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 STATUTORY . S.(2)(d):    Programmed Computer


 A computer that is programmed to operate in one way is a

 machine which is different from the same computer programmed

 to operate in another way. A process for conditioning the

 operation of a commuter is an appropriate form of claims. A

 process for controlling the operation of a computer or for

 operating a computer may also be appropriate claims if not

 objectionable for redundancy. A process comprising of a new

 use if the programmed computer may be acceptable while a claim

 for a new use of a programmed computer is not.


 FINAL ACTION: Directed Office policy overruled.




 IN THE MATTER OF a request for a review by

 the Commissioner of Patents of the Examiner's

 Final Action under Section 46 of the Patent




 IN THE MATTER OF a patent application serial

 number 961,392 filed May 26, 1966 for an in-

 vention entitled:




 Agent for Applicant


Messrs. Kirby, Shapiro, Curphey & Eades,




      This decision deals with a request for review by the

 Commissioner of Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated

 June 25, 1971 on Application Serial Number 961,392. This

 application was filed in the name of Gerald Waldbaum and

 refers to "Counting Predetermined Bits in a Data Word".


      On October 20, 1971 the Patent Appeal Board held a

 hearing at which the applicant was represented by Mr. Charles

 Curphey, Ottawa agent; Mr, James W. Falk and Mr. Howard R.

 Popper, Bell Laboratories, New Jersey, U.S.A.; and Mr. R.H.

 Barrigar, Ottawa counsel.


   In the prosecution terminated by the final Action the

Examiner refused the claims (sixteen in number) on the grounds

that they were directed to non-patentable subject matter under

Section 2(d) and Section 28(3) of the Patent Act.


The facts are as follows:


Claims 1 to 8 and 11 to 13 inclusive are directed to a method

for controlling the operation of a data processor.

Claim 9 is directed to a process for conditioning the operation

of a data processor.

Claims 10 and 16 are apparatus claims in terms of means plus


Claims 14 and 15 are directed to a new use of a data processor.


Representative claims read as follows:


1. A method for controlling the operation of a

data processor to determine the number of 1's in

a data word; said data processor including a

memory for storing data and instruction words at

respective addresses; means for normally controlling

the sequential execution of successively addressed

instruction words; a plurality of registers; means

for storing memory data words in said registers;

means for performing logical operations on data

words in said registers; and means responsive to

the execution of a predetermined instruction word

for examining the data word contained in a predeter-

mined first one of said registers, changing the

rightmost 1 in said first register to a 0 if said

register contains at least one 1, controlling a

transfer to the instruction word at a specified

address if said first register contains all 0's

and storing in a predetermined second one of said

registers the address of the following instruction

word if said transfer is made; comprising the

steps of:

(1) controlling said storing means to store a

memory data word whose number of 1's must be

counted in said first register,

(2) controlling the data processor to execute a

series of identical ones of said predetermined

instruction word, and

(3) comparing the address of the first of the

instruction words in said series with the content

of said second register when a transfer is made

during the execution of one of the instruction

words in said series to derive the number of 1's

in said data word.


9. A process for conditioning the operation of

a data processor to determine the relative numbers

of 0's and 1's in a data word; said data processor

including a memory for storing data and instruction

words at respective addresses; means for normally

controlling the sequential execution of successively

addressed instruction words; a plurality of

registers; means for storing memory data words in

said registers; and means for controlling operations

in the data processor in accordance with the

instruction word being executed; comprising the

steps of:

(1) controlling said storing means to store a

memory data word whose relative numbers of 0's

and 1's must be determined in a first one of said


(2) executing a series of identical instruction

words, each of which controls the data word in

said one register to have its least significant bit

of a predetermined value changed to the opposite

value, and controls a transfer to be made to the

instruction word at a specified address and the

address of the next instruction word to be placed

in a second of said registers if said first

register contains bits of only said opposite value,


(3) controlling the comparison of the address of

the first of the instruction words in said series

with the content of said second register when a

transfer is made during the execution of one of the

instruction words in said series to determine the

relative numbers of 0's and 1's in said data word.


10. A data processor having a memory for storing

data and instruction words at respective addresses;

means for normally controlling the sequential

execution of successively addressed instruction words;

a plurality of registers; means for storing memory

data words in said registers; said data processor

being programmed to determine the relative numbers

of 0's and 1's in a data word in accordance with

instruction Words stored in said memory for:

(1) controlling said storing means to store a memory

data word whose relative numbers of 0's and 1's must

be determined in a first one of said registers;

(2) executing a series of identical instruction

words, each of which controls the date word in said

one register to have its least significant bit

of a predetermined value changed to the opposite

value, and controls a transfer to be made to the

instruction word at a specified address if said first

register contains bits of only said opposite value,


(3) determining from the number of the instruction

words in said series which are executed before said

transfer is made the relative numbers of 0's and 1's

in said data word.


