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                        COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


OBVIOUSNESS: Tang and Slot Means for Securing Cranes to Flat beds.


The application relates to superstructure for large material handling

apparatus which is removeably mounted on a bed of a mobile crane and

securing means therefor. Certain claims were refused for failing to

define a patentable advance in the art.


Final Action: Affirmed


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated September 10, 1975, on

application 144,173 (Class 212-39). The application was filed on

June 8, 1972, in the name of Ralph H. Short, and is entitled "System And

Method For Removable Installation Of Swing Circle For Large Crane."

The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on November 24, 1976, at

which Mr. R.D. McKenzie represented the applicant.


The application relates to superstructure for large material handling

apparatus which is removably mounted on a bed of a mobile crane. Tangs

(protruding lips) of the superstructure are placed through slots in the

flat bed of the apparatus. Wedges are then forced into the slots of the

tangs to secure them beneath the lower surface of the bed. Figures 2 and

3, shown below, are illustrative of the alleged invention.


(see formula II)


(see formula III)


In the Final Action the examiner refused claims 1, 7, 8 and 12 for failing

to define any invention over the following patents:


United States


2,965,245         Dec. 20, 1960              Zeilman


Canadian Patent


642,236           June 5, 1962                Bernath


Zeilman shows a demountable structure for large cranes. The superstructure

of the crane is mounted on a flat bed. The superstructure is secured to

the flat bed by the well known means of a bolt and nut-clamp arrangement.

Figures 2 and 3, shown below, are illustrative of that invention:


(see figure II)


(see figure III)


Bernath shows a fastening means for removably attaching two pieces of an

assembly together using a "tang like member" 20 with a slot 21. A wedge 19

is fitted into slot 21 beneath a bearing member 14. This arrangement is

clearly depicted in Figure 3, shown below, of that patent:

(see figure I)


In that action the examiner stated (in part):


It is pointed out that Zeilman at column 2, lines 19-26 dis-

cusses inner and outer races. Thus Zeilman does secure one of

these races to the turntable and the other to the superstructure.

Applicant does this but employs different securement means. In

view of Bernath this use of a different securement means is

held to ba but expected skill. The difference in size between

the table of Bernath and the crane environment of applicant is

held to be simply a mere matter of degree. There is nothing

inherent in the large size applicant is involved with that would

lead one to believe that the fastener arrangement of Bernath

would not work.


It is admitted that Bernath is concerned with a connection in a

piece of furniture. The question of crucial importance in this

Final Action is whether a skilled workman in the crane field

could reasonably be expected to be aware of connectors generally

and particularly those in the heavy equipment and heavy machinery

field with which he is associated. It is held that he should be

aware of this field generally and the state of the art in this

field is evidenced by Canadian Patent 313,869 August 4, 1931 show-

ing in Figure 3 a wedge and slot connector for securing automobiles

in freight cars, Canadian Patent 34,202 of 1890 showing a wedge

and slot connector for a bolster in a wagon, Canadian Patent

159,993 of 1914 showing a wedge and slot connector for a freight

car log retaining upright or bolster, and Canadian Patent 250,625

of June 9, 1925 showing a tongue and slot connector for an upright

in a freight car. All these are in the heavy load field and

should be of common knowledge to any workman dealing with heavy

equipment including cranes.


In response to the Final Action the applicant was concerned "as to the status

of the Canadian patents listed [see above] in the second paragraph of the

final action...." It is clear that they have been made of record to show

the state of the art and what the examiner has previously argued was

common knowledge that a skilled workman "could reasonably be expected to

be aware of connectors generally and particularly those in the heavy equip-

ment and heavy machinery field...." In his response the applicant also

stated (in part):



However, it is the applicant's position that these additional

patents referred to by the Examiner do not alter the issue in-

volved nor do they detract from the allowability of the

rejected claims. The primary reference is U.S. Patent 2,965,245

to Zeilman et al which shows a demountable structure for cranes

using nuts and bolts. This reference which is relevant was cited

in the corresponding U.S. application and overcome by the present

claims to issue to U.S. Patent 3,726,418 (a copy of which is

attached). However, the Examiner has combined the relevant

Zeilman et al reference m th Canadian Patent 642,236 to Bernath

(and perhaps the other patents referred to above) to hold the

rejected claims obvious. These patents other than Zeilman et al are in

fields of art entirely unrelated to cranes and it is  with respect

that the applicant points out hat it does not claim to have

invented slot and wedge type clamps. These have been known for, per-

haps, thousands of years, but in recent times have been surpassed

by more sophisticated clamping arrangements which require more

complex tools to operate but which generally have been thought to

be more slitable for modern advanced equipment, particularly that

of gigantic proportions such as in the present application.

