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Obviousness: The claims were refused for lack of patentable subject

matter over the teachings of the prior art and common

general knowledge.


The application relates to a stove having a pull-out oven, and a counter-

ballast weight at the rear of the stove. The applicant did not rely on

the pull-out oven for novelty. He overcame the instability of the stove

by adding ballast in the same manner as is employed in any mechanical art.


FINAL ACTION: Affirmed. The Board also recommended the refusal of the



This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner of

Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated February 8, 1974, on

application 103,770 (Class 312-78). The application was filed on

January 27, 1971, in the name of Heinrich Detterbeck, and is entitled

"Household Appliance Such As A Dishwasher, Cooking Stove Or The Like."

The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on June 18, 1975, at

which Mr. H. O'Gorman represented the applicant.


The application relates to a stove having a carriage including the oven

door, slidable into and out of the oven, where the stove is provided

with a ballast weight in the form of a flat rectangular member mounted

between two upright frame members at the rear of the appliance.


In the Final Action the examiner refused the claims for failing to define

a patentable advance in the art in view of common general knowledge and

the following United States Patents:


2,701,728   February 8, 1955 Miller

3,029,088   April 10, 1962          Loof


In that action the examiner stated (in part):


In the letter of response dated August 28, 1973, applicant

argues that applicant's use of ballast is unobvious in re-

lation to the use of ballast in the structures shown in the

aforecited references. In reply to this, the use of ballast

is known generally, and merely to specify a ballast for a

particular device, such as a stove, is not invention. Again

these two references are cited merely as examples of prior art

showing that idea of ballasting is old and well known.

The idea of using weights on one side of a device, to

keep the device form tipping, does not constitute patent-

able invention, and the structural details involved in

implementing the idea, such as the channel-shaped element

between structural members, etc., are merely a matter of

structural design, obvious to any ordinary workman skilled

in the art. Counterweights are used in a very great

variety of devices: pedals, cranks, elevators, brackets,

supports, beds, cranes, trucks, record players, weigh

scales, etc. The function and use of counterweights are

so very well known and so thoroughly widespread that any

technician with ordinary skill in his art is expected to

use a counterbalance if it serves his purpose better or

more economically than the presumably numerous other obvious

alternatives which may be resorted to in order to achieve

the same effect. The idea of a ballast is not inventive,

and if a ballast is to be used in any device, then as a

matter of mere routine design some means will be provided

to support the ballast; applicant has not disclosed any

ballast supporting structure that is inventive.


1n view of the foregoing, claims 1 to 9, which are directed

to the idea of having a ballast and to the support means for

the ballast, are rejected.


Claim 9 includes the feature whereby the ballast means com-

prises "a suitable heat reservoir", a phrase which recites a

functional result only, rather than clear and explicit

structure. Furthermore, this result is not novel or unexpected;

any ballast or mass at the rear of a hot stone will store

heat. Furthermore, if claim 9 is intended to be read as recit-

ing some specific structural features for augumenting the heat

storing capabilities of the ballast, then these structural

features are not clearly and fully described and supported by

the disclosure. Claim 9 is rejected as indefinite and as

unsupported by the disclosure; Claim 9 fails to meet the re-

quirements of Section 36 and Rule 25.


In summary, the idea of a ballast, the combination of a ballast

with an appliance, and the structure provided to retain the

ballast on the appliance, as disclosed or as claimed in claims

1 to 8, do not constitute anything that is new, useful and

unobvious in relation to the cited prior art. As well, the

heat storing feature, as recited in claim 9, is old, obvious,

indefinite, and not clearly and fully supported by the disclosure.

The application is again rejected.


In a response dated June 10, 1974 to the Final Action the applicant

stated (in part):


Stoves were heretofore known with pull down doors allowing

access to the oven portion. However, there were difficulties

with pull down doors as will be readily confirmed by any user.

Access to the food within the oven and removing the cooked food

was difficult and awkward and a new technique was called for.

The solution was a gull-out drawer which overcame these problems

but, unfortunately, caused further difficulties because of the


              large moment force which was applied when the pull out

              drawer was in its open position. Obvious solutions such as

              increasing the dead-weight of the stove or anchoring the

              stove to the floor were considered and rejected due to the

              increased manufacturing costs, and lack of portability in

              the case of added bulk, and a lack of positioning flexibility

              in the case of anchorage means.


              The solution arrived at was ingenious. By providing a weight

              on the rear of the stove which could be readily removed, the

              remaining problems were overcome. The stove not only could

              be manufactured from previously used materials with a

              minimum of design modification, but it could also be position-

              ed in a kitchen without regarding the limitations necessitated

              by anchorage modifications to the walls or floor.