14. A process comprising a new use of a stored

program data processing apparatus including an

addressable memory for storing data words and

instructions for processing said data words, means

for executing said instruction, means for transferring

to an instruction stored at a particular address as

the result of executing said instructions and means

for comparing data including said addresses obtained

from said memory unit, said new use being the counting

of the number of bits of a predetermined type in one

of said data words and said process comprising the

steps of:

(a) executing one instruction of a series of

instructions stored in successive addresses in

memory for each bit of said predetermined type

detected in said data word,

(b) transferring to a return address when no more

bits of said predetermined type are detected in

sai d data word, and

(c) comparing the addresses of the first and last

executed ones of said instructions to compute the

number of said predetermined type of bits in said

data word.


15. A new use for the program address register of

a stored program data processing apparatus which

comprises repetitively employing said register to

store the addresses of a series of instructions so

that by subtracting the address of the first of said

series instructions from the address of the last

executed one of said series of instructions the number

of bits of a particular type in a data word may be

ascertained comprising the steps of:

(a) inserting in said register the first address

of a series of instructions stored in successive

addresses in said memory,

(b) executing one instruction in said series of

instructions and incrementing the address in said

register each time a bit of said predetermined type

is detected in said data word,

(c) transferring to a return address when no more

bits of said predetermined type are detected in said

data word, and

(d) subtracting the addresses of the first and last

executed ones of said instructions to compute the

number of said predetermined type of bits in said

data word.


   At the outset I think I should make it quite clear that

the Examiner's Actions in this case were complete,proper and

in conformance with Patent Office guidelines relating to

the patentability of computer programs, or, to be more accurate,

programmed computers and programming processes.


   Subsequent to the Appeal, and both before and after the

Hearing, a great deal of study and discussion has taken place

in the Patent Office regarding the policy that should be

followed by Canada in relation to the patentability of

computer programs, and the Patent Appeal Board has been

intimately involved in all aspects of the problem.


   In both written and oral submissions, the applicant has

stated that it does not consider that computer programs are

patentable subject matter under Section 2(d) or any other

section of the Patent Act, or that instructions or lists of

instructions for operating a computer are patentable. The

Board is in full agreement with this expressed stand and

accepts that the claims in the application do not define a

computer program per se.


   The term program is taken to mean a set of ordered steps

or list of instructions specifying the internal changes of

state of physical devices within a data processor. This set

of media including printed or handwritten lists on paper,

punched cards or paper tapes, magnetic tapes or electric wiring.

No matter what form of device is used to record a program, it is

not patentable as a program. This is the conclusion that has

been reached in many countries and I can find no reason for

the Patent Office to hold a different view.


   As indicated above, applicant's claims are in terms of a

process, an apparatus, and a new use. I shall deal with the

apparatus first.


   Without going into the detailed operation of the invention,

applicant has taken an admittedly known data processor (I shall

use the term "computer" for the purpose of convenience) and

associated it with a telephone system for the purpose of

determining telephone traffic density. The computer is

programmed in such a way that its main memory is made to

count the number of busy trunks as indicated on a 23-trunk

register called a K-register. The register shows busy trunks

as 1 digits and open trunks as 0 digits.


   Prior to applicant's invention it was submitted that the

normal way of performing the counting operation required a

counter directly connected to the K-register. The computer

then had to be modified by rewiring it or using a stored

program technique which required three times as many operations

to be performed as are required with applicant's arrangement

which has no direct connection between the K-register and the

main memory and furthermore eliminates the need for the counter

connected to the K-register.


   It was submitted that applicant has obtained an unexpected

result since it was not previously appreciated that this known

computer could be made to operate in this manner until applicant

had devised this particular program. It is applicant's stand

that the programmed computer is a machine that is caused to

operate in a new and unobvious way and is thus a new and patent-

able machine.


   As I see its the basic question that must be decided here

is whether a computer that is programmed in one way is a

machine which is different from the same computer when programmed

in another way.


   In the absence of pertinent Canadian jurisprudence applicant

supported its stand by referring to the following British and

United States cases:




Badger Co. Incorporated's Application (1970) R.P.C. 36

Gever's Application (1970) R.P.C. 91

Slee & Harris's Application (1966) R.P.C. 194


 United States


In re Bernhart and Fetter 163 U.S.P.Q. 611 (1969)

In re Prater and Wei 162 U.S.P.Q. 541 (1969)

In re Musgrave 167 U.S.P.Q. 280 (CCPA) (1970)


In referring to the British cases the applicant submitted

that the statements of the British Court have significance in

Canada in view of the statement in Lawson v Commissioner of Patents

62 C.P.R. 101 that:


Therefore it is accepted in principle that the

requirements with regard to subject matter of a

patent are co-extensive under the British and

Canadian statutes and that the jurisprudence

established by the Courts of the United Kingdom

is authoritative in Canada. (Emphasis added by


   It was submitted that Claim 10 is an apparatus claim

patterned after the form of claim that was found acceptable by

the Superintending Examiner of the British Patent Office in

Slee and Harris (supra). It is noted that this case was not

heard by the Patents Appeal Tribunal since there was no need

for an appeal.


   In regard to the other apparatus claims Claim 16, it was

submitted that this is in a form which was allowed in the Badger

case (supra).


