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                      COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


SECTION 41 & 36: Anti-arthritic Steroids


The applicant's invention related to a microbiological process to

make certain steroids, followed by extraction with chemicals to

obtain the medically useful form of the product. His claims to the

final product satisfied Section 41, but he also claimed the intermediate

or unpurified product in per se form. The intermediate product was held

to be intended for medicine, to be made by a chemical process, and as

failing to define the invention made. Certain process claims were

refused for failing to define the invention adequately, and as broader

than the invention disclosed.




The Final Rejection of two applications for patent assigned to

Merck & Co. Inc. were referred to the Patent Appeal Board for

consideration. The applications were 154365 (Class 260/69), for

16-Methyl-1, 4-Pregnadiene-17~-o1-3, 20-Dione Compounds (Glen E.

Arth et al, inventors) and 154366 (Class 260/69) for 11,21-Bis-

oxygenated-17~( -Hydroxy-16.beta.-Methyl steroid-3,20-Diones (David

Taub et al, inventors). There was a hearing before the Board

on November 27, 1974, at which Mr. David Watson, Q.C., and

Mr. Bassford of the Merck company represented the applicant.

The two applications are cognate, dealing with essentially the

same issues, so that the findings on one will apply mutatis

mutandis to the other.


Our first consideration is application 154365. It contains 195

claims directed to certain pregnadiene compounds (their exact chemical

structure need not concern us), and processes for preparing and

extracting them. It is a division of Canadian Patent 914151 which

affords the applicant protection for the pregnadienes when prepared

by certain chemical processes. The compounds possess therapeutic

properties, and are useful to treat arthritis. Claims 1, 44, 90,

134, 154 and 167 which are given below, illustrate various aspects

of the protection sought.


1. A pharmaceutically impure 16(-methyl-11, 21-bis-oxygenated-1,

     4-pregnadiene-17(-o1-3, 20-dione having the following formula:-




    wherein X is hydrogen or fluoro, W is keto or~-hydroxy; and R

    is hydroxy, phosphoryloxy or lower hydrocarboncarbonyloxy.




44. A method of making a pharmaceutically pure 16~ -methyl-11, 21-

    bis-oxygenated-1, 4-pregnadiene-17~ -01-3, 20-dione having the

    following formula:-




    wherein X is hydrogen or fluoro, W is keto or~-hydroxy; and R

    is hydroxy, phosphoryloxy or lower hydrocarboncarbonyloxy, which

    comprises subjecting the corresponding pharmaceutically impure

    compound to an extraction process, whereby to remove the impur-

    ities therefrom.


   90. A pharmaceutically pure 16~-methyl-11, 21-bis-oxygenated-1,4-

    pregnadiene-17~-01-3,20-dione having the following formula:-




    wherein X is hydrogen or fluoro, W is keto or~-hydroxy; and R

    is hydroxy, phosphoryloxy or lower hydrocarboncarbonyloxy, when-

    ever prepared or produced by the process of Claim 44.




    134. A process for the production of a pharmaceutically pure 16~-


    dione having the following formula:-




     wherein X is hydrogen or fluoro; W is keto or .beta.-hydroxy; and R

     is hydroxy ,phosphoryloxy or lower hydrocarbon carbonyloxy

     which comprises subjecting a compound of the formula:-




     where W and X are as above or a 21 estor thereof to the dehydro-

     genating activity of Schizomycete microorganisms, and when R

     is required to be phosphoryloxy reacting the product obtained

     with a phosphorylating agent and when R is required to be lower

     hydrocarbon carbonyloxy reacting the product obtained with a

     lower hydrocarbon carboxylic acid acylating agent, and subject-

     ing the resulting product to an extraction process.




154. A process for the production of a pharmaceutically impure ring

     unsaturated 16~-methyl-11-oxygenated-steroid-17~-01-3,20-dione

     compound of the pregnene series where thera is unsaturation in

     both the 1,2 or 4,5 positions or a 21-ester thereof where the 21-

     ester substituent is selected from phosphoryloxy or a lower

     hydrocarbon carbonyloxy which comprises contacting the correpond-

     ing pregnene compound with unsaturation only in the 1,2 position

     to the dehydrogenating activity of Schizomycete micro-organisms

     and when the 21-ester is required esterifying the 21 hydroxy

     group in the product.




167. A 16-methyl-11,21-bis-oxygenated-4-pregnene-17~-01-3,20-dione

     having the following formula:




     wherein X is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen and

     fluoro; and W is selected from the group consisting of keto and ~-hydroxy.


