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                       COMMISSIONER'S DECISION


DIVISIONAL STATUS: Objectionable New Matter Added


Divisional status is not satisfied as statements in the original

specification made it clear that the applicant did not intend, or

completely failed , to disclose the precise embodiment described

in the divisional.






This decision deals with a request for review by the Commissioner

of Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated August 18, 1972

on application 120,389. This application was filed in the name

of The Black Clawson Company and refers to "Vertical Paper

Machine". The Patent Appeal Board conducted a hearing on March

15, 1973, Mr. D. Watson represented the applicant.


In the prosecution terminated by the Final Action the examiner

refused divisional status on the grounds that the applicant has

added new matter to the disclosure and claims which was not

part of the parent application as filed and reads: "The success-

ive deflectors thus define a generally serpentine like path of

travel therebetween for the combined wires and the progressively

forming sheet."


In this action the examiner stated in part:


The invention concerns the making of paper between two

vertically disposed endless travelling fourdrinier wires.

On either side of the wires are a series of staggered

deflectors which guide the wires in converging relation

as well as scrape off water extruded from the paper stock

through the wires. The new matter which applicant pur-

ports is inherent in the system is that the deflectors

define a generally serpentine-like path of travel.


At the outset it must be pointed out that the drawings

do not show nor suggest what applicant is now adding to

the disclosure and claims.

 On page 2, lines 22 and 23 of the parent, the disclosure reveals,

 "the deflectors along the outside of the forming tone function

 only to support the wires in converging relation and to doctor

 off the water". There is no suggestion of a serpentine-like

 path here, merely a clear disclosure of two converging wires.

 The word, "converging", means, "coming together from different

 directions, to incline and approach nearer together as the

 radii of a circle converge toward the center". This is

 exactly what Figure 3 in particular illustrates.


 On page 4 lines 13 to 15 applicant further reveals, "The

 reaches of the wires 16 and 17 directly below the breast

 rolls 11 and 12 are guided so that they converge to define

 therebetween a forming zone 20 of generally triangular

 section". Figure 1 submitted in applicants response dated

 June 9, 1972 shows no such configuration and therefore is

 a different embodiment from what applicant had originally



 On page 6 lines 1 to 3 applicant goes on, "The lowermost

 deflectors 40 are preferably so spaced that the wires

 converge to their minimum relative spacing as they approach

 and move past the lowermost deflector 40 for the right hand

 wire 17". This also suggests a generally triangular shape

 as was disclosed above.


 On page 7 lines 24 to 27 it is disclosed that, "The use of

 the pattern of deflectors shown in Figure 3 has produced

 highly satisfactory results, but other patterns can be

 used and it is possible to dispense with the use of de-

 flectors if the essential conditions of the invention are

 otherwise satisfied". This suggests that the configuration

 with and without deflectors is the same and there could of

 course be no sinuous path with no deflectors.


 On page 8 lines 1 to 3 applicant discloses that, "The

 supporting action of the deflectors is therefore supple-

 mental to wire tension and if the tension is sufficiently

 high such support becomes unnecessary". This again clearly

 illustrates that the paths of the wires are converging

 from the breast rolls down to the point of minimum spacing

 such that a triangular shape results.


 In claim 1 part 3 applicant claims "a plurality of generally

 aligned opposingly staggered deflector means spaced success-

 ively downstream from said gap defining a generally vertically

 aligned serpentine-like path of travel therebetween". There

 is of course no support for this in the parent. The drawings

 clearly show that a line drawn through the tips of the

 deflectors on one side of the wires would pass through a

 single plane and therefore could not define a serpentine-

 like path.


 The applicant in his response to the Final Action, dated November

16, 1972, stated in part:



                     The present application and the previously co-pending

                     applications listed therein all relate to the first

                     commercial installation by the applicant company

                     of one of its "Verti-Forma" paper machines, which started

                     up in the mill of Canadian International Paper Company

                     at Three Rivers, Quebec early in 1968. That machine

                     incorporated the particular specific form of the in-

                     vention discussed in the present application wherein

                     the deflectors were adjusted to provide a slightly S-

                     shaped ("serpentine") path for those reaches of the

                     wires defining the forming zone.


                     The second significant fact is that the applicant Justus

                     named as inventor in Canadian patent No. 877,961 of

                     Beloit Corporation visited she mill in Three Rivers

                     shortly after the Verti-Forma machine started up there,

                     and followed that visit by filing a number of patent

                     applications closely modeled on the paper machine of

                     the present case. The evidence is thoroughly convincing

                     that the "serpentine" path feature emphasized in the Justus

                     patent was copied by him from the Black Clawson machine.


