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OBVIOUSNESS:  Production of Kaolinitic Clay


In an earlier Commissioner's decision on this application a conflict

claim was refused and removed. This rejection relates to other claims

subsequently rejected as obvious in view of cited art.




This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action of October 15, 1975, on patent

application 901145. The application was filed in the names of William

Windle and Reginald T. Bailey, and deals with "A Method of Producing

a White-Firing Kaolinitic Clay."


Previously the application had been involved in conflict proceedings

with two other applications, during the course of which one of the claims,

C5, was refused as covering subject matter obvious in view of certain

cited art. The applicant requested a review of that rejection, and

the Commissioner supported the refusal on May 8, 1973. An appeal was

taken to the Federal Court of Canada, but subsequently withdrawn, and

claim C5 removed. The examiner then proceeded to examine the remaining

claims, present claims 1-5. During the earlier prosecution the examiner

had indicated that these claims were not patentably different from C5,

were not patentable over the prior art, and would be rejected at the

termination of the conflict (assuming, of course, that the rejection of

C5 was proper). He then proceeded to reject claims 1-5 as being directed

to subject matter which was obvious, and therefore unpatentable. It

is that rejection which is now before the Patent Appeal Board for



The application relates to a process for purifying white-firing clay

suitable for use in the manufacture of ceramic articles using

electromatic means to remove impurities. in the prosecution terminated

by the second Final Action, the examiner refused claims 1 to 5

as being obvious in view of the following references.


United Stages Patent


90,565      May 25, 1869      Lynd


"Wet Magnetic Separator For Feebly Magnetic Minerals," part I

by G.N. Jones and part II by W.J.D. Stone, a paper delivered

at the International Mineral Processing Congress, London,

1960, and published June, 1962 in the Bulletin of the Canadian

Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Group VI, Paper

No. 34.


In his action the examiner stated (in part):

The patent to Lynd is cited only to establish the fact that it

is old in the art to use magnets to remove iron and other discol-

oring matters from a clay slurry. It is recognized, as applicant

argues, that Lynd uses permanent magnets to remove relatively large



However, when it is known to use a magnet to remove magnetic dis-

coloring impurities from clay, and then a more powerful magnet is

invented, it is not invention to use the new magnet in the same

manner for the same purpose as taught by Lynd.


This statement is particularly true of the Jones magnet described

in the cited publication, which is capable of producing a field

strength of at least 10;000 gauss, In this publication the author

states (page 717) "the author aimed therefore to develop a machine

suitable for the wet separation of feebly magnetic minerals including

even the least magnetic of these, such as muscovite mica and





Applicant has argued novelty in the removal of muscovite, and the

fine size of his separated particles. These arguments are refuted

by the preceding quotations. Applicant has not developed or added

anything inventive to the process of the cited publication but argues

that his particle size is finer. The quoted statement from page 733

of Stone covers the size range of applicant, and the particle size

is therefore not inventive.


Claims 1, 2 and 3 are rejected as being unpatentable over the



Claim 4 is rejected as being unpatentable in view of common general

knowledge in the separating art. It is standard operating procedure

in the mineral separation art to recirculate material through any

separating means until the desired degree of separation is achieved.


Claim 5 is also rejected as being unpatentable over the

references. Applicant discloses a magnetic field strength

of at least 10,000 gauss, preferably 15,000 gauss.  The

reference Jones magnet produces a field strength of at

least 10,000 gauss. There is no unexpected result achieved

by increasing the field strength to 15,000 gauss. It is a

matter of degree only, the expected result.


The applicant in the response to the Final Action, dated January 15;

1975 stated (in part):


Applicants regret that they are confused by the manner in which

the present final action is expressed. It appears to be the

basis of the final action that the claims now before the Office

are unpatentable as being not patentably different from the re-

jected conflict claim C5. It is assumed that Rule 69 is the

basis for the present rejection and the text of Rule 69 is set

forth below:


69. (1) An applicant may not reassert any claim that has

been amended or cancelled to avoid a conflict or

assert any claim to subject matter not patentably

different from that defined in a claim so amended

or cancelled.


(2) Where an applicant fails to contest priority with

respect to conflicting subject matter claimed in another

supplication or where priority is awarded to an opposing

party, the applicant may not retain in his application

or introduce into it claims for subject matter not

patentably different from such conflicting subject



In view of the above Rule, applicants may not reassert or retain

claims for subject matter not patentably different from subject

matter defined in a conflict claim that has been amended or can-

celled to avoid conflict. As pointed out in the previous response

claim C5 was not cancelled or amended to avoid conflict; it was

cancelled instead as a result of the final rejection of that



The application is for a method of processing Kaolinitic clay for the

production of ceramic articles. Kaolin (china clay) is extracted

from the ground and contains iron-containing impurities which causes

specking or poor colour when the clay is fired. The applicant forms

a slurry of the Kaolinitic clay and subjects the slurry to the action

of a non-homogeneous magnetic field to separate paramagnetic particles



The patent to Lynd establishes that it is known in the art to use

artificial or natural magnets to remove iron and other discoloring

matters from solutions of argillaceous substances which are to be used

for the manufacture of white wares.


