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                      COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


   UNOBVIOUSNESS: (on Reissue): Prior art Concerned with a Different



 The invention is for dies for short metal screws which overcome

 the problem of blank misalignment at the start of the rolling

 operation. The prior art was not concerned with the special

 problems connected with short screw manufacture and did not

 disclose special modifications, e.g. ratio of type to length,

 adapted for that purpose.


 FINAL, ACTION: Reversed.




 This decision deals with a request for review by the Commission-

 er of Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated August 20,

 1973, on application 123,589 (Class 10-4) The application was

 filed on September 24,1971,in the name of Roger W. Orlomoski

 and is entitled "Thread Rolling Die With Stabilizing Portion."

 The Patent Appeal Board conducted a Hearing on February 26, 1975

  at which  Mr.C.W. Hodson represented the applicant.


 This application relates to thread rolling dies capable of pro-

ducing screws from blanks. They are particularly adapted to

 making very short screws.


 In the prosecution terminated by the Final Action the examiner

 refused the application for lack of invention over the following



 Japanese patent publication number 18,217 dated 1963


 In the Final Action the examiner stated (in part):


 The rejection of claims 1 through 3 as obvious and there-

 fore lacking patentable subject matter in view of the cited

 Japanese patent is maintained. It is held that the thread

 rolling die disclosed in the said patent is substantially the

 same as the die defined in the claims of this application. The

 differences that do exist between the die as defined in the

 claims and the die disclosed in the cited patent are dimensional

 in nature. Such dimensional differences are held to be within

 the scope of a person skilled in the art. It is to be noted

 that the dimensions were added to the disclosure only in the

reissue application and included in the claim. This

again shows that such dimensional differences are merely

inferable for a person skilled in the art and therefore

not inventive. Furthermore, it is not acceptable to

measure drawings to arrive at dimensional interrelationships.

 The die set forth in the Japanese patent must be seen as a

preferred embodiment open to various dimensional adaptations.


Applicant in the above letter and previous submissions has

argued that the Japanese patent shows no threads below

the head line at the beginning of the die as shown in fig-

 ure 4 of the said patent. It is conceded that there is an

accidental showing, of threads in figure 5, section A-A'.

The accidental showing,however, are those threads below the

lowermost limit of threads. The threads shown between the

heel line and the lowermost limit in section A-A' of

figure 5 are proper. This is held to be sufficiently clear from

figure 4 where threads are shown between the heel line and

the lowermost limit of the threads. Section A-A' of

figure 6 shows the screw threaded all the way and this is  

correct. The missing thread line (s) at section A-A'of

figure 4 is seen as a draftsman's omission.There is no valid

reason for supposing that there are no threads between the

heel line and the lowermost limit of threads at section A-A'

of the die as seen in figure 4.Each of figures 4,5 and 6

 show that there are threads below the heel line in advance

of the escapement portion 9 which corresponds to applicant's

diagonal edge 4.


There may be some inconsistency between the drawings as to the

number and extent of the threads, but the fact that the threads

extend below the heel line and in advance of the escapement portion

9 is clear from each of the above figures.


Furthermore , in the disclosure, part 2, it is stated "in the front

end of the die plate, the shaft's (parallel portion) entire

thread is rolled", In part 7, it is stated "from the start of

 this process at cross-section A-A' as shown in figure 4, shallow

thread-channels are press rolled into the parallel portion of the

screw shaft." The statement in the claims that the vertical grooved

surface A is substantially wider at that area in advance of the

diagonal edge 4 is therefore completely met by the Japanese patent.


In the above let er, applicant has argued that the thread rolling

die disclosed in the Japanese patent is incapable of making short

screws of the kind disclosed in this application. Such a view is

held to place too restrictive on interpretation on the die disclosed

in said patent. It is not difficult to see the die adapted to the

forming of short screws.All that is necessary would be to reduce

the number of threads above the heel line. It is held to be

obvious to a person skilled in the art that the number of threads

above the heel line (as well as below) is a matter of choice

and recognized as a known variable to produce a different length screws.