                     Turning now to the office action of August 18, 1972, it

                     appears that the facts pointed our below were not

                     previously adequately explained to the examiner, and it

                     is believed that when they are considered,it will be

                     clear that the present application is entitled to the

                     status of a Division of application No. 044,262. It

                     is thought pertinent also to call to the attention of

                     the examiner that the U.S. examiner initially rejected

                     the corresponding U.S. divisional application on the

                     basis of new matter but subsequently withdrew that



                     It should of course be recognized that the drawings in

                     a patent application relating to subject matter of such

                     magnitude as the present case are necessarily somewhat



                     Another area of apparent confusion revolves around the

                     meaning of the term "converging" as used in the present

                     case. The wires in fact attempt to come together from

                     different directions as soon as they leave the surfaces

                     of the two breast rolls, but their rate of convergence

                     is controlled in part by the setting of the deflectors

                     and also in major part by the presence of the stock

                     therebetween. At some point along the forming zone, the

                     wires actually assume a relatively parallel relation to

                     the extent that this condition is established by the

                     newly formed sheet therebetween. Thus in the diagrammatic

                     Fig. 1, if there were no fiber in the stock, the wires

                     would actually come in contact at or just above the

                     deflector 40b, and would remain in such contact for

                     the rest of their downward travel


                     Referring now to the examiner's conclusion that there is

                     no support for clause (3) of claim 1, it appears that we

                     have not yet explained with adequate clarity the points

                     discussed in connection with the quotations from the dis-

                     closure on page 2 of the previous amendment. Referring

                     to the diagrammatic Fig. 2, the wires could actually

                     assume the illustrated triangular relationship only if their

tensions were sufficiently high to resist the internal pressures

tending to cause them to sag away from each other. In other

words, the portion of wire 17 opposite the deflector 40a

would tent to bow to the right because of internal hydraulic

pressure. Similarly the portion of the wire 16 opposite the

deflector 40b would tend to bow to the left, and this tend-

ency would be more pronounced because of the increased

effective hydraulic head and the increasing resistance to

drainage due to the initial deposition of fiber on the inner

surface of the wire. The same conditions would apply to the

portion of wire 17 opposite the deflector 40c, and so forth

to the end of the forming zone.


Necessarily, therefore, even under the narrowest possible

construction of the disclosure as being limited to a

configuration wherein the edges of the two sets of deflectors

define planes in spaced converging relation, the conditions

of operation would still cause each wire to follow a course

comprising a series of reverse curves, and it is really

immaterial whether that course be described as "serpentine",

"S shaped", or some equivalent term. The net result will still

be that the shape of the forming zone will be generally

triangular, but each side will consist of a series of re-

verse curves. The "single plane" configuration referred to

by the examiner, however, could exist only if no stock were

present, because it is doubtful that the wires would resist

all tendency to sag even if pure water provided the only

material in the forming zone.


It is hoped that it will now be recognized that the movement

of each section of wire which is "constrained only by its

tension" is required to maintain the proper spacing, volume

and pressure conditions in the forming zone. This movement

would initially be outward as described above, and such

movement can and will take place even if all deflectors for

each wire arc adjusted to define two converging spaced planes.


This application refers to the making of paper between two vertically

disposed endless travelling wires, and having on each side of the

wires a series of staggered deflectors to guide the wires. Claim

1 reads:


In a device for forming a fibrous web from a dilute aqueous

suspension of entangled co-moving fibers exiting downstream-

wise from a slice as a substantially unidirectional ribbon-

thin jet-stream, in combination,


(1) first and second breast rolls mounted for rotation

along a horizontal plane spaced apart a distance defining

a generally vertically-extending gap,


(2) means positioned above said first and second breast

rolls feeding a dilute aqueous suspension of co-moving fibers

downstream-wise into said gap as a high-speed substantially

unidirectional jet-stream of ribbon-like thinness less than

the gap thickness,


      (3) a plurality of generally aligned opposingly

    staggered deflector means spaced successively downstream

    from said gap defining a generally vertically aligned

    serpentine-like path of travel therebetween generally

    concurring with the jet-stream direction,


(4) first and second opposed wire runs travelling

    substantially at jet-stream speed


    (a) over said first and second breast rolls

    respectively through initially close spacing

    at said gap receiving the jet-stream there-

    between, and (b) directly thereafter con-

    vergingly through a forming zone and into

    general parallelism with the fibrous moist

    web sandwiched therebetween, in which

    parallelism said wire runs are maintained as

    they travel downstream together, (c) over

    said deflector means,


      (5) said deflector means each having a smooth,

    stationary surface presenting an edge to one of said

    wino runs urging said one wire run into such parallelism

    against an opposed region of the other said wire runs

    free from contact with restraining means to drive water

    through and away from the other said wire runs.


    The issue is whether the subject matter now described and

    claimed was adequately disclosed in the parent application as

    filed. Basically, the matter added to the disclosure reads:

    "The successive deflectors thus define a generally serpentine-

    like path of travel therebetween for the combined wires and

    the progressively forming sheet;" and part 3 of claim 1 reads:

    "a plurality of generally aligned opposingly staggered deflector

    means spaced successively downstream from said gap defining a

    generally vertically aligned serpentine-like path of travel



First, to outline the subject matter of the parent


disclosure as filed, the first paragraph on page 4 reads:


   The results desired by the invention are also

aided by the provision of a relatively small number

of supporting deflectors for the wire reaches which

define the forming zone, and also by the arrangement

of these deflectors in staggered relation with each

other such that no deflector is directly opposed at

the same level by a deflector for the other wire,

so that the other wire is constrained in that area

only by the tension thereon and can move as required

to maintain desired pressure conditions between

the two wires in the space occupying the same level

as the deflector.