The claims cover a series of steps and products, viz, a bacteriological

process for dehydrogenating pregnenes to produce dehydrogenated preg-

nerves (cl. 154 and others); impure products resulting from such

dehydrogenation claimed in independent (per se) form (cl.1 to 43); the

step of purifying the impure products by extraction with chemical solvents,

or by chromomatic adsorption or by crystallization (c1. 44 etc.); the

purified products (such claims are made dependent upon the extraction step)

(c1. 90 etc.); the starting compounds used in the dehydrogenation process

(c1. 167 etc.); the process of bacteriological dehydrogenation coupled

with extraction (c1. 134 etc.); and chemical processes for preparing the

starting materials (claims 172-195).


The examiner refused all the product claims not dependent upon the pro-

cess of preparing them for failure to comply with the requirements of

Section 41 of the Patent Act. He also objected to the claims to the ex-

traction (or purification) step for failing to satisfy Section 36. In

addition he noted that Section 38 was contravened by virtue of the variety

of processes and products claimed. The applicant has accepted the

validity of that objection, and there is no need for the Board to pursue

it. It may be resolved at the conclusion of the current proceedings.


The examiner expressed his objections made under Sections 41 and 36 in

the following terms:


The objection to claims 167 to 171, 174, 176, 178 and 187

to 195 is maintained and the reason for such objection is that

the compounds claimed is the aforementioned claims are con-

sidered to be governed by Section 41(1) of the Act. Since the

courts have consistently maintained during the last few years

that the word, "medicine", for the purpose of Section 41(1) must

be interpreted in the broad and ordinary sense it is the Patent

Office position that the term, "medicine", includes not only

those substances which are intended for direct use as medicines

but also those substances which are capable of being used for

the preparation or production of medicines. The compounds

claimed in claims 167 to 171, 174, 176, 178 and 187 to 195

are compounds which fall within the latter category i.e. they

are substances which are capable of being used for the preparation

of medicines and which are prepared by chemical processes and

as such are considered to come within the scope of Section 41(1)

of the Act.


Furthermore to permit an application to claim an intermediate

whose use is for the preparation of a medicine in "per se"

form would be to allow a circumvention of the intent and spirit

of Section 41(1). In the case of Tennessee Eastman v.

Commissioner of Patents, Supreme Court, 1972 it was stated that

inventions relating to medicine must comply with the requirements of

Section 41(1) of the Act and that to permit applicants to claim

a medicinal invention in "per se" form by means of a method of

medical treatment would be to negate the intent of Section 41(1)

and would give the applicants an easy way out of the restrictions

of the Section. Since the present situation with regard to

intermediates capable of being used for the preparation of

medicines is considered to be analogous to the situation which

occurred in the Tennessee-Eastman case cited above the philosophy

behind said case is considered to apply to the medicinal intermediates

as well i.e. that only claims which comply with the requirements

of Section 41(1) will be allowed. Claims 167 to 171, 174, 176,

178 and 187 to 195 must therefore either be amended to comply

with the requirements of Section 41(1) or be deleted in their



The objecaion to claims 1 to 43, which are directed to pharmaceu-

tically impure compounds, is maintained and the reason for such

objection is that the claims are not restricted to impure com-

pounds when produced by applicant's claimed microbiological pro-

cesses but cover the said impure compounds when produced by any

process, chemical or microbiological. To maintain, "per se",

type claims to the impure products described in claims 1 to 43

the applicant must include in the claims the limitation that the

said impure compounds are produced by microbiological processes

since otherwise the claims cover the impure compounds when prepared

by chemical processes and are not allowable since they fail

to comply with the requirements of Section 41(1) of the Act for

the reason given earlier in this Final Action. The applicant

must therefore eith amend claims 1 to 43 by including in the

claims the limitation that the impurities are those which arise from the

disclosed microbiological processes or by making the claims depend-

ent on process claims describing the disclosed microbiological



The objection to claims 44 to 89 (equivalent to former claims 87

to 132) is maintained and the reason for such objection is that

the claims do not define processes in the clear and explicit manner

required by Section 36(2) of the Act in that they do not define

the purification processes used in sufficient detail and do not

state that the impurities being removed are those which arise from

applicant's disclosed microbrological processes. Furthermore the

claims as written apply to any process for preparing the compounds

in question and would, if allowed, give the applicant a monopoly

over every process, chemical or microbiological, known or unknown,

thus allowing the applicant to ovade the restrictions of Section

41(1) of the Act. Since one of the purposes of Section 41(1) is

to encourage the discovery of new processes for the preparation of

medicines claims which give an applicant a monopoly over a particular

medicine either by a "per se" product claim or by a process claim

which is so broal as to be almost equivalent to "per se"

product claim cannot be allowed. Claims 44 to 89 must there-

fore either be amended to refer only to the purification of

compounds obtained by applicant's microbiological processes

or be deleted in their entirety along with dependent claims

90 to 133.


