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OBVIOUSNESS: Aerosol Containers for Anaerobic Resin-forming Compositions


An aerosol packaged anaerobic resin-forming compositions which set in the

absence of oxygen in pressurized aerosol containers to which he added oxygen

to prevent hardening. It was held there was no invention in view of the

prior art which showed the necessity of oxygen to inhibit hardening.


Rejection: Affirmed


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated January 23, 1975, on application

115,800 (Class 222-55). The application was filed on June 16, 1971, in the

name of Denis J. O'Sullivan et al, and is entitled "Anaerobic Compositions."

The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on June 9, 1976, at which Mr. N.

Eades represented the applicant.


The application relates to anaerobic compositions which are packaged in

aerosol containers. The container is pressurized with a propellant containing

oxygen as one component. The compositions remain stable and usable for

periods of six months or longer.


By "anaerobic compositions" are meant polymerizable compositions, which do not

set in the presence of oxygen, but do polymerize in the absence of oxygen, i.e.

they are anaerobic. One example is "loctite " a resin-forming composition which,

when coated over nuts and bolts, sets to hold the nut firmly on the bolt. This

avoids the necessity of using lock washers under the nut.


In the Final Action the examiner refused the application for failing to

disclose a patentable advance in the art. The following references were cited:


United States Patent


2,895,950   July 21, 1959     Krieble


Shepherd "AEROSOLS: SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY" 1961, Chapter 6


The Krieble patent describes an anaerobic composition comprising a mixture

of polymerizable acrylate ester and a peroxy polymerization initiator therefore.

The peroxy polymerization initiator is a hydroperoxide initiator.


In the Final Action the examiner stated (in part):


Allowance of this application is refused since the method of

packaging the anearobic compositions discussed in the disclosure

is considered to be obvious to one skilled in the aerosol container

art. Furthermore, the compositions themselves,which are intended

to be packaged in aerosol form, are not new.


Considering the compositions per se, applicant has admitted in

his letter of April 8,1974 that Krieble as well as a number of

other patents disclose anaerobic compositions. The sole question

to be considered then is whether the packaging of an anaerobic

composition in aerosol form is inventive.


As disclosed on page 2, paragraph 4, "the invention deals with

anearobic compositions packaged in liquid aerosol form". The

examiner has not cited a patent for an aerosol container against

the claims since as the applicant states in his disclosure, "the

containers ---- may be any  suitable container capable of with-

standing the super-atmospheric internal pressures required of such

systems". Thus any suitable aerosol container may be used so

there is no actual invention in the container per se. As the

applicant states in his letter of January 5, 1973, the alleged

invention lies in packaging an anaerobic composition in a sealed

container of known type.


As disclosed by applicant, anaerobic curing compositions are

catalyzed polymerizable compositions which are stable in the

presence of oxygen but which solidify when oxygen is excluded.

It is considered to be entirely within the skill of a person

working in the aerosol packaging art and in fact blatantly obvious

that if one wished to package an anaerobic composition in aerosol

form, one merely ensures that there is oxygen present within the

container to maintain the composition in a liquid state.




Applicant argued that there is no suggestion in the Krieble patent

or other patents for anaerobic compositions, of aerosol packaging

techniques extended to anaerobic compositions. Furthermore,

that these compositions have previously been used only in low

density polyethylene containers, as attested by Mr. Heilig a director

of the Loctite Corporation. This is not a point of contention.

The examiner has not argued that anaerobic compositions have been

previously packaged in aerosol form. It may not be obvious to

persons skilled in the art of development of an aerobic composition

how to package such compositions in other than low density polyethylene

containers, however, it is considered to be obvious to a man skilled in

the aerosol packaging art that, once told oxygen must be present,

he merely ensures oxygen is present in the propellant when packaging

such a composition. As pointed out previously, one problem in aerosol

packaging is ensuring there is no reaction between the contents and the

propellant. Thus the use of inert gases. It would appear that when

such a reaction is not only desirable but necessary, as in this case, the

packager's problems are simplified.


Applicant admits that he has not disclosed a new composition per

se. Applicant also admits that the containers per se are of known

type. It is considered to be obvious to one skilled in the aerosol

packaging art to include oxygen in the propellant when packaging

anaerobic compositions in aerosol form so that they will not solidify.

The minimum amount of oxygen necessary in relation to the remainder

of the gases in the propellant is derived by simple trial and error

experimentation. Applicant has failed to disclose an unobvious

advance in the art.


The applicant in his response dated July 14, 1975 to the Final Action presented

a new set of claims (1 to 9). In that response he stated (in part):


The purpose of the present amendment is to limit the claims down

to a preferred embodiment which has special unobvious features

over the claims under Final Action. Claim 1 is now limited to a

chlorinated or fluorinated hydrocarbon propellant containing up to

about four carbon atoms and oxygen, the oxygen having a partial pressure of

from about 0.1 lbs, per square inch up to about one-third of the total

pressure in the interior of the container. These limitations are

fully supported by the disclosure as originally filed and the disclosure

changes with this amendment are all for the purpose of limiting it

to the invention now claimed.