              Applicant recognizes that the prior art discloses the use

              of ballast in heavy construction vehicles intended for lifting

              and transporting loads. Nowhere, however, was prior art

              revealed showing the use of ballast on stationary objects,

              such as machines, furniture, and, in particular, stoves,

              and it is respectfully submitted that household appliances are

              remarkably different in purpose and design than heavy equipment.


              When an article is intended to remain stationary, there is

              little objection to the use of bulky material to provide stability

              since the only portability considerations are those involved

              in moving the apparatus from its place of manufacture to its

              final position. Accordingly, devices such as machine tools or

              lathes are commonly manufactured from massively proportioned

              materials which allow stability. However, when the apparatus

              is adapted to be continuously mobile, different considerations

              prevail as is well stated in Miller, Col. 1, lines 29-44, and

              ballast may be very useful to give flexibility to the vehicle's

              operation. Where a device is not used under a variety of

              operating conditions, however, such as a stove, the use of.

              ballast is simply not suggested either by the prior art or by

              common general knowledge. This is evidenced by the attempt to

              avoid ballast in stationary operations, such as working a

              backhoe, where, because of the disadvantages inherent in ballast

              use, extensible legs are used which provide the necessary

              stability without reducing, the load-carrying capacity of the

              vehicle. Accordingly, applicant reiterates his argument that

              the use of ballast in stationary devices is not disclosed by the

              prior art and that the reason such devices are not shown is

              clearly evident because of the lack of need for flexibility in

              their operation.




              Factors to consider in determining whether the invention is

              obvious in view of the prior art (i.e., the prior art must be

              that involving heavy equipment as no prior art concerning the

              use of ballast on any household appliance was found) include

              the following:

 1. A long-felt want for the invention in question, Paper Sacs

 Proprietary Ltd. v. Cowper, 53 R.P.C. 31 at 54 (P.C. 1936).


 2. An outstanding unsolved problem. The King v. Uhlamann

 Optical Co. 10 Fox 24 at 44 (Ex. Ct. 1949).


 3. Commercial success. Spun Rock Wools Ltd, v. Fiberglas Ltd.,

 3 Fox 157 at 165 (S. Ct. 1943).


 4. Displacement in the marketplace. Defrees and Betts v. Dominion

 Auto Acc. Ltd., 25 Fox 58 at 94 (Ex. Ct. 1963).


 5. Adoption in improvement in the prior art. Clark et al v.

 R.J. McDermitt Co., 26 Fox 158 at 170 (Ex. Ct. 1964).


It has been demonstrated above that all of these conditions have been

fulfilled by the present invention, save commercial success and dis-

placement of other stoves in the marketplace. In fact, the commercial

success of the stove has also been established.  The applicant has

sold approximately 80,000 of these stoves per year. This accounts

for one fourth of the applicant's stove production and 6% of all

stoves manufactured in West Germany. These figures become even more

significant when it is realized that the stove is a luxury item

and consequently has a much higher selling price than ordinary stoves.


The Miller citation relates to a weight selection mechanism for tractors

and particularly to a combination weight box and bumper for mounting on the

front end of agricultural type tractors: The Loef citation deals with

ballast weight added to a lifting and conveying vehicle. As mentioned the

application relates to a store having an oven which slides into and out

of the stove, together with a ballist weight at the rear of the stove so

it won't tip forward when the oven is pulled out.


The question to be considered is whether the applicant has made a patentable

advance in the art.


The object of the invention was to design an appliance of the sliding door

type in such a manner that "the stability thereof is ensured, without the

need for anchoring it at the site of installation; even when the carriage is

fully extended to a normal degree. This object is achieved, according to the

invention, by providing a ballast weight in the form of a flat rectangular

member located between upright frame members of a supporting frame at the

rear of the appliance."


It is noted that the precise construction of the stove originally described

was not important to the concept envisaged as inventive in the original dis-

closure. A pullout door and oven tray is shown merely schematically in

figure 1.


The applicant stated "that a new technique was called for to make access

to food in an oven more convenient. The solution was a pull-out drawer which

overcame these problems but, unfortunately, caused further difficulties

because of the large moment force which was applied when the drawer was in

the open position." The applicant, however, stated at the Hearing that

"he was not relying on the pull-out oven per se for novelty."


1n other words when the applicant developed a pull-out oven drawer, which

is substantially equivalent to pull-out drawers in dishwashers, he created

the problem of instability. A designer of such a device, however, must

from a consideration of the most elementary mechanics provide sufficient

stability so the appliance will not tip over when the drawer is pulled out,

otherwise, the appliance will not be satisfactory. Whether the structure

provided to yield this result is described as a ballast or not, is of no con-

sequence. The fact is that all the mass which remains to the rear of the

front legs serves as ballast, whether it is so labelled or not.


