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                             COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


SECTION 2 - Method of Improving the rate growth of animals.


It was held that a product used to promote weight increase in

animals is a "medicine" within the meaning of Section 41 of the Patent



Rejection: The refusal of the claims to the method of use of the

product was affirmed.


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated May 2, 1975, on applica-

tion 047,754 (Class 260-302.5). The application was filed on April 3,

1969, in the name of Wehrmeister, Herbert L. et al, and is entitled

"Linked Fused Carbocyclic 5 Membered Heterocyclic Compounds." The

Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on June 2, 1976, at which

Messrs. D. Watson, Q.C. and Mr. F. Pole represented the applicant.


The application relates to heterocyclic compounds which exhibit estro-

genie activity or aid in increasing the rate of growth in meat producing



In the Final Action the examiner refused claims 46 to 66 as not falling

under Section 2 of the Patent Act. He cited as authority the decision

on Tennessee-Eastman v The Commissioner of Patents (CPR 8 2nd. series, 202).


In the Final Action the examiner stated (in part):


Claims 46 to 66, which are directed to a method of increasing

the body weight of normally healthy meat-producing animals,

are again rejected in view of the Tennessee-Eastman vs. the

Commissioner of Patents C.P.R. 8, 2nd. series, 202. As

mentioned in the Office Actions of October 9, 1973 and January

31, 1974, since this application is governed by Section 41(1)

of the Patent Act, the scope of the compounds of the invention

is restricted as they must be dependent upon their process of

preparation. Therefore the method of use of the compounds of

the invention cannot be claimed by a process claim apart from

the substance itself. Otherwise it could mean that, while

the compounds could not be claimed except when prepared by

the patented process, their use however prepared could be claimed

as a method of treatment. Therefore these "method of use"

process claims are giving the applicant an easy way out of the

restriction of Section 41(1) of the Patent Act.


The applicant's position is shown from the following paragraphs in his

request for review:




We submit that the Examiner's assumption that Section 41(1)

applies is inconsistent with recent decisions of the Supreme

Court of Canada as well as being inconsistent with a previous

ruling of the Commissioner of Patents.


In the recent decision of Burton-Parsons Chemicals Inc. vs. Hewlett

Packard Canada Ltd. Pigeon J., who delivered the decision of

all nine members of the Supreme Court of Canada, stated as follows:


"... I agree with the trial judge's finding that this

cream is not 'intended for medicine' within the meaning

of S. 41. Cases on the meaning of this expression were

recently reviewed in Tennessee Eastman vs Commissioner of

Patents (1974 S.C.R. 111). Substances intended for use

in surgery were held to be included. I have no doubt that

a conductive cream is apt to be used whenever electrodes are

applied to the skin during surgery. However, there is

nothing in the evidence which would justify the conclusion

that such is the main or primary use of the product. It is

clear that such is primarily and mainly for the taking of

electrocardiograms in routine examinations, not necessarily

or mainly in connection with the treatment of diseases."


This quotation clearly establishes the following propositions:


(1) Not everything administered to the body is necessarily a



(2) "Medicine" requires the treatment of disease;


(3) The main or primary use is to be considered. Even

more specific to the facts of this case is the Tennessee Eastman

decision of the Supreme Court of Canada (1973) 8 C.P.R. (2d)

202 at page, 208, where it was stated:

"In the second place, what was actually decided

  in those cases is not related to a medical

  or surgical method. Swift's application dealt with

  a method of tenderizing meat by injecting enzymes

  into the animal before slaughtering".




  It is well established that methods will be regarded as

  medical only if they involve the treatment of disease.