Because of the large number of claims, it may be useful to indicate their

status in tabular form.


           Refused                             Not Refused

1 - 43 - Product claims, - impure form

44 - 89 - Process claims, - extraction

90 - 133 - Product claims, dependent on

           cls. 44 - 89


                                      134 - 166 - Process cls.


                                                         with oxtraction


167 - 171- Product cls., starting material


                                              172 - 173 - Chemical process

                                                          clms. to make

                                                          starting material

174 - Product claim, starting material

176               "                            175            "


                                                177            "

178               "


187 - 190         "                             179 - 186      "

191 - 195         "


The applicant's countering arguments were presented in comprehensive

detail in his response of April 25, 1974, in his appeal brief, and as

part of his oral submissions to the Board. Because those submissions were

so extensive it would be impractical to reproduce them fully here, and

we will content ourselves with summarizing them as we proceed to discuss

the rejection of the various groups of claims.


At the hearing Mr. Bassford stressed the importance of drug research

and the need to promote such research. He also represented that his

company was a responsible firm making important contributions to the

advancement of medical science. With that there can be no quarrel and

we second such statements. We are concerned here, however, with narrower

issues. We must Decide whether the applicant is legally entitled to

the various aspects of the invention claimed, and in what manner they

may be claimed. We must limit our attentions to the legal requirements

of the Patent Act, and to the jurisprudence interpreting such legislation.


Many of the issues raised in this case have already been considered

by the Board and by the Commissioner of Patents in a decision published

in the Patent Office Record of January 21, 1975, beginning at page xiii.

We have not been persuaded that those findings were incorrect in so far as

they apply here and to the extent that they apply here. In the interest

of brevity we do not think we need cover the same ground a second time,

and consequently reference should be made to the earlier decision for the

reasoning given in it.


The applicant has agreed that the compounds covered by claims 167-171

and 187-190 are themselves active medicinally, is willing to place them

in process-dependent form, and has withdrawn his appeal with respect to

them (Appeal Brief, page 2). Consequently they need not be considered



In addition, the only objection to claims 90-133 is that they are dependent

on rejected claims 44-89, and their allowability will stand or fall with

those claims. Consequently they need not be reviewed.


Claims 174, 176, 178 and 191-5 are for chemical compounds, made by chemical

processes, which are intermediates to prepare medically active products,

but which are themselves therapeutically inactive. For that reason, the

applicant contends, Section 41 does not apply to them. It is his position that

chemical compounds are not "intended" for medicines if they themselves

arc not useful medicinally. To quote:


But this objection is unsupported in law since it would

require interpreting the words "intended for... medicine"

in Section 41(1) as having the same meaning as the words

"intended or capable of being used for medicine or for the

preparation or production of medicine" in Section 41(4).

Such interpretation is directly contrary to the decision of

the Supreme Court of Canada in Parke Davis & Co. vs Fine

Chemicals (1959) 30 C.P.R. 59, at page 67, where Martland, J.

with whom Locke and Cartwright JJ, concurred, states:-


"It seems to me that s. 41 must be construed as a whole.

Subsection (1) applies to inventions relating to sub-

stances prepared or produced by chemical processes and

intended for food or medicine. Subsection (3) goes

somewhat further and also applies to any patent for an

invention capable of being used for the preparation or

production of food or medicine."


Accordingly, former subsection 41(3), which contained similar

language to Section 41(4), was specifically interpreted as

going further than Section 41(1).


The interpretation adopted by the Examiner is also contrary

to well established principles of statutory interpretation.

Thus, Maxwell on Interpretation of Statutes" 12th Edition

(1969) at page 282 states:


"From the general presumption that the same expression

is presumed to be used in the same sense throughout an

Act or a series of cognate Acts, there follows the

further presumption that a change of wording denotes

a change in meaning."


The applicant also referred to Magor v. Newport (1952) Appeal Cases 189,

which, he says, "shows that the wording of the statute (Section 41)

is to be applied as it reads and that to 'fill in gaps' is to legislate."

