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                    COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


OBVIOUSNESS: Dohalogenation Process


Some claims of this application, which related to the conversion of

metal halides were refused for failing to define a patentable advance

in the an over the reference cited. The rejection against claim 19

was withdwawn.


Final Action: Affirmed in part.


This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated May 27, 1975, on applica-

tion 126,631 (Class 23-224). The application was filed on November 2,

1971, in the name of Leonard N. Brigham et al, and is entitled "Dehalogen-

ation Process."


The general subject utter of this invention is the conversion of metal

halides, represented by MX4, to the corresponding oxides MO4. To accomplish

this by prior art processes using hydrogen as the dehalogenating agent

re~~ired temperatures in excess of 2000øF, The use of such high temperatures

produceu oxide powders with less than optimum surface characteristics. The

present inventors disclosed that they could convert oxyhalides, represented

by MO2X2, to MO4 at temperatures from 600øF. to 1600øF. using a vapourized

alcohol as a dehalogenating agent and subsequently filed a supplementary

disclosure widening the scope of the materials treated from oxyhalides to

halides in general.


In the Final Action the examiner refused claims 13-18 and 20-23 of the

supplementary disclosure for lack of invention in view of the following

United States Patent:


    3,000,703             Sept. 19, 1961        Brugger


Claim 19 was also refused on the ground of lack of support in the disclosure.

In that action the examiner stated (in part):


Applicant, in his letter of February 3, 1975, has argued against

the relevance of United States patent 3,000,703 as applied in the

rejection of claims 13 to 18 and 20 to 23 because he alleges

that there are significant differences between the present in-

vention as set forth in revised claims and the prior art.


The first "difference" discussed by the applicant relates to

the surface area and the bulk density of the zirconia product formed

by the dehalogenation reaction, Applicant's specification teaches

on page 2 lines 2 to 30 "To dehalogenate a metallic oxyhalide such

as uranium oxyfluoride one needs, when using hydrogen, a temper-

ature in excess of about to have a practical rate of

dehalogenation. Such a temperature produces undesirable properties

in the resulting ceramic including the loss of the ability to

make dense compacted ceramic bodies from the resulting powder

due to a deadening of the powder (loss of surface area of the powder)

at the temperature required for the dehalogenation process. In

order to lower the temperature for conducting successful dehalogenation

of metallic oxyhalides a wet hydrogen atmosphere has been used which

has the effect of increasing the rate of dehalogenation at any

given temperature when compared to the use of dry hydrogen. This also

has a practical effect of lowering the temperature needed to achieve

a practical rate of dehalogenatien of a metallic oxyhalide. The

dehalogenation process using wet hydrogen gives economies of

operation and an increased powder activity in that there is greater

ability of the powder to be compacted and sintered to dense structures.


In spite of the foregoing, it has still remained desirable to lower

the temperature for achieving a practical, rapid rate of dehaiogenation

of metallic oxyhalide containing compositions. The lower temperature

of dehalogenation of metallic oxyhalides enables even greater powder

activity, enables greater economies of operation arid gives more dense

structures after the powders are compacted and sintered." And on

page 6 lines 10 to 31 "While any temperature achieving dehalogenation

can be employed by utilizing heated furnaces receiving the alcohol-

containing atmosphere, the temperature is generally under about 1600øF

and preferably under about where it is desired to have a powder

of high surface area with the range of temperature being about 600 to about

1600øF and a preferred range of temperature being about 600 to

about 1100øF. This range gives a rapid rate of dehalogenation while

preserving high surface area of the deh alogenated powder. In general

the higher the temperature used the greater the rate of dehalogenation

achieved with greater hydrocarbon impurity content of the dehalogenated

powder. The lower temperatures in the foregoing range give the

highest surface areas for the defluorinated powder. Where the

atmosphere used in the furnace contains only vaporized alcohol, a higher

temperature up to about 1600øF can be utilized for the dehalogenation

step without loss of activity of the dehalogenated powder with a

particularly preferred range of temperature being about 1200 to

about Again the rate of dehalogenation and the surface area of

the dehalogenated powder vary with the particular temperature in the

foregoing range as noted above."


Both of these quotations indicate that low temperatures for the

dehalogenation reaction promote the formation of products of high

surface area and high bulk density. Thus, the Brugger process, which

recommends the use of lower temperatures than those of the instant

specification, should result in the production of high surface area,

high bulk density oxide products. The Brugger teaching con-

firms this contention in column 1 lines 9 to 11, column 2

lines 3 to 34, column 2 line 65 to column 3 line 7 and column 5

lines 51 to 55 of the patent. Each of the specified passages

refers to a method of obtaining a high-purity zirconium oxide

having a high bulk density in a porous granular form, ideal for

making refractory objects as well as for use in the ceramic and

glass industry, and thus precisely the type of product applicant

desires to obtain.