  We have already noted the Burton-Parsons case in support

  of this proposition. If any further authority is needed,

  it will be found in Schering AG's Application (1971)

  R.P.C. 337 at page 341, where applicant's argument was

  accepted "that a process for contraception is not a process

  for 'medical treatment' in the sense of treatment to cure

  or prevent disease and that the established practice relates

  only to medical treatment". The Schering case was referred

  to with approval in the Tennessee Eastman case at page 209

  and emphasis was added in a quotation to the statement that

  "patents for medical treatment in the strict sense must be

  excluded". Yet another authority is Joos vs Commissioner of

  Patents (1973) R.P.C. 59, particularly at page 63, where it

  is stated:


  "To be treatment, in the relevant sense, it seems

  to me that the purpose of the application to the body whether

  of a substance or a process must be the arrest or cure

  of disease er diseased condition or the correction of

  some malfunction or the amelioriation of some incapacity

  or disability"


  The claims in question are directed to the treatment of "normally

  healthy" meat-producing animals. It is therefore evident that

  the substances are not being administered for the treatment of

  disease. In this connection, emphasis is placed on the principle

  established by the Burton-Parsons case that the main or

  primary use must be considered. It is of no importance that

  there might be the occasional diseased animal.




  Either the method for which protection is sought falls within

  Section 41(1) as interpreted by decisions such as the

  Tennessee-Eastman case and the Burton-Parsons case, or it

  does not. It does not matter whether the compound used in

  the process is new or old. It is submitted that the Commissioner's

  decision in Application 862,758 was correct and is in accordance

  with the laws as established by Tennessee Eastman and

  Burton Parsons, that no proper basis for distinction exists

  on the facts, and that it should be followed.


The issue to be considered is whether claims 46 to 66 which are directed

to a method of increasing the rate of growth of normally healthy meat-

producing animals, using a new substance, are allowable. Other allowable

claims in the application relate to novel compounds and the process of

preparing them. Claim 46, which is illustrative of the refused claims,

reads as follows:


A method of increasing the rate of growth of normally healthy

meat-producing animals which comprise feeding to said animals

a feed composition which includes a growth-promoting amount

of a compound having the formula


                              (See formula 1)


wherein T is a radical selected from the group consisting of

-CH=CH- and -CH2CH2-; Z is a radical selected from the group

consisting of =C=O, =CH2, and =CHOR; R is selected from the group

consisting of hydrogen, lower alkyl, lower acyclic acyl radicals,

and monocyclic aralkyl radicals containing up to about 10 carbon

atoms; X is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, -OR

and -OR'; R' is selected from the group consisting of benzoxazolyl,

benzothiazolyl and phenyltetrazolyl; X' is selected from the group

consisting of X and tetrahydropyranyloxy; Y is selected from the

group consisting of hydrogen, amino, nitro and hydroxyl; and

provided that unless at least one of X and X' is selected from the

group consisting of tetrahydropyranyloxy, benzoxazolyloxy, benzo-

thiazolyloxy, and phenyltetrazolyloxy, then at least one of X and

X' is hydrogen.


At the hearing Mr. Watson ably discussed the jurisprudence relating to the

matter before us. He also strongly urged, both in his written and oral

submissions, that he is not claiming a medical treatment. It was conceded

by Mr. Watson that medical treatments are unpatentable (cf. Tennessee Eastman

v Commissioner of Patents 1970 Ex. C.R. as reported in (1970) 62 C.P.R. 117; 1974

S.C.R. 111). The thrust taken by the applicant's argument is that before a

process can be considered medical it must be related to curing or preventing

a disease. He contends that the treatment of normally healthy meat-producing

animals,as claimed, "does not involve a medical treatment in the sense to cure

or prevent disease."


The applicant directed our attention to the allowance in the United Kingdom

of several applications relating to similar subject matter presently before us.

It will suffice, we believe, to say that prior to 1962 in the U.K. any treat-

went of humans or of animals was not considered to be patentable subject

matter. With the findings in N.R.D.C.'s Application (1961) 1 R.P.C. 134

(an Australian decision), Swift's Application (1961) R.P.C. 141 (a New Zealand

decision) and Swift and Company's Application (1962) R.P.C. 37 (a British

decision) however, there has been a change. Distinctions have been made

between processes applied to animals and those applied to humans, and the

scope of what has been considered a medical process has been narrowed. At

that time (1962), however, there was no appeal beyond the Patent Appeal

Tribunal. This was a significant factor in the allowance of the Swift

case (and others that followed), for if it did not proceed no further judicial

review was possible.