In other words, ha contends that to take the words "intended for

medicine" as being applicable to substances which are to be made into

medicine is contrary to the plain meaning of that phrase, and that to

so interpret them would be to legislate. With this we do not agree. The

situation corresponds to what was considered in the published decision,

in which, after reviewing numerous earlier decisions we concluded as

follows (p.xviii):


The decisions of both the, Canadian and British counts suggest

that Section 41 and "intended for medicine" should be given

broad interpretations, and on that basis we conclude that inter-

mediates whose only utility is for conversion into medicine

should be considered as "intended for medicine."


Mr. Watson has suggested that the examiner has been improperly troubled

with the legislative intent behind Section 41. That concern, however, was

also dealt with in the earlier decision, again at p. xviii:


As for the extensive submissions respecting the "spirit and

intent" and the "policy" of Section 41 we do not believe it

necessary to go into them in detail. We need only consider

the wording of the statute itself, and in particular the

phrase "intended for medicine."


When considering the differences in wording between the various subsections

of Section 41, it must be remembered that subsections (3) and (4) deal

with "inventions" broadly, while subsection 1 is limited to inventions which

are substances. We believe this explains the statement from Parke, Davis v.

Fine Chemicals quoted above by the applicant that subsection (3) goes

further than subsection 1. The two latter subsections would cover, for

example, a mechanical blender capable of being used for the preparation of

a medicine. Such a blender would not be a "substance" within the meaning

of subsection (1), but it would be an "invention" capably of being used

for the preparation of a food or medicine within the meaning of subsections

(3) and (4).


The applicant has made a further argument, which we quote:


It is furthermore submitted that the interpretation of Sec-

tion 41(1) to include not only substances intended for

medicine, but also those capable of beinb used for the prepara-

tion or production of food or medicine, is entirely inconsistent

with the theory and philosophy underlying the Section, and would

bring all substances, not only medicines, within the ambit of

Section 41(1). The first subsection of Section 41 is intended, as

has been held by the Courts, to encourage process inventions by

limiting the inventor of a new medicine, when prepared by a

chemical proces, to protection for that medicine only when

prepared by that chemical process, thus leaving open to others

the opportunity of contributing improved alternative chemical

processes for preparing the said medicine. Section 41(1)

certainly did ndt intend that such process limitation should be

extended ad infinitum to intermediate after intermediate merely

because such intermediates are "capable of being used for the

preparation of ...medicine" To so construe the word "medicine"

as used in Section 41, even when "interpreted in the broad and

ordinary sense" is clearly unwarranted since, under such construct-

ion, almost any substance could be alleged to be curable of use in

production of medicine; and the proposed interpretation would

abrogate for Canada all per se product protection for any substance

whatsoever. (underlining added)


We point out, however, that we are not concerned with inventions"capable

of being used for the preparation of medicine," as the applicant puts it,

but those which are intended to be used for the production of medicine.

This in no sense means that all new chemical compounds are subject to Sec-

tion 41 because they are capable of being made into medicine and might in

some unseen eventuality be used to make a medicine. If it is intended that

they be used for another purpose, Section 41 would not apply. However when

the only possible known use for them is conversion into a medicine, whether

that be one or several steps removed, then in our view they are intended

for medicine.


We see no need to belabour further the points made in the earlier decision.

We consider that the rejection of this group of claims (174, 176, 178 & 191-5)

for failure to comply with Section 41 was proper.


That brings us to claims 1-43, those for "pharmaceutically impure" compounds.

These claims would cover compounds no matter how they are prepared, including

chemical processes. With respect to them the applicant stated:


The Examiner has objected to claims 1-43, which are directed

to pharmaceutically impure 16~ -methyl-11,21-bisoxygenated-1,

4-pregnadiene-17~ -o1-3,20-diones, on the ground that applicants

"must include in the claims the limitation that the said impure

compounds are produced by microbiological processes since

otherwise the claims to comply with the requirements of

Section 41(1)". But the pharmaceutically impure compounds

defined in claims 1-43 are not medicines. This was established in

Laboratoire l'entagone vs. Parke Davis & Co. (1968) 55 C.P.R. 111,

at page 114, where Pigeon, J. who delivered the judgment of the

Supreme Court stated:


It is clearly proven that this antibiotic, chloramphenicol,

is secreted by micro-organisms in the culture medium, but

it is dilated, mixed with numerous impurities and not usable

in this impure state. The extraction process is indispensable

for obtaining a usable substance for therapeutic purposes,

the evidence demonstrates this and the respondent has

admitted it before this Court. Consequently, the whole

litigation on the seconJ question comes down to deciding

whether the fermentation and extraction be chemical

processes within 'he meaning of the Patent Act, as the

appellant claims, or as the respondent and its experts

maintain, that the fermentation is a biological process

and extraction a purely physical process."