Applicant admits that Krieble, as well as a number of other patents

and literature articles, etc., discloses anaerobic compositions.

Some of the prior patents also disclose the packaging of a variety of

compositions in aerosol form.


Looking first at the question of simple novelty, it will be seen that

neither Krieble or any of the other prior patents suggests the use of

anaerobic compositions in aerosol form. There is no suggestion of

aerosol packaging techniques extended to anaerobic compositions. The Krieble

patent mentions broad terms such as "container", but at column 2 line 64,

et seq., discloses the preferred containers as "preferably a polyethylene

or other container which permits the passage of air therethrough".

The flow of fresh oxygen through the container walls has long been

accepted as an essential feature of storing anaerobic compositions. In

actuality, it appears that anaerobic compositions leave been used only in

low density polyethylene containers since their inception.




It is particularly surprising that such low levels of oxygen together

with the halogenated hydrocarbon propellant are capable of maintaining

anaerobic compositions in uncured condition. While the reasons for

this are not entirely understood by persons skilled in the anaerobic

composition art or in the aerosol packaging art, it is believed that

the chlorinated and fluorinated hydrocarbon propellants possess a

relatively high oxygen solubility and that as they liquify inside the


aerosol container, they incorporate substantial amounts of oxygen

into the liquid phase thereby tending to incorporate and transfer

oxygen into the bulk of the anaerobic liquid. It is, therefore,

believed by applicants that the propellants may be fulfilling the

permeability function of the previously used polyethylene containers

for anaerobic compositions.


It is noted that the applicant has stated in his letter of April 8, 1974, that

Krieble as well as a number of other patents disclose anaerobic compositions.

Furthermore, the applicant states that the container "may be any suitable con-

tainer capable of withstanding the super-atmospheric internal pressures required

of such systems:" (see page 10 of the disclosure.)


The sole question to be considered then is whether the idea or concept (under-

lying the claimed combination) of packaging an anaerobic composition in

aerosal form is inventive.


The merit then of the alleged invention is one where the concept or idea is

      at the heart of the invention. It is well established in the jurisprudence,

however, that the recognition of the concept may well merit patent protection

even though the means of realizing the concept are straightforward given

the concept. See Electrolier Manufacturing Co. Ltd v Dominion Manufacturers

Ltd (1934) S.C.R. 436 at 442 where Rendred J. stated:


The merit of Pallows' patent is not so much in the means of

carrying out the idea as in conceiving the idea itself....


The correct approach then is first to decide if the idea or concept (under-

lying the claimed combination) is new. If it is new, then that idea or

concept must be tested for inventiveness. We are also mindful that simplicity

does not necessarily suggest that something is unobvious.


It is clear, as far as the facts before us are concerned, that the idea or

concept is novel in the sense that the anaerobic composition was not packaged

in an aerosol container before the present inventor did it. The general

idea of packaging liquids in aerosol containers is of course not novel. The

next question to be considered is whether the recognition of the idea or

concept merits patent protection.



At the hearing Mr. N. Eades made it clear that "no difficulty had to be

overcome to dispense the anaerobic material from an aerosol container."

Standard containers, propellants and filling techniques are used.


It was also brought out at the hearing that where the compositions are

stored in large vats, air or oxygen is trickled in to maintain the composi-

lion in an uncured state. The reason for doing this, of course, is that in

the absence of oxygen the composition will solidify. Thus it was known or

at least obvious, that the aerosol container for the instant purpose must

contain oxygen. The practice of adding oxygen, however, is not new.


The "tube" in an aerosol container is known as a "dip tube." According to

Shepherd, supra, this tube is "extruded from special grades or blends or

polyethylene...." (see page 136 of Shepherd.)


There was considerable discussion at the hearing about why the composition

did not harden in the dip tube while in storage. An essential feature of

the previous small containers, in order to prevent hardening, was "the

flow of fresh oxygen through the container walls." According to the applicant,

in his letter (following the hearing) received June 18, 1976, the oxygen

will not flow through the walls of the dip tube as the dip tube walls are

essentially non porous. We must remember, however, that the dip tube will be

filled with the same liquid composition as is present in the main body of the

container. This composition is in the presence of oxygen; the required

oxygen having been added to the container under pressure. In our view, to

add oxygen in this manner is equivalent to, or serves the same purpose as the

trickle charge arrangement mentioned above.


In any case it is well known that the solubility of gases in liquids is

increased considerably if the gases are under pressure. HENERY'S LAW states

that "the mass of gas dissolved by a given volume of solvent, at constant

temperature, is proportional to the pressure of the gas with which it is in

equilibrium." (see the 2nd. edition of the - Textbook of Physical Chemistry -

by D. VAN NORTRAND.) Consequently, since it was previously known that

oxygen would dissolve in the anaerobic compositions (amides) used in this

invention, it is equally apparent that if the oxygen is put under pressure,

as it is in aerosol containers, its solubility in the anaerobic amides would

be increased considerably. It would, indeed, be anticipated that it would

be dissolved in sufficient quantities to prevent setting of the amides.