The applicant states that, "obvious solutions such as increasing the dead-

weight of the stove or anchoring the stove to the flour were considered and

rejected due to the increase manufacturing costs, and lack of portability in

the case of added bulk, and a lack of positioning flexibility in the case

of anchorage means." Here it is noted that the applicant considered that

an obvious solution was to add "dead-weight to the stove." This of course

is in reality what he has done, but in a particular manner.


When the applicant created the problem of instability, he selected one of

the many obvious solutions to overcome that problem. It is a fact that both

simple and complex counterweights are used in nearly every mechanical art

to provide stability. In our view therefore, any inventive step would

have to reside in the use of inventive skill to overcome the installation



We think it pertinent to refer to the reasoning of the Supreme Court in

Crossley Radio v Canadian General Electric (1936) 551 at 559 where a test

of obviousness was put forward, using the words of Lord Chelmsford in

Penn v. Bibby, "...the design does not appear to me to be so much out of

the track of the former use as not naturally to suggest itself to a person

turning his mind to the subject." Or from the same case, using the words

of Lord Shaw in London General Omnibus Company v. Bonnard, "...the design

might have well occurred to an intelligent person without any exercise of

that invention (degree of ingenuity) which is necessary as the ground of a



Claim 1 reads:


A stove including a carrier member, a carrier member frame

and guide members connected to said frame adapted to co-act

with said carrier member to enable front loading of said

stove, said carrier member being provided with vertical sup-

port means at the rear side of said stove, adapted to seat

and positively receive flat ballast means sufficient to impart

stove stability.


In essence the claim is directed to any stove with an opening in the front,

support means in the rear portion, and ballast means added to the support means.

As mentioned the applicant stated it was obvious to increase the dead weight

of the stove in order to solve the stability problem. This is specifically

what this claim calls for, but in a specified manner, He has overcome the

instability of the stove by adding ballast in the same manner as is employed

in any mechanical art, and which was shown in the cited references. The

function and use of counterweights are well known and any technician with

ordinary skill in his art would use a counterbalance if it serves his

purpose better or more economically than other obvious alternatives.


In our view therefore claim 1 does not cover a patentable advance in

the art.


Claims 2 to 8, which depend directly or indirectly on claim 1, introduce

securing arrangements and mere design features. There was obviously no in-

ventive skill required in securing ballast to the frame of the stove. The

reasons for refusing claim 1 apply equally to these claims.


Claim 9, which depends on claim 1, characterizes the ballast as being a

heat reservoir. It is known that any general mass will act as a heat sink.

However, there is no structural features which would add patentability to

rejected claim 1.


The applicant argues that there was "a long-felt want for the invention in

question," and that the invention was a "commercial success." The applicant

suggested at the Hearing that the pull-out oven feature would likely

enhance the sales of the stoves. Commercial success, of course, may be

dependent on many factors. In our view the appearance of the stove in

general, color, lights, dials etc., and the pull-out oven feature would en-

hance the sale of the stove. It would not result from a concealed counter-weight,

about which most buyers would be unaware. In any event the claims do not

relate to a pull-out oven, nor does the applicant deem this a novel feature.


In our view, the claims lack patentable subject matter. As there is no

further patentable subject matter disclosed in the application, the Board

is satisfied that the solution to the newly created problem of instability

does not lie so far outside the track of what was done by persons acquainted

with the art that would not naturally occur or suggest itself to such

persons thinking on the subject. It comes within the category of a matter

to which the Supreme Court referred in Crossley Radio v Canadian General

Electric, supra, 551 at 557, when it stated: "...we do not think the

inventive element necessary to constitute subject matter is made sufficiently


       evident."  At page 555 of that decision it was pointed out that it must be

       kept in mind that while it is important to encourage inventions because of

       their possibly influence upon trade and manufacture, it is equally import-

       ant that manufacturers or traders of the public generally should not be

       hampered by the granting of patents where there has been no exercise of the

       inventive faculty.


       The Board therefore recommends that the Final Action to refuse the claims

       be affirmed, and that the application also be refused for failing to

       disclose any patentable subject matter.


       J.F. Hughes,

       Assistant Chairman,

       Patent Appeal Board.


       I concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board and refuse to grant

       a patent on this application. The applicant has six months within which

       to appeal this decision under the provision of Section 44 of the Patent



       Decision accordingly,


A.M. Laidlaw,

       Commissioner of Patents.


       Dated at dull, Quebec

       this of

       July, 1975.


       Agent for Applicant

       Fetherstonhaugh & Co.,

       Box 2999, Station D,

       Ottawa 4, Ont.

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