Moreover, in the Tennessee-Eastman case (1974 S.C.R.111), it was

held that, for a substance to be intended for medicine, such sub-

stance must be usable in the treatment of disease. If this

principle is considered in conjunction with the Laboratoire Pentagone

case, wherein the Court held that the impure product of a

microbiological process is not usable for medicine, it will be

clear that, according to existing jurisprudence, claims 1-43 are

not claims for medicine, and do not fall within Section 41(1) of

the Patent Act.


Read carefully, and properly, neither the Laboratoire Pentagone case nor

the quotation from it relied upon by the applicant say that the pharmaceut-

ically impure compounds "are not medicines." What they say is that such a

substance is not "a useable substance for therapeutic purposes." That is

an important distinction.


The applicant's suggestion that the compositions are not medicines is

specious, and comparable to what was rejected by the Supreme Court in

Parks, Davis v. Fine Chemicals, 1959 S.C.R. 219 at 221, when it discarded

the proposition that a substance was not a medicine because it was in bulk

form. Whether in bulk form, or in impure form, the substance in question

is a medicine.


In any event, there is no doubt in our mind that it is a substance "intended"

for medicine, for the same reasons as we advanced above against the other

product claims.


In the immediately preceding quotation froth his response, the applicant



Moreover, in the Tennessee-Eastman case, it was held that for a

substance to be intended for medicine, such substance must be

useable in the treatment of disease.


We have reread the Tennessee decision (1971 S.C.R. 111) several times,

and have not located any passage justifying such a statement. If the

applicant wished to predicate that in the Tennessee-Eastman case it was

held that for a substance to be a medicine, such substance must be

useable in the treatment of disease, his interpretation would be more

reasonable. But that is far different from stating the decision holds

that for a substance to be intended for medicine it must itself be

useable in treatment. As we stressed before, there is an important

difference between "medicine" and "intended for medicine." We suppose

the application had in mind the following passage, which does appear in

the decision:


There is no doubt that when a new substance is claimed as an

invention of a 'medicine', it has to be shown that it is

active and non-toxic in therapeutic doses.


If so, his interpretation of it is much broader than we think is



Having determined that claims 1-43 cover substances intended for medicine,

we must next consider whether they are prepared by chemical processes

within the meaning of Section 41(1). The applicant's arguments on that

point were put as follows:


Furthermore, the pharmaceutically impure 16 -methyl-11,

21-bis-oxygenated-17 -01-3,20-diones of claims 1-43

are substances produced by a microbiological process,

not by a chemical process. The Quebec Cours of Appeals

in the Pentagone case followed the decision of

Continental Soya vs. Short Hilling 2C.P.R.~, (1942

S.C.R. 187) in which the Supreme Court held that a

biological process is not a chemical process; and this

ruling was not disturbed by the Supreme Court in its

decision on the l'entagone appeal.


This issue presents several interesting questions. First, we must

square the Continental Soya decision (supra) with both Laboratoire


Pentagone (supra), and with Dairy Foods v. Co-operative Agricole

do Granby 4 C.P.R. (2d) 38 and 8 C.P.R. (2d)1. We must also decide

whether it is permissible to break up a complete invention which is

governed by Section 41 into bits and pieces, and by approving claims

to non-chemical portions effectively circumvent Section 41.


The applicant relies upon the Continental Soya decision as holding

that microbiological processes are not chemical. It is correct that

faced with the particular facts before it, both the lower Court (1941)

Ex.C.R. 69) and the Supreme Court concluded that the process in

question was not chemical, and Section 40 (now 41) did not apply.

That process, however, was for the preparation of a soy-bean flour

from soy hcans in such a manner that the flour retained an enzyme

which pre-existed within the bean. The enzyme was useful to bleach

wheat flour, but previous methods for preparing the flour lod to

destruction of the enzyme (1941 Ex.C.R. 84, lines 27-34). The enzyme

was neither created by the patentee's process, nor destroyed by it.

The finding of the court was predicated upon the conclusion that the

invented substance (i.e. the enzyme) had not been prepared by a

chemical process. Whether the Continental Soya decision has wider

implications has been questioned in the Dairy Foods case (supra).