The applicant in his response dated August 15, 1975, to the Final

Action stated (in part):


The Brugger reference is directed to a two-step method of conversion

of a halide to an oxide, and is limited in its teaching to a

particular halide compound, namely zirconium tetrachloride.

Brugger's process involves heating in the presence of a hydrolysing

agent, follotued by a calcination step conducted at a substantially

higher temperature than the hydrolyzing step.


A two stage heating cycle is not employed in the subject invention.


In the matter of rejection of claim 19, attention is directed

to page 7 lines 5 through 11, which deals with the dehydration

step referred to by the Examiner.


So far as application of the Brugger reference is concerned,

attention is drawn to the case Canadian General Electric Co. Ltd. v

Fada Radio Ltd. 1927 Supreme Court Report (SCR) 520 "....The true

construction of a patent specification must be based on the

specification alone, to derive the intentions of its authors...."

Also "....Any information as to the alleged invention given by any

prior publication must be for the purpose of practical utility

equal to that given by the subject patent." In the foregoing,

for "patent" substitute --application--.


The Brugger reference shows the conversion of zirconium chloride to zirconium

oxide by heating the zirconium chloride in the presence of a vapourized

alcohol. The temperature range taught by Brugger is based on the practical

considerations which would appear necessarily to apply to anyone carrying out

this reaction: high enough to maintain the alcohol in the vapour state and

low enough to prevent excess loss of the halide through volatilization. More

specifically he describes a method of dehalogenating zirconium tetrachloride

comprising the step of heating the halide at temperatures in the range from

about 120øC to 1200øC (248øF to 2192øF) in a dehalogenating atmosphere

having as the dehalogenating component a vaporized alcohol.


Brugger also describes certain inherent advantages including: (a) the

potential for employing loner dehalogenation temperatures than those recorded

for other prior art processes; (b) the retention of active surface character-

istics on the metal oxide product; (c) the production of a high purity, high

density product which can easily be processed into highly refractory articles

or structural material; and (d) the recovery of a highly concentrated hydro-

halic acid by-product which are attainable through the use of a vaporized

alcohol dehalogenation agent. These specified advantages correspond

substantially to the desired objectives of the inventors of the instant



Claim 1 of the Brugger citation reads as follows:


A process for the production of zirconium oxide which comprises:


(a) introducing solid zirconium tetrachloride into a reaction


(b) simultaneously introducing into the reaction zone a hydrolyzing


(c) said hydrolyzing agent having the formula ROH wherein R is selected

      from the group consisting of hydrogen and alkyl radicals containing

      between one and five carbon atoms,

(d) maintaining the temperature in the reaction zone above the boiling

      point of the hydrolyzing agent but below the sublimation point of

      the zirconium tetrachloride,

(e) maintaining the said reactants in the reaction zone for from about

      1-5 hours in order to substantially eliminate the chloride from the

      resulting zirconium oxide product, and

(f) thereafter calcining the resulting product to convert hydrous zirconia

      to zirconium oxide.


This application relates to the conversion of metal halides represented by MX4, to

the corresponding oxides MO4 at temperatures from 600øF to 1600øF using a vapor-

ized alcohol as a dehalogenating agent. A supplementary disclosure was filed to

broaden the scope of the materials treated from oxyhalides to halides in general.

Claim 13 (supported by supplementary disclosure) reads as follows:


A method of dehalogenating a composition including a metallic halide

wherein the metallic portion is selected from the group consisting

or uranium, plutonium, titanium, zirconium, silicon, tungsten, gado-

linium, aluminum and mixtures thereof comprising the step of heating

the composition at a temperature in the range of about 600øF to

about 1600øF in a dehalogenating atmosphere having as the dehalogenating

component a vaporized alcohol.


The question to be considered is whether claims 13 to 18 and 20 to 23 are

too broad in scope in view of the Brugger citation.