   It is noted that both apparatus claims recite a plurality

of "means" related to parts of a computer and go on to add

functional statements concerned with "controlling", "executing",

and "determining" in response to a program. The apparatus

claims are thus in terms of means plus function but in my view

they should not be objectionable for that reason alone if the

subject matter is not susceptible of being claimed in terms of



T have studied the British Patent Office decision in

the Sled and Harris case and the two decisions of the British

Patents Appeal Tribunal listed above and it is clear to me that

both bodies recognize that inventions involving programmed

computers are proper subject matter for patent protection. It

is also clear to me that although some formalities may have to

be observed in drafting claims, there is nothing in the Appeal

Tribunal decisions to suggest hat inventions involving

programmed computers should not satisfy the usual tests of

novelty utility and inventive ingenuity. The Appeal Tribunal

has found that a computer when programmed or controlled in a

certain way is indeed a statutory manner of manufacture. The

computer may be controlled to operate in an obvious manner, in

which cases of course, no patent may be had, or it may be

controlled to operate in a new and unobvious manner, in which

case a patent for a computer so controlled is justified. In the

Gever case (supra) Graham J. carefully set forth the Patent

Office's statement of invention as enunciated by the Superintend

Examiner and after agreeing with it went on to say: "it should,

I think, have stated further that the invention claimed is for a

date processing apparatus which is so constructed and arranged

that the three steps which Mr. Hudson has listed can be carried

out by operating it".


   Turning to the United States decision of the United States

Court of Customs and Patent Appeals in the case of In re

Bernhart and Fetter (supra) the Court held that "if a machine

is programmed in a certain new and unobvious way, it is

physically different from the machine without that program; its

memory elements are differently arranged. The fact that these

physical changes are invisible to the eye should not tempt us

to conclude that the machine has not been changed".


   The Bernhart & Fetter case corresponds with the British

Badger Co. case. Thus both countries have taken similar stands

with regard to the patentability of programmed computers.


   It is recognized that decisions of British courts

exercise considerable authority on Canadian jurisprudence. It

is also apparent that Section 2(d) of the Patent Act closely

resembles Section 101 of United States Code, Title 35-Patents.


   In view of au the foregoing I have reached the conclusion

that claims 10 and 16, insofar as they define a machine

which is programmed or controlled so as to operate in a new

and unobvious manner, do not offend Section2(d) of the Patent



   Having determined that the subject matter of Claims 10

and 16 falls within Section 2(d) of the Act, the rejection

under Section 28(3) fails because the claims are not directed

to a scientific principle or abstract theorem.


   Dealing now with Claims 1 to 8 and 11 to 13 which are

directed to a method for controlling the operation of a

computers it is observed that this is a type of claim which

does not appear to be allowable by the British Patent Office

because the result of the method would be intellectual informa-

tion and therefore not a manner of manufacture.


   In the present case I think it is proper to equate a

method for controlling the operation of a machine with a

method of operating a machine and since the Canadian Patent

Office regularly permits claims to methods of operation I

would not normally entertain objections to such claims.

However since the apparatus claims in this application

distinguish the invention by reciting method steps it may be

that claims 1 to 8 and 11 to 13 should be scrutinized for

redundancy although since this point was not raised in the

Examiners Final Action I am not required to make a determina-



   Claim 9 defines a process for conditioning the operation

of a data processor. It was submitted that this is a type of

claim allowed by the Patents Appeal Tribunal in than Badger

case. I can find no reason for objecting to this claim on

the ground that it does not properly define the invention.


   Claim 14 defines a process comprising a new use of a

stored program data processing apparatus. Claim 15 defines a

nnw use for the program address register of a stored program

data processing apparatus. In Lane-Fox v The Kensington and

Knightsbridge Electric Lighting Co. Ltd. 9 R.P.C 416, Lindley,

L.J. said:


On the one hand, the discovery that a known thing can

be used for a useful purpose for which it has never been

known before is not alone a patentable invention, but

on the other hand, the discovery how to use such a

thing for such a purpose will be a patentable invention,

if there is novelty in the mode of using it as distinguish-

ed from novelty of purpose.


   This statement supports the Patent Office practice of

refusing claims directed to a new use and in my view Claim 15

is not a proper type of claim since it merely expresses a

purpose. Claim 14 on the other hand may be considered an

acceptable type of claim since it expresses a mode of using

the known computer, however it may still be subject to the

same objection (redundancy) which I suggested in connection

with Claims 1 to 8 and 11 to 13.


   In conclusion I am satisfied that the answer to the basic

question which I stated earlier, is that a computer that is

programmed in one way must be deemed to be a machine which is

different from the same computer when programmed in another way

or unprogrammed. Accordingly I find that the Examiner's

refection under Section 2(d) and Section 28(3) of the Patent Act

is not proper and recommend that the Final Action be withdrawn.


                                    R.E. Thomas,

                                    Chairman, Patent Appeal Board.


   I concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board

and withdraw the Final Action. The application will be returned

to the examiner for resumption of prosecution.


                                     Decision accordingly,


                                     A.M. Laidlaw,

                                     Commissioner of Patents.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario,

this 8th day of December, 1971.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.