Mr. Justice Noel stated (4 C.P.R. (2d), p. 100):


There really are but two decisions which may be of some

assistance in determining whether plaintiff's process is

chemical or not within the meaning of s. 41(1) of the

Patent Act and these are Continental Soya Co. Ltd. v.

J.R. Short Milling Co. (Canada) Ltd. (142), 2 C.P.R.

1 at p. 5, (1942) 2 D.L.R. 114, (1942) S.C.R. 187, where

it was held that the application of heat for drying alone

was not chemical nor was the addition of water to

stimulate germination as this was a vital precess. The

nature of the evidence, however, in the last case, is not

clear and it may well be that the matter of whether

biological processes can still be considered as chemical,

is still open, if one considers that in the decision of

the Supreme Court of Canada in Laboratoire Pentagone Lt‚e

v. Parke, Davis Co. (1968), 55 C.P.R. 111 at p. 118,

69 D.L.R. (2d) 267, (1968) S.C.R. 307 the first phase of

the production of an antibiotic by means of living

organisme. (~ ~., a vital process) was not considered.

it was indeed decide in this case that as an examina-

tion of the extraction process was sufficient to

disposed of the appeal, it was not necessary to cunsi-

der the fermentation proress. The extraction process

consisted of alternatives of solvent extraction or the

use of activated charcoal to separate the product. The

evidence here was that the processes of extraction by

absorption or by solvents are in the field of physical

chemistry. It was also held that extraction by a

solvent use(s) the chemical properties of a chemical

substance and it is of some interest to point out that

the Court noted with approval that fractional distilla-

tion (which is merely the heating up of something and

the distilling it over) is a chemical process as was a

process for the manufacture of activated charcoal.


A passage from Maclean, J., in the Continental Soya case,

supra, which decision was approved by the Supreme Court,

indicates the difficulties involved in determining the

line of demarcation between what should be considered as

a chemical process within the meaning of s. 41(1) and

what should not. It was pointed out in the J.R. Short

Milling Co. Ltd. v. Geo. Weston Bread and cakes Ltd. et

al., (1940) 4 D.L.R. 579, (1941) Ex.C.R. 69 (affirmed

(1942), 2 C.P.R. 1, (1942) 2 D.L.R. 114, (1942) S.C.R.

187), that it was not because a chemical reaction occurred

in the application of a process that it had to be held to

be a chemical process, even though a chemical reaction

took place, as happens in all kinds of ordinary operations

such as in the making of bread and the ordinary biological

processes which no one classifies as chemical processes in

everyday language. (underlining added)


On appeal the decision was affirmed, with special consideration given

to whether the process would considered chemical in the "popular"

sense. To quote from Chief Justice, Mr. Jackett (8 C.P.R. 1 at 4):


Counsel went on to submit that the learned trial Judge had

over-emphasized the importance of the chemical reactions

which occur in the process and bring about the formation

of the aggregates and had not addressed his mind to the

question of whether the process as described was a

chemical process in the propular or ordinary sense.


In dealing with the question, however, the learned trial

Judge appears to me to grave considered not only the fact

that several reactions, which are properly regarded as

chemical reactions and which are essential to the formation

of the product, are involved in the process but as well the

fact that what he refers to as the "instrumentalities of

chemistry" are put to work to achieve the desired result....


...On the facts as found by him I reach the same conclusion.

It is clear from the Continental Soya and Pentagone cases that

the matter is not to be resolved simply by reference to the fact

that chemical reactions do occur in the process. But the fact that

chemical reactions do occur in the proccess and in addition

bring about the result must be of some importance in the situ-

ation as a whole and connot be disregarded entirely.


There is no more process of nature. Nor is it a~in to the purely

mechanical process of sawing logs into lumber or grinding grain

into flour. Nor yet is it like the baking of bread which,

while involving chemical reactions, is not popularly regarded

as a chemical process. On the other hand it is a process which

besides involving chemical reactions to produce the desired

result, employs the substances involved in particular propor-

tions and exploits their chemical characteristics in sequential stages

under particular conditions at particular temperatures and for

particular times. These, to my mind, are things that chemists do

in carrying out chemical processes and, as I see it, these things

coupled with the fact that important chemical reactions and little

else are involved, give the process its character. To my mind

these features of the matter are sufficient to indicate that the

process is properly called a chemical process in the ordinary sense

and I do not think that conclusion is weakened by the consideration

that some of the features of the process as a whole are carried out

by mechanical means or that technicians or operators can be trained

to carry out the process efficiently without their becoming chemists.