In our view, all that the applicant has done is verify that this is so.


The problem encountered with paint aerosol dispensers was also discussed

at the hearing. It is common knowledge that paint hardens in the presence

of oxygen, whereas in the instant application the opposite condition is present.

The problem however, of preventing the anaerobic composition from hardening -

by adding oxygen, was known and understood for a long time.


We find the Shepherd citation useful as showing the advanced state of the

art, and we think it apposite to quote from it, Page 528 reads:


   Aerosols for industrial use must give excellent performance,

in rigid economic terms. While convenience and even novelty

may play a part in their acceptance, primarily these products

must be able to do the claimed job at a cost quite close to that of

the conventionally packaged product. Furthermore, the industrial

aerosol is sold to a clientele more likely to examine its

performance objectively and critically.


For the most part, industrial pressurized products axe designed

to meet a very specific industrial need. Very often, this will

be a need on the part of the individual workman doing work on a

small scale. Where large-scale work is required, the size

limitations and the extra cost of the pressurized form rule it out.


Within these general guides, many products have been developed

which have a fair volume sold to a specific and specialized market.

Among the earliest of the industrial aerosols were the spray belt

dressings, which are simply pressurized forms of the conventional

product. Although costs of the pressurized products are higher than

the conventional "stick and bucket" dressings, the greater mobility

and convenience of the former have assured their acceptance.


The task for formulating for specific purposes is well exemplified

by pressurized mold release sprays. Several types are available,

including those based upon silicones (used specifically in the in-

jection molding field, for example) and upon zinc stearate powder.

The latter are noteworthy as having been the first commercially

successful aerosol in powder form (an earlier dry graphite product

was not considered an aerosol).


An industrial product of interest is cutting oil, based upon heavy

oils, to which small amounts of sulfur and chlorine are added.

These oils serve to prevent the welding of the metal chips onto the

cutting tool. They have proven extremely useful for machinists on

small work and for field jobs. Furthermore, they have considerable

potential in the very large home workshop market.


Lubricants and rust preventives present another important type of

industrial aerosol. These include products based upon the hydro-

carbon oils and, in some cases, hydrocarbon-soluble detergents.

Many are tailored for more specific end uses and may include graphite

(for lubrication where metal-to-metal surfaces are involved) or

molybdenum salts. Some products in this class are also sold for the

household market.


While most industrial aerosols are designed for specific industries

or specific end uses, some have found wide use throughout business.

Stencil inks may be considered typical of such. Generally, they are

made from resinous inks which are dispersed in acetone. Their use

is particularly valuable in field work and wherever small or inter-

mittent needs for stencil inks exist.


It is clear from the above, and other parts of Shepherd's book, that hundreds

of liquids, and even some solids, have been dispensed using aerosols. Some

of them entail special problems in storage and dispensing from the container.

It is but expected that those concerned with aerosols will apply their

knowledge to make their wares useable.


It has been said that the inventors were surprised that their device worked

so well. We must remember however that they were working outside their

normal specialty, and what was surprising to them is not relevant to what

those skilled in this specialty would know.


The applicant has argued and submitted evidence that the present method of

packaging has resulted in a "longer shelf life." In the present state of

aerosol technology (see Shepherd, supra) practitioners are expected to do a

reasonable amount of experimentation to arrive at the best and most efficient

applications of their technology.


Under such circumstances to simply suggest trying another substance for

suitability in an aerosol package whether it be paint, clear plastic or an

anaerobic, composition does not, in our view, involve an inventive step.





The comments of the court, in Lowe Martin Co. Ltd, v Office Specialty

Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (1930) Ex. C.R. 181, are pertinent: "The mere carrying

forward of the original thought, a change only in form, proportion or degree,

doing the same thing in the same way, by substantially the same means, with

better results is not such an invention as will sustain a patent" (page 187

line 9). And "It is always necessary to consider the rights of the general

public to avoid monopolies on such simple devices as would occur to anyone

familiar with the art." (underlining added.)


We are satisfied that the idea or concept underlying the claimed combination

fails to disclose a patentable advance in the art. The applicant has

produced a result from an original thought by substantially the same means

as is taught in the prior art. (Vide, Lowe Martin v O.S.M, supra)

We recommend that the decisions in the Final Action to refuse the application

be affirmed.



J.F. Hughes

Assistant Chairman

Patent Appeal Board


I agree with the recommendation of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly,

I refuse to grant a patent on this application. The applicant has six

months within which to appeal this decision under the provisions of Section 44

of the Patent Act.



J.A. Brown

Acting Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 13th day of July, 1976


Agent for Applicant:


Kirby, Shapiro, Curphey & Eases

77 Metcalfe Street

Ottawa, Ontario


 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.