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SECTION 2: Double Patenting - Method of Improving the Rate Growth of Animals


It was held that a product used to promote weight increase in animals is a "medicine"

within the meaning of Section 41 of the Patent Act. The application was also

rejected for double patenting since it is a divisional with claims directed to the

intended use of the antibiotic which was patented in the parent application.


Rejection: Affirmed on both grounds.


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated December 4, 1975, on

application 207,229 (Class 99-28). The application was filed on August 16,

1974, in the name of Norimasa Miyairi et al, and is entitled "Method

Of Improving Rate Of Growth Of Animals."


This application is a divisional of application 098757 which issued to

patent (960,168) on December 31, 1974. The application relates to a

method for improving the rate of growth of non-human animals by the admin-

istration thereto of growth promoting amounts of the antibiotic "thiopeptin

A4" (the antibiotic was claimed in the above-mentioned patent). Claim 1

of this application reads as follows:


A method of improving the rate of growth of a normally healthy

non-human animal comprising feeding said animal a feed containing

thiopeptin A4 and a non-toxic carrier, in an amount effective

to improve the rate of growth.


In the Final Action the examiner refused the claims of the application on

the ground that "they claim unpatentable subject matter viz., the medical

treatment of non-human animals," and also that the claims are directed to

the intended use of the antibiotic which was allowed in the parent application

(patent 960,168). In that action the examiner stated (in part):


Claims 1 to 3 claim unpatentable subject matter viz the medical

treatment of non-human animals. It is submitted that the effect

of the antibiotics on growth is due to the antibiotics effects

on parasitic and/or saprophytic organisms present even in

subclinical levels in the animals. By eliminating these organisms

or by preventing these organisms from using nutrients, more

nutrients become available to the animal and thus growth promotion is

achieved. Due to the many variations in chemical, physical and

structural properties of the antibiotics known to induce faster

growth, it is certainly not totally unfounded to postulate, in

the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the growth promotion

effects of these substances is mainly due to their common

antibiotic property i.e.that of eliminating parasites and/or

saprophytes or preventing them from carrying out their normal

functions. Because the visible and measurable effects of the

antibiotics on the animal is one of growth promotion and not of

curing a disease (because of subclinical levels of parasites and/or

saprophytes) one cannot reasonably conclude that there is no medical

treatment. In fact, the contrary conclusion is most evident

based on the present knowledge of antibiotics.


Further, claims 1 to 3 define an obvious method of use of a

compound found allowable to the inventor in one application. Such

claims in a different application of the same inventor are not



The applicant's response (in part) is indicated by the following paragraphs:




It is pointed out that the claims of the present invention are

directed to a method of improving the rate of growth of normally

healthy non-human animals as opposed to animals which are in a

sick or diseased condition. It is believed that it is well estab-

lished that terms such as "medicine" must be interpreted in their

ordinary sense as laymen would employ them (Imperial Chemical

Industries v. Commissioner of Patents, 51 C.P.R. 102); and it is

submitted that the same should apply to "a medical treatment" and

only those methods should be considered "medical treatments"

which would in the ordinary sense to a layman be considered as

medical treatments.




Particularly it will be noted that the method of the present

invention"does not apply any pharmaceutical properties of a

substance to effect a curative or preventive treatment of an

ailment"; and certainly "no step of medical or surgical treatment

is set out in the claims".


Certainly it will be appreciated that the present method is not

one which in use will restrict the professional skills of the

surgeon or doctor. On the contrary, the method will be

carried out by non-medical personnel and in particular by farmers

and their employees.


Reference is further made to the decision of the Patents Appeal

Tribunal in the United Kingdom in the matter of Schering AG's

application. This decision was referred to by the Board in the

aforementioned Commissioner's decision and was concerned with

claims directed to a method of contraception without suppression

of ovulation. The claims had been rejected as being directed

to a method of treatment of human beings. The Patents Appeal

Tribunal were apparently of the opinion that such a method was

not necessarily a "medical treatment" at any rate in the narrower

sense of treatment to cure or prevent a disease.




Attention is further directed to Canadian patents 890,188 and

882,618, both of which are directed to methods of improving the rate of

growth of animals; both of these patents were granted after appeal to

the Commissioner and these are reported in The Patent Office Record

of February 15, 1972 and October 5, 1971. The claims of the

present invention are similarly directed to method of improving the

rate of growth of animals which are not in a diseased condition but

in a healthy state.


We note in the parent application, which issued to a patent, that the

essence of the invention resides in the discovery of the useful properties

of the antibiotic. That utility was stated as: "The theopeptin A4

component also possesses antibacterial activities against a number of micro-

organisms and is useful for an animal feed supplement. It is observed that

the same utility is given in the present application and reads as follows:

"The thiopeptin A4 component possesses antibacterial activities against a

number of microorganisms and is useful as an animal feed supplement."