The Canadian Courts have given a broad interpretation to the meaning of

medicines. See, for example, p. 119 of the Tennessee Eastman decision

supra (S.C.); Parke,Davis v Fine Chemicals (1959) S.C.R. 219 at 226, confirming

(1957) Ex. C.R. 300 at 307; and Imperial Chemical v. Commissioner of Patents

(1967) 1 Ex C.R. 57 at 60. In the latter we also find at page 61: " 'I agree

with Thurlow, J. that the word 'medicine' as used in s. 41 of the Act, should

be interpreted broadly ...' "


As an appendix to the I.C.I. decision, Mr. Justice Gibson provided a series

of definitions for both medicines and drugs. He goes on to say: (emphasis added )


A perusal of dictionary definitions, judicial decisions and

text book authorities leads to the conclusion that there is

both a restricted definition and a broad definition of "medicine"

commonly and generally understood and used. The method by

which this conclusion is reached may be stated briefly:


1. A "medicine" in modern parlance has come to mean,

inter alia, a drug, a therapeutic agent, a biological

agent, and a pharmaceutical specialty.

      2. "Medicines" are to-day categorized under specifics such

 as antihistamines, anti-infectives, autonomic drugs,

 cardiovascular drugs, antianemia agents, hemostatics,

 diagnostic agents, expectorant and cough preparations,

 gastrointestinal drugs, hormones, local anaesthetics,

 oxytocics, vitamins, anaesthetics, and spasmolytic

 agents and so forth. In other words, generally speaking,

 it is seldom that anyone speaks of "medicines" anymore....


      3. All of these specifics may be referred to merely as medical

 drugs or medical agents, without further categorizing as in

 1 above.


4. Some of these medical drugs or medical agents are used to

 cure or heal a patient per se, and are sometimes referred

 to as therapeutic agents (even though there are many thera-

 peutic agents which do not cure or heal per se, but are

 used for a particular purpose in the treatment of a patient ),

 while others are used in the course of the whole treatment of

 the patient. In this connection, for instance in the case

 of the former kind of medical drugs or medical agents, an

 antibiotic, say, e.g., penicillin, comes closest perhaps,

 but even then, it often happens that other medical drugs

 or agents are necessary as supportive therapy when the

 antibiotic appears to be specific for a particular type of



      5. The former kind of medical drugs or-agents are "medicines" in

 a restricted meaning, while the latter kind are "medicines"

 in the broad meaning.


 "Halothane" is not a medical drug or agent that cures per se, but

 instead is a medical drug or agent used in medicine in the

 treatment of patients and is an integral essential part of surgical

 therapy of disease, a part of the therapeutic regimen.


Therefore in my opinion, "Halothane" is a substance intended

 for "medicine" within the meaning of s. 41(1) of the Patent Act,

 and as consequence, the appeal is dismissed with costs.


 To the above we would add the definition of "drug" already provided by

 Parliament (for the purpose of the Food & Drug Act, (1970) R.S.C. F-27,

 Sec. (2)) as "any substance for use in modifying organic functions in man or

 animal." (emphasis added )


 The applicant states (in response to the Final Action) that the substances

 "have a physiological effect on the growth pattern [of the animal]...."

 Surely this would be considered as having modified the organic function

of the animal, and could appropriately be considered as "a biological

agent" viz. "a medicine." He goes on to say that: "The situation is

therefore undistinguishable from the Swift application which application

the Supreme Court specifically found not to be related to a medical method."

