference numeral 4 in figure 1 below represents the layer of cementing





The Edwards patent describes a nesting arrangement for storing thin walled

plastic containers. Each container has a stacking ring or shoulder at the lower

portion of tapering sidewalls. This shoulder serves as a stop for each

adjacent stacked container, thereby enabling easy separation of the stacked

containers. They are shotm in Figure 3 below:


(see formula I)


Similarly the Wanderer citation relates to thin-walled plastic containers in

which a shoulder is located at the upper portion of the tapered walls. This is

illustrated in Figure 2 shown below:

(see formula I)


In the Final Action the examiner stated (in part):


The problem which the alleged invention attempts to solve is

clearly set forth on page 2, lines 10 to 13 of the disclosure:

The known sealant layer "prevents one tube from entering the

end opening of an adjacent tube to the extent necessary to enable

the walls to be in surface contact".


The alleged improvement, over the prior art, to which the specific-

ation is directed to solve the above-mentioned problem, lies merely

in having an expanded section at the larger, open end of the known

tube whose sidewall is conical and which is known to have a sealant

layer at the open end, so as to allow stacking of the known sealant

layered tubes (lines 6 to 27 on page 3 of the specification).


Applicant's alleged invention, then, as set out by applicant in

the specification, lies merely in having an expanded portion at

the end of the known tube. The sealant layer, in the known tube,

prevents close stacking of the known conical tubes, and

to solve this problem applicant merely expands the tube end

containing the sealant layer.


It is maintained that to have an expanded portion, as defined by

claims 1, 4 and 5, is a most obvious solution to the aforementioned

problem. The requirement is merely to have a larger, expanded

space for the known sealant layer; one skilled in the art would

easily conclude that an expanded portion solves the problem of

having an expanded area.


Having expanded portions at tube ends is especially obvious as

expanded portions are so old and well known. The patents to

Edwards and Wanderer are again cited as examples of prior art

showing containers whose free open ends are expanded for stacking



In his response dated March 24, 1975 to the Final Action the applicant stated

(in part):


The critical point is that the solution proposed by the applicant

to the problem defined in paragraph 1 on page 2 of the Official

Action solves a long standing problem, that is, of the success or

failure of stacked packaging of collapsible tubes of the type contemplated

by the present application. If the solution proposed by the applicant

were so obvious as the Examiner suggests, surely it would have occurred

to a skilled workman before. The fact is that such a solution has not

suggested itself to such a skilled workman and that manufacturers of

the packages defined is the present application have been struggling

with the problems described in page 2 of the specification for years,

until the inventor of the subject matter of this application proposed

the solution that is taught therein. It would be most inequitable, it

is suggested, for the contribution made by the inventor of the subject

matter of the present application to be an outright gift to the

public. The public would not be deprived of the right to do anything

that it is now entitled to do by the grant of claims like those now

before the Office and it is pointed out that one of the objects of

the patent system is to reward innovators with a limited monopoly

in return for the contribution they have made. (they must make

an inventive contribution)


The question to be considered is whether or not the claims are directed to

a patentable advance in the art. Claim 1 reads:


A flexible container comprising a side wall defining a conical tube,

said tube being open at one end thereof and having a truncated conical

section at said open end integral therewith, with the truncated conical

section having a sealant layer on the inner surface and a diameter

expanded beyond the normal wall of the conical tube whereby the smallest

diameter of the conical section is larger than the largest diameter of

the conical tube to enable another tube to penetrate the container to

a depth at which the walls of the tubes are substantially in surface



It is acknowledged on page 2 of the applicant's disclosure that "tubes are fre-

quently coated with a thin annular coating of a sealant, such as liquid rubber

or similar material which operates after drying to fill any voids which may

be created in the fold to provide a tight seal in the fold." This is the

type of sealing arrangement that is shown in the Westin citation where a ring

of cement is coated on either or both the inner and outer end walls of the tube

to provide a hermetic seal when it is subsequently heated.