The question which should be asked at this time is whether or not there is

a second invention. The applicant is entitled, of course, to only one

patent for one invention, and claims which differ in no material way should

not be allowed in separate patents. Section 28(1) of the Act authorizes the

granting of a patent, but not of several patents for an invention. Section 46

provides that a patent shall give an exclusive right in the invention, a

condition antagonistic to the existence of other patents for the same

inventive concept. Section 63(2) also reflects the same principle of patent

law, one supported by Montecatini v Standard Oil (1974) 14 C.P.R. (2d) 190

at 194, where we find:


* Reported in the Patent Office Record of April 16, 1974.

...the case of Commissioner of Patents v Farbwerke Hoechst

Aktiengesellshaft Vormals Meister Lucius & Bruning (1963)

(1964) S.C.R. 49 and In the Matter of Two Applications for

Patents for Henry Dreyfus (1927) 44 R.P.C. 291, are authority

for the proposition that there can be only one patent for any

given invention.


See as well Amoco v. Texaco Exploration, Fed. Ct. C., August 13, 1975.

This is not to say, however, that in a proper case a second patent might

not issue where the essence of such an invention was the discovery of a

new and unobvious utility different than that found in the first patent.


The claims in our view, though independent of one another, cannot be read

apart from the description of the invention in the specification. The

applicant has in no way shown that the present claims are directed to a

separate invention distinct from the product (antibiotic) claims. It is

clear that the present claims are directed to the intended use of the anti-

biotic which was allowed in the parent application in 1974. The present

utility is the same as that upon which the patentability of the antibiotic

was predicated.


We are therefore satisfied that there is no further invention in the present

application in having claims "directed to the intended use of the

antibiotic," beyond that protected in the patent which claims the antibiotic.

That is, the present claims are merely directed to a different aspect of

the same invention as that of the parent. To permit a new grant now would

create an unlawful extension of monopoly for the invention.


The Board is mindful of course that there is no direct jurisprudence on

the matter of double patenting, but we will refer to the recognition of

it in Lovell Mfg. Co. v Beatty Bros, Ex. C.R. (1958) 23 Fox Pat. C. 112

at 159, where it is stated: "There is no Canadian decision on the subject

of double patenting...." But in referring to the attack of "double patent-

ing," the court went on to consider it by saying:


Finally, the basic objection to double patenting is that it

would extend the life of the monopoly if a patent were granted

for a device and a patent for the same device were granted

subsequently. This did not happen in the present case for two

patents referred to, indeed, the plaintiffs three patents were

issued on the same day. This puts an end to the matter.


If we are correct in our view that there is no second invention, then there

is no need to decide whether the claims are directed to a method of "medical

treatment." We will, however, consider this point as well. We are of

course mindful that methods of medical treatment are unpatentable (Vide,

Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner of Patents (1970) Ex. C.R. as reported

in (1970) 62 C.P.R. 117; 1974 S.C.R. 111).


We note that the thrust taken by the applicants' argument is that before

a method can be considered as directed to "medical treatment" it must

be related to curing or preventing a disease. The word "medicine" however,

in our view, should be given a broad interpretation. A typical dictionary

description of the word is that it is "the science and art concerned with

the cure, alleviation and prevention of disease, and with the restoration

and preservation of health" (Oxford Dictionary).


The Canadian Courts have given a broad interpretation to the meaning of

medicines. See, for example, p. 119 of the Tennessee Eastman decision

supra (S.C.); Parke, Davis v Fine Chemicals (1959) S.C.R. 219 at 226,

confirming (1957) Ex. C.R. 300 at 307; and Imperial Chemical v. Commissioner

of Patents (1967) 1 Ex. C.R. 57 at 60. In the latter we also find at page 61:

" 'I agree with Thurlow, J. that the word 'medicine' as used in s. 41 of the

Act, should be interpreted broadly....'"


As an appendix to the I.C.I. decision, Mr. Justice Gibson provided a series

of definitions for both medicines and drugs. He goes on to say: (emphasis

added )


A perusal of dictionary definitions, judicial decisions and

text book authorities leads to the conclusion that there is

both a restricted definition and a broad definition of "medicine"

commonly and generally understood and used. The method by

which this conclusion is reached may be stated briefly:


1. A "medicine" in modern parlance has come to mean,

inter alia, a drug, a therapeutic agent, a biological

agent, and a pharmaceutical specialty.