In his responses dated Jan. 17, 1971 and Feb 6, 1974 the applicant

stated (in part):


The Examiner has said that it would be obvious to a person 

skilled in the art to reduce the number of threads above

the heel line to give the required number of threads in

the short screw. Applicant agrees, of course, that the number

of threads above the heel line always represents the number of

threads in the body of the screw above the point. But, the

prior art has no recognition of Applicant's step forward of

adding sufficient threads below the heel line so that the

total number of threads above and below the heel line at the

starting end of the die will produce stabilized rotation of

the blank which would not be possible through the sole use

of the threads above the heel line.


 In further support of Applicant's position, the Examiner is

 requested to consider the following: Applicant has never in- 

 tended to claim all dies which have a few threads below the

 heel line at the starting end of the die. On the contrary

 the claims are directed to those dies designed to make very

 short screws. It is in the short screw field only that Applicant's

 invention is of significance because this is the area in which

 initial stabilization of the blank as it starts to roll between

 the dies has heretofore been virtually impossible.


 In the case of screws of other lengths, that is, anything

 longer than short screws, extra threads below the heel line

 are unnecessary because the number of threads above the heel line

 are adequate to insure starting rotational stability.


 The Japanese patent already referred to above teaches nothing

 about the problem of lack of stability in rolling short screws.

 In fact, it teaches nothing about the stability problem in any

 length of screw. It is concerned only with dies of the self-

 pointing type with means for cutting off the slug, all of which

 has been conventional practice for many years as evidenced by

 the Mau et al U.S.Patent No. 3,176,491.


  Applicant's original Canadian Patent No. 843,654, was directed

  specifically to dies for the rolling of short screws. In the

  previous practice of rolling short screws the very few thread

  grooves above the heel line at the starting end of the die made it

  difficult, if not impossible, to obtain initial rolling stability.

  By the unobvious expedient of adding sufficient thread grooves below

  the heel line at the starting end of the die, rotational stability of

  the blank was obtained.


  The invention is directed to a pair of the die blocks which are movable

  relative to each other in a rolling machine for rolling threads on self-

  tapping screws. A headed cylindrical blank placed between the die blocks

  is formed into a screw by the grooved configurations on the working

  faces of the blocks. At the starting end of each die the configuration

  includes thread-forming grooves above and below the heel line of the

   screw. As the slug moves along the die the configuration changes to

  include a tapering arrangement for forming the screw point, and a

  reverse sloping contour portion to remove excess blank material below

  the screw tip.           


  The Japanese patent shows a set of die blocks for forming self-topping

  screws. A headed cylindrical blank placed between the blocks is formed

  into a screw by the thread forming grooves on the die blocks.The con-

  figurations include a screw tip-forming contour, and an escapement portion

  for removal of the excess blank material below the screw tip.


The application before us is one to reissue a patent. The petition for

reissue specifies that the discovery of the Japanese patent is the

reason for filing the new application.


The question to be decided is whether the application has made a patentable

advance over the cited patent.


There was considerable discussion at the hearing about whether the patent

shows thread-cutting grooves below the heel line of the die, in

advance of the escapement portion. The heel line of a screw may be de-

fined as the point at which the screw body begins to taper to a tip.

In the patent (drawings attached) the distance 1 in figure 4 represents

the heel line or point of screw taper. In line A-A1 of figure 4 the

lower portion is shown to be flat, however the cross-sectional view of

line A-A1 in figure 5 indicates a full die width of thread cutting grooves.

This inconsistency is further shown by viewing line B-B1 at figure 4,

 and the cross section view in figure 5. These both indicate that there

is no thread cutting groove near the bottom edge of the die. In viewing

figure 6, section A-A1 we find that the blank is threaded throughout

the entire length, and when sealing the drawing the blank length is

found to be equal to the die thread length of figure 4 at A-A1.


