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OBVIOUS: In view of prior art.




The claims are couched in such broad terms, in this case in terms

oF function or desired result, that they embody the prior art

capable of performing substantially the same function or purpose

and therefore fail to clearly differentiate "what is new from

what is old".




IN THE MATTER OF a request for a review by the

Commissioner of Patents of the Examiner's Final

Action under Section 46 of the Patent Rules.




IN THE MATTER OF a patent application serial

number 887,933 filed October 30, 1963 for an

invention entitled:




Patent Agent for Applicant:

            Messrs. Gowling & Henderson,

            Ottawa, Ontario.


   This decision deals with a request for review by the

Commissioner of Patents of the Examiner's Final Action dated

September 14, 1970 refusing to allow application 887,933.


The refusal of the examiner to allow claims 1, 2, 5,

6 and 7 of the application was based on the grounds that the

claims are indefinite and rejected under Section 36(2) and

prior art.


  The Patent Appeal Board conducted a hearing on February

9, 1971. Mr. D. Watson and Mr. D.W. Puttick of Messrs. Gowling

& Henderson represented the applicant. The facts are as



 Application 887,933 was filed October 30, 1963 in the

name of C.J. Bernier and refers to Plant Stimulating Fluorescent



   In the prosecution terminated by the Final Action dated

September 14, 1970, the examiner stated that the rejection of

claims 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 is maintained for the following reasons:


References Applied:


Canadian Patents

461,918 Dec. 20, 1949 Cl. 313-80 Oranje

517,681 Oct. 18, 1955 Cl. 31-83  Hutler (A)


R.J. Downs et al; Comparison Of Incandescent And

Fluorescent Lamps For Lengthening Photoperiods;

Proceedings Of The American Society For Horticul-

tural Science; Vol. 71; 1958; pages 568-578.


British Patent

869,147 May 31, 1961 Henderson et al


United States Patents

2,826,553 Mar. 11, 1958 Cl. 252-301.4 Butler (B)

2,851,425 Sept. 9, 1958 Cl. 252-301.6 Thorington


It is well known that all plants are responsive to

sunlight and particularly those frequencies in the

visible region of the spectrum. The red and blue

bands contain most of the energy and it is therefore

not surprising that plants should be stimulated to

some degree by artificial light which emits these

frequencies. It is also known that growth takes place

by means of photosynthesis through the chlorophyl

found its the leaves and stalks of plants which are

invariably some shade of green. It is an elementary

physical principle that colours are observed because

of reflection and obsorption phenomena and therefore,

since plant growth takes place through the green parts

it is an obvious conclusion that green band frequencies

would have little influence on plant growth. It is

also well known that ultra-violet radiation tends

to destroy living tissue and therefore would be

detrimental to plant growth.


In summary it may be stated that:


(a) ultra-violet frequencies are not beneficial to

    plant growth;


(b) red and blue frequencies are beneficial;


(c) plants are inherently incapable of converting

    the green band frequencies into useful energy

    because of nearly total reflection.


The reference to Downs et al teaches that fluorescent

lamps have previously been used to stimulate plant

growth. The Bibliography in the reference also suggests

that several studies have been made with respect to

spectral composition and light quality and their

relation to plant growth. The reference distinctly

shows triat cool white lamps were used in greenhouses

and also shows the relative energy curve of a cool

white lamp. A study of this curve bearing in mind

the terminology previously described will clearly

indicate that this lamp produces radiation predomin-

antly in the red and blue regions and somewhat less

in the green. It is of course well known that all

mercury vapour fluorescent lamps possess the charac-

teristic of producing very little ultra-violet radiation.


It is therefore held that claims 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 are

substantially met by the reference to Downs et al,

since they read on Downs et al due to their broad

indefinite negative limitations.