And on page 7 starting at line 11:


   In addition, with each deflector 40 generally

centered on the space between opposed deflectors

for the other wire, as one wire passes the edge of any

of the deflectors, it will be drawn tightly against

the deflector, but the other wire will be constrained

only by its tension and therefore can move as may be

required to maintain the proper spacing and volume

between the wires. (underlining added)


More specifically on page 2 starting at line 15 of the parent


as filed the disclosure states that: "Another significant

feature of the invention lies in the fact that the deflectors

along the outside of the forming zone function only to

support the wires in converging relation and to doctor off

the water which is forced through while offering minimum tendency

to educt water through the wire." (underlining added)


 And in addition lines 1 to 4 on page 6 state that: "The

lowermost pair of opposed deflectors 40 are preferably so spaced

that the wires converge to their minimum relative spacing as

they approach and move past the lowermost deflector 40 for

the right-hand wire 17;" and at the bottom of page 7 through

to page 8, the disclosure states that: "The major function

of the deflectors is to support the reaches of wires along

the forming zone in such converging relation that the


    desired pressure conditions are maintained on the stock


    within the zone. The supporting action of the deflectors


    is therefore supplemental to wire tension, and if the


    tension is sufficiently high such support becomes unnecessary."


    (underlining added).


    It therefore appears clear that the only function of the


    deflectors is to support the wires in converging relationship.


    If the deflectors were intended to form a serpentine-like


    path for the wires, it appears they would offer more than


    a "minimum tendency" to educt water, and the supporting action


    of the deflectors would not be supplemental, but necessary to


   form a serpentine-like path.


    Accordingly, it appears clear that the applicant has only


 defined a bank of deflectors in staggered relationship with


a second bank of deflectors supporting the wires in converging


    spaced planes only. As stated in the original disclosure,


    when one wire is drawn tightly against a specific deflector,


    the second wire at the same point will be constrained only


    by its tension and can more as to maintain the proper spacing


    and volume between the wires.


    It then follows that, while there might be some slight


   deviation in the path of travel, it is only in consequence of


    the operation of the machine and the pressures of the paper


    stock between the wires which might be sufficient to cause


    the wires to deviate to a slight degree from a planar path


    as they pass each deflector.


    The Board is therefore satisfied that the only matter disclosed


    was the staggered deflectors arranged in spaced converging


    planes and could not have been intended to define an embodiment


    where the successive deflectors define a generally surpentine-


    like path therebetween for the wires and progressively forming

 sheet; this notwithstanding the fact that a slight deviation


 in the path might occur as a consequence of the pressure of


 the paper stock passing, a deflector point.


 It appears, therefore, that the applicant is attempting to


 claim an embodiment which was not in any way disclosed in


 the original specification, keeping in mind that all of the


 above quotations lead away from the concept of a serpentine-


 like path between the deflectors. There appears to be no


 indication whatsoever that the deflectors for each wire were


 intended to be adjusted for any purpose other than to define


 a path for the wires in converging spaced planes.


 This is in line with the applicants argument that: "It is


 hoped that it will now be recognized that the movement of


 each section of wire which is "constrained only by its tension"


 is required to maintain the proper spacing, volume and pressure


 conditions in the forming zone. This movement would initially


 be outward as described above, and such movement can and will


take place even if all deflectors for each wire are adjusted


 to define two converging spaced planes." It appears, therefore,


 that this is the only concept that was disclosed and described


 in the original specification.


 The Board is therefore satisfied that the applicant could


 not have intended, or completely failed, to disclose the


 characteristics of the embodiment of the invention which he


 now wishes to claim, and therefore the objectionable subject


 matter may not be added to the disclosure; and it follows that


 it cannot be claimed in the manner of the present claims.


 This does not, however, prevent the applicant from claiming


 with respect to support in the disclosure, the staggered


 deflectors and the resulting variation of the path of travel


 from the vertical in consequence of the paper stock passing


 a deflector point.


The Board recommends that the ground of rejection, to


refuse divisional status unless the objectionable matter


is removed, be upheld.



Assistant Chairman,

Patent Appeal Board.


I concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board and


refuse to accept the divisional status of this application.


The applicant has six months in which to remove the objection-


able matter or appeal this decision in accordance with Section


44 of the Patent Act.


Decision Accordingly,



Commissioner of Patents.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario,

this 26th day of April, 1973.


Agent for Applicant


Gowling & Henderson,

Box 466, Terminal A,

Ottawa, Ontario

K1N 8S3

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.