We observe that the Brugger reference is restricted in its teaching to the

dehalogenation of zirconium tetrachloride for the production of zirconia,

whereas this application relates to the dehalogenation of metallic halides in

which the metallic portion is selected from the Markush group consisting of

uranium, plutonium, titanium, zirconium, silicon, tungsten, gadolinium,

aluminium and mixtures thereof. The metallic halides encompassed by the

applicant's claimed processes have a wide range of physical and chemical pro-

perties and under conditions of dehalogenating may require non-uniform pro-

cessing techniques to assure the retention of desirable surface characteristics

on the metal oxide products. These possible anomalies are not disclosed in

applicant's specification but the adequacy of the supplementary disclosure

for the support of the presently rejected claims was not challenged since

it has been made evident that in the course of preparing a pure uranium oxide,

the dehalogenating technique employing alcoholic reagents, utilized in the

process of the principal disclosure for the dehalogenation of metal oxyhalides,

was also found effective to dehalogenate the metallic halides of claim 13.

The single example included in the supplementary disclosure describes to a

highly restricted embodiment wherein the halides are present only in trace

amounts. No teaching of particular temperature conditions or handling

requirements specific to the treatment of the various metallic halides has

been supplied. It is therefore clear that the only possible invention

encompassed by the refused claims rests entirely in the selection of a vapor-

ized alcohol to serve as the active agent in a dehalogenation reaction. This

festure, however, is obvious in view of the Brugger citation.


The applicant, in his response to the Final Action, has relied upon the

apparent difference in the defined dehalogenation temperature to distinguish

the processes of the rejected claims from the teaching of the reference.


However, it is observed that the main thrust of applicant's disclosure

relates to the development of a dehalogenation process which operates at

temperatures sufficiently low to avoid producing undesirable surface

characteristics in the resulting ceramic product. This desired improvement

was effectively achieved through the use of low initial reaction temperatures

in the process described by the Brugger patent. Furthermore it may be

reemphasized that once the sublimation temperature of the partially de-

halogenated zirconium chloride was sufficiently elevated to prevent any

significant loss of zirconium tetrachloride through volatilization, the

reaction temperature in the Brugger process was raised to a range from about

500·. to 550.·C. (932·F. to 1022·F.) for the completion of the reaction.

This value lies within the range of useful temperatures defined by rejected

claim 13.


The applicant argued that "a two stage heating cycle is not employed in the

subject invention." We note, however, that Brugger shows all aspects of the

process of converting ZrCl4 to ZrO4 taught by the present applicant. The

one stage heating cycle is not, in our view, patentably significant over a

two stage heating cycle in the present circumstances.


The applicant relied upon a Supreme Court decision, Canadian General Electic

Co. Ltd. v Fada Radio Ltd, and quoted a passage from it to support his

argument against the refusal of certain claims. The passage, however, "....

Any information as to the alleged invention given by any prior publication

must be for the purpose of practical utility equal to that given by the

subject patent," does not appear in that case. It is, however, in The King v

Uhlemann Optical Company (1950) Ex. C.R. 142 at 157 where we find: "The requirements

that must be met before an invention should be held to have been anticipated

by a prior publications have been discussed in many cases and may be stated

briefly. The information as to the alleged invention given by the prior

publication must, for the purpose of practical utility, be equal to that given

by the subsequent patent." (underlining added) It is clear, however, that

the court was concerned with anticipation and not with obviousness or lack of

invention. Notwithstanding the above, the Brugger citation does describe a

process for the dehalogenation of zirconium tetrachloride to yield zirconium

oxide. The patented technique has a practical utility substantially equal to

that of the process in refused claim 13, which process encompasses the same

reaction for the same purpose.


We are satisfied that the similarity of the process defined by claim 13 to the

teaching of the Brugger citation makes it clear that there is no patentable ad-

vance made in the art. The remainder of the refused claims, namely claims 14

to 18 and 20 to 23, which are essentially dependent on claim 13, contain minor

restrictions which are not deemed inventive.


It is also noted that claim 19 was refused for lack of support in the disclosure.


The claimed embodiment is, however, supported by the disclosure on page 7,

lines 5 through 11. That rejection is therefore withdrawn. It is noted that

this claim should appear with those claims supported by the principle disclosure

rather than under the heading "Claims Supported by Supplementary Disclosure."


We recommend that the decision in the Final Action to refuse claims 13 to 18 and

20 to 23 be affirmed, and that the ground for refusing claim 19 be withdrawn.

Claim 19 should therefore be renumbered "claim 13."


   J.F. Hughes

Assistant Chairman

Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly, I

refuse to grant a patent on claims 13 to 18 and 20 to 23. The ground for the re-

jection against claim 19 is withdrawn. The applicant has six months within which

to submit an apprppriate amendment cancelling the refused claims, or to appeal

this decision under the provision of Section 44 of the Patent Act.


J. H. A. Gari‚py

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 3rd. day of May, 1976


Agent for Applicant


R.A. Eckersley,

214 King St. W.,

Toronto 1, Ont.

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