This point. is supported by the fact that other than Bernath,

(which relates to the long established furniture field) the most

recent of the new patents located by the Examiner showing slot and

wedge type clamps is dated 1931. At that time a load of a few

tons was probably considered a heavy load, while in the present

case the gross vehicle weight for a standard machine of the type

using the present invention is in the range of 395,000 pounds.

This machine is used with a boom assembly which could be as much

as 400 feed long. Further, the machine has a rated maximum load

carrying capacity of 300 tons. Two specifications relating to 300

ton cranes which utilize the present invention are attached for

information. The Examiner has stated that the difference in size

is "simply a mere matter of degree". It is respectfully submitted

that this is not the case. If one were to accept this type of

reasoning, one would expect that the load having been multiplied

approximately 100 times, it would be necessary to multiply the size of

the clamps by approximately 100 as well. The fact of the matter is that no

one has previously conceived that good old slot and wedge type clamps

could be used effectively for an application of this proportion.

The proof of this is in the fact that the problem of more simply

mounting a crane superstructure on a bed (referred to in the intro-

ductory portion of the disclosure) has existed for some time without

anyone else proposing this solution.




It is submitted that in return for developing and disclosing this

invention, the applicant is entitled to Canadian patent protection

for the complete scope of the invention made. The rejected claims are

not unreasonable in breadth in that they are restricted to specific

structure for mounting a crane super-structure to a bed. Accordingly,

the applicant respectfully requests the Commissioner to favourably

review and reverse the Examiner's action in refusing claims 1, 7, 8

and 12 of the present application.


The question to be considered is whether claims 1, 7, 8 and 12 are directed

to a patentable advance in the art. We will now consider the alleged inven-

tion as set out in the disclosure and claims. Claim 1 reads as follows:


   A system for removably mounting a crane superstructure to a bed

comprising: an annular bearing having an inner race and an

outer race; means for securing one of said inner and outer races

to said superstructure, the other of said inner and outer races

having a plurality of depending tangs; said bed defining a

plurality of elongated slots adapted to receive said tangs, said

tangs projecting beneath said bed when said bed and bearing are

in assembled relation and each tang defining a slot extending

beneath said bed; and a wedge adapted to be forced into the slot

of each tang between the lower surface of an associated slot and

the lower surface of said bed when said bearing is assembled to

said bed.


At the Hearing Mr. McKenzie presented some interesting arguments which we

shall consider with care. He also presented a brochure high-lighting in

colour the alleged invention of the material handling apparatus.


The applicant "points out that it [he] does not claim to have invented slot

and wedge type clamps. These have been known for, perhaps, thousands

of years...." He goes on to say that "the critical question is whether it

was obvious to a skilled workman in the crane field to combine tang and

wedge assemblies with the known structure to arrive at the system claimed...."

Such consideration, of course, is not without its difficulties.


The applicant maintains that his claims are directed to a novel arrangement.

The specific issue, then, is whether that arrangement involves such an

exercise of the creative faculties of the human mind as to merit the

distinction of invention and a claim to monopoly. It has been authoritatively

stated that the art of combining two or more parts into a new combination

whether they be new or old, or partly new and partly old, so as to obtain

a new result, or a known result in a better, cheaper, or more expeditious

manner, is valid subject matter if there is sufficient evidence of thought,

design, ingenuity in the invention, and novelty in the combination

(see Merco Nordstrom Valve Co. v. Comer (1942) Ex. C.R. 138 at 155), It

is also settled law that the matter of obviousness is to be fudged by

reference to the "state of the art" in the light of all that was previously

known to persols versed in the art (see Almanna Svenska Elektriska A/B

v.- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. (1952), 69 R.P.C. 63 at 69).


In order to determine whether or not an invention is present the prior

art will now be reviewed and its cumulative effect considered (see De Frees

and Betts Machine Co. v D.A. Ace. Ltd. 25 Fox Pat. C. 58 at 59).


On considering the "heavy load" with which the instant application is

concerned, the applicant stated that: "The fact of the matter is that no

one has previously conceived that good old slot and wedge type clamps could

be used effectively for an application of this proportion." It is clear

however, that the same basic assembly procedure was carried out by Zeilman.


He did of course use a well known clamp bolt-nut assembly in lieu of the

tang-and-wedge attaching system. In doing so he had to make sure the bolts

were of a size and number to take the necessary strain.


Further the applicant states that: "Demountable cranes have been known for

years.... Tang-and-wedge assemblies are also well known." The specific

question then is whether using the well known tang-and-wedge assemblies in

a different use situation is directed to a patentable advance in the art.