The Orange drawing depicts a light intensity curve

for a warm white fluorescent lamp which is obtained

by multiplication of the energy distribution curve

into the sensitivity curve of the eye. This latter

curve approximates a Poisson distribution (bell curve)

whose limits are 400 and 700 millimicrons with a peak

at 500. If the same mathematical operation was

performed with the relative energy curve shown in

applicant's Figure 2, the result would be a curve

so similar to Orange as to be nearly identical. It

is therefore considered that the fluorescent lamps

under comparison produce output energy distributions

which are equivalent in the red and blue and differ

only slightly in the green.


It is therefore held that claims 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7

are met by Orange and to use such a lamp for stimul-

ating plant growth is obvious in view of Downs et al.


The further references to Butler (A), Henderson et al,

Butler (B), and Thorington have been cited to show

that red and blue emitting phosphors and in particu-

lar red emitting magnesium fluorogermanate and blue

emitting strontium pyrophosphate are well known in

the fluorescent tube art. In addition these references

show that various phosphor combinations to produce

a specific light output is a matter of selecting the

members and their relative proportions.


The Examiner further considers that the broad negative

limitations expressed in claims 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 are

indefinite and therefore subject to rejection under

Section 36(2) of the Patent Act in view of the prior



In applicant's response of December 14, 1970 he stated



The Examiner has made statements as to what is wall

known without substantiation of those statements.

With reference to the paragraph in the middle of

page 2, while it may be considered that "it is well

known that all plants are responsive to sunlight"'

the Examiner has not established that all of his

statements as to the exact manner in which plants

are stimulated are well known. In particular, he

has not established that such knowledge even if

it exists, has been brought together without

previous knowledge of applicant's invention.


The Examiner is in error in concluding that the

claims are substantially met by the reference to Downs

et al. The mere fact that fluorescent lamps have

previously been used to stimulate plant growth does

not mean that lamps of the particular characteristics

of applicant's lamp have been used. Someone following

the teaching of Downs would use cool white lamps with

wasted energy and indeed including a green component

which would actually be undesirable. It is pointed

out in the present application on the first page in

paragraph 2 that "green light produces an adverse

effect on cell division". Applicant tenders as

Exhibit "A", attached hereto, a graph superimposing

the spectra of Downs et al and Oranje (and including

the definitions of "blue" and "green" cited by the

Examiner) upon applicant's Figure 2. Downs et al

show radiation in the green portion of the spectrum

increasing almost continuously to its maximum.

There is nothing remotely resembling the two distinctive

maxima in the "blue" and "red" portions of applicant's

relative energy curve (Curve A).


The Examiner has also erred in his rejection of the

claims as met by Oranje. Applicant submits an Affidavit,

identified as Exhibit "B", showing that the subjective

sensation is that green is much reduced or eliminated.

The teaching of Oranje is the providing of a warm

white light which gives vivid colours. There is a

slight dip in the distribution curve shown in Figure

1 of the drawings but this dip is still a highly

substantial value between two maxima both of which

(to choose the definition "assumed by the Examiner")

are cleanly either in the "green" portion or adjacent

thereto. No one following the teaching of Oranje

would eliminate the green component. Since the object

of Oranje is to obtain vivid colours it would be

entirely inconsistent with such object to adopt a

light distribution which would make all green coloured

objects appear dark (some almost black) and thus

completely distort the colour rendering of an object.


It is submitted that it is fundamental that the whole

of a reference mint be considered and one is not

at liberty to take things out of context, to

disregard the entire context of the teaching and

make changes with foreknowledge of some subsequent

invention. Applicant has been unable to obtain a

lamp similar to Oranje as an article of manufacture

for comparison purposes.


The examiner has erred in characterizing applicant's

invention as a discovery lacking an inventive step.

It is wsll established that a discovery can help

supply the inventive merit and the mere fact that

applicant has made a discovery does not prevent the

applicant from obtaining protection for inventions

resulting from such discoveries. The claims are

one of two types. One group of claims is for

fluorescent lamps of certain characteristics. There

is also a claim for a method of treating plants.