The decision was appealed further to the Supreme Court, which heard oral

submissions last November. While the judgement might provide further

assistance in considering the present matter - and we have purposely delayed

concluding our recommendation for that reason - as yet no decision has been

handed down and we think it would be improper to delay further.


When we look at the applicant process (e.g. claim 154) for preparing the

product of claim 1-43, we see that it involves a change in the chemical

structure of the starting chemical compound to introduce a double bond into

the 4:5 position of the ring. A new chemical compound results, and the

change produced is chemical in nature. The change is brought about micro-

biologically using the microorganism Schizomyctes. Claims 1-43 also cover

esters of that product, esters which, to use the words of the specification

(p. 12) are made from the corresponding alcohol: reaction with an acylating agent e.g. a phosphorylating

agent, a lower hydrocarbon carboxylic acid acylating agent such

as benzoic anhydride, tertiary butyl acetyl chloride, a lower

alkanoic anhydride or lower alkanoyl halide such as acetic

anhydride, propionic anhydride, a polybasic acid anhydride such as

B,B-dimethyl-glutaric anhydride, succinic anhydride, and the like.


By any standard this is a chemical step and the product of such a step

is made by a chemical process. We are consequently, irresistibly drawn

to the conclusion that claims such as 1-4, (6-9), and others which cover the

esters are subject to Section 41.


We are including to the view that the products of the

microbiological step would in the "popular" sense referred to by

Mr. Justice Jackett be considered chemical. They involve chemical

changes. The starting materials are made by chemical means (sec

page 4, beginning at line 8 of the specification to the end of

page 6). The reaction is carried out in such chemical solvents as

dialkyl ketone or acetone (p. 8 line 25). Buffered solutions may be

used (p. 7, line 10). Those are significant distinctions serving to

differentiate the process here from the more mechanical steps used

in Continental Soya.


In any event, there are other reasons why we think Section 41 governs

here. But before proceeding to them we refer to the Laboratoire

Pentagone vs. Parke, Davis decision, which was also relied upon by

the applicant. In the Quebec Superior Court (1968, 46 C.P.R. 171),

it was held, despite the hesitation expressed in the quotation which

follows, that the fermentation process being considered there was not

a chemical process:


With regard to the fermentation process, there is, in my

opinion, no doubt that from a purely scientific philoso-

phical point of view the process is a chemical process

or, at any rate, that chemical reactins occur during the

process resulting in the excreting by the organism of the

chemical compound chloramphenicol, but I am unable to

find that this purely scientific description is that which

is meant by the phrase "chemical processes" in s. 41(1) of

the Patent Act. Despite the fact that such a process

would seem to the lay mind or, at any rate, of the mind of

the undersigned, to refer to oranic chemistry, there is

the possibility, which seems to be a very real one, that

in the mind of the legislator or, at least, of the

draftsman of the Act, of a distinction between a biological

and a chemical process.


The Quebec Court of Queen's Bench, Appeals came to

the same conclusion (1968), 53 C.P.R. 236)


The Supreme Court of Canada (1968, 55 C.P.R. 111) explicitly did not

decide whether the fermentation process was chemical. We quote from

p. 114:


To decide this appeal, it dots not seem necessary

to decide the question regarding the fermentation



On the other hand it did decide that the subsequent extraction process

was chemical, so that taken as a whole, the fermentation step followed by

extraction was chemical, and Section 41 applicable. Consequently we do

not think that it can properly be said that the Supreme Court's decision

stands for the proposition that claims 1-43 are not chemically produced



Previously we referred to another obstacle to granting claims 1-43. We

have no reservations in holding that the result of the complete process

(fermentation followed by extraction) must be considered chemical and

governed by Section 41. Both the Laboratoire Pentagone v. Parke, Davis

and the Dairy Foods v. Co-op Agricole decisions support that view. If

the applicant is entitled by virtue of Section 41 to protect the final

purified product (the only form in which it is useful) only by the

particular method which he has described and claimed, it would indeed be

anomalous if he could by another claim prevent any one else from making

that product by any other method whatsoever. Yet that is precisely what

claim 1 (and others like it) would accomplish. It is directed to pharma-

ceutically impure pregnadiene - period, without further restriction or

limitation. No matter what other process is devised for making the

pregnadiene, such a process must of necessity go through the preliminary

step of an impure pregnadiene, and so came within the net of claim 1.


This we feel would be clearly contrary to the meaning of Section 41.

We should not be led astray by the terminology utilized by the applicant.