Of pertinence to this decision is the rationale of the court in Bergeon v

De Kermor Electric Heating Co. Ltd. (1927) Ex. C.R. at 188, where Audette J.



The adaptation of old contrivances or devices of a similar nature

to a new or similar purpose, especially to the same class of

article, performing an old well known function will not amount to

or constitute invention.




   In the present case the improvement claimed consists in a combin-

ation which, considering the state of the prior art, discloses

no new function or discovery which could, to my mind, amount

to invention. There is no sufficient invention in merely

applying well known things, in a manner or to a purpose which

is analogous to the manner or to the purpose in or to which it

has been previously applied.


See also Pope Appliance Corp. v Spanish River Pulp and Paper Mills Ltd. (1927)

Ex. C.R. 28.


The applicant maintains that his system alleviates "the necessity of using

large tools (torque wrenches) which are hard to handle." This statement

appears to be academic when we consider page 3, line 1 ff., of this disclosure

which reads: "The wedges may be forced into place by a hydraulic jack or

simply by using a sledge hammer...."


At the Hearing the applicant stated that, "Bernath, on the other hand shows

tang-and-wedge connections used in the furniture field and, it is difficult

to transpose this to a 300 ton crane."


This transposition of course is not necessary, because the cited references

in the Final Action referred to tang-and-wedge means for securing vehicles,

freight car loads, etc. For example, Herron (Canadian patent 159993) relates

to a tang-and-wedge attaching means for securing large loads of lumber on

a flat-bed freight car. One object is "to facilitate the removal of such

stakes [part of the load securing means] ...." Figure 5, shown below, is

illustrative of that invention.


(see figure I)


Claim 1 "recites a system of removably mounting a crane superstructure to

a bed having a number of tang-and-wedge assemblies."


In view of the above considerations, we are not persuaded that the applicant

is entitled to the broad concept of securing heavy equipment to a base with

well known tang-and-wedge attaching means. Claim 1 merely covers a known

securing means in what may be termed a different use situation. We should

not grant a monopoly which could prevent artisans in this field from securing

two members together in a well known manner. In our view claim 1 fails to

meet the test of a novel combination involving a degree of ingenuity. Claim 1

should be refused. The rationale of the court in Bergeon v DeKermor, supra,

also applies.


Claims 7 and 8, which depend on claim 1, are directed to specific locations

of the tangs, This addition to claim 1 does not make a new and patentable

combination over refused claim 1. These claims should also be refused.


Claim 12 covers substantially the same scope of monopoly as is covered in

claim 1. The only difference is a reference to "a wedge securing means."

Means for securing a wedge in a tang-and-wedge assembly is known in the

art. See Figure 1, shown below, of the cited patent to Graham (34,202).


(see figure I)


The arguments for refusing claim 1 apply equally to claim 12.


Having found claims 1, 7, 8 and 12 unallowable over the references cited

by the examiner we should make a further comment. Even if we had found to

the contrary we would still have felt constrained to return the application

to the examiner to consider how Canadian Patent 74963- Klohn, January 3, 1967,

would effect the patentability of the claims in question. Because of the

conclusions we reached above, however, there is no need to do so, and we

merely put it on the record as of interest only. Figures 1 and 4, shown

below, are illustrative of the Klohn invention:


 (see figure I)                    (see figure IV)


In summary, we are satisfied that claims 1, 7, 8 and 12 are not directed

to a patentable advance in the art over the references cited by the examiner.

There is, in our view, no result which could have flowed from an inventive

step. We recommend that the decision in the Final Action to refuse these

claims be affirmed.


An added comment is in order. We find it surprising that the examiner did

not refuse claims 2 and 3. In claim 2, for instance, the only distinction

from claim 1 is the fact that "each tang slot is tapered upwardly." Yet this

is usually common to any tang-and-wedge assembly, and is shown, for example,

in Figure 10 of the Mills (313,869) reference. Similarly the only new

feature in claim 3 is the "means for locking each of said wedges." Such

means are shown in the Graham patent mentioned above. We can hardly see

that these distinctions would render claims 2 and 3 patentable if claim 1

were unpatentable. We believe, too, that claim 3 is for all practical

purposes essentially the same as refused claim 12.


J.F. Hughes

Assistant Chairman

Patent Appeal Board


Having considered the prosecution of this application and the recommendations

of the Patent Appeal Board, it is my decision that claims 1, 7, 8 and 12 be

refused. The allowability of claims 2 and 3 should also be reconsidered.

If any appeal is contemplated under Section 44 of the Patent Act, it must

be commenced within six months of the date of this decision.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 15th day of December, 1976


Agent for Applicants


George H. Riches and Associates

Suite 812-820

67 Yonge Street

Toronto Ontario

M5E 1K1

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