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      OBVIOUS: In view of teaching of several citations.


      Held that the experience shown by the citations is properly

      to be considered as teaching that thin-walled elliptic

      flexible tubing could meet the requirements of waveguides;

      and the process of fabrication is shown in the prior art.

      No consideration was given to product claims made in response

      to the Final Action.


      FINAL ACTION: Affirmed.


                     *     *     *     *     *       *       *


            IN THE MATTER OF a request for a review by the

      Commissioner of Patents of the Examiner's Final Action

        ~~~   Section 46 of the Patent Rules.




            IN THE MATTER OF a patent application serial

      number 022,722 filed October 17, 1967 for an invention





Agent for Applicant

      Messrs. Smart & Biggar,

      Ottawa, Ontario.


               *   *   *   *   *   *    *


            This decision deals with a request for review by the

     Commissioner of Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated

     October 19, 1970 on application 002,722. This application was

     filed in the name of Tsutomu Maeda and refers to "Elliptic Wave-

     guide And Method of Fabricating It". The Patent Appeal Board

     conducted a hearing on September 14, 1971. Mr. R. Barrigar

     represented the applicant.


            In the prosecution terminated by the Final Action the

      examiner refused the claims as failing to patentably distinguish

      over the patent to Sturm et al - 437,752, Nov. 5, 1946.


      In the Final Action the examiner stated:


      The rejection of the claims as railing to patentably

      distinguish over the patent to Sturm et al is main-

      tained. In the said patent is disclosed a method of

      forming tubing of certain geometric shape from tubing

of another geometric shape including forming an

elliptical-shaped tube from generally circular-shaped

stock. The steps of forming the initial round tubular

stock by extrusion and the corrugation of the extruded

tube are held to be common knowledge.


There is no invention in making an elliptical-shaped

tube from circular-shaped stock by using conventional

methods of tube forming as exemplified by the cited

patent. In the above letter applicant contends ~~~~

two articles of substantially similar construction

but each having a particularly useful and unobvious

advantage with respect to their use are patentable.

This may be so. But if such articles can be made by

substantially the same method, then such methods of

manufacture are not patentably distinguishable one

from the other. It is maintained therefore that the

preamble in the claims namely "a method of fabricating

an elliptical waveguide for electrical apparatus",

identifying the use of the end product, does not impart

patentability to a conventional method of making

elliptical tubing as disclosed in the cited patent


in the response, dated April 13, 1971 the applicant stated:


Canadian Patent No. 773,254 cited as a reference of

interest, discloses and claims a smooth elliptical

shape waveguide which is asymmetrical about its mayor

axis (see page 3 lines 21 snd 22; page 3 lines 32 to

page 4, line 1). The independent product claims 12

and 16 of the present application clearly recite that

the walls of the waveguide are substantially symmetrical

about both the mayor and minor axes of the cross-

section of the waveguide. As a result, the applicant

submits that the "product" claims of the present

application are clearly distinguishable from Canadian

Patent No. 773,254.


In contrast to the former method claims, new

method claim 1 specifically recites a method of

fabricating a jointless, seamless oval waveguide

having continuously smooth interior and exterior

walls. New method claim 7 recites, as a further

step the winding of the oval waveguide on a drum for

transporting the waveguide from the factory to the

installation site. The method claim 8 recites the

additional step of re-extruding the waveguide to

remove any deformations in cross-sectional shape

upon unwinding the waveguide from the transporting

drum prior to installation. New method claims 1

to 8 inclusive, in a most exacting manner, claim

the steps of fabrication used to make the new and

useful waveguide described in the text of the

disclosure and claimed in claims 9 to 18 inclusive.


An argument has been made that the method of extruding

tubing for waveguide is old for other tubular products

and therefore unpatentable as applied to waveguide.

The applicant admits that it is known to extrude

tubing used for the transportation of water and

gas and the like, but submits that this field of

manufacture is totally removed from the field of

manufacturing waveguide and cable used to transmit

electro-magnetic radiation. (The relevant principles

of law are discussed in applicant's response to the

previous Official Action.) Enclosed is an affidavit

by Professor Torahiki Sugiura of Osaka Institute of

Technology. Professor Sugiura's affidavit differ-

entiates the art of manufacturing devices including

waveguides from the art of manufacturing common

extruded tubing. His affidavit also recites methods

of constructing waveguides previously available to

manufacturers, and shows that the present methods

are new and useful and produce an improved flexible

seamless waveguide which can be fabricated in very

long lengths, heretofore not possible in the art of

waveguide manufacture.


   After reviewing the grounds for rejection set forth by

the examiner, as well as the argument both written and oral

~~ foth by the applicant, I am satisfied that the rejection

is well founded.