The publication "Wet Magnetic Separator For Feebly Magnetic Minerals"

(Jones and Stone) states at page 717:


...the author aimed therefore to develop a machine suitable

fox the wet separation of feebly magnetic minerals including

even the least magnetic of these, such as muscovite mica

arid tourmaline


And at page 733:


Although Magnetic separation has long been a useful tool of

the mineral dressing engineer, available equipment until recently

has been of limited effectiveness on separations involving

materials ranging in particle size from 100 mash down to a few

microns. This was particularly the case with weakly magnetic



With the acquisition in the spring of 1959 of a Jones wet

magnetic mineral separator the Mines Branch put into operation

the only pilot unit of this machine in existence. This high

intensity wet magnetic separator differs in design from existing

machines and has been developed to be particularly effective in

the fine particle size range, especially on weakly magnetic



Also at page 743 a list of conclusions are given:


(3) The Jones unit makes effective separations on fine

materials containing minerals considered weakly magnetic,

or not suitable for magnetic separation at all.


(5) The indicated susceptibility of some muscovites in the

Jones separator suggests a possible application in the

clay industry.


(6) The Jones machine may be used to separate minerals of

different magnetic susceptibilities in very fine sites.


In the applicant's response he states that he is "confused by the manner

in which the present final action is expressed," and assumes that Rule 69

is the basis for the rejection. It is noted however, that on page 1

of the Final Action the second paragraph states "The rejection of these

claims, and of this application, is made in view of the following refer-

ences;" and on page 2 the last four paragraphs outline in detail the

rejection in view of the prior art.


       Consequently we are in no doubt that the rejection was made on the ground

       that the invention is obvious in view of that art, and see no need to con-

sider Rule 69.  We agree with the applicant that under the present circum-

stances Rule 69 is not involved.


       The applicant requests a "review of the reason for rejection of the claims

       now before the Office for reasons already set forth at length in the

       prosecution of this application." One of the arguments previously advanced

       was that the Jones and Stone reference is not a proper citation as the

       earliest publication date established for it is June 1962, whereas this

       application was filed on April 24, 1964, less than two years after publica-



       While it is correct that the examiner's report does refer to a publication

       date in 1962, the proceedings of the meeting were also published in 1960,

       and the applications arguments based upon any inadequacy in the age of the

       citation must fail. Publication at any time during 1960 would, of course,

       predate the filing of this application by more than two years.


       The question to be decided is whether the applicant has made a patentable

       advance in the art. Claim 1 reads:


       A method of producing a white-firing, kaolinitic clay,

       which comprises forming a slurry of kaolinitic clay and

       subjecting the slurry to the action of a non-homogeneous

       magnetic field having an average strength of at least

       10,000 gauss to separate paramagnetic particles therefrom.


       Lynd teaches the use of natural or artificial magnets to remove discolouring

       matter from solutions of argillaceous substances, which substances are

       to be used for the manufacture of white wares. The limitations of claim 1

       over the Lynd patent is that the clay is defined as a "kaolinitic clay" and

       that the intensity of the magnetic field having an average strength of

       at least "10,000 gauss."


The publication reference teaches the use of the Jones "High Intensity Wet

Magnetic Separator" and specifically refers to its application to the clay

industry.  This publication specifically states that the "Jones machine may

be used to separate minerals of different magnetic susceptibilities in

very fine sizes".  In addition, however, magnetic separators using high in-

tensity magnets are also well known as noted on page 2 of the instant dis-

closure, line 14, which reads:  "... a separator capable of producing a field

strength of at least 10,000 gauss, and a preferred separator is described in

British patent Specification No. 768,451."


        Mother argument previously advanced by the applicant was that page 743 of

        the reference to Stone would deter one skilled in the art from attempting

        the difficult separation referred to. The Board cannot agree with this argu-

        ment as this paragraph states: "The very fine feed used in experiments 11,

        l2 and 13, involving the removal of very feebly magnetic chlorite from talc,

        was not considered amendable to magnetic separation. However, very good

        results were obtained." If very good results were obtained in spite of the

        reluctance of the material to magnetic separations, then certainly this

        would encourage rather than discourage the trial or use of the magnetic

        process in other circumstances.


        The limitations placed in claim 1, such as the restriction to "kaolinitic"

        material and the reference to the intensity of the magnetic field, are minor

        alterations. It would be obvious to modify the Lynd process by using

        stronger magnets when they became available, and to use it with different

        types of clay.


        The Board is therefore satisfied that Claim 1 does not teach an advance

        in the art over the cited references, or even over the Lynd patent itself

        when we add to it the admissions made in the disclosure about British

        Patent No. 768,451.


Claim 2 to 5, which depend directly or indirectly on claim 1, and features

such as a magnetic separator, field strength, and particle size. In the

circumstances these do not add anything of patentable significance to

rejected claim 1. We are also satisfied that there is no further subject

matter in the disclosure which would be patentable.


The Board recommends that the decision in the Final Action to refuse the

application for failure to disclose patentable subject matter be affirmed.


J.F. Hughes,

Assistant Chairman,

Patent Appeal Board.


I concur with the recommendations of the Patent Appeal Board and I refuse

to grant a patent of this application. The applicant has six months

within which to appeal this decision under the provisions of Section 44

of the Patent Act.


J.A. Brown;

Acting Commissioner

of Patents.


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 3rd. day of October,



Agent for Applicant:


Fetherstonhaugh & Co.,

Ottawa, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.