Both these claims clearly fall within the wording

of Section 2(d) and define inventions and not mere



   After careful study of the examiner's actions and the

written and oral arguments presented by the applicant I am

satisfied the rejection is well founded.


   This application refers to Plant Stimulating Fluorescent

Lamps. Claim 1 reads as follows:


   A lamp suitable for stimulating plant growth

comprising a sealed envelope, a filling of mercury

vapor and inert gas therein, a fluorescent

coating and m ans for stimulating the coating to

fluorescence predominance in the red and blue,

the resultant light being characterized by emission

predominantly in the red and blue spectral regions,

the emission being substantially free from ultra-

violet emission below 3500 Angstrom Units and the

green emission portion of the characteristic being

relatively insubstantial.


   At the hearing the Patent Agent reviewed the stand of the

applicant and strassed the point that in his opinion the

rejected claims were in fact proper subject matter and should

be allowed, The demonstration at the hearing using different

lamps did noi, prove much more than the fact that the emissions

from the lames were different.


   On page 1, line 13 applicant states: "I have discovered

that a fluorescent ...". Applicant also stated in his action

of December 14, 1970: "It is well established that a discovery

can help supuly the inventive merit and the mere fact that

applicant has made a discovery does not prevent the applicant

from obtaining protection for inventions resulting from such

discoveries". The court was held, Continental Sova v. J.R Short

(1942) 2 C.P.R. 1, "The difference between discovery and

invention has been frequently emphasized, and it has been

laid down that a patent cannot be obtained for a discovery in

the strict sense. If, however, the patented article or process

has not actually been anticipated, so that the effect of the

claims is not to prevent anything being done which has been

done or proposed previously, the discovery which led to the

patentee devising a process or apparatus may well supply the

necessary element of invention required to support a patent."

I note the words "a process or apparatus may well supply the

necessary element of invention ...". Therefore claims which

do not comply with this may not be allowed. A claim which only

claims a desired result must be refused.


   The court also held, Bergeon y. Du Kermor 1927. Ex. C.R.

181, "The function or operation of a device as distinguished

from a device itself cannot be made the subject of a patent."


   The reference to Oranje teaches a mercury vapour fluores-

cent lamp of the wrm white type. It explicitly teaches a

three phosphor composition whose parts radiate red, blue and

green. It should be noted that the green phosphor is a very

small part of the total.


   The reference to Downs et al teaches that fluotrescent

lamps have previously been used to stimulate plant growth.

The Bibliography in the reference also suggests that several

studies have been made with respect to spectral compositions

and light quality and their relation to plant growth.


   The further references to Butler (A), Henderson et al,

butler (B) and Thorington show that red and blue emitting

magnesium fluogermanate and blue emitting strontium phyrophos-

phate are well known in the fluorescent tube art.


   The applicant stated that the Examiner has given a meaning

to the Word "insubstantial" which is far from the normal meaning

of the term. I agree with the applicant and the normal dic-

tionary meaning is: nonsubstantial or lacking substance or reality.

The court has held, Imperial Chemical Industries V. Commissioner

of Patents (1966) 51 C.P.R. 102 - that a normal meaning of the

words should be used and not some unusual definition.


Applicant stated that there is no substantiation for the

statement "with respect to plant response to sunlight". The

reference to Downs et al is replete with knowledge about plant

response to sunlight and various frequencies in the visible



   Applicant has argued that the claims do not have objectional

negative limitations. I find the rejected claims are in fact

broad and indefinite, and in view of this they envelope the

teachings of the prior art. It is well established that a

claim must clearly differentiate what is near from what is old.