Stacking of empty tubes to facilitate shipping, storage, and to prevent crushing

by providing a reinforcing effect is shown in the Duffau patent. On page 2,

the disclosure of the present application states, "While the sealant layer is

usually quite thin (e.g. having a thickness of the order of about 0.3 mm.), it

serves to prevent stacking of a plurality of tubes in which the tubes comprising

the stack are substantially in surface contac[twith each others]."


It is true that the layer would not allow the tubes to telescope as compactly

as if the layer is not present, but it does not prevent stacking altogether since

the taper shaped tube would still fit into the adjacent tube. However it would

be restricted in the distance it would slide in because of the presence of the

layer of glue.


There is consequently some doubt that the stacking of tubes having an adhesive

ring therein would provide the needed reinforcing.


We must agree with the examiner that both Edwards and Wanderer show the concept

of an enlarged end portion in containers. The purpose there, however, is to

facilitate separation of the containers from nested stacks. Neither of them

is concerned with the nesting of containers which are subsequently closed, or

which contain an adhesive ring therein. Therefore, we do not think that either

Edwards or Wanderer really provided a solution to the problem facing the



The examiner states that the use of a sealing ring creates a problem in stacking

and it is his contention that an obvious solution to the problem is the ex-

pansion of this area as done by the applicant. Certainly the use of tapered

tubes for stacking or storage has been known for many years. Similarly the

use of a glued portion at the bottom end of the tube has also been known for

a long time.


The additional alteration introduced by the applicant is furthermore quite

simple, and at this point in time might well appear to be obvious. Even the

applicant has referred to the "extreme simplicity of the subject matter of the

present invention" (response of March 24, 1975, p. 2).


What disturbs the Board, however, is that it is fully forty years since the

Westin citation, which shows the use of sealants to close collapsible tubes

for creams and glue. It is even longer since such tubes were made conical

and nested to permit transportation without damage. The only reference in

the final action showing that feature is Duffau (1959). However we have also

had drawn to our attention by the examining staff a very early Canadian

patent, no. 239457, Barrow, Dec. 7, 1920, which also discloses that feature,

and which appears to directly anticipate Duffau.


It took consequently forty years before these two features were brought

together by means of the alteration introduced by the applicant. Yet once

done, as was made clear at the hearing, it had tremendous commercial success.

Why such a successful yet simple, and obviously mechanically desirable im-

provement was delayed so long if it were in fact obvious in the inventive

sense is perplexing. Packages of this type are used in the hundreds of

millions. With such activity and with consequently so much to be gained

by even minor improvements, one might well wonder why the present step was

not taken earlier.


Subsequent to the hearing the applicants agent provided the Board with

confidential information showing extensive licensing of the invention in

Europe and elsewhere which attest to its commercial success and acceptance

by those skilled in this art. He also listed twenty-one patents granted

to the applicant for the invention. This information had not of course been

available to the Canadian examiner when he made his assessment of patentability.


That commercial success may be a factor in assessing ingenuity was recognized

by the Canadian courts in The King v American Optical, 11 Fox Pat. C. 62 at 89.

Similarly it has been held that the simplicity of an invention does not

preclude it being patented (Wright v Adams and Westlake 1928 Ex. C.R. 112

and 1929 S.C.R. 81; Electrolier v Dominion Mfrs. 1933 Ex. C.R. 141 & 1934

S.C.R. 436 and Jamb Sets v Carlton, 1964 Ex. C.R. 377 & 1965 S.C.R. v)


The Board has consequently, concluded that while the invention in question is

indeed simple, and the inventive step is short, the applicant has raised

sufficient doubt about it being obvious that we should recommend that the

rejection be withdrawn.


Gordon A. Asher


Patent Appeal Board


Having reviewed the prosecution of this application and the recommendations

of the Patent Appeal Board, I have concluded that the final Rejection should

be withdraw. I direct that the application be returned to the examiner

to resume prosecution.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 30th, day of November, 1976


Agent for Applicant

Smart & Biggar

70 Gloucester St.

Ottawa, Ontario

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