The Swift decision related to a situation where an enzyme was injected

into an animal for the purpose of tenderizing meat. We must remember,

however, that in the Swift decision the action of the animal's body was

purely mechanical and non-metabolic. In any event Mr. Justice Pigeon in

Tennessee Eastman v. Commissioner of Patents (1974 S.C.R. 111 at 120) made

it clear that caution must be exercised in transposing from a United Kingdom

context to Canadian law the conclusions of the Swift and N.R.D.C. decisions.


Mr. Watson drew our attention to a decision of the Supreme Court of Canada

in Burton Parsons Chemicals v Hewlett-Packard, (1974) 4-17 C.P.R. (2d);

and in particular to p. 18, where Mr. Justice Pigeon concluded that a case

had not been made that a cream used for taking electrocardiograms in routine

examinations is a medicine. Such compositions differ, however, from a

substance taken into the body itself, and affecting an internal body process.

On such a basis the subject matter before us is, in our view, closer to

that considered in the Imperial Chemical v. Commissioner of Patents case

supra than what was considered in Burton Parsons.


We think it is fair to say that the experts in the field are not sure just

why a particular substance, when added to animal food, increases the rate

of growth of the animal. The effect, however, of using an antibiotic in

animal food may be of interest. It was discussed in the book entitled

"Microbiology." (Published by McGraw-Hill Book Co. 1972 - author, Mr. M.J. Pelczar.)

Page 487 reads as follows:


Antibiotics are now widely used as growth stimulants in poultry

and livestock feeds. After the discovery that many domestic

food-producing animals require vitamin B12 for optimum growth

when fed a diet consisting of plant protein, it developed that

by adding wastes from fermentation by-products to feeds,

growth was stimulated more than by B12 alone. Even when

adequate amounts of B12 were present in the diet, more rapid

growth of young animals was noted when 'they were fed mash

from the antibiotic fermenters. Use of pure antibiotics has

given similar results. Commercially, the addition of Aureomycin,

Terramycin, or penicillin to swine or poultry feeds at the rate

of 5 to 20 g per ton of feed increases the rate of growth

of young animals by at least 10 percent and sometimes by as much

as 50 percent. This use of these substances is so important that

antibiotics for medical purposes may become the by-product of

the crude residues in fermenters produced for use as food



The stimulating effect of antibiotics on growth of domestic

animals may be explained in several ways:


1 The antibiotics may destroy bacteria and other intestinal

parasites that cause subclinical disease and retard growth

and development. For example, it has been suggested that

pigs respond dramatically to the addition of Terramycin to

their diet because the antibiotic inhibits the growth of

Clostridium perfringens in their intestines and prevents or

reduces a chronic but subclinical toxemia.


2 Removal of the saprophytic bacteria from the intestinal

tract may have a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the



Further, T.H. JUKES in the Journal of the American Medical Association

(April 21, 1975 Vol. 232 No. 3) reports that antibiotics will promote growth by

inhibiting intestinal micro-organisms.Volume 232 starting at line l,reads as



The use of antibiotics in feeding animals is connected in a

remarkable way to clinical medicine, for this use came as

a by-product of the discovery of a new antibiotic, aureomycin

(now known as chlortetracycline), in 1948. Aureomycin was

the first of the tetracyclines, and it was immediately put to

use for its "broad-spectrum" effectiveness against many

pathogenic microorganisms.


At line 22 he goes on to state:


A few grams of antibiotics such as a tetracycline, penicillin,

or streptomycin in a ton of feed will increase growth, apparently

because farm animals normally harbor susceptible intestinal

microorganisms that are mildly deleterious without being

frankly pathogenic.


He also refers to "the extensive use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine

for 25 years. The report by this committee [Swann]led to the principal

antibiotics for farm animals being placed on veterinary prescription in

Great Britain...."


The above information was brought to the applicant's attention before the

hearing. At the hearing Mr. Watson made it clear that the substance of

this application was not an antibiotic. There is, however, no explanation,

as to what produces the increase in the rate of growth when using the

substance of the instant application.