The claim must avoid the mistake of being couched in such

broad terms that it will embody both the principle of the

improvement and the prior art (see Bergeon v. De Kermor (1927)

Ex. C.H. at 198). I find that applicant is defining a light

distribution in terms of the presence of certain desirable

components and the elimination of undesirable and wasteful

components. Such characteristics are mere function or desired

result and do not define invention. It is clear that the claims

not merely claim the solution to a problem present in the prior

art, but must explicitly show some real structure which solves

the problem itself. In the present case general fluorescent

lamps do not possess the required output characteristics (a

desired result) and the Inventor has offered a new fluorescent

lamp with a particular phosphor composition which is a real

structure which possesses substance. This is the subject matter

which must be claimed.


   Applicant' argued that the reference to Oranje is not

pertinent and supplied an exhibit showing that the green region

is much reduced or eliminated. He also compared the curve of

Oranje to the curve of Figure 2 of this application and deduced

that there is a substantial difference in the lamp outputs.

I find the argument of the applicant to be erroneous with

respect to the curves in that a valid comparison may only be

made when cooparing curves defined by the same units. In order

to do this the curve of Oranje must be treated to a division

by the relative intensity curve of the human eye to obtain a

relative energy curve which may then be validly compared with

Figure 2 of the disclosure.


   I find that translating the relative intensity curve of

Oranje into a relative energy curve would produce a curve

similar to Curve B of Figure 2. This curve would then have

a distinct maxium centered in the blue with another maxium

centered in the red and with the green region substantially

supressed; this I submit would meet the conditions as set out

by the applicant when he states, "the green emission portion of

the characteristic being relatively insubstantial". It is

this translated curve which is applied against the claims and

in view of this I do not see how the subject matter of the

claims is inventive thereover.


   Applicant desires to have claims in terms of characteris-

tics and feels he should not be restricted to a phosphor

combination. The object of any lamp is to produce a light

output and a claim solely defining an output is a functional

statement and if this occurs at the point of invention then

the claim may be rejected under Section 36(2).


   In my view, to stimulate plant growth by artificial light

is not novel (Downs et al); it is also shown that the frequency

distribution is not novel, (the translated curve of Oranje)

and I therefore hold that the claims under consideration are

too broad in view of the prior art and do not comply with

Section 36(2) of the Patent Act.


   I also find that the method claims (6 and 7) may only be

implied from the disclosure and they are broader than the

invention disclosed and are therefore subject to further

refection under Rule 25.


   While it is not incumbent on me to consider claims which

were presented at the hearing, I note that they are objection-

able for the same reasons used for rejecting claims of this



   I recommend that the decision of the examiner to refuse

claims 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 be upheld.


                                      R.E. Thomas,


                                      Patent Appeal Board.


   I concur with the findings of the Patent Appeal Board

and confirm the Final Action refusing to allow claims 1, 2,

5, 6 and 7 of this application. The applicant has six months

in which to appeal this decision in accordance with Section

44 of the Patent Act.


                                      Decision accordingly,


                                      A.M. Laidlaw,

                                      Commissioner of Patents.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario,

this 15th day of March 1971.


   This is an addendum to the Commissioner's Decision on

application number 887,933 dated March 15, 1971.


On page 3 add the following paragraph before the

~~~~ last paragraph:


   Sine claim 3 does not recite a selected range of materials,

it includes all combinations as well as the condition where

the amount of one phosphor is very large with respect to the

other or vice versa. It is therefore rejected as obvious in

view of Oranje and prior common knowledge in the art due to

phosphors and plant growth use.


In view of this the ~~~~ last paragraph on page 2

will now read:


It is therefore held that claims 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7

are met by Oranje and to use such a lamp for stimulating plant

growth is obvious in view of Downs et al.


The second paragraph on page 8 wall be changed to read:


   I recommend the decision of the examiner to refuse claims

1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 be upheld.


                                   R.E. Thomas,


                                   Patent Appal Board.


                                   Docision accordingly,


                                   A.M. Laidlaw,

                                   Commissioner of Patents.


Dated at Ottawa, Ontario,

this 19th day of March 1971.

 You are being directed to the most recent version of the statute which may not be the version considered at the time of the judgment.