According to the patent the art prior to it required a blank having

sharpened end, and one of the major drawbacks was the splitting or pitting

of the finished screw tip. By using an escapement arrangement the patent

obtains accurate length screws with "precision thread crests and sharp

nose points" from cylindrical blanks. The disclosure stated that "the

possibility of mass production of self tapping screws is 1.5-2 times

greater than by methods used heretofore."


The patent solved the problem of mutilation of the tip of the screw

when there is simultaneous formation of point and threads. Since the

objective of the patent was to form "accurate length screws," we conclude

that the drawings are accurate in showing the distinctive features of

the invention related to overcoming that particular problem.


The applicant emphasized that his device makes "relatively short screws"

in which the top (portion below the heel line) is equal to "1/3 of the

length of the screw." A major problem encountered in prior attempts to

produce such short screws was the lack of initial stability of the

cylindrical blank when placed between the dies. Because they are so short

they roll about, and get out of alignment. This resulted in a high

number of rejects. Applicant contends that he has solved the instability problem

for "short screw" production by using thread cutting grooves below the

heel line at the starting end of the die. As a result these grooves "hold"

the very short cylindrical blanks in the required position upon initial

motion of the die. Further movement of the die relative to each other

allows the die grooves or configuration to taper the blank end, remove the

excess material adjacent the tip, and cut threads so as to produce

the final product.


The applicant also stressed that the patent was concerned only with

the production of "longer screws in which initial blank stability is

of no concern. Upon looking at the proportions of the die shown in

figure 4 of the patent, we would agree.


 Figure 4 of the patent does show the finishing ends of a few grooves

 below the heel line in advance of the escapement portion. It may be

 argued that there was a drafting error, and it was intended that the

 full area was to be shown as grooved. However, since the patent was

 not concerned with stability (because of the length of cylindrical blank

 used) we conclude that the omission of grooves at this location occurred

 because they were not important to the intended operation of that

 device, and thus unnecessary.


 An affidavit from a Mr.W.P.Carpenter has been submitted by the appli-

 cant. This affidavit was not available at the date of the hearing, so

 the examiner did not have an opportunity to evaluate its contents.

 Mr Carpenter is the plant Manager for the American Screw Company located

 at Wytheville, Virginia, and has been employed by the company for thirty

  years. In his affidavit Mr. Carpenter stated (inter alia):


       (a) That to his knowledge, thread rolling dies for rolling

           the threads on screws of various sizes other than very

           short screws have been made for at least thirty (30) years.


        (b) Prior to April, 1968, it was generally accepted common

            knowledge in the thread-rolling art that commercially

            acceptable short screws could not be economically made by

            the thread-rolling method because they rolled in an un-

            stable manner.


        (c) About 1968-69, the American Screw Company bought some dies

            from Reed Rolled Thread Die Co.,known as the SCOS Die,

             designed to roll very short screws.They tried these dies, and

             found them capable of producing short screws superior to any

             short screws they had previously made. They examined the

             SCOS dies and found that the reason they produced superior

             short screws was because of the addition of extra thread-

             rolling grooves at the leading end of the die below the heel

             line which grooves plus the few grooves above the heel

             line enabled the blank to commence rolling in a stabilized

             condition. Previous dies designed to roll short screws did

             not include the thread grooves below the heel line and, as


   a result, stabilized rotation of the blank at the start of

   rolling was very uncertain. In his opinion the SCOS die

   of the Reed Rolled Thread Die Company was a major step forward

   in the production of a very short screw.


   (d) In so far as he was aware, prior to April, 1968, there were

       no dies made to roll very short screws which included

       sufficient extra thread grooves below the heel line to insure

       initial stabilized rolling of the screw blank.


  In the Final Action the examiner stated that a person skilled in the

  art could reduce the number of threads above the heel line in the patent

  to result in a "die adapted to the formation of short screws," just

  as the applicant has done. However, since the patent was concerned with

  other difficulties, modifications would doubtless be required in the

  thread area below (in advance of the escapement portion) as well as

  above the heel line to arrive at the applicants result. If this had

  been an obvious step to persons skilled in this art, we believe this

  method for manufacturing short screws would have been adopted at a

  much earlier date.