As was said by Mr. Justice Jackett in an as yet unreported decision,

Wolfe W. Gruber v. the Queen, June 4, 1975:


What we are concerned with is the substance

of the matter, and we must not let ourselves be

misled by the words used.


Though this was not a patent case the principle it expresses seems



There are two other objections to claim 1 and those like it which

should be mentioned. They are directed to but a preliminary portion of

the invention. The impure products are not what is desired, and are

useless until purified. They are not for the invention which the

applicant made and even if such incomplete inventions might be claimed

they are broader than what the applicant has achieved. This impure

pregnadiene contains only such impurities as would arise from his

particular fermentation process. He never prepared impure pregnadiene

where the impurities are those which arose from other fermentation processes

or those which would be present if the product were made by chemical



For such reasons as we have given, we are satisfied that the refusal of

claims 1-43 was proper. The applicant proposed at the hearing (Appeal

brief, p. 3) to amend claims 1-43 to refer to the fact that the impurities

result from the production of said composition. We see no objection to

such an amendment, but its entry is immaterial, since it would in no way

alter the objections made, or the refusal of the claims.


Finally we turn to claims 44-89, and those for a process of extracting

pure pregnadienes from impure pregnadienes. Once again the applicant has

proposed certain amendments (appeal brief, p. 6), in this case to

specify that the extraction is done by two-phase solvent extraction or

chromatographic absorption or crystallization. These amendments do add

further specificity to the process, and in our view overcome one of the

examiner's objections, viz that the steps of the purification are not

defined in sufficient detail. We will consider such amended claims and

determine whether they satisfy the other objections (for those objections

it is immaterial whether the amendments are made or not).


The applicant has argued that the rejection of these claims is contrary

to the findings in:


Commissioner of Patents v. Ciba (1959) 30 C.P.R. 135 at 141

1959 S.C.R. 378,


General Tire v. Dominion Rubber (1967) 53 C.P.R.

and Laboratoire Pentagone v. Parke, Davis (supra)


These cases were cited as authority for the proposition that when a chemical

product is patentable the process of preparing it would normally be

patentable. Accepting that proposition, the process must, of necessity,

be properly defined. The examiner has not suggested that the process

would not be patentable when properly defined. Indeed he has called for

amendments to do so and make the process allowable. He has stated that

the starting material has not been properly defined (with which we agree)

and that the step of purification has not been adequately defined (we

consider that proposed amendment overcomes that branch of the objection).

The starting material used in the applicants purification process and to

which his purification steps have been found applicable, is one containing

such impurities as would exist in the impure product resulting from his

particular fermentation procedure. The applicant does not know, or at

least did not know at the time of his invention, that the steps he

proposes would be successful with pregnadienes made by other still unknown

processes, containing different impurities.


We are also persuaded that allowing claims of such breadth as proposed

by the applicant is an improper cirrumvention of Section 41 unless it is

tied to the full process of the applicant, i.e, fermentation plus puri-

fication. The reasons for that were explained fully above.


For such reasons we find claims 44-89 were properly refused and require



Turning now to application 154366, we find it contains 56 claims. It is

a division of Canadian patent 913613 in which the same products are

claimed when prepared according to certain chemical processes. The

issues here parallel those raised by the rejection of application 15466

which we have just considered, anti the subject matter is cognate, with

different isomers of the pregnadiene being covered.


Claims 13, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29 & 44-49 were refused because

of Section 41, and are unallowable for all of the reasons we have already

advanced. Similarly claims 33-43 should be refused because of the

objections we made to claims 44-89 in 154365, unless amended along similar

lines. Claims 50-56 stand or fall with claims 33-43.


Claims 30, 31 & 32 were refused because the applicant company had already

claimed those processes in his Canadian patent 872,223. In his response

of April 25, the applicant indicates he withdraws those claims. He has

also proposed certain other minor amendments which do not affect what has

been refused. Similar comments apply to the more recent amendments

proposed in the appeal brief.


For the reasons given, we consider the refusals made by the examiner should

be affirmed.


G.A. Asher


Patent Appeal Board


I concur with the finding of the Patent Appeal Board. The claims

rejected by the examiner in both applications are refused. If any

appeal is contemplated under Section 14 of the Patent Act, it must

be commenced within six months of the date of this decision.


Decision accordingly,


A.M. Laidlaw

Commissioner of Patents


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 29th day of August, 1975


Agent for Applicant

Gowling & Henderson

Box 466, Terminal A

Ottawa, Ontario

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.