We are persuaded, however, that the substance modifies the organic functions

of the body. The substance claimed is a hormonal compound which exhibits

extrogenic activity. We are satisfied that it is "a biological agent,"

and, in our view, it is a "medicine" in "the broad meaning"(See the I.C.I.

Decision supra.). Any substance taken orally which effects the

metabolism of the body must, of necessity, be classed as a "food or medicine."

Furthermore, there is no doubt that the substance is produced by a chemical

process. In addition, in Dextran Products v Benger Laboratories (1970) 60

C.P.R. 215 the Commissioner of Patents rejected completely a submission that

a veterinary product used to promote weight increase in piglets is not a

medicine within the meaning of Section 41 of the Patent Act.


The applicant argues that he is not offending Section 41 of the Patent Act

because he has claimed the product in process dependent form in other claims

as required by that section.


In Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner, supra, however, Pigeon J., at page 118,



Section 41 was enacted for the purpose of restricting the scope

of patents "relating to substances prepared or produced by

chemical processes and intended for food or medicine". The

first principle proclaimed is that in the case of such inventions,

"the specification shall not include claims for the substance

itself; except when prepared or produced by the methods or

processes of manufacture particularly described in the claim or by

their obvious equivalents". In my view, this necessarily implies

that, with respect to such substances, the therapeutic use cannot

be claimed by a process claim apart from the substance itself.

Otherwise, it would mean that while the substance could not be

claimed except when prepared by the patented process, its use

however prepared could be claimed as a method of treatment. In

other words, if a method of treatment consisting in the application

of a new drug could be claimed as a process apart from the drug

itself, then the inventor, by making such a process claim, would

have an easy way out of the restriction in s. 41(1). (emphasis added )


The applicant referred to a previous decision (on application 862,758)

of this Board relating to "methods of improving the rate growth of animals."

That decision was made prior to the Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner of

Patents (S.C.) decision supra. As a matter of fact it was the rationale of

the Tennessee Eastman decision that predicated the Final Action refusing

the present method of use claims.


The applicant's attention is directed to an article in the 1974 edition

of the "Ottawa Law Review" Vol. 6 entitled: "Industrial Property," which

is of interest. In referring to the above Patent Appeal Board decision on

application 862,758 the writer states at page 475: "It is not clear whether

this decision can stand in view of the Supreme Court decision in Tennessee

Eastman, as this would appear to be a method of using a veterinary food,

which would appear to fall under Section 41 of the Patent Act, if the

Tennessee Eastman argument is followed."


There is one other point.When we consider the large number of compounds

used in the process of claim 46, we find they run to tens if not hundreds

of thousands. While obviously they all possess certain structural similarities,

we are not convinced that so many compounds do in fact promote growth rates

in animals, nor that it can be seriously contended that they do. Undoubtedly

this comes close to the type of overclaiming found objectionable in

Boehringer Sohn v Bell Craig, 1962 Ex. C.R. 201, and elsewhere. Since,

however, there were other grounds for rejecting claim 46, this point need not

be explored further.


In summary, we are satisfied that the present claims are directed to a method

of treatment with a biological agent (hormonal compound), which modifies

the organic functions of the body, and should not, in our view, be claimed as a

 process apart from the drug itself. (Vide, Tennessee Eastman v Commissioner,



 We recommend that the decision in the Final Action refusing claims 46 to 66

 "as not falling under Section 2 of the Patent Act" be affirmed.


 J.F. Hughes

 Assistant Chairman

 Patent Appeal Board


 I Concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly, I

 refuse to allow claims 46 to 66. The applicant has six months in which to

 cancel claims 46 to 66, or appeal this decision under the provision of

 Section 44 of the Patent Act.


 J.H.A. Gari‚py

 Commissioner of Patents


 Dated at Hull, Quebec

 this 13th day of August, 1976


 Agent for Applicant


Gowling, MacTavish, Osborne

 and Henderson,

 116 Albert St.

 Ottawa, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.