   At the hearing the Patent Agent reviewed the stand of

the applicant and stressed the point that in his opinion the

subject matter as claimed was in fact an improvement in the

~~~~~ therefore a patent should be granted.


   The application is directed to an improved method of

~~~~~nuously fabricating a waveguide. Claim 1 reads as follows:


     A method of fabricating an elliptical or approximate

elliptical waveguide for electrical apparatus compris-

ing the steps continuously extruding metal tubing

having a generally round cross-section and of a

selected inner circumferential length and then

continuously drawing said extruded tube through an

elliptical or approximate elliptical die to form a

completed waveguide having elliptical or approximate

elliptical configuration.


   It is obvious that the method of changing the shape of

a metal tube of generally round cross-section to an ellipse-

like cross-section is taught by the reference to Sturm which

shows a forming die adapted to progressively change the cross-

section from one geometric shape to another, such as, changing

a round tube to an ellipse or an ellipse-like shape. It is

obviously jointless, seamless, may well be smooth walled and

flexible according to the requirements depending on the form of

tle original tube; the nature of the materials of which it is

made and might well be a waveguide tubing.


   The reference to Krank, patent 772,283 with a priority

date of 1963, on page 1 states that: "It is known to use

waveguides with differing cross-sectional shapes ...", and

~~~   "Smooth waveguides of oval cross-section are also known."

~~~~ added).


   Another reference to Krank, patent 696,089 dated

~~~~ 13, 1964 on page 1 states that: "The use of elliptical

waveguides for electromagnetic waves is well known ...", and

~~~~ "It is also known that elliptical waveguides with

~~~~ smooth walls and too slight an eccentricity ... approach

~~~~~~viour of a circular waveguide."


   Applicant submits that: "This invention is based upon a

~iscovery that a waveguide having an elliptic cross-section

~~~ an advantage, on the contrary to commonly used rectangular

~~~ circular waveguides ...". The Krank references teach tha~

~~~~guides having an elliptical cross-section with smooth walls

are known.


   Applicant also maintains that the field of manufacturing

waveguides is totally removed from the field of extruded tubing,

ca~le sheathing etc. However, page 1 of the Krank patent (596,089)

~~~tes that: "Experience gained with corrugated tubes and

~~~~-type tubes as cable sheaths, leads to the expectation

that a corrugated tube or bellows-type tube of elliptical cross-

~~~ion would meet the mechanical requirements of a waveguide,

a~ least under certain conditions." Here, the inventor obviously

co~~~~~d the teachings of the cable sheath art had something

~~~~~~~or with the waveguide art. With this in mind I note

~~~ ~~~ reference to williamson discloses a method for the

~~~facture of cable sheath: a pointless, seamless, thin

~~~~~ tubing of very long length, which may be wound on a

~~~ a~d reshaped at the work site. I find that the experience

~~~~~~~  in the above citations are properly to be considered

as teachings in the use of thin walled flexible tubing with

the expectation that it could meet the requirements of a



   Applicant has advanced the argument that a new product

produced by a conventional method imparts patentability to

the method. First it has not been established that the product

is new and furthermore I find such a generalization is not in

accord with the statutory requirements of novelty. It is well

established that a patent cannot be granted for a new use of

an old process unless there be some novelty or invention in

the adaptation of the old process to the new use, or the

overcoming of some difficulty which lay in the way of such

application. I am satisfied that the mere reference to a

waveguide in the claim does not impart novelty to the process,

as the process, with the same ingredients, does exactly what

it pas done before in the forming of tubing.


   The inclusion of product claims in response to the "Final

~~~~~ under Rule 46 cannot be accepted since these claims

~~~~~ related to the matter under refection by the examiner,

~~~~~~ in part new claims which have not been examined. The

~~~~~~ method claims, which merely add additional characteris-

~~~~~~ the end product of the process, do not introduce

~~~~~~lity to the process for the reason set forth.


~~~~~  note that the affidavit of Professor Sugiura different-

~~~~~ the art of manufacturing devices including waveguides

~~~~~  the art of manufacturing common extruded tubing. However,

~~~~  ted above, the Krank reference used the experience gained

from the manufacture of tubing to lead to the expectation of

~~~~ would meet the mechanical requirement of a waveguide.


   I am satisfied that the particular idea may be meritorious,

~~~~ fail to see that it merits the distinction of invention

~~ claim to a patent monopoly. Therefore, I recommend that

~~~~~ cision of the examiner, to refuse the claims as failing

~~~~ atentably distinguish over the cited references, be upheld.

~~~~ that the revised method claims be refused on the same

~~~~~ as the claims under rejection and, as indicated above,

~~~~~~sideration was given to the product claims for the reasons



                                    R. E. Thomas,

                                    Chairman, Patent Appeal Board.


concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board and

~~~~~~ all the method claims. The applicant has six months

~~~~~~ to appeal this decision in accordance with Section 44

~~~~~~ fatent Act.


                                 Decision accordingly,


                                  A. M. Laidlaw,

                                  Commissioner of Patents.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario,

this 8th day of November, 1971.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.