  The state of the law on obviousness is well established. In Jamb Sets

  Ltd. v. Carlton (1963) Ex.C.R. 377 at 393 Cattanach J. stated:


 It has been frequently pointed out that what may seem

 obvious when you see the result, may not have been at

 all obvious at the beginning and it has always been held to

 be a good reason for rejecting a plea of obviousness that

 others failed to reach the solution discovered and set

 forth in a patent and adopted some other and different



 It is well settled in patent law that a mere scintilla of

 inventiveness is sufficient to sustain a patent....


The mere simplicity of the device is not proof that it was

obvious and that inventive ingenuity was not required to

produce it.


Further in Steel Company of Canada Ltd. v Sivaco Wire 1973 11 C.P.R.

(2d)153, at 195 Gibson J. after a review of cases relating to obvious-

ness stated:

 Looking at the matter generally and in perspective, it

 is important while recalling that wire drawing in itself

 is an ancient art, to make the relevant qu~ere in this case

 of the type often made in the cases, namely, if the inven-

 tions of 711,590 and 695,015 were obvious at the material

 times,why were they not made sooner.


Claim 1 of this application reads:


 A thread rolling die of the type described for forming short

 screws comprising a vertical grooved surface A for forming

 screw threads on the body of a blank, a sloping grooved sur

 face C intersecting said vertical grooved surface A along

 a heel line 3 for pointing and forming screw threads on the

 point, a bumper surface D intersecting and extending down-

 wardly from said sloping grooved surface C, a reversely

 sloping slug forming surface E joining said sloping grooved

 surface C along a diagonal edge 4 which commences at said

 vertical grooved surface A and terminates near said bumper

 surface D, said vertical grooved surface A being sub-

 stantially wider at that area thereof in advance of said

 diagonal edge 4, said die having the following dimensional



      (a) the vertical distance P from the extension of the

 heel line 3 to the bottom G of the vertical grooved

 surface A at the starting end of said die being not

 less than one third of the vertical dimensions J of

 the grooved surface A at the starting end of said die.


 (b) the vertical distance L from the top B of the die

  to the line of intersection 26 of said bumper surface

 D and said sloping grooved surface C being not greater

 than four times the horizontal distance S from the

 vertical plane O defining the location of the roots

 of the grooves of said die to the line of intersection

 26 of said bumper surface D and said sloping grooved

 surface C.


 This claim distinguishes from the citation by the limitations set out

 in a and b. The Board is satisfied that there is present in the

specific limitations claimed some degree of ingenuity which was the

 result of thought and experiment. (See: Crosley Radio Corporation v

 Canadian General Electric Company 1936 S.C.R. 551 at 556). Claim 1,

 and also claims 2 and 3 which contain similar limitations, are



  Proposed claims 4 to 7 which were submitted in response to the Final

  Action rely on the features of "grooves below the heel line" at the

  starting end of the die. Since these claims do not include a


   "short screw" limitation (as found in claims 1 to 3) we do not con

    sider them as a patentable advance in the art.Consequently it is

    the opinion of the Board that the pages containing proposed claim 1

    to 7 not be inserted.


   The Board therefore recommends that the decision of the examiner to

   refuse claims 1 to 3 be withdrawn and that the page containing pro

   posed claims 4 to 7 not be entered.


Gordon A. Asher,


Patent Appeal Board.


 I concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board. Accordingly

 the Final Rejection of claims 1 to 3 is withdrawn, and the application

 returned to the examiner. Since proposed claims 4,5,6 and 7 have

 not been entered,were only tendered for consideration as a possible

 replacement for the claims not found allowable, and in any event

 have been found objectionable by the Patent Appeal Board, the applica-

 tion should proceed on the basis of the existing claims 1,2 and 3.


Decision Accordingly,



Commissioner of Patents.


Dated at Hull, Quebec

this 9th day of



Agent for Applicant


Fetherstonhaugh & Co.,

Toronto, Ontario.

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