2. "Medicines" are to-day categorized under specifics such

as antihistamines, anti-infectives, autonomic drugs,

cardiovascular drugs, antianemia agents, hemostatics,

diagnostic agents, expectorant and cough preparations,

gastrointestinal drugs, hormones, local anaesthetics,

oxytocics, vitamins, anaesthetics, and spasmolytic

agents and so forth. In other words, generally speaking,

it is seldom that anyone speaks of "medicines" anymore....


3. All of these specifics may be referred to merely as medical

drugs or medical agents, without further categorizing as in

1 above.


4. Some of these medical drugs or medical agents are used to

cure or heal a patient per se, and are sometimes referred

to as therapeutic agents (even though there are many therea-

peutic agents which do not cure or heal per se, but are

used for a particular purpose in the treatment of a patient),

while others are used in the course of the whole treatment of

the patient. In this connection, for instance in the case

of the former kind of medical drugs or medical agents, an

antibiotic, say, e.g., penicillin, comes closest perhaps,

but even then, it often happens that other medical drugs

or agents are necessary as supportive therapy when the

antibiotic appears to be specific for a particular type

of infection.


5. The former kind of medical drugs or agents are "medicines"

in a restricted meaning, while the latter kind are "medicines"

in the broad meaning.


"Halothane" is not a medical drug or agent that cures per se, but

instead is a medical drug or agent used in medicine in the

treatment of patients and is an integral essential part of surgical

therapy of disease, a part of the therapeutic regimen.


Therefore in my opinion, "Halothane" is a substance intended

for "medicine" within the meaning of s. 41(1) of the Patent Act,

and as consequence, the appeal is dismissed with costs.


To the above we would add the definition of "drug" already provided by

Parliament (for the purpose of the Food & Drug Act, (1970) R.S.C. F-27,

Sec. (2)) as "any substance for use in modifying organic functions in man

or animal." (emphasis added )


It appears from the above that Mr. Justice Gibson considered an antibiotic

"in the broad meaning " to be a medicine.


The applicant drew our attention to a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada

in Burton Parsons Chemicals v Hewlett-Packard, (1974) 4-17 C.P.R. (2d); and

in particular to p. 18, where Mr. Justice Pigeon concluded that a case had

not been made that a cream used for taking electrocardiograms in routine

examinations is a medicine. Such compositions differ, however, from a sub-

stance taken into the body itself, and affecting an internal body process.

On such a basis the subject matter before us is, in our view, closer to

that considered in the Imperial Chemical v. Commissioner of Patents case

supra than what was considered in Burton Parsons.


In a previous response the applicant submitted a page from a book entitled

"Microbiology," (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1972 - Author: Mr. J.

Pelczar) where growth stimulation by antibiotics is classified under the

heading of nonmedical uses of antibiotics. On the same page, however, the

bacteria destroying effect of antibiotics is discussed. That portion reads

as follows;


Antibiotics are now widely used as growth stimulants in

poultry and livestock feeds. After the discovery that

many domestic food-producing animals require vitamin

B12 for optimum growth when fed a diet consisting of

plant protein, it developed that by adding wastes from

fermentation by-products to feeds, growth was stimulated

more than by B12 alone. Even when adequate amounts of

B12 were present in the diet, more rapid growth of young

animals was noted when they were fed mash from the

antibiotic fermenters. Use of pure antibiotics has given

similar results. Commercially, the addition of Aureomycin,

Terramycin, or penicillin to swine or poultry feeds at the

rate of 5 to 20 g per ton of feed increases the rate of

growth of young animals by at least 10 percent and

sometimes by as much as 50 percent. This use of these

substances is so important that antibiotics for medical

purposes may become the by-product of the crude residues

in fermenters produced for use as food supplements.


The stimulating effect of antibiotics on growth of domestic animals may be

explained in several ways:


1 The antibiotics may destroy bacteria and other intestinal

parasites that cause subclinical disease and retard growth

and development. For example, it has been suggested that

pigs respond dramatically to the addition of Terramycin to

their diet because the antibiotic inhibits the growth of

Clostridium perfringens in their intestines and prevents

or reduces a chronic but subclinical toxemia.


2 Removal of the saprophytic bacteria from the intestinal tract

may have a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the animals.


Further to this postulate T.H. Jukes in the Journal of the American Medical

Association (April 21, 1975 Vol. 232 No. 3) reports that antibiotics will

promote growth by inhibiting intestinal microorganisms. Volume No. 3,

starting at line 1, reads as follows:


The use of antibiotics in feeding animals is connected in a

remarkable way to clinical medicine, for this use came as

a by-product of the discovery of a new antibiotic, aureomycin

(now known as chlortetracycline), in 1948. Aureomycin was

the first of the tetracyclines, and it was immediately put to

use for its "broad-spectrum" effectiveness against many pathogenic



At line 22 he goes on to state:


A few grams of antibiotics such as a tetracycline, penicillin,

or streptomycin in a ton of feed will increase growth,

apparently because farm animals normally harbor susceptible

intestinal microorganisms that are mildly deleterious without

being frankly pathogenic.


He also refers to "the extensive use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine

for 25 years. The report by this committee (Swarm) led to the principal

antibiotics for farm animals being placed on veterinary prescription in

Great Britain...." (emphasis added)


These demonstrate that we are considering a form of "medical treatment"

to cure chronic although subclinical bacterial infections, in farm animals.

In addition, in Dextran Products v Benger Laboratories (1970) 60 C.P.R. 215

the Commissioner of Patents rejected completely a submission that a

veterinary product used to promote weight increase in piglets is not a

medicine within the meaning of Section 41 of the Patent Act.


It is interesting to note the definition of a medicinal product which the

"corporations within the European Economic Community (EEC)" have adopted.

We quote from the "Food Drug Cosmetic Law Journal," of August 1975, Vol. 30,

No. 8, at page 485:


Medical product is defined as meaning:


(1) any substance or combination of substances presented

for treating or preventing disease in human beings or animals;


(2) any substance or combination which may be administered

to human beings or animals; or


(3) any substance or combination of substances which may

be administered to human beings or animals with the view of

making medical diagnosis or restoring, correcting or modifying

physiological functions in human beings or animals.


We are therefore satisfied that in the instant circumstances the claims are

directed to a form of "medicinal treatment" in the preservation of the

health of animals.


Of importance then is the decision in Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner of

Patents, supra, in which the Supreme Court of Canada considered a surgical

method for joining wounds in living animals. Mr. Justice Pigeon made the

following statement:


Just as in the case of "art", the scope of the word "process"

in section 2(d) is somewhat circumscribed by the provision of

section 28(3) excluding a "mere scientific principle or abstract

theorem". There is no question here of the alleged invention

being such. It is clearly in the field of practical application.

In fact, as the record shows, the "invention" essentially

consists in the discovery that a known adhesive substance is

adaptable to surgical use. In other words, the subject-matter

of the claimed invention is the discovery that this particular

adhesive is non-toxic and such that it can be used for the surgical

bonding of living tissues as well as for a variety of inert

materials. In this situation, it is clear that the substance

itself cannot be claimed as an invention and the appellants have

not done so. Their claims are limited to a method, i.e., process,

which in this case is nothing else than a new use for a known

substance. The sole question is therefore whether a new use

for surgical purposes of a known substance can be claimed as

an invention... Is such a method an "art" or "process" within

the meaning of the definition of "invention"?


It is clear that a new substance that is useful in the medical or

surgical treatment of humans or of animals is an "invention". It

is equally clear that a process for making such a substance

also is an "invention". In fact, the substance can be claimed as

an invention only "when prepared or produced by" such a process.

But what of the method of medical or surgical treatment using

the new substance? Can it too be claimed as an invention? In

order to establish the utility of the substance this has to be

defined to a certain extent. In the case of a drug, the desirable

effects must be ascertained as well as the undesirable side effects.

The proper doses have to be found as well as methods of administration

and any counter-indications. May these therapeutic data be claimed

in themselves as a separate invention consisting in a method of

treatment embodying the use of the new drug? I do not think so,

and it appears to me that section 41 definitely indicates that it

is not so. (emphasis added)


It is clear from the above that a method of medical treatment cannot be

claimed as an invention.


The applicant referred to two previous decisions of the Board relating to

"methods of improving the rate growth of animals." These decisions were

made prior to the Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner of Patents (S. C.)

decision, supra. Furthermore, there is more evidence available to the

Board, as noted above, with regard to the reasons for the increase in growth

in animals when antibiotics are added to their food. For example, we quote

from the book, "Microbiology" supra: "The antibiotics may destroy bacteria

and other intestinal parasites that cause subclinical disease and retard growth and



In summary, we are satisfied that there is no second invention over that

allowed in the parent, and that the claims were also properly refused on

the ground that they relate to a form of "medical treatment," and should

not, in our view, be claimed as a process apart from the drug itself.

(Vide, Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner of Patents, supra.) As there

is no further patentable subject matter in the application we recommend

that the claims and the application as a whole be refused.


J.F. Hughes,

Assistant Chairman

Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly,

I refuse to grant a patent. The applicant has six months within which to

appeal this decision under the provisions of Section 44 of the Patent Act.


J.H.A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 29th day of September, 1976


Agent for Applicant


Alan Swabey & Co.

625 President Kennedy Avenue,

Montreal, Quebec

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.